Verify operation

Verify Masakari installation.

  1. Source the admin credentials to gain access to admin-only CLI commands:

    $ . admin-openrc
  2. List API endpoints in the Identity service to verify connectivity with the Identity service:


    Below endpoints list may differ depending on the installation of OpenStack components.

    $ openstack endpoint list
    | Name        | Type           | Endpoints                                              |
    | nova_legacy | compute_legacy | RegionOne                                              |
    |             |                |   public: http://controller/compute/v2/<tenant_id>     |
    |             |                |                                                        |
    | nova        | compute        | RegionOne                                              |
    |             |                |   public: http://controller/compute/v2.1               |
    |             |                |                                                        |
    | cinder      | block-storage  | RegionOne                                              |
    |             |                |   public: http://controller/volume/v3/<tenant_id>      |
    |             |                |                                                        |
    | glance      | image          | RegionOne                                              |
    |             |                |   public: http://controller/image                      |
    |             |                |                                                        |
    | cinderv3    | volumev3       | RegionOne                                              |
    |             |                |   public: http://controller/volume/v3/<tenant_id>      |
    |             |                |                                                        |
    | masakari    | instance-ha    | RegionOne                                              |
    |             |                | internal: http://controller/instance-ha/v1/<tenant_id> |
    |             |                | RegionOne                                              |
    |             |                |  admin: http://controller/instance-ha/v1/<tenant_id>   |
    |             |                | RegionOne                                              |
    |             |                |  public: http://controller/instance-ha/v1/<tenant_id>  |
    |             |                |                                                        |
    | keystone    | identity       | RegionOne                                              |
    |             |                |   public: http://controller/identity                   |
    |             |                | RegionOne                                              |
    |             |                |   admin: http://controller/identity                    |
    |             |                |                                                        |
    | cinderv2    | volumev2       | RegionOne                                              |
    |             |                |   public: http://controller/volume/v2/<tenant_id>      |
    |             |                |                                                        |
    | placement   | placement      | RegionOne                                              |
    |             |                |   public: http://controller/placement                  |
    |             |                |                                                        |
    | neutron     | network        | RegionOne                                              |
    |             |                |   public: http://controller:9696/                      |
    |             |                |                                                        |
  3. Run segment list command to verify masakari-api is running properly. This will return empty segment list as you haven’t yet configured Failover segments.

    $ openstack segment list


    Since Failover segments are not configured, there is no way to verify masakari-engine is running properly as the notification cannot be sent from masakari-api to masakari-engine.