Source code for ironic_python_agent.api.controllers.v1.command

# Copyright 2014 Rackspace, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
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from ironic_lib import metrics_utils
import pecan
from pecan import rest
from wsme import types
from wsmeext import pecan as wsme_pecan

from ironic_python_agent.api.controllers.v1 import base

[docs]class CommandResult(base.APIBase): """Object representing the result of a given command.""" id = types.text command_name = types.text command_params = types.DictType(types.text, base.json_type) command_status = types.text command_error = base.exception_type command_result = types.DictType(types.text, base.json_type) @classmethod
[docs] def from_result(cls, result): """Convert a BaseCommandResult object to a CommandResult object. :param result: a :class:`ironic_python_agent.extensions.base. BaseCommandResult` object. :returns: a :class:`ironic_python_agent.api.controllers.v1.command. CommandResult` object. """ instance = cls() for field in ('id', 'command_name', 'command_params', 'command_status', 'command_error', 'command_result'): setattr(instance, field, getattr(result, field)) return instance
[docs]class CommandResultList(base.APIBase): """An object representing a list of CommandResult objects.""" commands = [CommandResult] @classmethod
[docs] def from_results(cls, results): """Convert a list of BaseCommandResult objects to a CommandResultList. :param results: a list of :class:`ironic_python_agent.extensions.base. BaseCommandResult` objects. :returns: a :class:`ironic_python_agent.api.controllers.v1.command. CommandResultList` object. """ instance = cls() instance.commands = [CommandResult.from_result(result) for result in results] return instance
[docs]class Command(base.APIBase): """A representation of a command.""" name = types.wsattr(types.text, mandatory=True) params = types.wsattr(base.MultiType(dict), mandatory=True)
[docs]class CommandController(rest.RestController): """Controller for issuing commands and polling for command status.""" @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(CommandResultList)
[docs] def get_all(self): """Get all command results.""" with metrics_utils.get_metrics_logger(__name__).timer('get_all'): agent = pecan.request.agent results = agent.list_command_results() return CommandResultList.from_results(results)
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(CommandResult, types.text, types.text)
[docs] def get_one(self, result_id, wait=None): """Get a command result by ID. :param result_id: the ID of the result to get. :param wait: if 'true', block until the command completes. :returns: a :class:`ironic_python_agent.api.controller.v1.command. CommandResult` object. """ with metrics_utils.get_metrics_logger(__name__).timer('get_one'): agent = pecan.request.agent result = agent.get_command_result(result_id) if wait and wait.lower() == 'true': result.join() return CommandResult.from_result(result)
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(CommandResult, types.text, body=Command)
[docs] def post(self, wait=None, command=None): """Post a command for the agent to run. :param wait: if 'true', block until the command completes. :param command: the command to execute. If None, an InvalidCommandError will be returned. :returns: a :class:`ironic_python_agent.api.controller.v1.command. CommandResult` object. """ with metrics_utils.get_metrics_logger(__name__).timer('post'): # the POST body is always the last arg, # so command must be a kwarg here if command is None: command = Command() agent = pecan.request.agent result = agent.execute_command(, **command.params) if wait and wait.lower() == 'true': result.join() return result

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