Source code for keystone.common.manager

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

import functools
import inspect
import time
import types

from oslo_log import log
from oslo_log import versionutils
from oslo_utils import importutils
from oslo_utils import reflection
import six
import stevedore

from keystone.i18n import _

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def response_truncated(f): """Truncate the list returned by the wrapped function. This is designed to wrap Manager list_{entity} methods to ensure that any list limits that are defined are passed to the driver layer. If a hints list is provided, the wrapper will insert the relevant limit into the hints so that the underlying driver call can try and honor it. If the driver does truncate the response, it will update the 'truncated' attribute in the 'limit' entry in the hints list, which enables the caller of this function to know if truncation has taken place. If, however, the driver layer is unable to perform truncation, the 'limit' entry is simply left in the hints list for the caller to handle. A _get_list_limit() method is required to be present in the object class hierarchy, which returns the limit for this backend to which we will truncate. If a hints list is not provided in the arguments of the wrapped call then any limits set in the config file are ignored. This allows internal use of such wrapped methods where the entire data set is needed as input for the calculations of some other API (e.g. get role assignments for a given project). """ @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('hints') is None: return f(self, *args, **kwargs) list_limit = self.driver._get_list_limit() if list_limit: kwargs['hints'].set_limit(list_limit) return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def load_driver(namespace, driver_name, *args): try: driver_manager = stevedore.DriverManager(namespace, driver_name, invoke_on_load=True, invoke_args=args) return driver_manager.driver except RuntimeError as e: LOG.debug('Failed to load %r using stevedore: %s', driver_name, e) # Ignore failure and continue on. driver = importutils.import_object(driver_name, *args) msg = (_( 'Direct import of driver %(name)r is deprecated as of Liberty in ' 'favor of its entrypoint from %(namespace)r and may be removed in ' 'N.') % {'name': driver_name, 'namespace': namespace}) versionutils.report_deprecated_feature(LOG, msg) return driver
class _TraceMeta(type): """A metaclass that, in trace mode, will log entry and exit of methods. This metaclass automatically wraps all methods on the class when instantiated with a decorator that will log entry/exit from a method when keystone is run in Trace log level. """ @staticmethod def wrapper(__f, __classname): __argspec = inspect.getargspec(__f) __fn_info = '%(module)s.%(classname)s.%(funcname)s' % { 'module': inspect.getmodule(__f).__name__, 'classname': __classname, 'funcname': __f.__name__ } # NOTE(morganfainberg): Omit "cls" and "self" when printing trace logs # the index can be calculated at wrap time rather than at runtime. if __argspec.args and __argspec.args[0] in ('self', 'cls'): __arg_idx = 1 else: __arg_idx = 0 @functools.wraps(__f) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): __exc = None __t = time.time() __do_trace = LOG.logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= log.TRACE __ret_val = None try: if __do_trace: LOG.trace('CALL => %s', __fn_info) __ret_val = __f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # nosec __exc = e raise finally: if __do_trace: __subst = { 'run_time': (time.time() - __t), 'passed_args': ', '.join([ ', '.join([repr(a) for a in args[__arg_idx:]]), ', '.join(['%(k)s=%(v)r' % {'k': k, 'v': v} for k, v in kwargs.items()]), ]), 'function': __fn_info, 'exception': __exc, 'ret_val': __ret_val, } if __exc is not None: __msg = ('[%(run_time)ss] %(function)s ' '(%(passed_args)s) => raised ' '%(exception)r') else: # TODO(morganfainberg): find a way to indicate if this # was a cache hit or cache miss. __msg = ('[%(run_time)ss] %(function)s' '(%(passed_args)s) => %(ret_val)r') LOG.trace(__msg, __subst) return __ret_val return wrapped def __new__(meta, classname, bases, class_dict): final_cls_dict = {} for attr_name, attr in class_dict.items(): # NOTE(morganfainberg): only wrap public instances and methods. if (isinstance(attr, types.FunctionType) and not attr_name.startswith('_')): attr = _TraceMeta.wrapper(attr, classname) final_cls_dict[attr_name] = attr return type.__new__(meta, classname, bases, final_cls_dict) @six.add_metaclass(_TraceMeta)
[docs]class Manager(object): """Base class for intermediary request layer. The Manager layer exists to support additional logic that applies to all or some of the methods exposed by a service that are not specific to the HTTP interface. It also provides a stable entry point to dynamic backends. An example of a probable use case is logging all the calls. """ driver_namespace = None def __init__(self, driver_name): self.driver = load_driver(self.driver_namespace, driver_name) def __getattr__(self, name): """Forward calls to the underlying driver.""" f = getattr(self.driver, name) setattr(self, name, f) return f
[docs]def create_legacy_driver(driver_class): """Helper function to deprecate the original driver classes. The keystone.{subsystem}.Driver classes are deprecated in favor of the new versioned classes. This function creates a new class based on a versioned class and adds a deprecation message when it is used. This will allow existing custom drivers to work when the Driver class is renamed to include a version. Example usage: Driver = create_legacy_driver(CatalogDriverV8) """ module_name = driver_class.__module__ class_name = reflection.get_class_name(driver_class) class Driver(driver_class): @versionutils.deprecated( as_of=versionutils.deprecated.LIBERTY, what='%s.Driver' % module_name, in_favor_of=class_name, remove_in=+2) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Driver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) return Driver

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