Source code for ironic.drivers.modules.seamicro

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
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#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Ironic SeaMicro interfaces.

Provides basic power control of servers in SeaMicro chassis via

Provides vendor passthru methods for SeaMicro specific functionality.
import os
import re

from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_service import loopingcall
from oslo_utils import importutils
from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse

from ironic.common import boot_devices
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _, _LE, _LW
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.common import utils
from ironic.conductor import task_manager
from ironic.conf import CONF
from ironic.drivers import base
from ironic.drivers.modules import console_utils

seamicroclient = importutils.try_import('seamicroclient')
if seamicroclient:
    from seamicroclient import client as seamicro_client
    from seamicroclient import exceptions as seamicro_client_exception

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    boot_devices.DISK: 'hd0',
    boot_devices.PXE: 'pxe',

    'seamicro_api_endpoint': _("API endpoint. Required."),
    'seamicro_password': _("password. Required."),
    'seamicro_server_id': _("server ID. Required."),
    'seamicro_username': _("username. Required."),
    'seamicro_api_version': _("version of SeaMicro API client; default is 2. "
    'seamicro_terminal_port': _("node's UDP port to connect to. "
                                "Only required for console access.")
PORT_BASE = 2000

def _get_client(*args, **kwargs):
    """Creates the python-seamicro_client

    :param kwargs: A dict of keyword arguments to be passed to the method,
                   which should contain: 'username', 'password',
                   'auth_url', 'api_version' parameters.
    :returns: SeaMicro API client.

    cl_kwargs = {'username': kwargs['username'],
                 'password': kwargs['password'],
                 'auth_url': kwargs['api_endpoint']}
        return seamicro_client.Client(kwargs['api_version'], **cl_kwargs)
    except seamicro_client_exception.UnsupportedVersion as e:
        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
            "Invalid 'seamicro_api_version' parameter. Reason: %s.") % e)

def _parse_driver_info(node):
    """Parses and creates seamicro driver info

    :param node: An Ironic node object.
    :returns: SeaMicro driver info.
    :raises: MissingParameterValue if any required parameters are missing.
    :raises: InvalidParameterValue if required parameter are invalid.

    info = node.driver_info or {}
    missing_info = [key for key in REQUIRED_PROPERTIES if not info.get(key)]
    if missing_info:
        raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_(
            "SeaMicro driver requires the following parameters to be set in"
            " node's driver_info: %s.") % missing_info)

    api_endpoint = info.get('seamicro_api_endpoint')
    username = info.get('seamicro_username')
    password = info.get('seamicro_password')
    server_id = info.get('seamicro_server_id')
    api_version = info.get('seamicro_api_version', "2")
    port = info.get('seamicro_terminal_port')

    if port is not None:
        port = utils.validate_network_port(port, 'seamicro_terminal_port')

    r = re.compile(r"(^[0-9]+)/([0-9]+$)")
    if not r.match(server_id):
        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
            "Invalid 'seamicro_server_id' parameter in node's "
            "driver_info. Expected format of 'seamicro_server_id' "
            "is <int>/<int>"))

    url = urlparse.urlparse(api_endpoint)
    if (not (url.scheme == "http") or not url.netloc):
        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
            "Invalid 'seamicro_api_endpoint' parameter in node's "

    res = {'username': username,
           'password': password,
           'api_endpoint': api_endpoint,
           'server_id': server_id,
           'api_version': api_version,
           'uuid': node.uuid,
           'port': port}

    return res

def _get_server(driver_info):
    """Get server from server_id."""

    s_client = _get_client(**driver_info)
    return s_client.servers.get(driver_info['server_id'])

def _get_volume(driver_info, volume_id):
    """Get volume from volume_id."""

    s_client = _get_client(**driver_info)
    return s_client.volumes.get(volume_id)

def _get_power_status(node):
    """Get current power state of this node

    :param node: Ironic node one of :class:`ironic.db.models.Node`
    :raises: InvalidParameterValue if a seamicro parameter is invalid.
    :raises: MissingParameterValue if required seamicro parameters are
    :raises: ServiceUnavailable on an error from SeaMicro Client.
    :returns: Power state of the given node

    seamicro_info = _parse_driver_info(node)
        server = _get_server(seamicro_info)
        if not hasattr(server, 'active') or is None:
            return states.ERROR
        if not
            return states.POWER_OFF
            return states.POWER_ON

    except seamicro_client_exception.NotFound:
        raise exception.NodeNotFound(node=node.uuid)
    except seamicro_client_exception.ClientException as ex:
        LOG.error(_LE("SeaMicro client exception %(msg)s for node %(uuid)s"),
                  {'msg': ex.message, 'uuid': node.uuid})
        raise exception.ServiceUnavailable(message=ex.message)

def _power_on(node, timeout=None):
    """Power ON this node

    :param node: An Ironic node object.
    :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait till power on is complete.
    :raises: InvalidParameterValue if a seamicro parameter is invalid.
    :raises: MissingParameterValue if required seamicro parameters are
    :returns: Power state of the given node.
    if timeout is None:
        timeout = CONF.seamicro.action_timeout
    state = [None]
    retries = [0]
    seamicro_info = _parse_driver_info(node)
    server = _get_server(seamicro_info)

    def _wait_for_power_on(state, retries):
        """Called at an interval until the node is powered on."""

        state[0] = _get_power_status(node)
        if state[0] == states.POWER_ON:
            raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()

        if retries[0] > CONF.seamicro.max_retry:
            state[0] = states.ERROR
            raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
            retries[0] += 1
        except seamicro_client_exception.ClientException:
            LOG.warning(_LW("Power-on failed for node %s."),

    timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(_wait_for_power_on,
                                                 state, retries)
    return state[0]

def _power_off(node, timeout=None):
    """Power OFF this node

    :param node: Ironic node one of :class:`ironic.db.models.Node`
    :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait till power off is compelete
    :raises: InvalidParameterValue if a seamicro parameter is invalid.
    :raises: MissingParameterValue if required seamicro parameters are
    :returns: Power state of the given node
    if timeout is None:
        timeout = CONF.seamicro.action_timeout
    state = [None]
    retries = [0]
    seamicro_info = _parse_driver_info(node)
    server = _get_server(seamicro_info)

    def _wait_for_power_off(state, retries):
        """Called at an interval until the node is powered off."""

        state[0] = _get_power_status(node)
        if state[0] == states.POWER_OFF:
            raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()

        if retries[0] > CONF.seamicro.max_retry:
            state[0] = states.ERROR
            raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
            retries[0] += 1
        except seamicro_client_exception.ClientException:
            LOG.warning(_LW("Power-off failed for node %s."),

    timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(_wait_for_power_off,
                                                 state, retries)
    return state[0]

def _reboot(node, timeout=None):
    """Reboot this node.

    :param node: Ironic node one of :class:`ironic.db.models.Node`
    :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait till reboot is compelete
    :raises: InvalidParameterValue if a seamicro parameter is invalid.
    :raises: MissingParameterValue if required seamicro parameters are
    :returns: Power state of the given node
    if timeout is None:
        timeout = CONF.seamicro.action_timeout
    state = [None]
    retries = [0]
    seamicro_info = _parse_driver_info(node)
    server = _get_server(seamicro_info)

    def _wait_for_reboot(state, retries):
        """Called at an interval until the node is rebooted successfully."""

        state[0] = _get_power_status(node)
        if state[0] == states.POWER_ON:
            raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()

        if retries[0] > CONF.seamicro.max_retry:
            state[0] = states.ERROR
            raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()

            retries[0] += 1
        except seamicro_client_exception.ClientException:
            LOG.warning(_LW("Reboot failed for node %s."),

    timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(_wait_for_reboot,
                                                 state, retries)
    return state[0]

def _validate_volume(driver_info, volume_id):
    """Validates if volume is in Storage pools designated for ironic."""

    volume = _get_volume(driver_info, volume_id)

    # Check if the ironic <scard>/ironic-<pool_id>/<volume_id> naming scheme
    # is present in volume id
        pool_id ='/')[1].lower()
    except IndexError:
        pool_id = ""

    if "ironic-" in pool_id:
        return True
        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
            "Invalid volume id specified"))

def _get_pools(driver_info, filters=None):
    """Get SeaMicro storage pools matching given filters."""

    s_client = _get_client(**driver_info)
    return s_client.pools.list(filters=filters)

def _create_volume(driver_info, volume_size):
    """Create volume in the SeaMicro storage pools designated for ironic."""

    ironic_pools = _get_pools(driver_info, filters={'id': 'ironic-'})
    if ironic_pools is None:
        raise exception.VendorPassthruException(_(
            "No storage pools found for ironic"))

    least_used_pool = sorted(ironic_pools,
                             key=lambda x: x.freeSize)[0]
    return _get_client(**driver_info).volumes.create(volume_size,

def get_telnet_port(driver_info):
    """Get SeaMicro telnet port to listen."""
    server_id = int(driver_info['server_id'].split("/")[0])
    return PORT_BASE + (10 * server_id)

[docs]class Power(base.PowerInterface): """SeaMicro Power Interface. This PowerInterface class provides a mechanism for controlling the power state of servers in a seamicro chassis. """
[docs] def get_properties(self): return COMMON_PROPERTIES
[docs] def validate(self, task): """Check that node 'driver_info' is valid. Check that node 'driver_info' contains the required fields. :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on. :raises: MissingParameterValue if required seamicro parameters are missing. """ _parse_driver_info(task.node)
[docs] def get_power_state(self, task): """Get the current power state of the task's node. Poll the host for the current power state of the node. :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on. :raises: ServiceUnavailable on an error from SeaMicro Client. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if a seamicro parameter is invalid. :raises: MissingParameterValue when a required parameter is missing :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ return _get_power_status(task.node)
[docs] def set_power_state(self, task, pstate): """Turn the power on or off. Set the power state of a node. :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on. :param pstate: Either POWER_ON or POWER_OFF from :class: `ironic.common.states`. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if an invalid power state was specified or a seamicro parameter is invalid. :raises: MissingParameterValue when a required parameter is missing :raises: PowerStateFailure if the desired power state couldn't be set. """ if pstate == states.POWER_ON: state = _power_on(task.node) elif pstate == states.POWER_OFF: state = _power_off(task.node) else: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "set_power_state called with invalid power state.")) if state != pstate: raise exception.PowerStateFailure(pstate=pstate)
[docs] def reboot(self, task): """Cycles the power to the task's node. :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if a seamicro parameter is invalid. :raises: MissingParameterValue if required seamicro parameters are missing. :raises: PowerStateFailure if the final state of the node is not POWER_ON. """ state = _reboot(task.node) if state != states.POWER_ON: raise exception.PowerStateFailure(pstate=states.POWER_ON)
[docs]class VendorPassthru(base.VendorInterface): """SeaMicro vendor-specific methods."""
[docs] def get_properties(self): return COMMON_PROPERTIES
[docs] def validate(self, task, method, **kwargs): _parse_driver_info(task.node)
[docs] def set_node_vlan_id(self, task, **kwargs): """Sets an untagged vlan id for NIC 0 of node. @kwargs vlan_id: id of untagged vlan for NIC 0 of node """ node = task.node vlan_id = kwargs.get('vlan_id') if not vlan_id: raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_("No vlan id provided")) seamicro_info = _parse_driver_info(node) try: server = _get_server(seamicro_info) # remove current vlan for server if len(server.nic['0']['untaggedVlan']) > 0: server.unset_untagged_vlan(server.nic['0']['untaggedVlan']) server = server.refresh(5) server.set_untagged_vlan(vlan_id) except seamicro_client_exception.ClientException as ex: LOG.error(_LE("SeaMicro client exception: %s"), ex.message) raise exception.VendorPassthruException(message=ex.message) properties = properties['seamicro_vlan_id'] = vlan_id = properties
[docs] def attach_volume(self, task, **kwargs): """Attach a volume to a node. Attach volume from SeaMicro storage pools for ironic to node. If kwargs['volume_id'] not given, Create volume in SeaMicro storage pool and attach to node. @kwargs volume_id: id of pre-provisioned volume that is to be attached as root volume of node @kwargs volume_size: size of new volume to be created and attached as root volume of node """ node = task.node seamicro_info = _parse_driver_info(node) volume_id = kwargs.get('volume_id') if volume_id is None: volume_size = kwargs.get('volume_size') if volume_size is None: raise exception.MissingParameterValue( _("No volume size provided for creating volume")) volume_id = _create_volume(seamicro_info, volume_size) if _validate_volume(seamicro_info, volume_id): try: server = _get_server(seamicro_info) server.detach_volume() server = server.refresh(5) server.attach_volume(volume_id) except seamicro_client_exception.ClientException as ex: LOG.error(_LE("SeaMicro client exception: %s"), ex.message) raise exception.VendorPassthruException(message=ex.message) properties = properties['seamicro_volume_id'] = volume_id = properties
[docs]class Management(base.ManagementInterface):
[docs] def get_properties(self): return COMMON_PROPERTIES
[docs] def validate(self, task): """Check that 'driver_info' contains SeaMicro credentials. Validates whether the 'driver_info' property of the supplied task's node contains the required credentials information. :param task: a task from TaskManager. :raises: MissingParameterValue when a required parameter is missing """ _parse_driver_info(task.node)
[docs] def get_supported_boot_devices(self, task): """Get a list of the supported boot devices. :param task: a task from TaskManager. :returns: A list with the supported boot devices defined in :mod:`ironic.common.boot_devices`. """ return list(_BOOT_DEVICES_MAP.keys())
[docs] def set_boot_device(self, task, device, persistent=False): """Set the boot device for the task's node. Set the boot device to use on next reboot of the node. :param task: a task from TaskManager. :param device: the boot device, one of :mod:`ironic.common.boot_devices`. :param persistent: Boolean value. True if the boot device will persist to all future boots, False if not. Default: False. Ignored by this driver. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if an invalid boot device is specified or if a seamicro parameter is invalid. :raises: IronicException on an error from seamicro-client. :raises: MissingParameterValue when a required parameter is missing """ if device not in self.get_supported_boot_devices(task): raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "Invalid boot device %s specified.") % device) seamicro_info = _parse_driver_info(task.node) try: server = _get_server(seamicro_info) boot_device = _BOOT_DEVICES_MAP[device] server.set_boot_order(boot_device) except seamicro_client_exception.ClientException as ex: LOG.error(_LE("Seamicro set boot device failed for node " "%(node)s with the following error: %(error)s"), {'node': task.node.uuid, 'error': ex}) raise exception.IronicException(ex)
[docs] def get_boot_device(self, task): """Get the current boot device for the task's node. Returns the current boot device of the node. Be aware that not all drivers support this. :param task: a task from TaskManager. :returns: a dictionary containing: :boot_device: the boot device, one of :mod:`ironic.common.boot_devices` or None if it is unknown. :persistent: Whether the boot device will persist to all future boots or not, None if it is unknown. """ # TODO(lucasagomes): The python-seamicroclient library currently # doesn't expose a method to get the boot device, update it once # it's implemented. return {'boot_device': None, 'persistent': None}
[docs] def get_sensors_data(self, task): """Get sensors data method. Not implemented by this driver. :param task: a TaskManager instance. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class ShellinaboxConsole(base.ConsoleInterface): """A ConsoleInterface that uses telnet and shellinabox."""
[docs] def get_properties(self): d = COMMON_PROPERTIES.copy() d.update(CONSOLE_PROPERTIES) return d
[docs] def validate(self, task): """Validate the Node console info. :param task: a task from TaskManager. :raises: MissingParameterValue if required seamicro parameters are missing :raises: InvalidParameterValue if required parameter are invalid. """ driver_info = _parse_driver_info(task.node) if not driver_info['port']: raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "Missing 'seamicro_terminal_port' parameter in node's " "driver_info"))
[docs] def start_console(self, task): """Start a remote console for the node. :param task: a task from TaskManager :raises: MissingParameterValue if required seamicro parameters are missing :raises: ConsoleError if the directory for the PID file cannot be created :raises: ConsoleSubprocessFailed when invoking the subprocess failed :raises: InvalidParameterValue if required parameter are invalid. """ driver_info = _parse_driver_info(task.node) telnet_port = get_telnet_port(driver_info) chassis_ip = urlparse.urlparse(driver_info['api_endpoint']).netloc seamicro_cmd = ("/:%(uid)s:%(gid)s:HOME:telnet %(chassis)s %(port)s" % {'uid': os.getuid(), 'gid': os.getgid(), 'chassis': chassis_ip, 'port': telnet_port}) console_utils.start_shellinabox_console(driver_info['uuid'], driver_info['port'], seamicro_cmd)
[docs] def stop_console(self, task): """Stop the remote console session for the node. :param task: a task from TaskManager :raises: ConsoleError if unable to stop the console """ console_utils.stop_shellinabox_console(task.node.uuid)
[docs] def get_console(self, task): """Get the type and connection information about the console. :raises: MissingParameterValue if required seamicro parameters are missing :raises: InvalidParameterValue if required parameter are invalid. """ driver_info = _parse_driver_info(task.node) url = console_utils.get_shellinabox_console_url(driver_info['port']) return {'type': 'shellinabox', 'url': url}

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