Containers service command-line client

Containers service command-line client

The magnum client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the Containers service API and its extensions.

This chapter documents magnum version 2.0.0.

For help on a specific magnum command, enter:

$ magnum help COMMAND

magnum usage

usage: magnum [--version] [--debug] [--os-cache]
              [--os-region-name <region-name>]
              [--os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>]
              [--os-user-domain-id <auth-user-domain-id>]
              [--os-user-domain-name <auth-user-domain-name>]
              [--os-project-domain-id <auth-project-domain-id>]
              [--os-project-domain-name <auth-project-domain-name>]
              [--service-type <service-type>]
              [--endpoint-type <endpoint-type>]
              [--magnum-api-version <magnum-api-ver>]
              [--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--bypass-url <bypass-url>]
              [--insecure] [--os-auth-system <auth-system>]
              [--os-username <username>] [--os-password <password>]
              [--os-tenant-name <tenant-name>] [--os-token <token>]
              [--os-auth-url <auth-url>]
              <subcommand> ...


Create a baymodel.
Delete specified baymodel.
Print a list of bay models.
Show details about the given baymodel.
Updates one or more baymodel attributes.
Create a bay.
Delete specified bay.
Print a list of available bays.
Show details about the given bay.
Update information about the given bay.
Show details about the CA certificate for a bay.
Generate the CA certificate for a bay.
Create a container.
Delete specified containers.
Execute command in a container.
Print a list of available containers.
Get logs of a container.
Pause specified containers.
Reboot specified containers.
Show details of a container.
Start specified containers.
Stop specified containers.
Unpause specified containers.
Print a list of magnum services.
Create a pod.
Delete specified pod.
Print a list of registered pods.
Show details about the given pod.
Update information about the given pod.
Create a replication controller.
Delete specified replication controller.
Print a list of registered replication controllers.
Show details about the given replication controller.
Update information about the given replication controller.
Create a coe service.
Delete specified coe service.
Print a list of coe services.
Show details about the given coe service.
Update information about the given coe service.
Prints arguments for bash-completion. Prints all of the commands and options to stdout so that the magnum.bash_completion script doesn’t have to hard code them.
Display help about this program or one of its subcommands.

magnum optional arguments

show program’s version number and exit
Print debugging output.
Use the auth token cache. Defaults to False if env[OS_CACHE] is not set.
--os-region-name <region-name>
Region name. Default= env[OS_REGION_NAME].
--os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>
Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_ID].
--os-user-domain-id <auth-user-domain-id>
Defaults to env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID].
--os-user-domain-name <auth-user-domain-name>
Defaults to env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME].
--os-project-domain-id <auth-project-domain-id>
Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID].
--os-project-domain-name <auth-project-domain-name>
Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME].
--service-type <service-type>
Defaults to container for all actions.
--endpoint-type <endpoint-type>
Defaults to env[OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] or publicURL.
--magnum-api-version <magnum-api-ver>
Accepts “api”, defaults to env[MAGNUM_API_VERSION].
--os-cacert <ca-certificate>
Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. Defaults to env[OS_CACERT].
--bypass-url <bypass-url>
Use this API endpoint instead of the Service Catalog.
Do not verify https connections

magnum.. _magnum_common_auth:

magnum common authentication arguments

--os-auth-system <auth-system>
Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_SYSTEM].
--os-username <username>
Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME].
--os-password <password>
Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD].
--os-tenant-name <tenant-name>
Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME].
--os-token <token>
Defaults to env[OS_TOKEN].
--os-auth-url <auth-url>
Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL].

magnum bay-create

usage: magnum bay-create [--name <name>] --baymodel <baymodel>
                         [--node-count <node-count>]
                         [--master-count <master-count>]
                         [--discovery-url <discovery-url>]
                         [--timeout <timeout>]

Create a bay.

Optional arguments:

--name <name>
Name of the bay to create.
--baymodel <baymodel>
ID or name of the baymodel.
--node-count <node-count>
The bay node count.
--master-count <master-count>
The number of master nodes for the bay.
--discovery-url <discovery-url>
Specifies custom discovery url for node discovery.
--timeout <timeout>
The timeout for bay creation in minutes. Set to 0 for no timeout. The default is no timeout.

magnum bay-delete

usage: magnum bay-delete <bay> [<bay> ...]

Delete specified bay.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the (bay)s to delete.

magnum bay-list

usage: magnum bay-list

Print a list of available bays.

magnum bay-show

usage: magnum bay-show <bay>

Show details about the given bay.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the bay to show.

magnum bay-update

usage: magnum bay-update <bay> <op> <path=value> [<path=value> ...]

Update information about the given bay.

Positional arguments:

UUID or name of bay
Operations: ‘add’, ‘replace’ or ‘remove’
Attributes to add/replace or remove (only PATH is necessary on remove)

magnum baymodel-create

usage: magnum baymodel-create [--name <name>] --image-id <image-id>
                              --keypair-id <keypair-id> --external-network-id
                              <external-network-id> --coe <coe>
                              [--fixed-network <fixed-network>]
                              [--network-driver <network-driver>]
                              [--volume-driver <volume-driver>]
                              [--dns-nameserver <dns-nameserver>]
                              [--flavor-id <flavor-id>]
                              [--master-flavor-id <master-flavor-id>]
                              [--docker-volume-size <docker-volume-size>]
                              [--http-proxy <http-proxy>]
                              [--https-proxy <https-proxy>]
                              [--no-proxy <no-proxy>]
                              [--labels <KEY1=VALUE1,KEY2=VALUE2...>]
                              [--tls-disabled] [--public] [--registry-enabled]

Create a baymodel.

Optional arguments:

--name <name>
Name of the baymodel to create.
--image-id <image-id>
The name or UUID of the base image to customize for the bay.
--keypair-id <keypair-id>
The name or UUID of the SSH keypair to load into the Bay nodes.
--external-network-id <external-network-id>
The external Neutron network ID to connect to this bay model.
--coe <coe>
Specify the Container Orchestration Engine to use.
--fixed-network <fixed-network>
The private Neutron network name to connect to this bay model.
--network-driver <network-driver>
The network driver name for instantiating container networks.
--volume-driver <volume-driver>
The volume driver name for instantiating container volume.
--dns-nameserver <dns-nameserver>
The DNS nameserver to use for this Bay.
--flavor-id <flavor-id>
The nova flavor id to use when launching the bay.
--master-flavor-id <master-flavor-id>
The nova flavor id to use when launching the master node of the bay.
--docker-volume-size <docker-volume-size>
Specify the number of size in GB for the docker volume to use.
--http-proxy <http-proxy>
The http_proxy address to use for nodes in bay.
--https-proxy <https-proxy>
The https_proxy address to use for nodes in bay.
--no-proxy <no-proxy>
The no_proxy address to use for nodes in bay.
--labels <KEY1=VALUE1,KEY2=VALUE2...>
Arbitrary labels in the form of key=value pairs to associate with a baymodel. May be used multiple times.
Disable TLS in the Bay.
Make baymodel public.
Enable docker registry in the Bay

magnum baymodel-delete

usage: magnum baymodel-delete <baymodels> [<baymodels> ...]

Delete specified baymodel.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the (baymodel)s to delete.

magnum baymodel-list

usage: magnum baymodel-list [--limit <limit>] [--sort-key <sort-key>]
                            [--sort-dir <sort-dir>]

Print a list of bay models.

Optional arguments:

--limit <limit>
Maximum number of baymodels to return
--sort-key <sort-key>
Column to sort results by
--sort-dir <sort-dir>
Direction to sort. “asc” or “desc”.

magnum baymodel-show

usage: magnum baymodel-show <baymodel>

Show details about the given baymodel.

Positional arguments:

ID of the baymodel to show.

magnum baymodel-update

usage: magnum baymodel-update <baymodel> <op> <path=value> [<path=value> ...]

Updates one or more baymodel attributes.

Positional arguments:

UUID or name of baymodel
Operations: ‘add’, ‘replace’ or ‘remove’
Attributes to add/replace or remove (only PATH is necessary on remove)

magnum ca-show

usage: magnum ca-show --bay <bay>

Show details about the CA certificate for a bay.

Optional arguments:

--bay <bay>
ID or name of the bay.

magnum ca-sign

usage: magnum ca-sign [--csr <csr>] --bay <bay>

Generate the CA certificate for a bay.

Optional arguments:

--csr <csr>
File path of the csr file to send to Magnum to get signed.
--bay <bay>
ID or name of the bay.

magnum coe-service-create

usage: magnum coe-service-create [--manifest-url <manifest-url>]
                                 [--manifest <manifest>] --bay <bay>

Create a coe service.

Optional arguments:

--manifest-url <manifest-url>
Name/URL of the service file to use for creating services.
--manifest <manifest>
File path of the service file to use for creating services.
--bay <bay>
Id or name of the bay.

magnum coe-service-delete

usage: magnum coe-service-delete --bay <bay> <services> [<services> ...]

Delete specified coe service.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the service to delete.

Optional arguments:

--bay <bay>
UUID or Name of Bay

magnum coe-service-list

usage: magnum coe-service-list --bay <bay>

Print a list of coe services.

Optional arguments:

--bay <bay>
UUID or Name of Bay

magnum coe-service-show

usage: magnum coe-service-show --bay <bay> <services>

Show details about the given coe service.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the service to show.

Optional arguments:

--bay <bay>
UUID or Name of Bay

magnum coe-service-update

usage: magnum coe-service-update --bay <bay>
                                 <services> <op> <path=value>
                                 [<path=value> ...]

Update information about the given coe service.

Positional arguments:

UUID or name of service
Operations: ‘add’, ‘replace’ or ‘remove’
Attributes to add/replace or remove (only PATH is necessary on remove)

Optional arguments:

--bay <bay>
UUID or Name of Bay

magnum container-create

usage: magnum container-create [--name <name>] --image <image> --bay <bay>
                               [--command <command>] [--memory <memory>]

Create a container.

Optional arguments:

--name <name>
name of the container
--image <image>
name or ID of the image
--bay <bay>
ID or name of the bay.
--command <command>
Send command to the container
--memory <memory>
The container memory size (format: <number><optional unit>, where unit = b, k, m or g)

magnum container-delete

usage: magnum container-delete <container> [<container> ...]

Delete specified containers.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the (container)s to delete.

magnum container-exec

usage: magnum container-exec --command <command> <container>

Execute command in a container.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the container to execute command in.

Optional arguments:

--command <command>
The command to execute

magnum container-list

usage: magnum container-list [--bay <bay>]

Print a list of available containers.

Optional arguments:

--bay <bay>
UUID or Name of Bay

magnum container-logs

usage: magnum container-logs <container>

Get logs of a container.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the container to get logs for.

magnum container-pause

usage: magnum container-pause <container> [<container> ...]

Pause specified containers.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the (container)s to pause.

magnum container-reboot

usage: magnum container-reboot <container> [<container> ...]

Reboot specified containers.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the (container)s to reboot.

magnum container-show

usage: magnum container-show [--json] <container>

Show details of a container.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the container to show.

Optional arguments:

Print JSON representation of the container.

magnum container-start

usage: magnum container-start <container> [<container> ...]

Start specified containers.

Positional arguments:

ID of the (container)s to start.

magnum container-stop

usage: magnum container-stop <container> [<container> ...]

Stop specified containers.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the (container)s to stop.

magnum container-unpause

usage: magnum container-unpause <container> [<container> ...]

Unpause specified containers.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the (container)s to unpause.

magnum pod-create

usage: magnum pod-create [--manifest-url <manifest-url>]
                         [--manifest <manifest>] --bay <bay>

Create a pod.

Optional arguments:

--manifest-url <manifest-url>
Name/URL of the pod file to use for creating PODs.
--manifest <manifest>
File path of the pod file to use for creating PODs.
--bay <bay>
ID or name of the bay.

magnum pod-delete

usage: magnum pod-delete --bay <bay> <pods> [<pods> ...]

Delete specified pod.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the (pod)s to delete.

Optional arguments:

--bay <bay>
UUID or Name of Bay

magnum pod-list

usage: magnum pod-list --bay <bay>

Print a list of registered pods.

Optional arguments:

--bay <bay>
UUID or Name of Bay

magnum pod-show

usage: magnum pod-show --bay <bay> <pod>

Show details about the given pod.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the pod to show.

Optional arguments:

--bay <bay>
UUID or Name of Bay

magnum pod-update

usage: magnum pod-update --bay <bay>
                         <pod-id> <op> <path=value> [<path=value> ...]

Update information about the given pod.

Positional arguments:

UUID or name of pod
Operations: ‘add’, ‘replace’ or ‘remove’
Attributes to add/replace or remove (only PATH is necessary on remove)

Optional arguments:

--bay <bay>
UUID or Name of Bay

magnum rc-create

usage: magnum rc-create [--manifest-url <manifest-url>]
                        [--manifest <manifest>] --bay <bay>

Create a replication controller.

Optional arguments:

--manifest-url <manifest-url>
Name/URL of the replication controller file to use for creating replication controllers.
--manifest <manifest>
File path of the replication controller file to use for creating replication controllers.
--bay <bay>
ID or name of the bay.

magnum rc-delete

usage: magnum rc-delete --bay <bay> <rcs> [<rcs> ...]

Delete specified replication controller.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the replication (controller)s to delete.

Optional arguments:

--bay <bay>
UUID or Name of Bay

magnum rc-list

usage: magnum rc-list --bay <bay>

Print a list of registered replication controllers.

Optional arguments:

--bay <bay>
UUID or Name of Bay

magnum rc-show

usage: magnum rc-show --bay <bay> <rc>

Show details about the given replication controller.

Positional arguments:

ID or name of the replication controller to show.

Optional arguments:

--bay <bay>
UUID or Name of Bay

magnum rc-update

usage: magnum rc-update --bay <bay> <rc> <op> <path=value> [<path=value> ...]

Update information about the given replication controller.

Positional arguments:

UUID or name of replication controller
Operations: ‘add’, ‘replace’ or ‘remove’
Attributes to add/replace or remove (only PATH is necessary on remove)

Optional arguments:

--bay <bay>
UUID or Name of Bay

magnum service-list

usage: magnum service-list

Print a list of magnum services.

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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.