Source code for keystone.token.providers.pkiz

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# under the License.

"""Keystone Compressed PKI Token Provider"""

from keystoneclient.common import cms
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_log import versionutils
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils

from keystone.common import environment
from keystone.common import utils
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _
from keystone.token.providers import common


LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
ERROR_MESSAGE = _('Unable to sign token.')

    what='the PKIZ token provider',
    in_favor_of='the Fernet or UUID token providers')
[docs]class Provider(common.BaseProvider): def _get_token_id(self, token_data): try: # force conversion to a string as the keystone client cms code # produces unicode. This can be removed if the client returns # str() # TODO(ayoung): Make to a byte_str for Python3 token_json = jsonutils.dumps(token_data, cls=utils.PKIEncoder) token_id = str(cms.pkiz_sign(token_json, CONF.signing.certfile, CONF.signing.keyfile)) return token_id except environment.subprocess.CalledProcessError: LOG.exception(ERROR_MESSAGE) raise exception.UnexpectedError(ERROR_MESSAGE) @property def _supports_bind_authentication(self): """Return if the token provider supports bind authentication methods. :returns: True """ return True
[docs] def needs_persistence(self): """Should the token be written to a backend.""" return True

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