Source code for openstack_dashboard.contrib.sahara.content.data_processing.job_executions.tables

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import Http404  # noqa
from django.utils import http
from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import ungettext_lazy

from saharaclient.api import base as api_base

from horizon import messages
from horizon import tables

from openstack_dashboard.contrib.sahara.api import sahara as saharaclient
from openstack_dashboard.contrib.sahara.content.data_processing. \
    jobs import tables as j_t

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class JobExecutionsFilterAction(tables.FilterAction): filter_type = "server" filter_choices = (('id', _("ID"), True), ('job', _("Job"), True), ('cluster', _("Cluster"), True), ('status', _("Status"), True))
[docs]class JobExecutionGuide(tables.LinkAction): name = "jobex_guide" verbose_name = _("Job Guide") url = "horizon:project:data_processing.wizard:jobex_guide"
[docs]class DeleteJobExecution(tables.DeleteAction): @staticmethod
[docs] def action_present(count): return ungettext_lazy( u"Delete Job", u"Delete Jobs", count )
[docs] def action_past(count): return ungettext_lazy( u"Deleted Job", u"Deleted Jobs", count )
[docs] def delete(self, request, obj_id): saharaclient.job_execution_delete(request, obj_id)
[docs]class ReLaunchJobExistingCluster(j_t.ChoosePlugin): @staticmethod
[docs] def action_present(count): return ungettext_lazy( u"Launch Job", u"Launch Jobs", count )
[docs] def action_past(count): return ungettext_lazy( u"Launched Job", u"Launched Jobs", count )
name = "relaunch-job-existing" verbose_name = _("Relaunch On Existing Cluster") url = "" classes = ('ajax-modal', 'btn-launch')
[docs]class ReLaunchJobNewCluster(ReLaunchJobExistingCluster): @staticmethod
[docs] def action_present(count): return ungettext_lazy( u"Launch Job", u"Launch Jobs", count )
[docs] def action_past(count): return ungettext_lazy( u"Launched Job", u"Launched Jobs", count )
name = "relaunch-job-new" verbose_name = _("Relaunch On New Cluster") url = "" classes = ('ajax-modal', 'btn-launch')
[docs]class UpdateRow(tables.Row): ajax = True
[docs] def get_data(self, request, job_execution_id): try: return saharaclient.job_execution_get(request, job_execution_id) except api_base.APIException as e: if e.error_code == 404: raise Http404 else: messages.error(request, _("Unable to update row"))
[docs]class JobExecutionsTable(tables.DataTable):
[docs] class StatusColumn(tables.Column):
[docs] def get_raw_data(self, datum): return['status']
[docs] class JobNameColumn(tables.Column): @staticmethod
[docs] def get_data(self, job_execution): return job_execution.job_name or _("Not available")
[docs] class ClusterNameColumn(tables.Column): @staticmethod
[docs] def get_data(self, job_execution): return job_execution.cluster_name or _("Not available")
STATUS_CHOICES = ( ("DONEWITHERROR", False), ("FAILED", False), ("KILLED", False), ("SUCCEEDED", True), ) STATUS_DISPLAY_CHOICES = ( ("DONEWITHERROR", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Job", u"Done with Error")), ("FAILED", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Job", u"Failed")), ("KILLED", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Job", u"Killed")), ("SUCCEEDED", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Job", u"Succeeded")), ) name = tables.Column("id", verbose_name=_("ID"), display_choices=(("id", "ID"), ("name", pgettext_lazy("Name")),), link=("horizon:project:data_processing." "job_executions:details")) job_name = JobNameColumn( "job_name", verbose_name=_("Job Template"), cluster_name = ClusterNameColumn( "cluster_name", verbose_name=_("Cluster"), status = StatusColumn("info", status=True, status_choices=STATUS_CHOICES, display_choices=STATUS_DISPLAY_CHOICES, verbose_name=_("Status"))
[docs] def get_object_display(self, datum): return
[docs] class Meta(object): name = "job_executions" row_class = UpdateRow status_columns = ["status"] verbose_name = _("Jobs") table_actions = [JobExecutionGuide, DeleteJobExecution, JobExecutionsFilterAction] row_actions = [DeleteJobExecution, ReLaunchJobExistingCluster, ReLaunchJobNewCluster]

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