OpenStack Upstream Institute

OpenStack Upstream Institute


Con oltre 2,000 sviluppatori da oltre 300 organizzazioni diverse in tutto il mondo, OpenStack è uno dei progetti di sviluppo di software più vasti e collaborativi. Acausa delle sue dimensioni, è caratterizzato da un enorme diversità nelle norme sociali e convenzioni tecniche. Queste possono rallentare significativamente la velocità in cui i nuovi arrivati hanno successo nell’integrare la loro tabella di marcia in quella del progetto OpenStack.

We’ve designed a training program to share knowledge about the different ways of contributing to OpenStack like providing new features, writing documentation, participating in working groups, and so forth. The educational program is built on the principle of open collaboration and will teach the students how to find information and navigate the intricacies of the project’s technical tools and social interactions in order to get their contributions accepted. The live one and a half day class is focusing on hands-on practice like the students can use a prepared development environment to learn how to test, prepare and upload new code snippets or documentation for review. The attendees are also given the opportunity to join a mentoring program to get further help and guidance on their journey to become an active and successful member of the OpenStack community.

Per maggiori informazioni, dai un’occhiata a OpenStack Upstream Institute Class Details.

When and where to get an OpenStack Upstream Institute class

The next session of the OpenStack Upstream Collaboration Training - OpenStack Upstream Institute - will be held in Boston, just before the OpenStack Summit Boston 2017.

Saturday, May 6, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Sunday, May 7, 2017 at 09:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (local time)

As a first exercise we ask you to register to the OpenStack Foundation as a Foundation member if you haven’t done it yet. After signing in you will also need to associate your EventBrite order with your OpenStackID.

When you are all set you can RSVP to the class.

See YOU in Boston!

Please note that the language of the training is English.

For more information about this session and other OpenStack trainings and workshops in Boston, see the OpenStack Academy page.

Come prepararsi

  • Assicurati di avere con te un portatile con il wifi abilitato.

  • Prepared virtual machine image with a development environment:
  • Prepare an environment by yourself from scratch:
    • Create a virtual machine on your laptop with Ubuntu 16.04 installed and 6+ GB of RAM.
    • Alternatively, you can use your virtual machine on a public cloud.
    • Controlla di poter accedere con ssh dal tuo portatile alla macchina virtuale

    • Controlla se il :commando apt install funziona sulla macchina virtuale

    • Leggi e completa il :doc: guida irc.

    • Leggi e completa il :doc: guida git

  • Read and complete the Impostazione dell’account guide. (Note: you will need to sign the Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA) during this.)

Etherpad for Boston Upstream Collaboration Training


Training organizers

Ildiko Vancsa, Kendall Nelson

Further trainers/coaches


For more information about the past trainings and the local upstream trainings, see Archivi dell’OpenStack Upstream Training.

Outline and online slide index


Slides are made with Hieroglyph. To skim through slides quickly to find something, or jump ahead or back, use Slide table (press t in the browser). Some slides include additional explanation in the Presenter notes (press c to see them).

Archive of additional training activities


Activities listed here are not realized at every Upstream training.

Complete index in slide format only

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.