Source code for keystone.tests.unit.test_backend_ldap_pool

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

import ldappool
import mock
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslotest import mockpatch

from keystone.common.ldap import core as ldap_core
from keystone.identity.backends import ldap
from keystone.tests import unit
from keystone.tests.unit import fakeldap
from keystone.tests.unit import test_backend_ldap


[docs]class LdapPoolCommonTestMixin(object): """LDAP pool specific common tests used here and in live tests."""
[docs] def cleanup_pools(self): ldap_core.PooledLDAPHandler.connection_pools.clear()
[docs] def test_handler_with_use_pool_enabled(self): # by default use_pool and use_auth_pool is enabled in test pool config user_ref = self.identity_api.get_user(self.user_foo['id']) self.user_foo.pop('password') self.assertDictEqual(self.user_foo, user_ref) handler = ldap_core._get_connection(CONF.ldap.url, use_pool=True) self.assertIsInstance(handler, ldap_core.PooledLDAPHandler)
@mock.patch.object(ldap_core.KeystoneLDAPHandler, 'connect') @mock.patch.object(ldap_core.KeystoneLDAPHandler, 'simple_bind_s')
[docs] def test_handler_with_use_pool_not_enabled(self, bind_method, connect_method): self.config_fixture.config(group='ldap', use_pool=False) self.config_fixture.config(group='ldap', use_auth_pool=True) self.cleanup_pools() user_api = ldap.UserApi(CONF) handler = user_api.get_connection(user=None, password=None, end_user_auth=True) # use_auth_pool flag does not matter when use_pool is False # still handler is non pool version self.assertIsInstance(handler.conn, ldap_core.PythonLDAPHandler)
@mock.patch.object(ldap_core.KeystoneLDAPHandler, 'connect') @mock.patch.object(ldap_core.KeystoneLDAPHandler, 'simple_bind_s')
[docs] def test_handler_with_end_user_auth_use_pool_not_enabled(self, bind_method, connect_method): # by default use_pool is enabled in test pool config # now disabling use_auth_pool flag to test handler instance self.config_fixture.config(group='ldap', use_auth_pool=False) self.cleanup_pools() user_api = ldap.UserApi(CONF) handler = user_api.get_connection(user=None, password=None, end_user_auth=True) self.assertIsInstance(handler.conn, ldap_core.PythonLDAPHandler) # For end_user_auth case, flag should not be false otherwise # it will use, admin connections ldap pool handler = user_api.get_connection(user=None, password=None, end_user_auth=False) self.assertIsInstance(handler.conn, ldap_core.PooledLDAPHandler)
[docs] def test_pool_size_set(self): # get related connection manager instance ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url] self.assertEqual(CONF.ldap.pool_size, ldappool_cm.size)
[docs] def test_pool_retry_max_set(self): # get related connection manager instance ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url] self.assertEqual(CONF.ldap.pool_retry_max, ldappool_cm.retry_max)
[docs] def test_pool_retry_delay_set(self): # just make one identity call to initiate ldap connection if not there self.identity_api.get_user(self.user_foo['id']) # get related connection manager instance ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url] self.assertEqual(CONF.ldap.pool_retry_delay, ldappool_cm.retry_delay)
[docs] def test_pool_use_tls_set(self): # get related connection manager instance ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url] self.assertEqual(CONF.ldap.use_tls, ldappool_cm.use_tls)
[docs] def test_pool_timeout_set(self): # get related connection manager instance ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url] self.assertEqual(CONF.ldap.pool_connection_timeout, ldappool_cm.timeout)
[docs] def test_pool_use_pool_set(self): # get related connection manager instance ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url] self.assertEqual(CONF.ldap.use_pool, ldappool_cm.use_pool)
[docs] def test_pool_connection_lifetime_set(self): # get related connection manager instance ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url] self.assertEqual(CONF.ldap.pool_connection_lifetime, ldappool_cm.max_lifetime)
[docs] def test_max_connection_error_raised(self): who = CONF.ldap.user cred = CONF.ldap.password # get related connection manager instance ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url] ldappool_cm.size = 2 # 3rd connection attempt should raise Max connection error with ldappool_cm.connection(who, cred) as _: # conn1 with ldappool_cm.connection(who, cred) as _: # conn2 try: with ldappool_cm.connection(who, cred) as _: # conn3 _.unbind_s() except Exception as ex: self.assertIsInstance(ex, ldappool.MaxConnectionReachedError) ldappool_cm.size = CONF.ldap.pool_size
[docs] def test_pool_size_expands_correctly(self): who = CONF.ldap.user cred = CONF.ldap.password # get related connection manager instance ldappool_cm = self.conn_pools[CONF.ldap.url] ldappool_cm.size = 3 def _get_conn(): return ldappool_cm.connection(who, cred) # Open 3 connections first with _get_conn() as _: # conn1 self.assertEqual(1, len(ldappool_cm)) with _get_conn() as _: # conn2 self.assertEqual(2, len(ldappool_cm)) with _get_conn() as _: # conn2 _.unbind_ext_s() self.assertEqual(3, len(ldappool_cm)) # Then open 3 connections again and make sure size does not grow # over 3 with _get_conn() as _: # conn1 self.assertEqual(1, len(ldappool_cm)) with _get_conn() as _: # conn2 self.assertEqual(2, len(ldappool_cm)) with _get_conn() as _: # conn3 _.unbind_ext_s() self.assertEqual(3, len(ldappool_cm))
[docs] def test_password_change_with_pool(self): old_password = self.user_sna['password'] self.cleanup_pools() # authenticate so that connection is added to pool before password # change user_ref = self.identity_api.authenticate( context={}, user_id=self.user_sna['id'], password=self.user_sna['password']) self.user_sna.pop('password') self.user_sna['enabled'] = True self.assertDictEqual(self.user_sna, user_ref) new_password = 'new_password' user_ref['password'] = new_password self.identity_api.update_user(user_ref['id'], user_ref) # now authenticate again to make sure new password works with # connection pool user_ref2 = self.identity_api.authenticate( context={}, user_id=self.user_sna['id'], password=new_password) user_ref.pop('password') self.assertDictEqual(user_ref, user_ref2) # Authentication with old password would not work here as there # is only one connection in pool which get bind again with updated # no old bind is maintained in this case. self.assertRaises(AssertionError, self.identity_api.authenticate, context={}, user_id=self.user_sna['id'], password=old_password)
[docs]class LDAPIdentity(LdapPoolCommonTestMixin, test_backend_ldap.LDAPIdentity, unit.TestCase): """Executes tests in existing base class with pooled LDAP handler."""
[docs] def setUp(self): self.useFixture(mockpatch.PatchObject( ldap_core.PooledLDAPHandler, 'Connector', fakeldap.FakeLdapPool)) super(LDAPIdentity, self).setUp() self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_pools) # storing to local variable to avoid long references self.conn_pools = ldap_core.PooledLDAPHandler.connection_pools # super class loads db fixtures which establishes ldap connection # so adding dummy call to highlight connection pool initialization # as its not that obvious though its not needed here self.identity_api.get_user(self.user_foo['id'])
[docs] def config_files(self): config_files = super(LDAPIdentity, self).config_files() config_files.append(unit.dirs.tests_conf('backend_ldap_pool.conf')) return config_files
@mock.patch.object(ldap_core, 'utf8_encode')
[docs] def test_utf8_encoded_is_used_in_pool(self, mocked_method): def side_effect(arg): return arg mocked_method.side_effect = side_effect # invalidate the cache to get utf8_encode function called. self.identity_api.get_user.invalidate(self.identity_api, self.user_foo['id']) self.identity_api.get_user(self.user_foo['id']) mocked_method.assert_any_call(CONF.ldap.user) mocked_method.assert_any_call(CONF.ldap.password)

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