
Source code for keystone.tests.unit.auth.test_schema

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from keystone.auth import controllers
from keystone import exception
from keystone.tests import unit

[docs]class TestValidateIssueTokenAuth(unit.BaseTestCase): def _expect_failure(self, post_data): self.assertRaises( exception.SchemaValidationError, controllers.validate_issue_token_auth, post_data)
[docs] def test_auth_not_object_ex(self): self._expect_failure('something')
[docs] def test_auth_no_identity_ex(self): self._expect_failure({})
[docs] def test_identity_not_object_ex(self): self._expect_failure({'identity': 'something'})
[docs] def test_no_methods_ex(self): self._expect_failure({'identity': {}})
[docs] def test_methods_not_array_ex(self): p = {'identity': {'methods': 'something'}} self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_methods_not_array_str_ex(self): p = {'identity': {'methods': [{}]}} self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_no_auth_plugin_parameters(self): # auth plugin (password / token) may not be present. post_data = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], }, } controllers.validate_issue_token_auth(post_data)
[docs] def test_password_not_object_ex(self): # if password is present, it must be an object. p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': 'something', }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_password_user_not_object_ex(self): # if user is present, it must be an object p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': 'something', }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_password_user_name_not_string_ex(self): # if user name is present, it must be a string p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': { 'name': 1, }, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_password_user_id_not_string_ex(self): # if user id is present, it must be a string p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': { 'id': {}, }, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_password_no_user_id_or_name_ex(self): # either user id or name must be present. p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': {}, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_password_user_password_not_string_ex(self): # if user password is present, it must be a string p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': { 'id': 'something', 'password': {}, }, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_password_user_domain_not_object_ex(self): # if user domain is present, it must be an object p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': { 'id': 'something', 'domain': 'something', }, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_password_user_domain_no_id_or_name_ex(self): # user domain must have id or name. p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': { 'id': 'something', 'domain': {}, }, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_password_user_domain_name_not_string_ex(self): # if user domain name is present, it must be a string. p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': { 'id': 'something', 'domain': { 'name': {} }, }, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_password_user_domain_id_not_string_ex(self): # if user domain id is present, it must be a string. p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': { 'id': 'something', 'domain': { 'id': {} }, }, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_token(self): # valid token auth plugin data is supported. p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['token'], 'token': { 'id': 'something', }, }, } controllers.validate_issue_token_auth(p)
[docs] def test_token_not_object_ex(self): # if token auth plugin data is present, it must be an object. p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['token'], 'token': '', }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_token_no_id_ex(self): # if token auth plugin data is present, id must be present. p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['token'], 'token': {}, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_token_id_not_string_ex(self): # if token auth plugin data is present, id must be a string. p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['token'], 'token': { 'id': 123, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_scope_not_object_or_string_ex(self): p = { 'identity': {'methods': [], }, 'scope': 1, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_project_not_object_ex(self): p = { 'identity': {'methods': [], }, 'scope': { 'project': 'something', }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_project_name_not_string_ex(self): p = { 'identity': {'methods': [], }, 'scope': { 'project': { 'name': {}, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_project_id_not_string_ex(self): p = { 'identity': {'methods': [], }, 'scope': { 'project': { 'id': {}, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_project_no_id_or_name_ex(self): p = { 'identity': {'methods': [], }, 'scope': { 'project': {}, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_project_domain_not_object_ex(self): p = { 'identity': {'methods': [], }, 'scope': { 'project': { 'id': 'something', 'domain': 'something', }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_project_domain_name_not_string_ex(self): p = { 'identity': {'methods': [], }, 'scope': { 'project': { 'id': 'something', 'domain': {'name': {}, }, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_project_domain_id_not_string_ex(self): p = { 'identity': {'methods': [], }, 'scope': { 'project': { 'id': 'something', 'domain': {'id': {}, }, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_project_domain_no_id_or_name_ex(self): p = { 'identity': {'methods': [], }, 'scope': { 'project': { 'id': 'something', 'domain': {}, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_domain_not_object_ex(self): p = { 'identity': {'methods': [], }, 'scope': { 'domain': 'something', }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_domain_id_not_string_ex(self): p = { 'identity': {'methods': [], }, 'scope': { 'domain': {'id': {}, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_domain_name_not_string_ex(self): p = { 'identity': {'methods': [], }, 'scope': { 'domain': {'name': {}, }, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_domain_no_id_or_name_ex(self): p = { 'identity': {'methods': [], }, 'scope': { 'domain': {}, }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_trust_not_object_ex(self): p = { 'identity': {'methods': [], }, 'scope': { 'OS-TRUST:trust': 'something', }, } self._expect_failure(p)
[docs] def test_unscoped(self): post_data = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': { 'name': 'admin', 'domain': { 'name': 'Default', }, 'password': 'devstacker', }, }, }, } controllers.validate_issue_token_auth(post_data)
[docs] def test_user_domain_id(self): post_data = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': { 'name': 'admin', 'domain': { 'id': 'default', }, 'password': 'devstacker', }, }, }, } controllers.validate_issue_token_auth(post_data)
[docs] def test_two_methods(self): post_data = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password', 'mapped'], 'password': { 'user': { 'name': 'admin', 'domain': { 'name': 'Default', }, 'password': 'devstacker', }, }, }, } controllers.validate_issue_token_auth(post_data)
[docs] def test_project_scoped(self): post_data = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': { 'name': 'admin', 'domain': { 'name': 'Default', }, 'password': 'devstacker', }, }, }, 'scope': { 'project': { 'name': 'demo', 'domain': { 'name': 'Default', }, }, }, } controllers.validate_issue_token_auth(post_data)
[docs] def test_domain_scoped(self): post_data = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': { 'name': 'admin', 'domain': { 'name': 'Default', }, 'password': 'devstacker', }, }, }, 'scope': { 'domain': { 'name': 'Default', }, }, } controllers.validate_issue_token_auth(post_data)
[docs] def test_explicit_unscoped(self): post_data = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': { 'name': 'admin', 'domain': { 'name': 'Default', }, 'password': 'devstacker', }, }, }, 'scope': 'unscoped', } controllers.validate_issue_token_auth(post_data)
[docs] def test_additional_properties(self): # Everything can have extra properties and they're ignored. p = { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': { 'id': 'whatever', 'extra4': 'whatever4', 'domain': { 'id': 'whatever', 'extra5': 'whatever5', }, }, 'extra3': 'whatever3', }, 'token': { 'id': 'something', 'extra9': 'whatever9', }, 'extra4': 'whatever4', }, 'scope': { 'project': { 'id': 'something', 'domain': { 'id': 'something', 'extra8': 'whatever8', }, 'extra7': 'whatever7', }, 'domain': { 'id': 'something', 'extra9': 'whatever9', }, 'extra6': 'whatever6', }, 'extra2': 'whatever2', } controllers.validate_issue_token_auth(p)
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