Source code for ironic.tests.unit.api.test_acl

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Tests for ACL. Checks whether certain kinds of requests
are blocked or allowed to be processed.

import mock
from oslo_config import cfg
from six.moves import http_client

from ironic.tests.unit.api import base
from ironic.tests.unit.api import utils
from ironic.tests.unit.db import utils as db_utils

cfg.CONF.import_opt('cache', 'keystonemiddleware.auth_token',

[docs]class TestACL(base.BaseApiTest):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestACL, self).setUp() self.environ = {'fake.cache': utils.FakeMemcache()} self.fake_db_node = db_utils.get_test_node(chassis_id=None) self.node_path = '/nodes/%s' % self.fake_db_node['uuid']
[docs] def get_json(self, path, expect_errors=False, headers=None, q=None, **param): q = [] if q is None else q return super(TestACL, self).get_json(path, expect_errors=expect_errors, headers=headers, q=q, extra_environ=self.environ, **param)
def _make_app(self): cfg.CONF.set_override('cache', 'fake.cache', group='keystone_authtoken') cfg.CONF.set_override('auth_strategy', 'keystone') return super(TestACL, self)._make_app()
[docs] def test_non_authenticated(self): response = self.get_json(self.node_path, expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(http_client.UNAUTHORIZED, response.status_int)
[docs] def test_authenticated(self): with mock.patch.object(self.dbapi, 'get_node_by_uuid', autospec=True) as mock_get_node: mock_get_node.return_value = self.fake_db_node response = self.get_json( self.node_path, headers={'X-Auth-Token': utils.ADMIN_TOKEN}) self.assertEqual(self.fake_db_node['uuid'], response['uuid']) mock_get_node.assert_called_once_with(self.fake_db_node['uuid'])
[docs] def test_non_admin(self): response = self.get_json(self.node_path, headers={'X-Auth-Token': utils.MEMBER_TOKEN}, expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(http_client.FORBIDDEN, response.status_int)
[docs] def test_non_admin_with_admin_header(self): response = self.get_json(self.node_path, headers={'X-Auth-Token': utils.MEMBER_TOKEN, 'X-Roles': 'admin'}, expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(http_client.FORBIDDEN, response.status_int)
[docs] def test_public_api(self): # expect_errors should be set to True: If expect_errors is set to False # the response gets converted to JSON and we cannot read the response # code so easy. for route in ('/', '/v1'): response = self.get_json(route, path_prefix='', expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status_int)
[docs] def test_public_api_with_path_extensions(self): routes = {'/v1/': http_client.OK, '/v1.json': http_client.OK, '/v1.xml': http_client.NOT_FOUND} for url in routes: response = self.get_json(url, path_prefix='', expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(routes[url], response.status_int)

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