Bases: keystone.common.controller.V3Controller
Bases: dict
Retrofitting auth_context to reconcile identity attributes.
The identity attributes must not have conflicting values among the auth plug-ins. The only exception is expires_at, which is set to its earliest value.
Bases: object
Encapsulation of “auth” request.
Get scope information.
Verify and return the scoping information.
Returns: | (domain_id, project_id, trust_ref, unscoped). If scope to a project, (None, project_id, None, None) will be returned. If scoped to a domain, (domain_id, None, None, None) will be returned. If scoped to a trust, (None, project_id, trust_ref, None), Will be returned, where the project_id comes from the trust definition. If unscoped, (None, None, None, ‘unscoped’) will be returned. |
Bases: object
Abstract base class for an authentication plugin.
Authenticate user and return an authentication context.
Parameters: |
If successful, plugin must set user_id in auth_context. method_name is used to convey any additional authentication methods in case authentication is for re-scoping. For example, if the authentication is for re-scoping, plugin must append the previous method names into method_names. Also, plugin may add any additional information into extras. Anything in extras will be conveyed in the token’s extras attribute. Here’s an example of auth_context on successful authentication:
"extras": {},
"methods": [
"user_id": "abc123"
Plugins are invoked in the order in which they are specified in the methods attribute of the identity object. For example, custom-plugin is invoked before password, which is invoked before token in the following authentication request:
"auth": {
"identity": {
"custom-plugin": {
"custom-data": "sdfdfsfsfsdfsf"
"methods": [
"password": {
"user": {
"id": "s23sfad1",
"password": "secrete"
"token": {
"id": "sdfafasdfsfasfasdfds"
Returns: | None if authentication is successful. Authentication payload in the form of a dictionary for the next authentication step if this is a multi step authentication. |
Raises keystone.exception.Unauthorized: | |
for authentication failure |