
Magnum UI specific settings


New in version 5.3.0: (Ussuri)

Default: None


    "dev": ".*-dev-.*",
    "prod": ".*-prod-.*"

The settings expects a dictionary of group name, to group regex.

When set allows a cloud provider to specify template groups for their cluster templates based on their naming convention. This helps limit users from upgrading their cluster to an invalid template that will not work based on their current template type.

This filtering is only relevant when choosing a new template for upgrading a cluster.


New in version 5.3.0: (Ussuri)

Default: None


        "name": "NGINX",
        "labels": {
            "ingress_controller": "nginx"
        "name": "Traefik",
        "labels": {
            "ingress_controller": "traefik"
        "name": "Octavia",
        "labels": {
            "ingress_controller": "octavia"

This setting specifies which Kubernetes Ingress Controllers are supported by the deployed version of magnum and map directly to the response returned by the magnum-ui api/container-infra/ingress_controllers endpoint.


New in version 5.3.0: (Ussuri)

Default: None


        "name": "Kubernetes Dashboard",
        "selected": True,
        "labels": {
            "kube_dashboard_enabled": True
        "labels_unselected": {
            "kube_dashboard_enabled": False
        "name": "Influx Grafana Dashboard",
        "selected": False,
        "labels": {
            "influx_grafana_dashboard_enabled": True
        "labels_unselected": {
            "influx_grafana_dashboard_enabled": False

Specifies which ‘Addon Software’ is available or supported in the deployed version of magnum and specifies which labels need to be included in order to enable or disable the Software Addon.

Examples of Addon Software include but are not limited to:

Values specified in the MAGNUM_AVAILABLE_ADDONS setting map directly to the values returned in the response of the api/container-infra/available_addons endpoint.

Horizon Settings

For more configurations, see Configuration Guide in the Horizon documentation.