Source code for ironic.common.glance_service.v2.image_service

# Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

import collections
import time

from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
import six
from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
from swiftclient import utils as swift_utils

from ironic.common import exception as exc
from ironic.common.glance_service import base_image_service
from ironic.common.glance_service import service
from ironic.common.glance_service import service_utils
from ironic.common.i18n import _

glance_opts = [
                help=_('A list of URL schemes that can be downloaded directly '
                       'via the direct_url.  Currently supported schemes: '
    # To upload this key to Swift:
    # swift post -m Temp-Url-Key:secretkey
    # When using radosgw, temp url key could be uploaded via the above swift
    # command, or with:
    # radosgw-admin user modify --uid=user --temp-url-key=secretkey
               help=_('The secret token given to Swift to allow temporary URL '
                      'downloads. Required for temporary URLs.'),
               help=_('The length of time in seconds that the temporary URL '
                      'will be valid for. Defaults to 20 minutes. If some '
                      'deploys get a 401 response code when trying to '
                      'download from the temporary URL, try raising this '
                      'duration. This value must be greater than or equal to '
                      'the value for '
                help=_('Whether to cache generated Swift temporary URLs. '
                       'Setting it to true is only useful when an image '
                       'caching proxy is used. Defaults to False.')),
               default=0, min=0,
               help=_('This is the delay (in seconds) from the time of the '
                      'deploy request (when the Swift temporary URL is '
                      'generated) to when the IPA ramdisk starts up and URL '
                      'is used for the image download. This value is used to '
                      'check if the Swift temporary URL duration is large '
                      'enough to let the image download begin. Also if '
                      'temporary URL caching is enabled this will determine '
                      'if a cached entry will still be valid when the '
                      'download starts. swift_temp_url_duration value must be '
                      'greater than or equal to this option\'s value. '
                      'Defaults to 0.')),
        help=_('The "endpoint" (scheme, hostname, optional port) for '
               'the Swift URL of the form '
               '"endpoint_url/api_version/[account/]container/object_id". '
               'Do not include trailing "/". '
               'For example, use "". If using RADOS '
               'Gateway, endpoint may also contain /swift path; if it does '
               'not, it will be appended. Required for temporary URLs.')),
        help=_('The Swift API version to create a temporary URL for. '
               'Defaults to "v1". Swift temporary URL format: '
        help=_('The account that Glance uses to communicate with '
               'Swift. The format is "AUTH_uuid". "uuid" is the '
               'UUID for the account configured in the glance-api.conf. '
               'Required for temporary URLs when Glance backend is Swift. '
               'For example: "AUTH_a422b2-91f3-2f46-74b7-d7c9e8958f5d30". '
               'Swift temporary URL format: '
        help=_('The Swift container Glance is configured to store its '
               'images in. Defaults to "glance", which is the default '
               'in glance-api.conf. '
               'Swift temporary URL format: '
               help=_('This should match a config by the same name in the '
                      'Glance configuration file. When set to 0, a '
                      'single-tenant store will only use one '
                      'container to store all images. When set to an integer '
                      'value between 1 and 32, a single-tenant store will use '
                      'multiple containers to store images, and this value '
                      'will determine how many containers are created.')),
               choices=['swift', 'radosgw'],
               help=_('Type of endpoint to use for temporary URLs. If the '
                      'Glance backend is Swift, use "swift"; if it is CEPH '
                      'with RADOS gateway, use "radosgw".')),

CONF.register_opts(glance_opts, group='glance')

TempUrlCacheElement = collections.namedtuple('TempUrlCacheElement',
                                             ['url', 'url_expires_at'])

[docs]class GlanceImageService(base_image_service.BaseImageService, service.ImageService): # A dictionary containing cached temp URLs in namedtuples # in format: # { # <image_id> : ( # url=<temp_url>, # url_expires_at=<expiration_time> # ) # } _cache = {}
[docs] def detail(self, **kwargs): return self._detail(method='list', **kwargs)
[docs] def show(self, image_id): return self._show(image_id, method='get')
[docs] def download(self, image_id, data=None): return self._download(image_id, method='data', data=data)
[docs] def create(self, image_meta, data=None): image_id = self._create(image_meta, method='create', data=None)['id'] return self.update(image_id, None, data)
[docs] def update(self, image_id, image_meta, data=None, purge_props=False): # NOTE(ghe): purge_props not working until bug 1206472 solved return self._update(image_id, image_meta, data, method='update', purge_props=False)
[docs] def delete(self, image_id): return self._delete(image_id, method='delete')
def _generate_temp_url(self, path, seconds, key, method, endpoint, image_id): """Get Swift temporary URL. Generates (or returns the cached one if caching is enabled) a temporary URL that gives unauthenticated access to the Swift object. :param path: The full path to the Swift object. Example: /v1/AUTH_account/c/o. :param seconds: The amount of time in seconds the temporary URL will be valid for. :param key: The secret temporary URL key set on the Swift cluster. :param method: A HTTP method, typically either GET or PUT, to allow for this temporary URL. :param endpoint: Endpoint URL of Swift service. :param image_id: UUID of a Glance image. :returns: temporary URL """ if CONF.glance.swift_temp_url_cache_enabled: self._remove_expired_items_from_cache() if image_id in self._cache: return self._cache[image_id].url path = swift_utils.generate_temp_url( path=path, seconds=seconds, key=key, method=method) temp_url = '{endpoint_url}{url_path}'.format( endpoint_url=endpoint, url_path=path) if CONF.glance.swift_temp_url_cache_enabled: query = urlparse.urlparse(temp_url).query exp_time_str = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(query))['temp_url_expires'] self._cache[image_id] = TempUrlCacheElement( url=temp_url, url_expires_at=int(exp_time_str) ) return temp_url
[docs] def swift_temp_url(self, image_info): """Generate a no-auth Swift temporary URL. This function will generate (or return the cached one if temp URL cache is enabled) the temporary Swift URL using the image id from Glance and the config options: 'swift_endpoint_url', 'swift_api_version', 'swift_account' and 'swift_container'. The temporary URL will be valid for 'swift_temp_url_duration' seconds. This allows Ironic to download a Glance image without passing around an auth_token. :param image_info: The return from a GET request to Glance for a certain image_id. Should be a dictionary, with keys like 'name' and 'checksum'. See for examples. :returns: A signed Swift URL from which an image can be downloaded, without authentication. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if Swift config options are not set correctly. :raises: MissingParameterValue if a required parameter is not set. :raises: ImageUnacceptable if the image info from Glance does not have a image ID. """ self._validate_temp_url_config() if ('id' not in image_info or not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(image_info['id'])): raise exc.ImageUnacceptable(_( 'The given image info does not have a valid image id: %s') % image_info) image_id = image_info['id'] url_fragments = { 'api_version': CONF.glance.swift_api_version, 'account': CONF.glance.swift_account, 'container': self._get_swift_container(image_id), 'object_id': image_id } endpoint_url = CONF.glance.swift_endpoint_url if CONF.glance.temp_url_endpoint_type == 'radosgw': chunks = urlparse.urlsplit(CONF.glance.swift_endpoint_url) if not chunks.path: endpoint_url = urlparse.urljoin( endpoint_url, 'swift') elif chunks.path != '/swift': raise exc.InvalidParameterValue( _('Swift endpoint URL should only contain scheme, ' 'hostname, optional port and optional /swift path ' 'without trailing slash; provided value is: %s') % endpoint_url) template = '/{api_version}/{container}/{object_id}' else: template = '/{api_version}/{account}/{container}/{object_id}' url_path = template.format(**url_fragments) return self._generate_temp_url( path=url_path, seconds=CONF.glance.swift_temp_url_duration, key=CONF.glance.swift_temp_url_key, method='GET', endpoint=endpoint_url, image_id=image_id )
def _validate_temp_url_config(self): """Validate the required settings for a temporary URL.""" if not CONF.glance.swift_temp_url_key: raise exc.MissingParameterValue(_( 'Swift temporary URLs require a shared secret to be created. ' 'You must provide "swift_temp_url_key" as a config option.')) if not CONF.glance.swift_endpoint_url: raise exc.MissingParameterValue(_( 'Swift temporary URLs require a Swift endpoint URL. ' 'You must provide "swift_endpoint_url" as a config option.')) if (not CONF.glance.swift_account and CONF.glance.temp_url_endpoint_type == 'swift'): raise exc.MissingParameterValue(_( 'Swift temporary URLs require a Swift account string. ' 'You must provide "swift_account" as a config option.')) if (CONF.glance.swift_temp_url_duration < CONF.glance.swift_temp_url_expected_download_start_delay): raise exc.InvalidParameterValue(_( '"swift_temp_url_duration" must be greater than or equal to ' '"[glance]swift_temp_url_expected_download_start_delay" ' 'option, otherwise the Swift temporary URL may expire before ' 'the download starts.')) seed_num_chars = CONF.glance.swift_store_multiple_containers_seed if (seed_num_chars is None or seed_num_chars < 0 or seed_num_chars > 32): raise exc.InvalidParameterValue(_( "An integer value between 0 and 32 is required for" " swift_store_multiple_containers_seed.")) def _get_swift_container(self, image_id): """Get the Swift container the image is stored in. Code based on: 7dc9d935445aca0998e8aec34a3e3530/glance_store/ _drivers/swift/ Returns appropriate container name depending upon value of ``swift_store_multiple_containers_seed``. In single-container mode, which is a seed value of 0, simply returns ``swift_container``. In multiple-container mode, returns ``swift_container`` as the prefix plus a suffix determined by the multiple container seed examples: single-container mode: 'glance' multiple-container mode: 'glance_3a1' for image uuid 3A1xxxxxxx... :param image_id: UUID of image :returns: The name of the swift container the image is stored in """ seed_num_chars = CONF.glance.swift_store_multiple_containers_seed if seed_num_chars > 0: image_id = str(image_id).lower() num_dashes = image_id[:seed_num_chars].count('-') num_chars = seed_num_chars + num_dashes name_suffix = image_id[:num_chars] new_container_name = (CONF.glance.swift_container + '_' + name_suffix) return new_container_name else: return CONF.glance.swift_container def _get_location(self, image_id): """Get storage URL. Returns the direct url representing the backend storage location, or None if this attribute is not shown by Glance. """ image_meta ='get', image_id) if not service_utils.is_image_available(self.context, image_meta): raise exc.ImageNotFound(image_id=image_id) return getattr(image_meta, 'direct_url', None) def _remove_expired_items_from_cache(self): """Remove expired items from temporary URL cache This function removes entries that will expire before the expected usage time. """ max_valid_time = ( int(time.time()) + CONF.glance.swift_temp_url_expected_download_start_delay) keys_to_remove = [ k for k, v in six.iteritems(self._cache) if (v.url_expires_at < max_valid_time)] for k in keys_to_remove: del self._cache[k]

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