Common and Misc Libraries

Libraries common throughout manila or just ones that haven’t yet been categorized in depth.

The manila.context Module

RequestContext: context for requests that persist through all of manila.

class RequestContext(user_id=None, project_id=None, is_admin=None, read_deleted='no', project_name=None, remote_address=None, timestamp=None, quota_class=None, service_catalog=None, **kwargs)

Bases: RequestContext

Security context and request information.

Represents the user taking a given action within the system.

property connection
elevated(read_deleted=None, overwrite=False)

Return a version of this context with admin flag set.

classmethod from_dict(values)

Construct a context object from a provided dictionary.

property read_deleted
property session

Return a dictionary of context attributes.


A dictionary of context attributes to enforce policy with.

oslo.policy enforcement requires a dictionary of attributes representing the current logged in user on which it applies policy enforcement. This dictionary defines a standard list of attributes that should be available for enforcement across services.

It is expected that services will often have to override this method with either deprecated values or additional attributes used by that service specific policy.

property transaction
property transaction_ctx

The manila.exception Module

Manila base exception handling.

Includes decorator for re-raising Manila-type exceptions.

SHOULD include dedicated exception logging.

exception AdminIPNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Admin port IP for service instance not found: %(reason)s'
exception AdminRequired(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotAuthorized

message = 'User does not have admin privileges.'
exception AllocationsNotFoundForShareServer(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'No allocations found for the share server %(share_server_id)s on the subnet.'
exception AvailabilityZoneNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Availability zone %(id)s could not be found.'
exception BackupException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Unable to perform a backup action: %(reason)s.'
exception BackupLimitExceeded(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaError

message = 'Maximum number of backups allowed (%(allowed)d) exceeded.'
exception BadConfigurationException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Bad configuration: %(reason)s.'
exception BridgeDoesNotExist(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Bridge %(bridge)s does not exist.'
exception ConfigNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Could not find config at %(path)s.'
exception Conflict(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

code = 409
message = '%(err)s'
exception ConvertedException(code=400, title='', explanation='')

Bases: WSGIHTTPException

exception DefaultShareTypeNotConfigured(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'No default share type is configured. Either configure a default share type or explicitly specify a share type.'
exception DriverCannotTransferShareWithRules(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Driver failed to transfer share with rules.'
exception DriverNotInitialized(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = "Share driver '%(driver)s' not initialized."
exception EMCPowerMaxInvalidMoverID(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Invalid mover or vdm %(id)s.'
exception EMCPowerMaxLockRequiredException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Unable to acquire lock(s).'
exception EMCPowerMaxXMLAPIError(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = '%(err)s'
exception EMCUnityError(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = '%(err)s'
exception EMCVnxInvalidMoverID(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Invalid mover or vdm %(id)s.'
exception EMCVnxLockRequiredException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Unable to acquire lock(s).'
exception EMCVnxXMLAPIError(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = '%(err)s'
exception Error

Bases: Exception

exception EvaluatorParseException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Error during evaluator parsing: %(reason)s'
exception ExportLocationNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Export location %(uuid)s could not be found.'
exception FileNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'File %(file_path)s could not be found.'
exception Found(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

code = 302
message = 'Resource was found.'
safe = True
exception GPFSException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'GPFS exception occurred.'
exception GPFSGaneshaException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'GPFS Ganesha exception occurred.'
exception GaneshaCommandFailure(**kw)

Bases: ProcessExecutionError

exception GaneshaException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Unknown NFS-Ganesha library exception.'
exception GlusterfsException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Unknown Gluster exception.'
exception HDFSException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'HDFS exception occurred!'
exception HNASBackendException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'HNAS Backend Exception: %(msg)s'
exception HNASConnException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'HNAS Connection Exception: %(msg)s'
exception HNASDirectoryNotEmpty(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'HNAS Directory is not empty: %(msg)s'
exception HNASItemNotFoundException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: StorageResourceNotFound

message = 'HNAS Item Not Found Exception: %(msg)s'
exception HNASNothingToCloneException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'HNAS Nothing To Clone Exception: %(msg)s'
exception HNASSSCContextChange(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'HNAS SSC Context has been changed unexpectedly: %(msg)s'
exception HNASSSCIsBusy(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'HNAS SSC is busy and cannot execute the command: %(msg)s'
exception HPE3ParInvalid(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = '%(err)s'
exception HPE3ParInvalidClient(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = '%(err)s'
exception HPE3ParUnexpectedError(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = '%(err)s'
exception HSPBackendException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'HSP Backend Exception: %(msg)s'
exception HSPItemNotFoundException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'HSP Item Not Found Exception: %(msg)s'
exception HSPTimeoutException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'HSP Timeout Exception: %(msg)s'
exception HostBinaryNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Could not find binary %(binary)s on host %(host)s.'
exception HostNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Host %(host)s could not be found.'
exception IPAddressInUse(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: InUse

message = 'IP address %(ip)s is already used.'
exception InUse(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Resource is in use.'
exception InfortrendCLIException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Infortrend CLI exception: %(err)s Return Code: %(rc)s, Output: %(out)s'
exception InfortrendNASException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Infortrend NAS exception: %(err)s'
exception InstanceNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Instance %(instance_id)s could not be found.'
exception Invalid(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

code = 400
message = 'Unacceptable parameters.'
exception InvalidAPIVersionString(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'API Version String %(version)s is of invalid format. Must be of format MajorNum.MinorNum.'
exception InvalidAuthKey(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid auth key: %(reason)s'
exception InvalidBackup(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid backup: %(reason)s.'
exception InvalidCapacity(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid capacity: %(name)s = %(value)s.'
exception InvalidContentType(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid content type %(content_type)s.'
exception InvalidDriverMode(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid driver mode: %(driver_mode)s.'
exception InvalidExtraSpec(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid extra_spec: %(reason)s.'
exception InvalidGlobalAPIVersion(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Version %(req_ver)s is not supported by the API. Minimum is %(min_ver)s and maximum is %(max_ver)s.'
exception InvalidHost(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid host: %(reason)s'
exception InvalidInput(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid input received: %(reason)s.'
exception InvalidMetadata(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid metadata.'
exception InvalidMetadataSize(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid metadata size.'
exception InvalidParameterValue(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = '%(err)s'
exception InvalidQuotaValue(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Change would make usage less than 0 for the following resources: %(unders)s.'
exception InvalidRequest(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'The request is invalid.'
exception InvalidReservationExpiration(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid reservation expiration %(expire)s.'
exception InvalidResults(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'The results are invalid.'
exception InvalidSecurityService(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid security service: %(reason)s'
exception InvalidShare(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid share: %(reason)s.'
exception InvalidShareAccess(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid access rule: %(reason)s'
exception InvalidShareAccessLevel(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid or unsupported share access level: %(level)s.'
exception InvalidShareAccessType(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid or unsupported share access type: %(type)s.'
exception InvalidShareGroup(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid share group: %(reason)s'
exception InvalidShareGroupSnapshot(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid share group snapshot: %(reason)s'
exception InvalidShareGroupType(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid share group type: %(reason)s.'
exception InvalidShareInstance(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid share instance: %(reason)s.'
exception InvalidShareNetwork(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid share network: %(reason)s'
exception InvalidShareServer(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid share server: %(reason)s'
exception InvalidShareSnapshot(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid share snapshot: %(reason)s.'
exception InvalidShareSnapshotInstance(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid share snapshot instance: %(reason)s.'
exception InvalidShareType(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid share type: %(reason)s.'
exception InvalidSnapshot(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid snapshot: %(reason)s'
exception InvalidSnapshotAccess(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid access rule: %(reason)s'
exception InvalidSqliteDB(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid Sqlite database.'
exception InvalidUUID(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = '%(uuid)s is not a valid uuid.'
exception InvalidVolume(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Invalid volume.'
exception LockCreationFailed(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Unable to create lock. Coordination backend not started.'
exception LockingFailed(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Lock acquisition failed.'
exception MacrosanBackendExeption(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Macrosan backend exception: %(reason)s'
exception MalformedRequestBody(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Malformed message body: %(reason)s.'
exception ManageExistingShareTypeMismatch(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Manage existing share failed due to share type mismatch: %(reason)s'
exception ManageInvalidShare(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: InvalidShare

message = 'Manage existing share failed due to invalid share: %(reason)s'
exception ManageInvalidShareSnapshot(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: InvalidShareSnapshot

message = 'Manage existing share snapshot failed due to invalid share snapshot: %(reason)s.'
exception ManageShareServerError(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Manage existing share server failed due to: %(reason)s'
exception ManilaException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Exception

Base Manila Exception

To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define a ‘message’ property. That message will get printf’d with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.

code = 500
headers = {}
message = 'An unknown exception occurred.'
safe = False
exception MapRFSException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'MapRFS exception occurred: %(msg)s'
exception MessageNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Message %(message_id)s could not be found.'
exception MetadataItemNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Metadata item is not found.'
exception MigrationError(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Migration error: %(reason)s.'
exception MigrationNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Migration %(migration_id)s could not be found.'
exception MigrationNotFoundByStatus(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: MigrationNotFound

message = 'Migration not found for instance %(instance_id)s with status %(status)s.'
exception NetAppBusyAggregateForFlexGroupException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Exception due to an aggregate being busy while trying to provision the FlexGroup.'
exception NetAppException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Exception due to NetApp failure.'
exception NetappActiveIQWeigherRequiredParameter(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = '%(config)s configuration of the NetAppActiveIQ weigher must be set.'
exception NetworkBadConfigurationException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NetworkException

message = 'Bad network configuration: %(reason)s.'
exception NetworkBindException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Exception due to failed port status in binding.'
exception NetworkException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Exception due to network failure.'
exception NexentaException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Exception due to Nexenta failure. %(reason)s'
exception NoValidHost(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'No valid host was found. %(reason)s.'
exception NotAuthorized(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

code = 403
message = 'Not authorized.'
exception NotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

code = 404
message = 'Resource could not be found.'
safe = True
exception OperationNotSupportedByDriverMode(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'The share driver mode does not support this operation.'
exception OverQuota(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Quota exceeded for resources: %(overs)s.'
exception PasteAppNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = "Could not load paste app '%(name)s' from %(path)s."
exception PolicyNotAuthorized(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotAuthorized

message = "Policy doesn't allow %(action)s to be performed."
exception PortLimitExceeded(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaError

message = 'Maximum number of ports exceeded.'
exception ProjectQuotaNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaNotFound

message = 'Quota for project %(project_id)s could not be found.'
exception ProjectShareTypeQuotaNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaNotFound

message = 'Quota for share_type %(share_type)s in project %(project_id)s could not be found.'
exception ProjectUserQuotaNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaNotFound

message = 'Quota for user %(user_id)s in project %(project_id)s could not be found.'
exception QBException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Quobyte exception occurred: %(msg)s'
exception QBRpcException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

Quobyte backend specific exception.

message = 'Quobyte JsonRpc call to backend raised an exception: %(result)s, Quobyte error code %(qbcode)s'
exception QuotaClassNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaNotFound

message = 'Quota class %(class_name)s could not be found.'
exception QuotaError(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

code = 413
headers = {'Retry-After': '0'}
message = 'Quota exceeded: code=%(code)s.'
safe = True
exception QuotaExists(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Quota exists for project %(project_id)s, resource %(resource)s.'
exception QuotaNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Quota could not be found.'
exception QuotaResourceUnknown(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaNotFound

message = 'Unknown quota resources %(unknown)s.'
exception QuotaUsageNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaNotFound

message = 'Quota usage for project %(project_id)s could not be found.'
exception ReplicationException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Unable to perform a replication action: %(reason)s.'
exception RequirementMissing(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Requirement %(req)s is not installed.'
exception ReservationNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaNotFound

message = 'Quota reservation %(uuid)s could not be found.'
exception ResourceLockNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Resource lock %(lock_id)s could not be found.'
exception ResourceVisibilityLockExists(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Resource %(resource_id)s is already locked.'
exception SSHException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Exception in SSH protocol negotiation or logic.'
exception SSHInjectionThreat(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'SSH command injection detected: %(command)s'
exception SchedulerHostFilterNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Scheduler host filter %(filter_name)s could not be found.'
exception SchedulerHostWeigherNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Scheduler host weigher %(weigher_name)s could not be found.'
exception SecurityServiceFailedAuth(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Failed to authenticate user against security service.'
exception SecurityServiceNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Security service %(security_service_id)s could not be found.'
exception ServiceIPNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Service IP for instance not found: %(reason)s'
exception ServiceInstanceException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Exception in service instance manager occurred.'
exception ServiceInstanceUnavailable(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ServiceInstanceException

message = 'Service instance is not available.'
exception ServiceIsDown(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Service %(service)s is down.'
exception ServiceNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Service %(service_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareAccessExists(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share access %(access_type)s:%(access)s exists.'
exception ShareAccessMetadataNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share access rule metadata does not exist.'
exception ShareBackendException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share backend error: %(msg)s.'
exception ShareBackupNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Backup %(backup_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareBackupSizeExceedsAvailableQuota(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaError

message = 'Requested backup exceeds allowed Backup gigabytes quota. Requested %(requested)sG, quota is %(quota)sG and %(consumed)sG has been consumed.'
exception ShareBusyException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'Share is busy with an active task: %(reason)s.'
exception ShareCopyDataException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Failed to copy data: %(reason)s'
exception ShareDataCopyCancelled(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Copy of contents from source to destination was cancelled.'
exception ShareDataCopyFailed(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share Data copy failed: %(reason)s'
exception ShareExtendingError(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share %(share_id)s could not be extended due to error in the driver: %(reason)s'
exception ShareGroupNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share group %(share_group_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareGroupSnapshotMemberNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share group snapshot member %(member_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareGroupSnapshotNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share group snapshot %(share_group_snapshot_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareGroupSnapshotNotSupported(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share group %(share_group)s does not support snapshots.'
exception ShareGroupSnapshotsLimitExceeded(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaError

message = 'Maximum number of allowed share-group-snapshots is exceeded.'
exception ShareGroupTypeAccessExists(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share group type access for %(type_id)s / %(project_id)s combination already exists.'
exception ShareGroupTypeAccessNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share group type access not found for %(type_id)s / %(project_id)s combination.'
exception ShareGroupTypeCreateFailed(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Cannot create share group type with name %(name)s and specs %(group_specs)s.'
exception ShareGroupTypeExists(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share group type %(type_id)s already exists.'
exception ShareGroupTypeInUse(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share group Type %(type_id)s deletion is not allowed with groups present with the type.'
exception ShareGroupTypeNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share group type %(type_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareGroupTypeNotFoundByName(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareTypeNotFound

message = 'Share group type with name %(type_name)s could not be found.'
exception ShareGroupTypeSpecsNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share group type %(type_id)s has no group specs with key %(specs_key)s.'
exception ShareGroupsLimitExceeded(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaError

message = 'Maximum number of allowed share-groups is exceeded.'
exception ShareInstanceNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share instance %(share_instance_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareLimitExceeded(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaError

message = 'Maximum number of shares allowed (%(allowed)d) either per project/user or share type quota is exceeded.'
exception ShareMigrationError(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Error in share migration: %(reason)s'
exception ShareMigrationFailed(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share migration failed: %(reason)s'
exception ShareMountException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Failed to mount share: %(reason)s'
exception ShareNetworkNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share network %(share_network_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareNetworkSecurityServiceAssociationError(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Failed to associate share network %(share_network_id)s and security service %(security_service_id)s: %(reason)s.'
exception ShareNetworkSecurityServiceDissociationError(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Failed to dissociate share network %(share_network_id)s and security service %(security_service_id)s: %(reason)s.'
exception ShareNetworkSubnetNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share network subnet %(share_network_subnet_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareNetworkSubnetNotFoundByShareServer(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share network subnet could not be found by %(share_server_id)s.'
exception ShareNetworksLimitExceeded(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaError

message = 'Maximum number of share-networks allowed (%(allowed)d) exceeded.'
exception ShareNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share %(share_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareReplicaNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share Replica %(replica_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareReplicaSizeExceedsAvailableQuota(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaError

message = 'Requested share replica exceeds allowed project/user or share type gigabytes quota.'
exception ShareReplicasLimitExceeded(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaError

message = 'Maximum number of allowed share-replicas is exceeded.'
exception ShareResourceNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: StorageResourceNotFound

message = 'Share id %(share_id)s could not be found in storage backend.'
exception ShareServerBackendDetailsNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share server backend details does not exist.'
exception ShareServerInUse(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: InUse

message = 'Share server %(share_server_id)s is in use.'
exception ShareServerMigrationError(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Error in share server migration: %(reason)s'
exception ShareServerMigrationFailed(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share server migration failed: %(reason)s'
exception ShareServerNotCreated(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share server %(share_server_id)s failed on creation.'
exception ShareServerNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share server %(share_server_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareServerNotFoundByFilters(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareServerNotFound

message = 'Share server could not be found by filters: %(filters_description)s.'
exception ShareServerNotReady(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = "Share server %(share_server_id)s failed to reach '%(state)s' within %(time)s seconds."
exception ShareShrinkingError(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share %(share_id)s could not be shrunk due to error in the driver: %(reason)s'
exception ShareShrinkingPossibleDataLoss(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share %(share_id)s could not be shrunk due to possible data loss'
exception ShareSizeExceedsAvailableQuota(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaError

message = 'Requested share exceeds allowed project/user or share type gigabytes quota.'
exception ShareSizeExceedsLimit(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaError

message = 'Requested share size %(size)d is larger than maximum allowed limit %(limit)d.'
exception ShareSnapshotAccessExists(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: InvalidInput

message = 'Share snapshot access %(access_type)s:%(access)s exists.'
exception ShareSnapshotInstanceNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Snapshot instance %(instance_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareSnapshotIsBusy(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Deleting snapshot %(snapshot_name)s that has dependent shares.'
exception ShareSnapshotNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Snapshot %(snapshot_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareSnapshotNotSupported(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share %(share_name)s does not support snapshots.'
exception ShareTypeAccessExists(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share type access for %(share_type_id)s / %(project_id)s combination already exists.'
exception ShareTypeAccessNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share type access not found for %(share_type_id)s / %(project_id)s combination.'
exception ShareTypeCreateFailed(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Cannot create share_type with name %(name)s and specs %(extra_specs)s.'
exception ShareTypeDoesNotExist(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share Type %(share_type)s does not exist.'
exception ShareTypeExists(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share Type %(id)s already exists.'
exception ShareTypeExtraSpecsNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share Type %(share_type_id)s has no extra specs with key %(extra_specs_key)s.'
exception ShareTypeInUse(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Share Type %(share_type_id)s deletion is not allowed while shares or share group types are associated with the type.'
exception ShareTypeNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Share type %(share_type_id)s could not be found.'
exception ShareTypeNotFoundByName(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareTypeNotFound

message = 'Share type with name %(share_type_name)s could not be found.'
exception ShareTypeUpdateFailed(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Cannot update share_type %(id)s.'
exception ShareUmountException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Failed to unmount share: %(reason)s'
exception SnapshotLimitExceeded(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaError

message = 'Maximum number of snapshots allowed (%(allowed)d) either per project/user or share type quota is exceeded.'
exception SnapshotResourceNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: StorageResourceNotFound

message = 'Snapshot %(name)s not found.'
exception SnapshotSizeExceedsAvailableQuota(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: QuotaError

message = 'Requested snapshot exceeds allowed project/user or share type gigabytes quota.'
exception SnapshotUnavailable(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: StorageResourceException

message = 'Snapshot %(name)s info not available.'
exception StorageCommunicationException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Could not communicate with storage array.'
exception StorageResourceException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Storage resource exception.'
exception StorageResourceNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: StorageResourceException

code = 404
message = 'Storage resource %(name)s not found.'
exception TegileAPIException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Unexpected response from Tegile IntelliFlash API: %(response)s'
exception TransferNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Transfer %(transfer_id)s could not be found.'
exception UnmanageInvalidShare(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: InvalidShare

message = 'Unmanage existing share failed due to invalid share: %(reason)s'
exception UnmanageInvalidShareSnapshot(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: InvalidShareSnapshot

message = 'Unmanage existing share snapshot failed due to invalid share snapshot: %(reason)s.'
exception ValidationError(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = '%(detail)s'
exception VastApiException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Rest api error: %(reason)s.'
exception VastApiRetry(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'Rest api retry: %(reason)s.'
exception VastDriverException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Vast driver error: %(reason)s.'
exception VastShareNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Share %(name)s could not be found.'
exception VersionNotFoundForAPIMethod(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: Invalid

message = 'API version %(version)s is not supported on this method.'
exception VolumeNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Volume %(volume_id)s could not be found.'
exception VolumeSnapshotNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Snapshot %(snapshot_id)s could not be found.'
exception VserverNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NetAppException

message = 'Vserver %(vserver)s not found.'
exception VserverNotReady(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NetAppException

message = 'Vserver %(vserver)s is not ready yet.'
exception VserverNotSpecified(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NetAppException

message = 'Vserver not specified.'
exception WillNotSchedule(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = "Host %(host)s is not up or doesn't exist."
exception ZFSonLinuxException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ManilaException

message = 'ZFSonLinux exception occurred: %(msg)s'
exception ZadaraAttachmentsNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Failed to retrieve attachments for volume %(name)s'
exception ZadaraBadHTTPResponseStatus(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Bad HTTP response status %(status)s'
exception ZadaraExtendShareFailed(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Failed to extend VPSA backend share. Error: %(error)s'
exception ZadaraFailedCmdWithDump(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Operation failed with status=%(status)s. Full dump: %(data)s'
exception ZadaraInvalidProtocol(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'The type of protocol %(protocol_type)s for Zadara manila driver is not supported. Only NFS or CIFS protocol is supported.'
exception ZadaraInvalidShareAccessType(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Only ip access type allowed for the Zadara manila share.'
exception ZadaraManilaInvalidAccessKey(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Invalid VPSA access key'
exception ZadaraServerCreateFailure(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Unable to create server object for initiator %(name)s'
exception ZadaraServerNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: NotFound

message = 'Unable to find server object for initiator %(name)s'
exception ZadaraSessionRequestException(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = '%(msg)s'
exception ZadaraShareNotFound(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Share %(name)s could not be found.'
exception ZadaraShareNotValid(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Share %(name)s is not valid.'
exception ZadaraUnknownCmd(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Unknown or unsupported command %(cmd)s'
exception ZadaraVPSANoActiveController(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Unable to find any active VPSA controller'
exception ZadaraVPSASnapshotCreateFailed(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Failed to create VPSA share %(name)s snapshot. Error: %(error)s'
exception ZadaraVPSASnapshotManageFailed(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Failed to manage VPSA share snapshot with id %(snap_id)s. Error: %(error)s'
exception ZadaraVPSAVolumeShareFailed(message=None, detail_data={}, **kwargs)

Bases: ShareBackendException

message = 'Failed to create VPSA backend share. Error: %(error)s'

The manila.test Module

Base classes for our unit tests.

Allows overriding of flags for use of fakes, and some black magic for inline callbacks.

class DatabaseFixture(db_session, db_migrate, sql_connection, sqlite_db, sqlite_clean_db)

Bases: Fixture


Prepare the Fixture for use.

This should not be overridden. Concrete fixtures should implement _setUp. Overriding of setUp is still supported, just not recommended.

After setUp has completed, the fixture will have one or more attributes which can be used (these depend totally on the concrete subclass).


MultipleExceptions if _setUp fails. The last exception captured within the MultipleExceptions will be a SetupError exception.



Changed in 1.3:

The recommendation to override setUp has been reversed - before 1.3, setUp() should be overridden, now it should not be.

Changed in 1.3.1:

BaseException is now caught, and only subclasses of Exception are wrapped in MultipleExceptions.

class TestCase(*args, **kwds)

Bases: BaseTestCase

Test case base class for all unit tests.

assertDictListMatch(L1, L2)

Assert a list of dicts are equivalent.

assertIn(a, b, *args, **kwargs)

Python < v2.7 compatibility. Assert ‘a’ in ‘b’.

assertIsInstance(a, b, *args, **kwargs)

Python < v2.7 compatibility.

assertIsNone(a, *args, **kwargs)

Python < v2.7 compatibility.

assertNotIn(a, b, *args, **kwargs)

Python < v2.7 compatibility. Assert ‘a’ NOT in ‘b’.

assertSubDictMatch(sub_dict, super_dict)

Assert a sub_dict is subset of super_dict.

assert_notify_called(mock_notify, calls)

Override flag variables for a test.

is_microversion_ge(left, right)
is_microversion_lt(left, right)
mock_class(class_name, new_val=None, **kwargs)

Use python mock to mock a class

Mocks the specified objects attribute with the given value. Automatically performs ‘addCleanup’ for the mock.

mock_object(obj, attr_name, new_attr=None, **kwargs)

Use python mock to mock an object attribute

Mocks the specified objects attribute with the given value. Automatically performs ‘addCleanup’ for the mock.

override_config(name, override, group=None)

Cleanly override CONF variables.


Run before each test method to initialize test environment.

start_service(name, host=None, **kwargs)

Runs after each test method to tear down test environment.

class WarningsFixture

Bases: Fixture

Filters out warnings during test runs.


Prepare the Fixture for use.

This should not be overridden. Concrete fixtures should implement _setUp. Overriding of setUp is still supported, just not recommended.

After setUp has completed, the fixture will have one or more attributes which can be used (these depend totally on the concrete subclass).


MultipleExceptions if _setUp fails. The last exception captured within the MultipleExceptions will be a SetupError exception.



Changed in 1.3:

The recommendation to override setUp has been reversed - before 1.3, setUp() should be overridden, now it should not be.

Changed in 1.3.1:

BaseException is now caught, and only subclasses of Exception are wrapped in MultipleExceptions.

The manila.utils Module

Utilities and helper functions.

class ComparableMixin

Bases: object

class DoNothing

Bases: str

Class that literrally does nothing.

We inherit from str in case it’s called with json.dumps.

class IsAMatcher(expected_value=None)

Bases: object

class LazyPluggable(pivot, **backends)

Bases: object

A pluggable backend loaded lazily based on some value.

check_params_are_boolean(keys, params, default=False)

Validates if keys in params are boolean.

  • keys – List of keys to check

  • params – Parameters received from REST API

  • default – default value when it does not exist


a dictionary with keys and respective retrieved value

check_params_exist(keys, params)

Validates if keys exist in params.

  • keys – List of keys to check

  • params – Parameters received from REST API


Convert cidr to netmask.


Convert cidr to network.


Convert cidr to prefix length.


Convert to native string.

Convert bytes and Unicode strings to native strings:

  • convert to Unicode on Python 3: decode bytes from UTF-8


Covert time duration to ISO 8601 format

execute(*cmd, **kwargs)

Convenience wrapper around oslo’s execute() function.

file_open(*args, **kwargs)

Open file

see built-in open() documentation for more details

Note: The reason this is kept in a separate module is to easily

be able to provide a stub module that doesn’t alter system state at all (for unit tests)

get_bool_from_api_params(key, params, default=False, strict=True)

Parse bool value from request params.

HTTPBadRequest will be directly raised either of the cases below: 1. invalid bool string was found by key(with strict on). 2. key not found while default value is invalid(with strict on).

get_bool_param(param_string, params, default=False)

Calls decorated method only if notifications are enabled.


Checks to see if the all_tenants flag is in search_opts


search_opts (dict) – The search options for a request


boolean indicating if all_tenants are being requested or not

is_valid_ip_address(ip_address, ip_version)
isotime(at=None, subsecond=False)

Stringify time in ISO 8601 format.


Patch decorator.

If the Flags.monkey_patch set as True, this function patches a decorator for all functions in specified modules. You can set decorators for each modules using CONF.monkey_patch_modules. The format is “Module path:Decorator function”. Example: ‘’ manila.openstack.common.notifier.api.notify_decorator’

Parameters of the decorator is as follows. (See manila.openstack.common.notifier.api.notify_decorator)

name - name of the function function - object of the function


Check if oslo notifications are enabled.

retry(retry_param=<class 'Exception'>, interval=1, retries=10, backoff_rate=2, backoff_sleep_max=None, wait_random=False, infinite=False, retry=<class 'tenacity.retry.retry_if_exception_type'>)
class retry_if_exit_code(codes)

Bases: retry_if_exception

Retry on ProcessExecutionError specific exit codes.


Check whether a service is up based on last heartbeat.

translate_string_size_to_float(string, multiplier='G')

Translates human-readable storage size to float value.

Supported values for ‘multiplier’ are following:

K - kilo | 1 M - mega | 1024 G - giga | 1024 * 1024 T - tera | 1024 * 1024 * 1024 P = peta | 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024

  • float if correct input data provided

  • None if incorrect

validate_service_host(context, host)
wait_for_access_update(context, db, share_instance, migration_wait_access_rules_timeout)
walk_class_hierarchy(clazz, encountered=None)

Walk class hierarchy, yielding most derived classes first.

write_remote_file(ssh, filename, contents, as_root=False)

The manila.wsgi Module


The test_exception Module

class FakeNotifier

Bases: object

Acts like the manila.openstack.common.notifier.api module.

ERROR = 88
notify(context, publisher, event, priority, payload)
class ManilaExceptionResponseCode400(*args, **kwds)

Bases: TestCase

class ManilaExceptionResponseCode403(*args, **kwds)

Bases: TestCase

class ManilaExceptionResponseCode404(*args, **kwds)

Bases: TestCase

class ManilaExceptionResponseCode413(*args, **kwds)

Bases: TestCase

class ManilaExceptionTestCase(*args, **kwds)

Bases: TestCase
