Launchpad blueprint:
This blueprint proposes how to integrate Magnum with Neutron based networking and how the problem of networking for nested containers can be solved.
Magnum (containers-as-a-service for OpenStack) provisions containers inside Nova instances and those instances use standard Neutron networking. These containers are referred to as nested containers. Currently, there is no integration between Magnum resources and Neutron and the nested containers are served networking outside of that provided by OpenStack (Neutron) today.
Following are the requirements of Magnum around networking:
The proposal is to leverage the concept of VLAN aware VMs/Trunk Ports [2], that would be able to discriminate the traffic coming from VM by using VLAN tags. The trunk port would get attached to a VM and be capable of receiving both untagged and tagged traffic. Each VLAN would be represented by a sub port (Neutron ports). A subport must have a network attached. Each subport will have an additional parameter of VID. VID can be of different types and VLAN is one of the options.
Each VM running containers by Magnum would need to have a Kuryr container agent [3]. Kuryr container agent would be like a CNI/CNM plugin, capable of assigning IPs to the container interfaces and tagging with VLAN IDs. Magnum baymodel resource can be passed along information for network type and kuryr will serve Neutron networking. Based on the baymodel, Magnum can provision necessary services inside the Nova instance using Heat templates and the scripts Heat uses. The Kuryr container agent would be responsible for providing networking to the nested containers by tagging each container interface with a VLAN ID. Kuryr container agent [3] would be agnostic of COE type and will have different modes based on the COE. First implementation would support Swarm and the corresponding container network model via libnetwork.
There are two mechanisms in which nested containers will be served networking via Kuryr:
For the case, where user interacts with Magnum APIs, Magnum would need to integrate a ‘network’ option in the container API to choose Neutron networks for containers. This option will be applicable for baymodels running kuryr type networking. For each container launched, Magnum would pick up a network, and talk to the COE to provision the container(s), Kuryr agent would be running inside the Nova instance as a driver/plugin to COE networking model and based on the network UUID/name, Kuryr agent will create a subport on parent trunk port, where Nova instance is attached to, Kuryr will allocate a VLAN ID and subport creation be invoked in Neutron and that will allocate the IP address. Based on the information returned, Kuryr agent will assign IP to the container/pod and assign a VLAN, which would match VLAN in the subport metadata. Once the sub-port is provisioned, it will have an IP address and a VLAN ID allocated by Neutron and Kuryr respectively.
For the case, where native COE APIs are used, user would be required to specify information about Kuryr driver and Neutron networks when launching containers. Kuryr agent will take care of providing networking to the containers in exactly the same fashion as it would when Magnum talks to the COEs.
Now, all the traffic coming from the containers inside the VMs would be tagged and backend implementation of how those containers communicate will follow a generic onboarding mechanism. Neutron supports several plugins and each plugin uses some backend technology. The plugins would be responsible for implementing VLAN aware VMs Neutron extension and onboard the container based on tenant UUID, trunk port ID, VLAN ID, network UUID and sub-port UUID. Subports will have deviceowner=kuryr. At this point, a plugin can onboard the container using unique classification per tenant to the relevant Neutron network and nested container would be onboarded onto Neutron networks and will be capable of passing packets. The plugins/onboarding engines would be responsible for tagging the packets with the correct VLAN ID on their way back to the containers.
Kuryr and Kuryr Agent will be responsible for providing the networking inside the Nova instances. Kuryr is the main service/utility running on the controller node and capabilities like segmentation ID allocation will be performed there. Kuryr agent will be like a CNI/CNM plugin, capable of allocating IPs and VLANs to container interfaces. Kuryr agent will be a helper running inside the Nova instances that can communicate with Neutron endpoint and Kuryr server. This will require availability of credentials inside the Bay that Kuryr can use to communicate. There is a security impact of storing credentials and it is discussed in the Security Impact section of this document.
More details on the Kuryr Agent can be found here [3].
vlan-aware-vms and notion of trunk port, sub-ports from Neutron will be used in this design. Neutron will be responsible for all the backend networking that Kuryr will expose via its mechanisms.
Magnum will be responsible for launching containers on specified/pre-provisioned networks, using Heat to provisioning Kuryr components inside Nova instances and passing along network information to the COEs, which can invoke their networking part.
Heat templates use use-data scripts to launch tools for containers that Magnum relies on. The scripts will be updated to handle Kuryr. We should not expect to run scripts each time a container is started. More details can be found here [4].
Example of model:
+-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+
| +---------+ +---------+ | | +---------+ +---------+ |
| | c1 | | c2 | | | | c3 | | c4 | |
| +---------+ +---------+ | | +---------+ +---------+ |
| | | |
| VM1 | | VM2 |
| | | |
| | | |
+---------+------------+--------+ +---------+------------+--------+
|Trunk Port1 | |Trunk Port2 |
+------------+ +------------+
/|\ /|\
/ | \ / | \
/ | \ / | \
+--+ +-++ +--+ +--+ +-++ +--+
|S1| |S2| |S3| |S4| |S5| |S6|
+-++ +--+ +-++ +--+ +-++ +-++
| | | | |
| | | +---+ | |
| | +---+N1+ +-+N2+-----------+
| | | | | |
+-------------+ | | |
| | | |
+ ++ x x +-+ +
N3+--------+x x+-----------+N4
x x
x Router x
x x
x x
C1-4 = Magnum containers
N1-4 = Neutron Networks and Subnets
S1,S3,S4,S6 = Subports
S2,S5 = Trunk ports (untagged traffic)
In the example above, Magnum launches four containers (c1, c2, c3, c4) spread across two Nova instances. There are four Neutron networks(N1, N2, N3, N4) in the deployment and all of them are connected to a router. Both the Nova instances (VM1 and VM2) have one NIC each and a corresponding trunk port. Each trunk port has three sub-ports: S1, S2, S3 and S4, S5, S6 for VM1 and VM2 respectively. The untagged traffic goes to S2 and S5 and tagged to S1, S3, S4 and S6. On the tagged sub-ports, the tags will be stripped and packets will be sent to the respective Neutron networks.
On the way back, the reverse would be applied and each sub-port to VLAN mapping be checked using something like following and packets will be tagged:
Port | Tagged(VID)/untagged | Packets go to |
S1 | 100 | N1 |
S2 | untagged | N3 |
S3 | 200 | N1 |
S4 | 100 | N2 |
S5 | untagged | N4 |
S6 | 300 | N2 |
One thing to note over here is S1.vlan == S4.vlan is a valid scenario since they are part of different trunk ports. It is possible that some implementations do not use VLAN IDs, the VID can be something other than VLAN ID. The fields in the sub-port can be treated as key value pairs and corresponding support can be extended in the Kuryr agent if there is a need.
Example of commands:
magnum baymodel-create --name <name> \
--image-id <image> \
--keypair-id <kp> \
--external-network-id <net-id> \
--dns-nameserver <dns> \
--flavor-id <flavor-id> \
--docker-volume-size <vol-size> \
--coe <coe-type> \
--network-driver kuryr
neutron port-create --name S1 N1 \
--device-owner kuryr
neutron port-create --name S2 N3
# trunk-create may refer to 0, 1 or more subport(s).
$ neutron trunk-create --port-id PORT \
[--subport ...]
Note: All ports referred must exist.
# trunk-add-subport adds 1 or more subport(s)
$ neutron trunk-subport-add TRUNK \
magnum container-create --name <name> \
--image <image> \
--bay <bay> \
--command <command> \
--memory <memory> \
--network network_id
Magnum will launch containers on Neutron networks. Magnum will provision the Kuryr Agent inside the Nova instances via Heat templates.
This document adds the network_id attribute to the container database table. A migration script will be provided to support the attribute being added.
Attribute | Type | Description |
network_id | uuid | UUID of a Neutron network |
This document adds network_id attribute to the Container API class.
Attribute | Type | Description |
network_id | uuid | UUID of a Neutron network |
Kuryr Agent running inside Nova instances will communicate with OpenStack APIs. For this to happen, credentials will have to be stored inside Nova instances hosting Bays.
This arrangement poses a security threat that credentials might be compromised and there could be ways malicious containers could get access to credentials or Kuryr Agent. To mitigate the impact, there are multiple options:
For containers inside the same VM to communicate with each other, the packets will have to step outside the VMs and come back in.
Extended attributes in Magnum container API to be used.
Introduction of Kuryr Agent.
Requires the testing framework changes.
The changes bring significant improvement in the container networking approach by using Neutron as a backend via Kuryr.
Fawad Khaliq (fawadkhaliq) Vikas Choudhary (vikasc)
VLAN aware VMs [2] implementation in Neutron
Tempest and functional tests will be created.
Documentation will have to updated to take care of the Magnum container API changes and use the Kuryr network driver.
Magnum and Kuryr user guides will be updated.
The Magnum and Kuryr developer quickstart documents will be updated to include the nested container use case and the corresponding details.
Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.