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# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import tabs
from openstack_dashboard.api import base
from openstack_dashboard.api import cinder
from openstack_dashboard.api import heat
from openstack_dashboard.api import keystone
from openstack_dashboard.api import neutron
from openstack_dashboard.api import nova
from import constants
from import tables

[docs]class ServicesTab(tabs.TableTab): table_classes = (tables.ServicesTable,) name = tables.ServicesTable.Meta.verbose_name slug = template_name = constants.INFO_DETAIL_TEMPLATE_NAME
[docs] def get_services_data(self): request = self.tab_group.request services = [] for i, service in enumerate(request.user.service_catalog): service['id'] = i services.append( keystone.Service(service, request.user.services_region)) return services
[docs]class NovaServicesTab(tabs.TableTab): table_classes = (tables.NovaServicesTable,) name = tables.NovaServicesTable.Meta.verbose_name slug = template_name = constants.INFO_DETAIL_TEMPLATE_NAME permissions = ('',)
[docs] def get_nova_services_data(self): try: services = nova.service_list(self.tab_group.request) except Exception: msg = _('Unable to get nova services list.') exceptions.check_message(["Connection", "refused"], msg) exceptions.handle(self.request, msg) services = [] return services
[docs]class CinderServicesTab(tabs.TableTab): table_classes = (tables.CinderServicesTable,) name = tables.CinderServicesTable.Meta.verbose_name slug = template_name = constants.INFO_DETAIL_TEMPLATE_NAME permissions = ('',)
[docs] def get_cinder_services_data(self): try: services = cinder.service_list(self.tab_group.request) except Exception: msg = _('Unable to get cinder services list.') exceptions.check_message(["Connection", "refused"], msg) exceptions.handle(self.request, msg) services = [] return services
[docs]class NetworkAgentsTab(tabs.TableTab): table_classes = (tables.NetworkAgentsTable,) name = tables.NetworkAgentsTable.Meta.verbose_name slug = template_name = constants.INFO_DETAIL_TEMPLATE_NAME
[docs] def allowed(self, request): try: return (base.is_service_enabled(request, 'network') and neutron.is_extension_supported(request, 'agent')) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to get network agents info.')) return False
[docs] def get_network_agents_data(self): try: agents = neutron.agent_list(self.tab_group.request) except Exception: msg = _('Unable to get network agents list.') exceptions.check_message(["Connection", "refused"], msg) exceptions.handle(self.request, msg) agents = [] return agents
[docs]class HeatServiceTab(tabs.TableTab): table_classes = (tables.HeatServiceTable,) name = tables.HeatServiceTable.Meta.verbose_name slug = template_name = constants.INFO_DETAIL_TEMPLATE_NAME
[docs] def allowed(self, request): try: return (base.is_service_enabled(request, 'orchestration')) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Orchestration service is disabled.')) return False
[docs] def get_heat_services_data(self): try: services = heat.service_list(self.tab_group.request) except Exception: msg = _('Unable to get Orchestration service list.') exceptions.check_message(["Connection", "refused"], msg) exceptions.handle(self.request, msg) services = [] return services
[docs]class SystemInfoTabs(tabs.TabGroup): slug = "system_info" tabs = (ServicesTab, NovaServicesTab, CinderServicesTab, NetworkAgentsTab, HeatServiceTab) sticky = True

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