memcache - get statistics from a memcache server

The memcache plugin connects to a memcache server to retrieve statistics.


The plugin has two optional arguments:

  • host - the hostname or IP address of the memcache server
  • port - the port number of the memcache server
Usage: monitorstack memcache [OPTIONS]

  Get memcached stats.

  --host TEXT     memcached host to query
  --port INTEGER  memcached server port
  --help          Show this message and exit.


Run the plugin:

$ monitorstack memcache

Example output in JSON format:

  "variables": {
    "auth_cmds": 0,
    "crawler_items_checked": 0,
    "reclaimed": 0,
    "get_expired": 0,
    "curr_items": 0,
    "pid": 24627,
    "malloc_fails": 0,
    "time_in_listen_disabled_us": 0,
    "expired_unfetched": 0,
    "hash_is_expanding": false,
    "cas_hits": 0,
    "uptime": 8,
    "touch_hits": 0,
    "delete_misses": 0,
    "listen_disabled_num": 0,
    "cas_misses": 0,
    "decr_hits": 0,
    "cmd_touch": 0,
    "incr_hits": 0,
    "version": "1.4.33",
    "limit_maxbytes": 67108864,
    "total_items": 0,
    "bytes_written": 0,
    "incr_misses": 0,
    "accepting_conns": 1,
    "rusage_system": 0.014981,
    "log_watcher_sent": 0,
    "get_flushed": 0,
    "cmd_get": 0,
    "curr_connections": 4,
    "log_worker_written": 0,
    "log_watcher_skipped": 0,
    "touch_misses": 0,
    "threads": 4,
    "total_connections": 5,
    "cmd_set": 0,
    "libevent": "2.0.22-stable",
    "conn_yields": 0,
    "get_misses": 0,
    "reserved_fds": 20,
    "bytes_read": 8,
    "hash_bytes": 524288,
    "evicted_unfetched": 0,
    "cas_badval": 0,
    "cmd_flush": 0,
    "lrutail_reflocked": 0,
    "evictions": 0,
    "bytes": 0,
    "crawler_reclaimed": 0,
    "connection_structures": 5,
    "hash_power_level": 16,
    "log_worker_dropped": 0,
    "auth_errors": 0,
    "rusage_user": 0.005598,
    "time": 1493240773,
    "delete_hits": 0,
    "pointer_size": 64,
    "decr_misses": 0,
    "get_hits": 0
  "message": "memcached is ok",
  "meta": {},
  "exit_code": 0,
  "measurement_name": "memcache"