keystone.common.environment package


keystone.common.environment.eventlet_server module

class keystone.common.environment.eventlet_server.EventletFilteringLogger(logger, level=20)[source]

Bases: object

class keystone.common.environment.eventlet_server.Server(application, host=None, port=None, keepalive=False, keepidle=None)[source]

Bases: oslo_service.service.ServiceBase

Server class to manage multiple WSGI sockets and applications.

listen(key=None, backlog=128)[source]

Create and start listening on socket.

Call before forking worker processes.

Raises Exception if this has already been called.


Required by the service interface.

The service interface is used by the launcher when receiving a SIGHUP. The service interface is defined in oslo_service.service.Service.

Keystone does not need to do anything here.

set_ssl(certfile, keyfile=None, ca_certs=None, cert_required=True)[source]
start(key=None, backlog=128)[source]

Run a WSGI server with the given application.


Wait until all servers have completed running.

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