Get images

The simplest way to obtain a virtual machine image that works with OpenStack is to download one that someone else has already created. Most of the images contain the cloud-init package to support the SSH key pair and user data injection. Because many of the images disable SSH password authentication by default, boot the image with an injected key pair. You can SSH into the instance with the private key and default login account. See Configure access and security for instances for more information on how to create and inject key pairs with OpenStack.


AlmaLinux provides cloud images for download, more detail on the get AlmaLinux project page


In an Almalinux cloud image, the login account is almalinux.

Alpine Linux

Alpine Linux provides cloud images for download, more detail on the Alpine Linux cloud page


In an Alpine Linux cloud image, the login account is alpine.

Arch Linux

Arch Linux provides a cloud image for download. More details can be found on the arch-boxes project page.


In an Arch Linux image, the login account is arch.

BSD: DragonFlyBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD

Unofficial images for BSD are available on


The login accounts are freebsd for FreeBSD, openbsd for OpenBSD, and netbsd for NetBSD.


The CentOS project maintains official images for direct download:


In a CentOS cloud image, the login account is cloud-user.

CirrOS (test)

CirrOS is a minimal Linux distribution that was designed for use as a test image on clouds such as OpenStack Compute. You can download a CirrOS image in various formats from the CirrOS download page.

If your deployment uses QEMU or KVM, we recommend using the images in qcow2 format. The most recent 64-bit qcow2 image as of this writing is cirros-0.6.2-x86_64-disk.img.


In a CirrOS image, the login account is cirros. The password is gocubsgo. Since the fixed PW allows anyone to login, you should not run this image with a public IP attached.


Debian provides images for direct download. They are made at the same time as the CD and DVD images of Debian. Therefore, images are available on each point release of Debian. Also, weekly images of the testing distribution are available.


In a Debian image, the login account is debian.


The Fedora project maintains a list of official cloud images at Fedora download page.


In a Fedora cloud image, the login account is fedora.

Kali Linux

Kali Linux provides cloud images for download at the Get Kali/Cloud page. See also the page Common Cloud Based Setup Information for cloud setup information.


In a Kali Linux cloud image, the login account is kali.

Microsoft Windows

Cloudbase Solutions provides the last available trial version of Windows Server 2012 R2. This image includes cloudbase-init plus VirtIO drivers on KVM. You can build your own image based on Windows Server 2016, 2019, Windows 10 etc) with Cloudbase Imaging Tools.

ISO files for Windows 10 are available on Microsoft Windows 10 Downloadpage and Microsoft Evaluation Center.

Fedora Virtio provides also Windows images.

openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

The openSUSE community provides images for openSUSE under Alternative Downloads / Cloud image

SUSE maintains official SUSE Linux Enterprise Server cloud images. Go to the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server download page, select the AMD64 / Intel 64 architecture and search for Cloud.


In an openSUSE cloud image, the login account is opensuse.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat maintains official Red Hat Enterprise Linux cloud images. A valid Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription is required to download these images.


In a RHEL cloud image, the login account is cloud-user.

Rocky Linux

Rocky Linux provides cloud images for download, more detail on the Rocky Linux download page


In an Rocky Linux cloud image, the login account is rocky.


Canonical maintains an official set of Ubuntu-based images.

Images are arranged by Ubuntu release, and by image release date, with current being the most recent. For example, the page that contains the most recently built image for Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat is Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat) Daily Build. Scroll to the bottom of the page for links to the images that can be downloaded directly.

If your deployment uses QEMU or KVM, we recommend using the images in qcow2 format, with name ending in .img. The most recent version of the 64-bit amd64-arch QCOW2 image for Ubuntu 24.04 is noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img.


In an Ubuntu cloud image, the login account is ubuntu.