Source code for ironic.conductor.base_manager

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Base conductor manager functionality."""

import inspect
import threading

import futurist
from futurist import periodics
from futurist import rejection
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_context import context as ironic_context
from oslo_db import exception as db_exception
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import excutils

from ironic.common import driver_factory
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common import hash_ring as hash
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common.i18n import _LC
from ironic.common.i18n import _LE
from ironic.common.i18n import _LI
from ironic.common.i18n import _LW
from ironic.common import rpc
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.conductor import task_manager
from ironic.db import api as dbapi
from ironic import objects

conductor_opts = [
               default=100, min=3,
               help=_('The size of the workers greenthread pool. '
                      'Note that 2 threads will be reserved by the conductor '
                      'itself for handling heart beats and periodic tasks.')),
               help=_('Seconds between conductor heart beats.')),

CONF.register_opts(conductor_opts, 'conductor')
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseConductorManager(object): def __init__(self, host, topic): super(BaseConductorManager, self).__init__() if not host: host = = host self.topic = topic self.notifier = rpc.get_notifier() self._started = False
[docs] def init_host(self, admin_context=None): """Initialize the conductor host. :param admin_context: the admin context to pass to periodic tasks. :raises: RuntimeError when conductor is already running. :raises: NoDriversLoaded when no drivers are enabled on the conductor. :raises: DriverNotFound if a driver is enabled that does not exist. :raises: DriverLoadError if an enabled driver cannot be loaded. """ if self._started: raise RuntimeError(_('Attempt to start an already running ' 'conductor manager')) self.dbapi = dbapi.get_instance() self._keepalive_evt = threading.Event() """Event for the keepalive thread.""" # TODO(dtantsur): make the threshold configurable? rejection_func = rejection.reject_when_reached( CONF.conductor.workers_pool_size) self._executor = futurist.GreenThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=CONF.conductor.workers_pool_size, check_and_reject=rejection_func) """Executor for performing tasks async.""" self.ring_manager = hash.HashRingManager() """Consistent hash ring which maps drivers to conductors.""" # NOTE(deva): this call may raise DriverLoadError or DriverNotFound drivers = driver_factory.drivers() if not drivers: msg = _LE("Conductor %s cannot be started because no drivers " "were loaded. This could be because no drivers were " "specified in 'enabled_drivers' config option.") LOG.error(msg, raise exception.NoDriversLoaded( # NOTE(jroll) this is passed to the dbapi, which requires a list, not # a generator (which keys() returns in py3) driver_names = list(drivers) # Collect driver-specific periodic tasks. # Conductor periodic tasks accept context argument, driver periodic # tasks accept this manager and context. We have to ensure that the # same driver interface class is not traversed twice, otherwise # we'll have several instances of the same task. LOG.debug('Collecting periodic tasks') self._periodic_task_callables = [] periodic_task_classes = set() self._collect_periodic_tasks(self, (admin_context,)) for driver_obj in drivers.values(): self._collect_periodic_tasks(driver_obj, (self, admin_context)) for iface_name in driver_obj.all_interfaces: iface = getattr(driver_obj, iface_name, None) if iface and iface.__class__ not in periodic_task_classes: self._collect_periodic_tasks(iface, (self, admin_context)) periodic_task_classes.add(iface.__class__) if (len(self._periodic_task_callables) > CONF.conductor.workers_pool_size): LOG.warning(_LW('This conductor has %(tasks)d periodic tasks ' 'enabled, but only %(workers)d task workers ' 'allowed by [conductor]workers_pool_size option'), {'tasks': len(self._periodic_task_callables), 'workers': CONF.conductor.workers_pool_size}) self._periodic_tasks = periodics.PeriodicWorker( self._periodic_task_callables, executor_factory=periodics.ExistingExecutor(self._executor)) # clear all locks held by this conductor before registering self.dbapi.clear_node_reservations_for_conductor( try: # Register this conductor with the cluster self.conductor = objects.Conductor.register( admin_context,, driver_names) except exception.ConductorAlreadyRegistered: # This conductor was already registered and did not shut down # properly, so log a warning and update the record. LOG.warning( _LW("A conductor with hostname %(hostname)s " "was previously registered. Updating registration"), {'hostname':}) self.conductor = objects.Conductor.register( admin_context,, driver_names, update_existing=True) # Start periodic tasks self._periodic_tasks_worker = self._executor.submit( self._periodic_tasks.start, allow_empty=True) self._periodic_tasks_worker.add_done_callback( self._on_periodic_tasks_stop) # NOTE(lucasagomes): If the conductor server dies abruptly # mid deployment (OMM Killer, power outage, etc...) we # can not resume the deployment even if the conductor # comes back online. Cleaning the reservation of the nodes # (dbapi.clear_node_reservations_for_conductor) is not enough to # unstick it, so let's gracefully fail the deployment so the node # can go through the steps (deleting & cleaning) to make itself # available again. filters = {'reserved': False, 'provision_state': states.DEPLOYING} last_error = (_("The deployment can't be resumed by conductor " "%s. Moving to fail state.") % self._fail_if_in_state(ironic_context.get_admin_context(), filters, states.DEPLOYING, 'provision_updated_at', last_error=last_error) # Spawn a dedicated greenthread for the keepalive try: self._spawn_worker(self._conductor_service_record_keepalive)'Successfully started conductor with hostname ' '%(hostname)s.'), {'hostname':}) except exception.NoFreeConductorWorker: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.critical(_LC('Failed to start keepalive')) self.del_host() self._started = True
[docs] def del_host(self, deregister=True): # Conductor deregistration fails if called on non-initialized # conductor (e.g. when rpc server is unreachable). if not hasattr(self, 'conductor'): return self._keepalive_evt.set() if deregister: try: # Inform the cluster that this conductor is shutting down. # Note that rebalancing will not occur immediately, but when # the periodic sync takes place. self.conductor.unregister()'Successfully stopped conductor with hostname ' '%(hostname)s.'), {'hostname':}) except exception.ConductorNotFound: pass else:'Not deregistering conductor with hostname ' '%(hostname)s.'), {'hostname':}) # Waiting here to give workers the chance to finish. This has the # benefit of releasing locks workers placed on nodes, as well as # having work complete normally. self._periodic_tasks.stop() self._periodic_tasks.wait() self._executor.shutdown(wait=True) self._started = False
def _collect_periodic_tasks(self, obj, args): """Collect periodic tasks from a given object. Populates self._periodic_task_callables with tuples (callable, args, kwargs). :param obj: object containing periodic tasks as methods :param args: tuple with arguments to pass to every task """ for name, member in inspect.getmembers(obj): if periodics.is_periodic(member): LOG.debug('Found periodic task %(owner)s.%(member)s', {'owner': obj.__class__.__name__, 'member': name}) self._periodic_task_callables.append((member, args, {})) def _on_periodic_tasks_stop(self, fut): try: fut.result() except Exception as exc: LOG.critical(_LC('Periodic tasks worker has failed: %s'), exc) else:'Successfully shut down periodic tasks'))
[docs] def iter_nodes(self, fields=None, **kwargs): """Iterate over nodes mapped to this conductor. Requests node set from and filters out nodes that are not mapped to this conductor. Yields tuples (node_uuid, driver, ...) where ... is derived from fields argument, e.g.: fields=None means yielding ('uuid', 'driver'), fields=['foo'] means yielding ('uuid', 'driver', 'foo'). :param fields: list of fields to fetch in addition to uuid and driver :param kwargs: additional arguments to pass to dbapi when looking for nodes :return: generator yielding tuples of requested fields """ columns = ['uuid', 'driver'] + list(fields or ()) node_list = self.dbapi.get_nodeinfo_list(columns=columns, **kwargs) for result in node_list: if self._mapped_to_this_conductor(*result[:2]): yield result
def _spawn_worker(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Create a greenthread to run func(*args, **kwargs). Spawns a greenthread if there are free slots in pool, otherwise raises exception. Execution control returns immediately to the caller. :returns: Future object. :raises: NoFreeConductorWorker if worker pool is currently full. """ try: return self._executor.submit(func, *args, **kwargs) except futurist.RejectedSubmission: raise exception.NoFreeConductorWorker() def _conductor_service_record_keepalive(self): while not self._keepalive_evt.is_set(): try: self.conductor.touch() except db_exception.DBConnectionError: LOG.warning(_LW('Conductor could not connect to database ' 'while heartbeating.')) self._keepalive_evt.wait(CONF.conductor.heartbeat_interval) def _mapped_to_this_conductor(self, node_uuid, driver): """Check that node is mapped to this conductor. Note that because mappings are eventually consistent, it is possible for two conductors to simultaneously believe that a node is mapped to them. Any operation that depends on exclusive control of a node should take out a lock. """ try: ring = self.ring_manager[driver] except exception.DriverNotFound: return False return in ring.get_hosts(node_uuid) def _fail_if_in_state(self, context, filters, provision_state, sort_key, callback_method=None, err_handler=None, last_error=None, keep_target_state=False): """Fail nodes that are in specified state. Retrieves nodes that satisfy the criteria in 'filters'. If any of these nodes is in 'provision_state', it has failed in whatever provisioning activity it was currently doing. That failure is processed here. :param: context: request context :param: filters: criteria (as a dictionary) to get the desired list of nodes that satisfy the filter constraints. For example, if filters['provisioned_before'] = 60, this would process nodes whose provision_updated_at field value was 60 or more seconds before 'now'. :param: provision_state: provision_state that the node is in, for the provisioning activity to have failed. :param: sort_key: the nodes are sorted based on this key. :param: callback_method: the callback method to be invoked in a spawned thread, for a failed node. This method must take a :class:`TaskManager` as the first (and only required) parameter. :param: err_handler: for a failed node, the error handler to invoke if an error occurs trying to spawn an thread to do the callback_method. :param: last_error: the error message to be updated in node.last_error :param: keep_target_state: if True, a failed node will keep the same target provision state it had before the failure. Otherwise, the node's target provision state will be determined by the fsm. """ node_iter = self.iter_nodes(filters=filters, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir='asc') workers_count = 0 for node_uuid, driver in node_iter: try: with task_manager.acquire(context, node_uuid, purpose='node state check') as task: if (task.node.maintenance or task.node.provision_state != provision_state): continue target_state = (None if not keep_target_state else task.node.target_provision_state) # timeout has been reached - process the event 'fail' if callback_method: task.process_event('fail', callback=self._spawn_worker, call_args=(callback_method, task), err_handler=err_handler, target_state=target_state) else: task.node.last_error = last_error task.process_event('fail', target_state=target_state) except exception.NoFreeConductorWorker: break except (exception.NodeLocked, exception.NodeNotFound): continue workers_count += 1 if workers_count >= CONF.conductor.periodic_max_workers: break

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