Source code for ironic.tests.unit.objects.test_port

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import datetime
import mock
from testtools import matchers

from ironic.common import exception
from ironic import objects
from ironic.tests.unit.db import base
from ironic.tests.unit.db import utils
from ironic.tests.unit.objects import utils as obj_utils

[docs]class TestPortObject(base.DbTestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestPortObject, self).setUp() self.fake_port = utils.get_test_port()
[docs] def test_get_by_id(self): port_id = self.fake_port['id'] with mock.patch.object(self.dbapi, 'get_port_by_id', autospec=True) as mock_get_port: mock_get_port.return_value = self.fake_port port = objects.Port.get(self.context, port_id) mock_get_port.assert_called_once_with(port_id) self.assertEqual(self.context, port._context)
[docs] def test_get_by_uuid(self): uuid = self.fake_port['uuid'] with mock.patch.object(self.dbapi, 'get_port_by_uuid', autospec=True) as mock_get_port: mock_get_port.return_value = self.fake_port port = objects.Port.get(self.context, uuid) mock_get_port.assert_called_once_with(uuid) self.assertEqual(self.context, port._context)
[docs] def test_get_by_address(self): address = self.fake_port['address'] with mock.patch.object(self.dbapi, 'get_port_by_address', autospec=True) as mock_get_port: mock_get_port.return_value = self.fake_port port = objects.Port.get(self.context, address) mock_get_port.assert_called_once_with(address) self.assertEqual(self.context, port._context)
[docs] def test_get_bad_id_and_uuid_and_address(self): self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidIdentity, objects.Port.get, self.context, 'not-a-uuid')
[docs] def test_save(self): uuid = self.fake_port['uuid'] address = "b2:54:00:cf:2d:40" test_time = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0) with mock.patch.object(self.dbapi, 'get_port_by_uuid', autospec=True) as mock_get_port: mock_get_port.return_value = self.fake_port with mock.patch.object(self.dbapi, 'update_port', autospec=True) as mock_update_port: mock_update_port.return_value = ( utils.get_test_port(address=address, updated_at=test_time)) p = objects.Port.get_by_uuid(self.context, uuid) p.address = address mock_get_port.assert_called_once_with(uuid) mock_update_port.assert_called_once_with( uuid, {'address': "b2:54:00:cf:2d:40"}) self.assertEqual(self.context, p._context) res_updated_at = (p.updated_at).replace(tzinfo=None) self.assertEqual(test_time, res_updated_at)
[docs] def test_refresh(self): uuid = self.fake_port['uuid'] returns = [self.fake_port, utils.get_test_port(address="c3:54:00:cf:2d:40")] expected = [,] with mock.patch.object(self.dbapi, 'get_port_by_uuid', side_effect=returns, autospec=True) as mock_get_port: p = objects.Port.get_by_uuid(self.context, uuid) self.assertEqual("52:54:00:cf:2d:31", p.address) p.refresh() self.assertEqual("c3:54:00:cf:2d:40", p.address) self.assertEqual(expected, mock_get_port.call_args_list) self.assertEqual(self.context, p._context)
[docs] def test_save_after_refresh(self): # Ensure that it's possible to do after object.refresh() address = "b2:54:00:cf:2d:40" db_node = utils.create_test_node() db_port = utils.create_test_port( p = objects.Port.get_by_uuid(self.context, db_port.uuid) p_copy = objects.Port.get_by_uuid(self.context, db_port.uuid) p.address = address p_copy.refresh() p_copy.address = 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff' # Ensure this passes and an exception is not generated
[docs] def test_list(self): with mock.patch.object(self.dbapi, 'get_port_list', autospec=True) as mock_get_list: mock_get_list.return_value = [self.fake_port] ports = objects.Port.list(self.context) self.assertThat(ports, matchers.HasLength(1)) self.assertIsInstance(ports[0], objects.Port) self.assertEqual(self.context, ports[0]._context)
[docs] def test_payload_schemas(self): """Assert that the port's Payload SCHEMAs have the expected properties. A payload's SCHEMA should: 1. Have each of its keys in the payload's fields 2. Have each member of the schema match with a corresponding field in the Port object """ payloads = obj_utils.get_payloads_with_schemas(objects.port) for payload in payloads: for schema_key in payload.SCHEMA: self.assertIn(schema_key, payload.fields, "for %s, schema key %s is not in fields" % (payload, schema_key)) port_key = payload.SCHEMA[schema_key][1] self.assertIn(port_key, objects.Port.fields, "for %s, schema key %s has invalid port field %s" % (payload, schema_key, port_key))