Protection Service Basics¶
Protection Service is a component of karbor (an openstack project working as a service for data protection), which is responsible to execute protect/restore/other actions on operations (triggered plans).
Architecturally, it acts as a RPC server role for karbor API service to actually execute the actions on triggered operations.
It’s also the role who actually cooperates with protection plugins provided by providers. It will load providers (composed by a series of plugins) and thus manage them.
Internally, protection service will construct work flow for each operation action execution, where tasks in work flow will be linked to a graph by resource dependency and thus be executed on parallel or linearly according to the graph task flow.
RPC interfaces¶

From the module graph, protection service basically provide following RPC calls:
Operation RPC:¶
execute_operation(backup_plan:BackupPlan, action:Action): where action could be protect or restore
Provider RPC:¶
list_providers(list_options:dict): []Providers:
Checkpoint RPC:¶
list_checkpoints(list_options:{}): []Checkpoints
show_checkpoint(provider_id:String, checkpoint_id:String): Checkpoint
delete_checkpoint(provider_id:String, checkpoint_id:String):void
Main Concept¶

Protection Manager¶
Endpoint of the RPC server, which will handle Operation RPC calls and dispatch other RPC calls to corresponding components.
It will produce a graph work flow for each operation execution, and have the work flow to be executed through its work flow engine.
Entity to manage multiple providers, which will load provider definitions on init from config files and maintain them in memory map.
It will actually handle RPC related to provider management, like list_providers() or show_provider().
Entity to manage checkpoints, which provides CRUD interfaces to handle checkpoint. As checkpoint is a karbor internal entity, one checkpoint operation is actually composed by combination of several BankPlugin atomic operations.
Take create_checkpoint as example, it will first acquire write lease (there will be detailed lease design doc) to avoid conflict with GC deletion, then it needs create key/value for checkpoint itself. After that, it will build multiple indexes for easier list checkpoints.
Typical scenario¶
A typical scenario will start from a triggered operation being sent through RPC call to Protection Service.
Let’s take action protect as the example and analyze the sequence together with the class graph:

1. Karbor Operation Engine¶
who is responsible for triggering operation according to time schedule or events, will call RPC call of Protection Service: execute_operation(backup_plan:Bac,upPlan, action:Action);
2. ProtectionManager¶
who plays as one of the RPC server endpoints, and will handle this RPC call by following sequence:
2.1 CreateCheckpointTask:¶
This task will be the start point task of the graph flow. This task will call the unique instance of class Checkpoints:create_checkpoint(plan:ProtectionPlan), to create one checkpoint to persist the status of the action execution.
The instance of Checkpoints will retrieve the Provider from input parameter BackupPlan, and get the unique instance of BankPlugin.
While BankPlugin provides interfaces for CRUD key/values in Bank and lease interfaces to avoid write/delete conflict, Checkpoints is responsible for the whole procedure of create checkpoint, including grant lease, create key/value of checkpoint, build indexes etc. through composing calls to BankPlugin
2.2 Call ProtectionProvider to build the resource flow¶
This task is built by walking through resource tree (see Pluggable protection provider doc), which will return a graph flow. The result graph flow is composed of tasks representing the activities of the ProtectionPlugin for each resource, and the links between the tasks according to the activities type, and resource dependencies.
The graph flow returned by ProtectionProvider would be added to the top layer task flow, right behind the start point task CreateCheckpointTask, and will be executed with parallel engine.
The protection plugin is responsible for storing the ProtectionData (backup id, snapshot id, image id, etc) into the Bank under the corresponding ProtectionDefinition.
2.3 CompleteCheckpointTask¶
This task is added into the top layer task flow right after the task flow built form ProtectProvider, which will be executed only when all tasks ahead of it have been completed successfully. This task will update the checkpoint status to be available, and commit it to the bank.