This API describes the ways of interacting with Mistral service via HTTP protocol using Representational State Transfer concept (ReST).


Media types

Currently this API relies on JSON to represent states of REST resources.

Error states

The common HTTP Response Status Codes ( are used.

Application root [/]

Application Root provides links to all possible API methods for Mistral. URLs for other resources described below are relative to Application Root.

API v2 root [/v2/]

All API v2 URLs are relative to API v2 root.


type Workbook

Workbook resource.

Data samples:

    "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
    "name": "book",
    "namespace": "",
    "project_id": "a7eb669e9819420ea4bd1453e672c0a7",
    "scope": "private",
    "tags": [
    "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000"


workbook definition in Mistral v2 DSL


Enum(private, public)

‘private’ or ‘public’

name is immutable. tags is a list of values associated with a workbook that a user can use to group workbooks by some criteria (deployment workbooks, Big Data processing workbooks etc.). Note that name and tags get inferred from workbook definition when Mistral service receives a POST request. So they can’t be changed in another way.

type Workbooks

A collection of Workbooks.

Data samples:

    "workbooks": [
            "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
            "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
            "name": "book",
            "namespace": "",
            "project_id": "a7eb669e9819420ea4bd1453e672c0a7",
            "scope": "private",
            "tags": [
            "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000"
GET /v2/workbooks

Return a list of workbooks.

  • marker (uuid) – Optional. Pagination marker for large data sets.

  • limit (int) – Optional. Maximum number of resources to return in a single result. Default value is None for backward compatibility.

  • sort_keys (uniquelist) – Optional. Columns to sort results by. Default: created_at.

  • sort_dirs (list) – Optional. Directions to sort corresponding to sort_keys, “asc” or “desc” can be chosen. Default: asc.

  • fields (uniquelist) – Optional. A specified list of fields of the resource to be returned. ‘id’ will be included automatically in fields if it’s provided, since it will be used when constructing ‘next’ link.

  • name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific name.

  • definition (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific definition.

  • tags (str) – Optional. Keep only resources containing specific tags.

  • scope (Enum(private, public)) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific scope.

  • created_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources created at a specific time and date.

  • updated_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific latest update time and date.

  • namespace (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific namespace.

Return type


GET /v2/workbooks

Return the named workbook.

  • name (str) – Name of workbook to retrieve.

  • namespace (str) – Optional. Namespace of workbook to retrieve.

Return type


POST /v2/workbooks

Create a new workbook.

  • namespace – Optional. The namespace to create the workbook in. Workbooks with the same name can be added to a given project if they are in two different namespaces.

PUT /v2/workbooks

Update a workbook.

  • namespace – Optional. Namespace of workbook to update.

  • validate – Optional. If set to False, disables validation of the workflow YAML definition syntax, but only if allowed in the service configuration. By default, validation is enabled.

DELETE /v2/workbooks

Delete the named workbook.

  • name (str) – Name of workbook to delete.

  • namespace (str) – Optional. Namespace of workbook to delete.


type Workflow

Workflow resource.

Data samples:

    "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
    "input": "param1, param2",
    "interface": "{\"input\": [\"param1\", {\"param2\": 2}], \"output\": []}",
    "name": "flow",
    "namespace": "",
    "project_id": "a7eb669e9819420ea4bd1453e672c0a7",
    "scope": "private",
    "tags": [
    "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000"


workflow text written in Mistral v2 language



input and output of the workflow


Enum(private, public)

‘private’ or ‘public’

name is immutable. tags is a list of values associated with a workflow that a user can use to group workflows by some criteria. Note that name and tags get inferred from workflow definition when Mistral service receives a POST request. So they can’t be changed in another way.

type Workflows

A collection of workflows.

Data samples:

    "next": "http://localhost:8989/v2/workflows?sort_keys=id,name&sort_dirs=asc,desc&limit=10&marker=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
    "workflows": [
            "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
            "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
            "input": "param1, param2",
            "interface": "{\"input\": [\"param1\", {\"param2\": 2}], \"output\": []}",
            "name": "flow",
            "namespace": "",
            "project_id": "a7eb669e9819420ea4bd1453e672c0a7",
            "scope": "private",
            "tags": [
            "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000"
GET /v2/workflows

Return a list of workflows.

  • marker (uuid) – Optional. Pagination marker for large data sets.

  • limit (int) – Optional. Maximum number of resources to return in a single result. Default value is None for backward compatibility.

  • sort_keys (uniquelist) – Optional. Columns to sort results by. Default: created_at.

  • sort_dirs (list) – Optional. Directions to sort corresponding to sort_keys, “asc” or “desc” can be chosen. Default: asc.

  • fields (uniquelist) – Optional. A specified list of fields of the resource to be returned. ‘id’ will be included automatically in fields if it’s provided, since it will be used when constructing ‘next’ link.

  • name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific name.

  • namespace (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific namespace

  • input (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific input.

  • definition (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific definition.

  • tags (str) – Optional. Keep only resources containing specific tags.

  • scope (Enum(private, public)) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific scope.

  • project_id (uuid) – Optional. The same as the requester project_id or different if the scope is public.

  • created_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources created at a specific time and date.

  • updated_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific latest update time and date.

  • all_projects (bool) – Optional. Get resources of all projects.

Return type


GET /v2/workflows

Return the named workflow.

  • identifier (str) – Name or UUID of the workflow to retrieve.

  • namespace (str) – Optional. Namespace of the workflow to retrieve.

Return type


POST /v2/workflows

Create a new workflow.

  • namespace – Optional. The namespace to create the workflow in. Workflows with the same name can be added to a given project if they are in two different namespaces.

The text is allowed to have definitions of multiple workflows. In such case, they all will be created.

PUT /v2/workflows

Update one or more workflows.

  • identifier – Optional. If provided, it’s UUID of a workflow. Only one workflow can be updated with identifier param.

  • namespace – Optional. If provided, it’s the namespace of the workflow/workflows. Currently, namespace cannot be changed.

The text is allowed to have definitions of multiple workflows. In such case, they all will be updated.

DELETE /v2/workflows

Delete a workflow.

  • identifier (str) – Name or ID of workflow to delete.

  • namespace (str) – Optional. Namespace of the workflow to delete.


type Action

Action resource.

NOTE: name is immutable. Note that name and description get inferred from action definition when Mistral service receives a POST request. So they can’t be changed in another way.

Data samples:

    "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
    "name": "flow",
    "namespace": "",
    "project_id": "a7eb669e9819420ea4bd1453e672c0a7",
    "scope": "private",
    "tags": [
    "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000"
type Actions

A collection of Actions.

Data samples:

    "actions": [
            "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
            "definition": "HERE GOES ACTION DEFINITION IN MISTRAL DSL v2",
            "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
            "name": "flow",
            "namespace": "",
            "project_id": "a7eb669e9819420ea4bd1453e672c0a7",
            "scope": "private",
            "tags": [
            "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000"
    "next": "http://localhost:8989/v2/actions?sort_keys=id,name&sort_dirs=asc,desc&limit=10&marker=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
GET /v2/actions

Return all actions.

  • marker (uuid) – Optional. Pagination marker for large data sets.

  • limit (int) – Optional. Maximum number of resources to return in a single result. Default value is None for backward compatibility.

  • sort_keys (uniquelist) – Optional. Columns to sort results by. Default: name.

  • sort_dirs (list) – Optional. Directions to sort corresponding to sort_keys, “asc” or “desc” can be chosen. Default: asc.

  • fields (uniquelist) – Optional. A specified list of fields of the resource to be returned. ‘id’ will be included automatically in fields if it’s provided, since it will be used when constructing ‘next’ link.

  • name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific name.

  • scope (Enum(private, public)) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific scope.

  • definition (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific definition.

  • is_system (str) – Optional. Keep only system actions or ad-hoc actions (if False).

  • input (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific input.

  • description (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific description.

  • tags (str) – Optional. Keep only resources containing specific tags.

  • created_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources created at a specific time and date.

  • updated_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific latest update time and date.

  • namespace (str) – Optional. The namespace of the action.

Return type


GET /v2/actions

Return the named action.

  • identifier (str) – ID or name of the Action to get.

  • namespace (str) – The namespace of the action.

Return type


POST /v2/actions

Create a new action.

  • namespace – Optional. The namespace to create the ad-hoc action in. actions with the same name can be added to a given project if they are in two different namespaces. (default namespace is ‘’)

NOTE: This text is allowed to have definitions

of multiple actions. In this case they all will be created.

PUT /v2/actions

Update one or more actions.

  • identifier – Optional. If provided, it’s UUID or name of an action. Only one action can be updated with identifier param.

  • namespace – Optional. If provided, it’s the namespace that the action is under.

NOTE: This text is allowed to have definitions

of multiple actions. In this case they all will be updated.

DELETE /v2/actions

Delete the named action.

  • identifier (str) – Name or UUID of the action to delete.

  • namespace (str) – The namespace of which the action is in.


type Execution

Execution resource.

Data samples:

    "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "description": "this is the first execution.",
    "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
    "input": "{}",
    "output": "{}",
    "params": "{\"env\": {\"k1\": \"abc\", \"k2\": 123}, \"notify\": [{\"type\": \"webhook\", \"url\": \"http://endpoint/of/webhook\", \"headers\": {\"Content-Type\": \"application/json\", \"X-Auth-Token\": \"123456789\"}}, {\"type\": \"queue\", \"topic\": \"failover_queue\", \"backend\": \"rabbitmq\", \"host\": \"\", \"port\": 5432}]}",
    "project_id": "40a908dbddfe48ad80a87fb30fa70a03",
    "published_global": "{\"key\": \"value\"}",
    "state": "SUCCESS",
    "tags": [
    "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "workflow_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655441111",
    "workflow_name": "flow",
    "workflow_namespace": "some_namespace"


description of workflow execution



execution ID. It is immutable and auto assigned or determined by the API



input is a JSON structure containing workflow input values



output is a workflow output



‘params’ define workflow type specific parameters. Specific parameters are: ‘task_name’ - the name of the target task. Only for reverse workflows. ‘env’ - A string value containing the name of the stored environment object or a dictionary with the environment variables used during workflow execution and accessible as ‘env()’ from within expressions (YAQL or Jinja) defined in the workflow text. ‘evaluate_env’ - If present, controls whether or not Mistral should recursively find and evaluate all expressions (YAQL or Jinja) within the specified environment (via ‘env’ parameter). ‘True’ - evaluate all expressions recursively in the environment structure. ‘False’ - don’t evaluate expressions. ‘True’ by default.



reference to the root execution



reference to a workflow execution id which will signal the api to perform a lookup of a current workflow_execution and create a replica based on that workflow inputs and parameters



state can be one of: IDLE, RUNNING, SUCCESS, ERROR, PAUSED



an optional state information string



tags of workflow execution



reference to the parent task execution



workflow ID



workflow name



Workflow namespace. The workflow namespace is also saved under params and passed to all sub-workflow executions. When looking for the next sub-workflow to run, The correct workflow will be found by name and namespace, where the namespace can be the workflow namespace or the default namespace. Workflows in the same namespace as the top workflow will be given a higher priority.

type Executions

A collection of Execution resources.

Data samples:

    "executions": [
            "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
            "description": "this is the first execution.",
            "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
            "input": "{}",
            "output": "{}",
            "params": "{\"env\": {\"k1\": \"abc\", \"k2\": 123}, \"notify\": [{\"type\": \"webhook\", \"url\": \"http://endpoint/of/webhook\", \"headers\": {\"Content-Type\": \"application/json\", \"X-Auth-Token\": \"123456789\"}}, {\"type\": \"queue\", \"topic\": \"failover_queue\", \"backend\": \"rabbitmq\", \"host\": \"\", \"port\": 5432}]}",
            "project_id": "40a908dbddfe48ad80a87fb30fa70a03",
            "published_global": "{\"key\": \"value\"}",
            "state": "SUCCESS",
            "tags": [
            "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
            "workflow_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655441111",
            "workflow_name": "flow",
            "workflow_namespace": "some_namespace"
    "next": "http://localhost:8989/v2/executions?sort_keys=id,workflow_name&sort_dirs=asc,desc&limit=10&marker=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
GET /v2/executions

Return all Executions.

  • marker (uuid) – Optional. Pagination marker for large data sets.

  • limit (int) – Optional. Maximum number of resources to return in a single result. Default value is None for backward compatibility.

  • sort_keys (uniquelist) – Optional. Columns to sort results by. Default: created_at, which is backward compatible.

  • sort_dirs (list) – Optional. Directions to sort corresponding to sort_keys, “asc” or “desc” can be chosen. Default: desc. The length of sort_dirs can be equal or less than that of sort_keys.

  • fields (uniquelist) – Optional. A specified list of fields of the resource to be returned. ‘id’ will be included automatically in fields if it’s provided, since it will be used when constructing ‘next’ link.

  • workflow_name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific workflow name.

  • workflow_id (uuid) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific workflow ID.

  • description (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific description.

  • tags (uniquelist) – Optional. Keep only resources containing specific tags.

  • params (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific parameters.

  • task_execution_id (uuid) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific task execution ID.

  • root_execution_id (uuid) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific root execution ID.

  • state (Enum(IDLE, RUNNING, SUCCESS, ERROR, PAUSED, CANCELLED)) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific state.

  • state_info (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific state information.

  • input (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific input.

  • output (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific output.

  • created_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources created at a specific time and date.

  • updated_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific latest update time and date.

  • include_output (bool) – Optional. Include the output for all executions in the list.

  • project_id (uuid) – Optional. Only get executions belong to the project. Admin required.

  • all_projects (bool) – Optional. Get resources of all projects. Admin required.

  • nulls (list) – Optional. The names of the columns with null value in the query.

Return type


GET /v2/executions

Return the specified Execution.

  • id (str) – UUID of execution to retrieve.

Return type


POST /v2/executions

Create a new Execution.

  • wf_ex (Execution) – Execution object with input content.

Return type


PUT /v2/executions

Update the specified workflow execution.

  • id (str) – UUID of execution to update.

  • wf_ex (Execution) – Execution object.

Return type


DELETE /v2/executions

Delete the specified Execution.

  • id (str) – UUID of execution to delete.

  • force (bool) – Optional. Force the deletion of unfinished executions. Default: false. While the api is backward compatible the behaviour is not the same. The new default is the safer option


When a workflow starts Mistral creates an execution. It in turn consists of a set of tasks. So Task is an instance of a task described in a Workflow that belongs to a particular execution.

type Task

Task resource.

Data samples:

    "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
    "name": "task",
    "processed": true,
    "project_id": "40a908dbddfe48ad80a87fb30fa70a03",
    "published": "{\"key\": \"value\"}",
    "published_global": "{\"key\": \"value\"}",
    "reset": true,
    "result": "task result",
    "runtime_context": "{\"triggered_by\": [{\"task_id\": \"123-123-123\", \"event\": \"on-success\"}]}",
    "state": "SUCCESS",
    "tags": [
    "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "workflow_execution_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
    "workflow_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655441111",
    "workflow_name": "flow"


state can take one of the following values: IDLE, RUNNING, SUCCESS, ERROR, DELAYED



an optional state information string

type Tasks

A collection of tasks.

Data samples:

    "tasks": [
            "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
            "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
            "name": "task",
            "processed": true,
            "project_id": "40a908dbddfe48ad80a87fb30fa70a03",
            "published": "{\"key\": \"value\"}",
            "published_global": "{\"key\": \"value\"}",
            "reset": true,
            "result": "task result",
            "runtime_context": "{\"triggered_by\": [{\"task_id\": \"123-123-123\", \"event\": \"on-success\"}]}",
            "state": "SUCCESS",
            "tags": [
            "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
            "workflow_execution_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
            "workflow_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655441111",
            "workflow_name": "flow"
GET /v2/tasks

Return all tasks.

Where project_id is the same as the requester or project_id is different but the scope is public.

  • marker (uuid) – Optional. Pagination marker for large data sets.

  • limit (int) – Optional. Maximum number of resources to return in a single result. Default value is None for backward compatibility.

  • sort_keys (uniquelist) – Optional. Columns to sort results by. Default: created_at, which is backward compatible.

  • sort_dirs (list) – Optional. Directions to sort corresponding to sort_keys, “asc” or “desc” can be chosen. Default: desc. The length of sort_dirs can be equal or less than that of sort_keys.

  • fields (uniquelist) – Optional. A specified list of fields of the resource to be returned. ‘id’ will be included automatically in fields if it’s provided, since it will be used when constructing ‘next’ link.

  • name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific name.

  • workflow_name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific workflow name.

  • workflow_id (uuid) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific workflow ID.

  • workflow_execution_id (uuid) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific workflow execution ID.

  • state (Enum(IDLE, RUNNING, SUCCESS, ERROR, DELAYED)) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific state.

  • state_info (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific state information.

  • result (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific result.

  • published (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific published content.

  • processed (bool) – Optional. Keep only resources which have been processed or not.

  • reset (bool) – Optional. Keep only resources which have been reset or not.

  • env (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific environment.

  • created_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources created at a specific time and date.

  • updated_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific latest update time and date.

Return type


GET /v2/tasks

Return the specified task.

  • id (str) – UUID of task to retrieve

Return type


PUT /v2/tasks

Update the specified task execution.

  • id (str) – Task execution ID.

  • task (Task) – Task execution object.

Return type


GET /v2/executions

Return all tasks within the execution.

Where project_id is the same as the requester or project_id is different but the scope is public.

  • marker (uuid) – Optional. Pagination marker for large data sets.

  • limit (int) – Optional. Maximum number of resources to return in a single result. Default value is None for backward compatibility.

  • sort_keys (uniquelist) – Optional. Columns to sort results by. Default: created_at, which is backward compatible.

  • sort_dirs (list) – Optional. Directions to sort corresponding to sort_keys, “asc” or “desc” can be chosen. Default: desc. The length of sort_dirs can be equal or less than that of sort_keys.

  • fields (uniquelist) – Optional. A specified list of fields of the resource to be returned. ‘id’ will be included automatically in fields if it’s provided, since it will be used when constructing ‘next’ link.

  • name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific name.

  • workflow_name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific workflow name.

  • workflow_id (uuid) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific workflow ID.

  • workflow_execution_id (uuid) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific workflow execution ID.

  • tags (uniquelist) – Optional. Keep only resources containing specific tags.

  • state (Enum(IDLE, RUNNING, SUCCESS, ERROR, DELAYED)) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific state.

  • state_info (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific state information.

  • result (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific result.

  • published (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific published content.

  • processed (bool) – Optional. Keep only resources which have been processed or not.

  • reset (bool) – Optional. Keep only resources which have been reset or not.

  • env (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific environment.

  • created_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources created at a specific time and date.

  • updated_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific latest update time and date.

Return type


Action Executions

When a Task starts Mistral creates a set of Action Executions. So Action Execution is an instance of an action call described in a Workflow Task that belongs to a particular execution.

type ActionExecution

ActionExecution resource.

Data samples:

    "accepted": true,
    "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "description": "My running action",
    "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
    "input": "{\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Doe\"}",
    "name": "std.echo",
    "output": "{\"some_output\": \"Hello, John Doe!\"}",
    "params": "{\"save_result\": true, \"run_sync\": false}",
    "project_id": "40a908dbddfe48ad80a87fb30fa70a03",
    "state": "SUCCESS",
    "state_info": "SUCCESS",
    "tags": [
    "task_execution_id": "343e45623-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440090",
    "task_name": "task1",
    "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "workflow_name": "flow"
type ActionExecutions

A collection of action_executions.

Data samples:

    "action_executions": [
            "accepted": true,
            "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
            "description": "My running action",
            "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
            "input": "{\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Doe\"}",
            "name": "std.echo",
            "output": "{\"some_output\": \"Hello, John Doe!\"}",
            "params": "{\"save_result\": true, \"run_sync\": false}",
            "project_id": "40a908dbddfe48ad80a87fb30fa70a03",
            "state": "SUCCESS",
            "state_info": "SUCCESS",
            "tags": [
            "task_execution_id": "343e45623-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440090",
            "task_name": "task1",
            "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
            "workflow_name": "flow"
GET /v2/action_executions

Return all tasks within the execution.

Where project_id is the same as the requester or project_id is different but the scope is public.

  • marker (uuid) – Optional. Pagination marker for large data sets.

  • limit (int) – Optional. Maximum number of resources to return in a single result. Default value is None for backward compatibility.

  • sort_keys (uniquelist) – Optional. Columns to sort results by. Default: created_at, which is backward compatible.

  • sort_dirs (list) – Optional. Directions to sort corresponding to sort_keys, “asc” or “desc” can be chosen. Default: desc. The length of sort_dirs can be equal or less than that of sort_keys.

  • fields (uniquelist) – Optional. A specified list of fields of the resource to be returned. ‘id’ will be included automatically in fields if it’s provided, since it will be used when constructing ‘next’ link.

  • name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific name.

  • workflow_name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific workflow name.

  • task_name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific task name.

  • task_execution_id (uuid) – Optional. Keep only resources within a specific task execution.

  • state (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific state.

  • state_info (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific state information.

  • accepted (bool) – Optional. Keep only resources which have been accepted or not.

  • input (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific input.

  • output (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific output.

  • params (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific parameters.

  • description (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific description.

  • tags (str) – Optional. Keep only resources containing specific tags.

  • created_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources created at a specific time and date.

  • updated_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific latest update time and date.

  • include_output (bool) – Optional. Include the output for all executions in the list

Return type


GET /v2/action_executions

Return the specified action_execution.

  • id (str) – UUID of action execution to retrieve

Return type


POST /v2/action_executions

Create new action_execution.

Return type


PUT /v2/action_executions

Update the specified action_execution.

  • id (str) – UUID of action execution to update

  • action_ex (ActionExecution) – Action execution for update

Return type


DELETE /v2/action_executions

Delete the specified action_execution.

  • id (str) – UUID of action execution to delete

GET /v2/tasks

Return all tasks within the execution.

Where project_id is the same as the requester or project_id is different but the scope is public.

  • task_execution_id (uuid) – Keep only resources within a specific task execution.

  • marker (uuid) – Optional. Pagination marker for large data sets.

  • limit (int) – Optional. Maximum number of resources to return in a single result. Default value is None for backward compatibility.

  • sort_keys (uniquelist) – Optional. Columns to sort results by. Default: created_at, which is backward compatible.

  • sort_dirs (list) – Optional. Directions to sort corresponding to sort_keys, “asc” or “desc” can be chosen. Default: desc. The length of sort_dirs can be equal or less than that of sort_keys.

  • fields (uniquelist) – Optional. A specified list of fields of the resource to be returned. ‘id’ will be included automatically in fields if it’s provided, since it will be used when constructing ‘next’ link.

  • name (uniquelist) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific name.

  • workflow_name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific workflow name.

  • task_name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific task name.

  • state (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific state.

  • state_info (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific state information.

  • accepted (bool) – Optional. Keep only resources which have been accepted or not.

  • input (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific input.

  • output (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific output.

  • params (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific parameters.

  • description (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific description.

  • tags (str) – Optional. Keep only resources containing specific tags.

  • created_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources created at a specific time and date.

  • updated_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific latest update time and date.

  • include_output (bool) – Optional. Include the output for all executions in the list

Return type


GET /v2/tasks

Return the specified action_execution.

  • task_execution_id (str) – Task execution UUID

  • action_ex_id (str) – Action execution UUID

Return type


Cron Triggers

Cron trigger is an object that allows to run Mistral workflows according to a time pattern (Unix crontab patterns format). Once a trigger is created it will run a specified workflow according to its properties: pattern, first_execution_time and remaining_executions.

type CronTrigger

CronTrigger resource.

Data samples:

    "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
    "name": "my_trigger",
    "pattern": "* * * * *",
    "project_id": "40a908dbddfe48ad80a87fb30fa70a03",
    "remaining_executions": 42,
    "scope": "private",
    "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "workflow_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655441111",
    "workflow_input": "{}",
    "workflow_name": "my_wf",
    "workflow_params": "{}"
type CronTriggers

A collection of cron triggers.

Data samples:

    "cron_triggers": [
            "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
            "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
            "name": "my_trigger",
            "pattern": "* * * * *",
            "project_id": "40a908dbddfe48ad80a87fb30fa70a03",
            "remaining_executions": 42,
            "scope": "private",
            "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
            "workflow_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655441111",
            "workflow_input": "{}",
            "workflow_name": "my_wf",
            "workflow_params": "{}"
GET /v2/cron_triggers

Return all cron triggers.

  • marker (uuid) – Optional. Pagination marker for large data sets.

  • limit (int) – Optional. Maximum number of resources to return in a single result. Default value is None for backward compatibility.

  • sort_keys (uniquelist) – Optional. Columns to sort results by. Default: created_at, which is backward compatible.

  • sort_dirs (list) – Optional. Directions to sort corresponding to sort_keys, “asc” or “desc” can be chosen. Default: desc. The length of sort_dirs can be equal or less than that of sort_keys.

  • fields (uniquelist) – Optional. A specified list of fields of the resource to be returned. ‘id’ will be included automatically in fields if it’s provided, since it will be used when constructing ‘next’ link.

  • name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific name.

  • workflow_name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific workflow name.

  • workflow_id (uuid) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific workflow ID.

  • workflow_input (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific workflow input.

  • workflow_params (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific workflow parameters.

  • scope (Enum(private, public)) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific scope.

  • pattern (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific pattern.

  • remaining_executions (integer) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific number of remaining executions.

  • project_id (uuid) – Optional. Keep only resources with the specific project id.

  • first_execution_time (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific time and date of first execution.

  • next_execution_time (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific time and date of next execution.

  • created_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources created at a specific time and date.

  • updated_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific latest update time and date.

  • all_projects (bool) – Optional. Get resources of all projects.

Return type


GET /v2/cron_triggers

Returns the named cron_trigger.

  • identifier (str) – Id or name of cron trigger to retrieve

Return type


POST /v2/cron_triggers

Creates a new cron trigger.

  • cron_trigger (CronTrigger) – Required. Cron trigger structure.

Return type


DELETE /v2/cron_triggers

Delete cron trigger.

  • identifier (str) – Id or name of cron trigger to delete


Environment contains a set of variables which can be used in specific workflow. Using an Environment it is possible to create and map action default values - just provide ‘__actions’ key in ‘variables’. All these variables can be accessed using the Workflow Language with the <% $.__env %> expression.

Example of usage:

      action: std.echo output=<% $.__env.my_echo_output %>

Example of creating action defaults

"variables": {
  "__actions": {
    "std.echo": {
      "output": "my_output"

Note: using CLI, Environment can be created via JSON or YAML file.

type Environment

Environment resource.

Data samples:

    "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "description": "example environment entry",
    "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
    "name": "sample",
    "project_id": "40a908dbddfe48ad80a87fb30fa70a03",
    "scope": "private",
    "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "variables": "{\"server\": \"localhost\", \"database\": \"temp\", \"timeout\": 600, \"verbose\": true}"
type Environments

A collection of Environment resources.

Data samples:

    "environments": [
            "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
            "description": "example environment entry",
            "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
            "name": "sample",
            "project_id": "40a908dbddfe48ad80a87fb30fa70a03",
            "scope": "private",
            "updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
            "variables": "{\"server\": \"localhost\", \"database\": \"temp\", \"timeout\": 600, \"verbose\": true}"
GET /v2/environments

Return all environments.

Where project_id is the same as the requester or project_id is different but the scope is public.

  • marker (uuid) – Optional. Pagination marker for large data sets.

  • limit (int) – Optional. Maximum number of resources to return in a single result. Default value is None for backward compatibility.

  • sort_keys (uniquelist) – Optional. Columns to sort results by. Default: created_at, which is backward compatible.

  • sort_dirs (list) – Optional. Directions to sort corresponding to sort_keys, “asc” or “desc” can be chosen. Default: desc. The length of sort_dirs can be equal or less than that of sort_keys.

  • fields (uniquelist) – Optional. A specified list of fields of the resource to be returned. ‘id’ will be included automatically in fields if it’s provided, since it will be used when constructing ‘next’ link.

  • name (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific name.

  • description (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific description.

  • variables (json) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific variables.

  • scope (Enum(private, public)) – Optional. Keep only resources with a specific scope.

  • created_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources created at a specific time and date.

  • updated_at (str) – Optional. Keep only resources with specific latest update time and date.

Return type


GET /v2/environments

Return the named environment.

  • name (str) – Name of environment to retrieve

Return type


POST /v2/environments

Create a new environment.

  • env (Environment) – Required. Environment structure to create

Return type


PUT /v2/environments

Update an environment.

  • env (Environment) – Required. Environment structure to update

Return type


DELETE /v2/environments

Delete the named environment.

  • name (str) – Name of environment to delete


Through service management API, system administrator or operator can retrieve Mistral services information of the system, including service group and service identifier. The internal implementation of this feature make use of tooz library, which needs coordinator backend(the most commonly used at present is Zookeeper) installed, please refer to tooz official documentation for more detailed instruction.

There are three service groups according to Mistral architecture currently, namely api_group, engine_group and executor_group. The service identifier contains name of the host that the service is running on and the process identifier of the service on that host.

type Service

Service resource.

Data samples:

    "name": "host1_1234",
    "type": "executor_group"
type Services

A collection of Services.

Data samples:

    "services": [
            "name": "host1_1234",
            "type": "executor_group"
GET /v2/services

Return all services.

Return type



Validation endpoints allow to check correctness of workbook, workflow and ad-hoc action Workflow Language without having to upload them into Mistral.

POST /v2/workbooks/validation

Validate workbook content (Workflow Language grammar and semantics).

POST /v2/workflows/validation

Validate workflow content (Workflow Language grammar and semantics).

POST /v2/actions/validation

Validate ad-hoc action content (Workflow Language grammar and semantics).

These endpoints expect workbook, workflow or ad-hoc action text (Workflow Language) correspondingly in a request body.