.. _installation: ====================== Ironic-UI Installation ====================== Please note that the following instructions assume that you have an existing installation of the OpenStack Horizon dashboard application. For Horizon installation please see http://docs.openstack.org/developer/horizon/quickstart.html 1. Clone the Ironic UI repository:: git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/ironic-ui 2. Change into the root directory of your horizon installation and activate the python virtualenv. Example:: source .venv/bin/activate .. NOTE:: The ``.venv`` folder is pre-installed when horizon is setup with ``./run_tests.sh``. Do not attempt to reinstall the virtual environment. 3. Copy the ``_2200_ironic.py`` file from ``ironic_ui/enabled/_2200_ironic.py`` file to ``horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled`` directory. Example, set as if being executed from the root of the ironic-ui repository:: cp ./ironic_ui/enabled/_2200_ironic.py ../horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled 4. Change into the ironic-ui repository and package the plugin:: pip install -r requirements.txt -e . This will build and install the ironic-ui plugin into the active virtual environment associated with your horizon installation. The plugin is installed in "editable" mode as a link back to your ironic-ui plugin directory. 5. Change back into the horizon repository and bring up your environment:: ./run_tests.sh --runserver The Bare Metal service should now be visible in the Horizon navigation. Uninstallation -------------- To uninstall, use ``pip uninstall ironic-ui`` from with-in the horizon virtual environment. You will also need to remove the ``openstack_dashboard/enabled/_2200_ironic.py`` file from the horizon installation.