The ironic.tests.unit.drivers.modules.oneview.test_deploy_utils Module

class ironic.tests.unit.drivers.modules.oneview.test_deploy_utils.OneViewDeployUtilsTestCase(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ironic.tests.unit.db.base.DbTestCase

test__add_applied_server_profile_uri_field(*args, **keywargs)[source]

Checks if applied_server_profile_uri was added to driver_info.

test__del_applied_server_profile_uri_field(*args, **keywargs)[source]

Checks if applied_server_profile_uri was removed from driver_info.

test_allocate_server_hardware_to_ironic(*args, **keywargs)[source]

Checks if a Server Profile was created and its uri is in driver_info.

test_allocate_server_hardware_to_ironic_node_has_server_profile(*args, **keywargs)[source]

Tests server profile allocation when applied_server_profile_uri exists.

This test consider that no Server Profile is applied on the Server Hardware but the applied_server_profile_uri remained on the node. Thus, the conductor should remove the value and apply a new server profile to use the node.

test_deallocate_server_hardware_from_ironic(*args, **keywargs)[source]
test_deallocate_server_hardware_from_ironic_missing_profile_uuid(*args, **keywargs)[source]

Test for case when server profile application fails.

Due to an error when applying Server Profile in OneView, the node will have no Server Profile uuid in the ‘applied_server_profile_uri’ namespace. When the method tested is called without Server Profile uuid, the client will raise a ValueError when trying to delete the profile, this error is converted to an OneViewError.

test_is_node_in_use_by_ironic(*args, **keywargs)[source]

Node has a Server Profile applied by ironic.

test_is_node_in_use_by_ironic_no_server_profile(*args, **keywargs)[source]

Node has no Server Profile.

test_is_node_in_use_by_oneview(*args, **keywargs)[source]

Node has a Server Profile applied by a third party user.

test_is_node_in_use_by_oneview_no_server_profile(*args, **keywargs)[source]

Node has no Server Profile.

test_is_node_in_use_by_oneview_same_server_profile_applied(*args, **keywargs)[source]

Node’s Server Profile uri is the same applied by ironic.

test_prepare_cleaning_node_is_in_use_by_oneview(*args, **keywargs)[source]

prepare_cleaning behavior when node has Server Profile on OneView

test_prepare_cleaning_when_node_does_not_have_sp_applied(*args, **keywargs)[source]

prepare_cleaning behavior when node is free

test_prepare_cleaning_when_node_has_sp_applied(*args, **keywargs)[source]

prepare_cleaning behavior when node already has Profile applied

test_prepare_node_is_in_use_by_oneview(*args, **keywargs)[source]

prepare behavior when the node already has a Profile on OneView.

test_prepare_node_is_successfuly_allocated_to_ironic(*args, **keywargs)[source]

prepare behavior when the node is free from OneView standpoint.

test_tear_down(*args, **keywargs)[source]

tear_down behavior when node already has Profile applied

test_tear_down_cleaning(*args, **keywargs)[source]

Checks if Server Profile was deleted and its uri removed