.. _hot-packages: ============ HOT packages ============ .. include:: hotpackages/compose.rst Hot packages with nested Heat templates --------------------------------------- In Murano HOT packages it is possible to allow Heat nested templates to be saved and deployed as part of a Murano Heat applications. Such templates should be placed in package under ‘/Resources/HotFiles’. Adding additional templates to a package is optional. When a Heat generated package is being deployed, if there are any Heat nested templates located in the package under ‘/Resources/HotFiles’, they are sent to Heat together with the main template and params during stack creation. These nested templates can be referenced by putting the template name into the ``type`` attribute of resource definition, in the main template. This mechanism then compose one logical stack with these multiple templates. The following examples illustrate how you can use a custom template to define new types of resources. These examples use a custom template stored in a ``sub_template.yaml`` file .. code-block:: yaml heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 parameters: key_name: type: string description: Name of a KeyPair resources: server: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: key_name: {get_param: key_name} flavor: m1.small image: ubuntu-trusty Use the template filename as type --------------------------------- The following main template defines the ``sub_template.yaml`` file as value for the type property of a resource .. code-block:: yaml heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 resources: my_server: type: sub_template.yaml properties: key_name: my_key .. note:: This feature is supported Liberty onwards.