Source code for keystone.models.token_model

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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"""Unified in-memory token model."""

from keystoneclient.common import cms
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_utils import reflection
from oslo_utils import timeutils
import six

from keystone import exception
from keystone.federation import constants
from keystone.i18n import _

# supported token versions
V2 = 'v2.0'
V3 = 'v3.0'
VERSIONS = frozenset([V2, V3])

def _parse_and_normalize_time(time_data):
    if isinstance(time_data, six.string_types):
        time_data = timeutils.parse_isotime(time_data)
    return timeutils.normalize_time(time_data)

[docs]class KeystoneToken(dict): """An in-memory representation that unifies v2 and v3 tokens.""" # TODO(morganfainberg): Align this in-memory representation with the # objects in keystoneclient. This object should be eventually updated # to be the source of token data with the ability to emit any version # of the token instead of only consuming the token dict and providing # property accessors for the underlying data. def __init__(self, token_id, token_data): self.token_data = token_data if 'access' in token_data: super(KeystoneToken, self).__init__(**token_data['access']) self.version = V2 elif 'token' in token_data and 'methods' in token_data['token']: super(KeystoneToken, self).__init__(**token_data['token']) self.version = V3 else: raise exception.UnsupportedTokenVersionException() self.token_id = token_id self.short_id = cms.cms_hash_token(token_id, mode=CONF.token.hash_algorithm) if self.project_scoped and self.domain_scoped: raise exception.UnexpectedError(_('Found invalid token: scoped to ' 'both project and domain.')) def __repr__(self): desc = ('<%(type)s (audit_id=%(audit_id)s, ' 'audit_chain_id=%(audit_chain_id)s) at %(loc)s>') self_cls_name = reflection.get_class_name(self, fully_qualified=False) return desc % {'type': self_cls_name, 'audit_id': self.audit_id, 'audit_chain_id': self.audit_chain_id, 'loc': hex(id(self))} @property
[docs] def expires(self): if self.version is V3: expires_at = self['expires_at'] else: expires_at = self['token']['expires'] return _parse_and_normalize_time(expires_at)
[docs] def issued(self): if self.version is V3: issued_at = self['issued_at'] else: issued_at = self['token']['issued_at'] return _parse_and_normalize_time(issued_at)
[docs] def audit_id(self): if self.version is V3: return self.get('audit_ids', [None])[0] return self['token'].get('audit_ids', [None])[0]
[docs] def audit_chain_id(self): if self.version is V3: return self.get('audit_ids', [None])[-1] return self['token'].get('audit_ids', [None])[-1]
[docs] def auth_token(self): return self.token_id
[docs] def user_id(self): return self['user']['id']
[docs] def user_name(self): return self['user']['name']
[docs] def user_domain_name(self): try: if self.version == V3: return self['user']['domain']['name'] elif 'user' in self: return "Default" except KeyError: # nosec # Do not raise KeyError, raise UnexpectedError pass raise exception.UnexpectedError()
[docs] def user_domain_id(self): try: if self.version == V3: return self['user']['domain']['id'] elif 'user' in self: return CONF.identity.default_domain_id except KeyError: # nosec # Do not raise KeyError, raise UnexpectedError pass raise exception.UnexpectedError()
[docs] def domain_id(self): if self.version is V3: try: return self['domain']['id'] except KeyError: # Do not raise KeyError, raise UnexpectedError raise exception.UnexpectedError() # No domain scoped tokens in V2. raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def domain_name(self): if self.version is V3: try: return self['domain']['name'] except KeyError: # Do not raise KeyError, raise UnexpectedError raise exception.UnexpectedError() # No domain scoped tokens in V2. raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def project_id(self): try: if self.version is V3: return self['project']['id'] else: return self['token']['tenant']['id'] except KeyError: # Do not raise KeyError, raise UnexpectedError raise exception.UnexpectedError()
[docs] def project_name(self): try: if self.version is V3: return self['project']['name'] else: return self['token']['tenant']['name'] except KeyError: # Do not raise KeyError, raise UnexpectedError raise exception.UnexpectedError()
[docs] def project_domain_id(self): try: if self.version is V3: return self['project']['domain']['id'] elif 'tenant' in self['token']: return CONF.identity.default_domain_id except KeyError: # nosec # Do not raise KeyError, raise UnexpectedError pass raise exception.UnexpectedError()
[docs] def project_domain_name(self): try: if self.version is V3: return self['project']['domain']['name'] if 'tenant' in self['token']: return 'Default' except KeyError: # nosec # Do not raise KeyError, raise UnexpectedError pass raise exception.UnexpectedError()
[docs] def project_scoped(self): if self.version is V3: return 'project' in self else: return 'tenant' in self['token']
[docs] def domain_scoped(self): if self.version is V3: return 'domain' in self return False
[docs] def scoped(self): return self.project_scoped or self.domain_scoped
[docs] def trust_id(self): if self.version is V3: return self.get('OS-TRUST:trust', {}).get('id') else: return self.get('trust', {}).get('id')
[docs] def trust_scoped(self): if self.version is V3: return 'OS-TRUST:trust' in self else: return 'trust' in self
[docs] def trustee_user_id(self): if self.version is V3: return self.get( 'OS-TRUST:trust', {}).get('trustee_user_id') else: return self.get('trust', {}).get('trustee_user_id')
[docs] def trustor_user_id(self): if self.version is V3: return self.get( 'OS-TRUST:trust', {}).get('trustor_user_id') else: return self.get('trust', {}).get('trustor_user_id')
[docs] def trust_impersonation(self): if self.version is V3: return self.get('OS-TRUST:trust', {}).get('impersonation') else: return self.get('trust', {}).get('impersonation')
[docs] def oauth_scoped(self): return 'OS-OAUTH1' in self
[docs] def oauth_access_token_id(self): if self.version is V3 and self.oauth_scoped: return self['OS-OAUTH1']['access_token_id'] return None
[docs] def oauth_consumer_id(self): if self.version is V3 and self.oauth_scoped: return self['OS-OAUTH1']['consumer_id'] return None
[docs] def role_ids(self): if self.version is V3: return [r['id'] for r in self.get('roles', [])] else: return self.get('metadata', {}).get('roles', [])
[docs] def role_names(self): if self.version is V3: return [r['name'] for r in self.get('roles', [])] else: return [r['name'] for r in self['user'].get('roles', [])]
[docs] def bind(self): if self.version is V3: return self.get('bind') return self.get('token', {}).get('bind')
[docs] def is_federated_user(self): try: return (self.version is V3 and constants.FEDERATION in self['user']) except KeyError: raise exception.UnexpectedError()
[docs] def federation_group_ids(self): if self.is_federated_user: if self.version is V3: try: groups = self['user'][constants.FEDERATION].get( 'groups', []) return [g['id'] for g in groups] except KeyError: raise exception.UnexpectedError() return []
[docs] def federation_idp_id(self): if self.version is not V3 or not self.is_federated_user: return None return self['user'][constants.FEDERATION]['identity_provider']['id']
[docs] def federation_protocol_id(self): if self.version is V3 and self.is_federated_user: return self['user'][constants.FEDERATION]['protocol']['id'] return None
[docs] def metadata(self): return self.get('metadata', {})
[docs] def methods(self): if self.version is V3: return self.get('methods', []) return []

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