Source code for keystone.api.trusts

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

# This file handles all flask-restful resources for /v3/OS-TRUST

# TODO(morgan): Deprecate /v3/OS-TRUST/trusts path in favour of /v3/trusts.
# /v3/OS-TRUST should remain indefinitely.

import http.client

import flask
import flask_restful
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_policy import _checks as op_checks

from keystone.api._shared import json_home_relations
from keystone.api import validation
from keystone.common import context
from keystone.common import json_home
from keystone.common import provider_api
from keystone.common import rbac_enforcer
from keystone.common.rbac_enforcer import policy
from keystone.common import utils
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _
from keystone.server import flask as ks_flask
from import schema

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
ENFORCER = rbac_enforcer.RBACEnforcer
PROVIDERS = provider_api.ProviderAPIs

_build_resource_relation = json_home_relations.os_trust_resource_rel_func
_build_parameter_relation = json_home_relations.os_trust_parameter_rel_func

TRUST_ID_PARAMETER_RELATION = _build_parameter_relation(

def _build_trust_target_enforcement():
    target = {}
    # NOTE(cmurphy) unlike other APIs, in the event the trust doesn't exist or
    # has 0 remaining uses, we actually do expect it to return a 404 and not a
    # 403, so don't catch NotFound here (lp#1840288)
    target['trust'] = PROVIDERS.trust_api.get_trust(

    return target

def _trustor_trustee_only(trust):
    user_id = flask.request.environ.get(context.REQUEST_CONTEXT_ENV).user_id
    if user_id not in [
        raise exception.ForbiddenAction(
            action=_('Requested user has no relation to this trust')

def _normalize_trust_expires_at(trust):
    # correct isotime
    if trust.get('expires_at') is not None:
        trust['expires_at'] = utils.isotime(
            trust['expires_at'], subsecond=True

def _normalize_trust_roles(trust):
    # fill in role data
    trust_full_roles = []
    for trust_role in trust.get('roles', []):
        trust_role = trust_role['id']
            matching_role = PROVIDERS.role_api.get_role(trust_role)
            full_role = ks_flask.ResourceBase.wrap_member(
                matching_role, collection_name='roles', member_name='role'
        except exception.RoleNotFound:

    trust['roles'] = trust_full_roles
    trust['roles_links'] = {
        'self': ks_flask.base_url(path='/{}/roles'.format(trust['id'])),
        'next': None,
        'previous': None,

[docs] class TrustResourceBase(ks_flask.ResourceBase): def _check_unrestricted(self): if self.oslo_context.is_admin: return token = self.auth_context['token'] if 'application_credential' in token.methods: if not token.application_credential['unrestricted']: action = _( "Using method 'application_credential' is not " "allowed for managing trusts." ) raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action)
[docs] class TrustsResource(TrustResourceBase): collection_key = 'trusts' member_key = 'trust' api_prefix = '/OS-TRUST' json_home_resource_rel_func = _build_resource_relation json_home_parameter_rel_func = _build_parameter_relation def _find_redelegated_trust(self): # Check if delegated via trust redelegated_trust = None if self.oslo_context.is_delegated_auth: src_trust_id = self.oslo_context.trust_id if not src_trust_id: action = _('Redelegation allowed for delegated by trust only') raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action) redelegated_trust = PROVIDERS.trust_api.get_trust(src_trust_id) return redelegated_trust @staticmethod def _parse_expiration_date(expiration_date): if expiration_date is not None: return utils.parse_expiration_date(expiration_date) return None def _require_trustor_has_role_in_project(self, trust): trustor_roles = self._get_trustor_roles(trust) for trust_role in trust['roles']: matching_roles = [ x for x in trustor_roles if x == trust_role['id'] ] if not matching_roles: raise exception.RoleNotFound(role_id=trust_role['id']) def _get_trustor_roles(self, trust): original_trust = trust.copy() while original_trust.get('redelegated_trust_id'): original_trust = PROVIDERS.trust_api.get_trust( original_trust['redelegated_trust_id'] ) if (trust.get('project_id')) not in [None, '']: # Check project exists. PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_project(trust['project_id']) # Get a list of roles including any domain specific roles assignment_list = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.list_role_assignments( user_id=original_trust['trustor_user_id'], project_id=original_trust['project_id'], effective=True, strip_domain_roles=False, ) return list({x['role_id'] for x in assignment_list}) else: return [] def _normalize_role_list(self, trust_roles): roles = [] for role in trust_roles: if role.get('id'): roles.append({'id': role['id']}) else: roles.append( PROVIDERS.role_api.get_unique_role_by_name(role['name']) ) return roles
[docs] @validation.request_query_schema(schema.trust_index_request_query) @validation.response_body_schema(schema.trust_index_response_body) def get(self): """Dispatch for LIST trusts. GET /v3/OS-TRUST/trusts """ trustor_user_id = flask.request.args.get('trustor_user_id') trustee_user_id = flask.request.args.get('trustee_user_id') if trustor_user_id: target = {'trust': {'trustor_user_id': trustor_user_id}} ENFORCER.enforce_call( action='identity:list_trusts_for_trustor', target_attr=target ) elif trustee_user_id: target = {'trust': {'trustee_user_id': trustee_user_id}} ENFORCER.enforce_call( action='identity:list_trusts_for_trustee', target_attr=target ) else: ENFORCER.enforce_call(action='identity:list_trusts') trusts = [] # NOTE(cmurphy) As of Train, the default policies enforce the # identity:list_trusts rule and there are new policies in-code to # enforce identity:list_trusts_for_trustor and # identity:list_trusts_for_trustee. However, in case the # identity:list_trusts rule has been locally overridden by the default # that would have been produced by the sample config, we need to # enforce it again and warn that the behavior is changing. rules = policy._ENFORCER._enforcer.rules.get('identity:list_trusts') # rule check_str is "" if isinstance(rules, op_checks.TrueCheck): LOG.warning( "The policy check string for rule \"identity:list_trusts\" " "has been overridden to \"always true\". In the next release, " "this will cause the \"identity:list_trusts\" action to be " "fully permissive as hardcoded enforcement will be removed. " "To correct this issue, either stop overriding the " "\"identity:list_trusts\" rule in config to accept the " "defaults, or explicitly set a rule that is not empty." ) if not flask.request.args: # NOTE(morgan): Admin can list all trusts. ENFORCER.enforce_call(action='admin_required') if not flask.request.args: trusts += PROVIDERS.trust_api.list_trusts() elif trustor_user_id: trusts += PROVIDERS.trust_api.list_trusts_for_trustor( trustor_user_id ) elif trustee_user_id: trusts += PROVIDERS.trust_api.list_trusts_for_trustee( trustee_user_id ) for trust in trusts: # get_trust returns roles, list_trusts does not # It seems in some circumstances, roles does not # exist in the query response, so check first if 'roles' in trust: del trust['roles'] if trust.get('expires_at') is not None: trust['expires_at'] = utils.isotime( trust['expires_at'], subsecond=True ) return self.wrap_collection(trusts)
[docs] @validation.request_body_schema(schema.trust_create_request_body) @validation.response_body_schema(schema.trust_response_body) def post(self): """Create a new trust. The User creating the trust must be the trustor. POST /v3/OS-TRUST/trusts """ ENFORCER.enforce_call(action='identity:create_trust') trust = self.request_body_json.get('trust', {}) self._check_unrestricted() if trust.get('project_id') and not trust.get('roles'): action = _('At least one role should be specified') raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action) if self.oslo_context.user_id != trust.get('trustor_user_id'): action = _("The authenticated user should match the trustor") raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action) # Ensure the trustee exists PROVIDERS.identity_api.get_user(trust['trustee_user_id']) # Normalize roles trust['roles'] = self._normalize_role_list(trust.get('roles', [])) self._require_trustor_has_role_in_project(trust) trust['expires_at'] = self._parse_expiration_date( trust.get('expires_at') ) trust = self._assign_unique_id(trust) redelegated_trust = self._find_redelegated_trust() return_trust = PROVIDERS.trust_api.create_trust( trust_id=trust['id'], trust=trust, roles=trust['roles'], redelegated_trust=redelegated_trust, initiator=self.audit_initiator, ) _normalize_trust_expires_at(return_trust) _normalize_trust_roles(return_trust) return self.wrap_member(return_trust), http.client.CREATED
[docs] class TrustResource(TrustResourceBase): collection_key = 'trusts' member_key = 'trust' api_prefix = '/OS-TRUST' json_home_resource_rel_func = _build_resource_relation json_home_parameter_rel_func = _build_parameter_relation
[docs] @validation.request_query_schema(schema.trust_request_query) @validation.response_body_schema(schema.trust_response_body) def get(self, trust_id): """Get trust. GET /v3/OS-TRUST/trusts/{trust_id} """ ENFORCER.enforce_call( action='identity:get_trust', build_target=_build_trust_target_enforcement, ) # NOTE(cmurphy) look up trust before doing is_admin authorization - to # maintain the API contract, we expect a missing trust to raise a 404 # before we get to enforcement (lp#1840288) trust = PROVIDERS.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id) if self.oslo_context.is_admin: # policies are not loaded for the is_admin context, so need to # block access here raise exception.ForbiddenAction( action=_('Requested user has no relation to this trust') ) # NOTE(cmurphy) As of Train, the default policies enforce the # identity:get_trust rule. However, in case the # identity:get_trust rule has been locally overridden by the # default that would have been produced by the sample config, we need # to enforce it again and warn that the behavior is changing. rules = policy._ENFORCER._enforcer.rules.get('identity:get_trust') # rule check_str is "" if isinstance(rules, op_checks.TrueCheck): LOG.warning( "The policy check string for rule \"identity:get_trust\" " "has been overridden to \"always true\". In the next release, " "this will cause the" "\"identity:get_trust\" action to " "be fully permissive as hardcoded enforcement will be " "removed. To correct this issue, either stop overriding the " "\"identity:get_trust\" rule in config to accept the " "defaults, or explicitly set a rule that is not empty." ) _trustor_trustee_only(trust) _normalize_trust_expires_at(trust) _normalize_trust_roles(trust) return self.wrap_member(trust)
[docs] def delete(self, trust_id): """Delete trust. DELETE /v3/OS-TRUST/trusts/{trust_id} """ ENFORCER.enforce_call( action='identity:delete_trust', build_target=_build_trust_target_enforcement, ) self._check_unrestricted() # NOTE(cmurphy) As of Train, the default policies enforce the # identity:delete_trust rule. However, in case the # identity:delete_trust rule has been locally overridden by the # default that would have been produced by the sample config, we need # to enforce it again and warn that the behavior is changing. rules = policy._ENFORCER._enforcer.rules.get('identity:delete_trust') # rule check_str is "" if isinstance(rules, op_checks.TrueCheck): LOG.warning( "The policy check string for rule \"identity:delete_trust\" " "has been overridden to \"always true\". In the next release, " "this will cause the" "\"identity:delete_trust\" action to " "be fully permissive as hardcoded enforcement will be " "removed. To correct this issue, either stop overriding the " "\"identity:delete_trust\" rule in config to accept the " "defaults, or explicitly set a rule that is not empty." ) trust = PROVIDERS.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id) if ( self.oslo_context.user_id != trust.get('trustor_user_id') and not self.oslo_context.is_admin ): action = _('Only admin or trustor can delete a trust') raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action) PROVIDERS.trust_api.delete_trust( trust_id, initiator=self.audit_initiator ) return '', http.client.NO_CONTENT
# NOTE(morgan): Since this Resource is not being used with the automatic # URL additions and does not have a collection key/member_key, we use # the flask-restful Resource, not the keystone ResourceBase
[docs] class RolesForTrustListResource(flask_restful.Resource): @property def oslo_context(self): return flask.request.environ.get(context.REQUEST_CONTEXT_ENV, None)
[docs] def get(self, trust_id): ENFORCER.enforce_call( action='identity:list_roles_for_trust', build_target=_build_trust_target_enforcement, ) # NOTE(morgan): This duplicates a little of the .get_trust from the # main resource, as it needs some of the same logic. However, due to # how flask-restful works, this should be fully encapsulated if self.oslo_context.is_admin: # policies are not loaded for the is_admin context, so need to # block access here raise exception.ForbiddenAction( action=_('Requested user has no relation to this trust') ) trust = PROVIDERS.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id) # NOTE(cmurphy) As of Train, the default policies enforce the # identity:list_roles_for_trust rule. However, in case the # identity:list_roles_for_trust rule has been locally overridden by the # default that would have been produced by the sample config, we need # to enforce it again and warn that the behavior is changing. rules = policy._ENFORCER._enforcer.rules.get( 'identity:list_roles_for_trust' ) # rule check_str is "" if isinstance(rules, op_checks.TrueCheck): LOG.warning( "The policy check string for rule " "\"identity:list_roles_for_trust\" has been overridden to " "\"always true\". In the next release, this will cause the " "\"identity:list_roles_for_trust\" action to be fully " "permissive as hardcoded enforcement will be removed. To " "correct this issue, either stop overriding the " "\"identity:get_trust\" rule in config to accept the " "defaults, or explicitly set a rule that is not empty." ) _trustor_trustee_only(trust) _normalize_trust_expires_at(trust) _normalize_trust_roles(trust) return {'roles': trust['roles'], 'links': trust['roles_links']}
# NOTE(morgan): Since this Resource is not being used with the automatic # URL additions and does not have a collection key/member_key, we use # the flask-restful Resource, not the keystone ResourceBase
[docs] class RoleForTrustResource(flask_restful.Resource): @property def oslo_context(self): return flask.request.environ.get(context.REQUEST_CONTEXT_ENV, None)
[docs] def get(self, trust_id, role_id): """Get a role that has been assigned to a trust.""" ENFORCER.enforce_call( action='identity:get_role_for_trust', build_target=_build_trust_target_enforcement, ) if self.oslo_context.is_admin: # policies are not loaded for the is_admin context, so need to # block access here raise exception.ForbiddenAction( action=_('Requested user has no relation to this trust') ) trust = PROVIDERS.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id) # NOTE(cmurphy) As of Train, the default policies enforce the # identity:get_role_for_trust rule. However, in case the # identity:get_role_for_trust rule has been locally overridden by the # default that would have been produced by the sample config, we need # to enforce it again and warn that the behavior is changing. rules = policy._ENFORCER._enforcer.rules.get( 'identity:get_role_for_trust' ) # rule check_str is "" if isinstance(rules, op_checks.TrueCheck): LOG.warning( "The policy check string for rule " "\"identity:get_role_for_trust\" has been overridden to " "\"always true\". In the next release, this will cause the " "\"identity:get_role_for_trust\" action to be fully " "permissive as hardcoded enforcement will be removed. To " "correct this issue, either stop overriding the " "\"identity:get_role_for_trust\" rule in config to accept the " "defaults, or explicitly set a rule that is not empty." ) _trustor_trustee_only(trust) if not any(role['id'] == role_id for role in trust['roles']): raise exception.RoleNotFound(role_id=role_id) role = PROVIDERS.role_api.get_role(role_id) return ks_flask.ResourceBase.wrap_member( role, collection_name='roles', member_name='role' )
[docs] class TrustAPI(ks_flask.APIBase): _name = 'trusts' _import_name = __name__ resource_mapping = [ ks_flask.construct_resource_map( resource=TrustsResource, url='/trusts', resource_kwargs={}, rel="trusts", path_vars=None, resource_relation_func=_build_resource_relation, ), ks_flask.construct_resource_map( resource=TrustResource, url='/trusts/<string:trust_id>', resource_kwargs={}, rel="trust", path_vars={'trust_id': TRUST_ID_PARAMETER_RELATION}, resource_relation_func=_build_resource_relation, ), ks_flask.construct_resource_map( resource=RolesForTrustListResource, url='/trusts/<string:trust_id>/roles', resource_kwargs={}, rel='trust_roles', path_vars={'trust_id': TRUST_ID_PARAMETER_RELATION}, resource_relation_func=_build_resource_relation, ), ks_flask.construct_resource_map( resource=RoleForTrustResource, url='/trusts/<string:trust_id>/roles/<string:role_id>', resource_kwargs={}, rel='trust_role', path_vars={ 'trust_id': TRUST_ID_PARAMETER_RELATION, 'role_id': json_home.Parameters.ROLE_ID, }, resource_relation_func=_build_resource_relation, ), ] _api_url_prefix = '/OS-TRUST'
APIs = (TrustAPI,)