Source code for openstack_dashboard.contrib.sahara.content.data_processing.clusters.workflows.scale

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import base64
import json
import logging

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from horizon import exceptions

from openstack_dashboard.contrib.sahara.api import sahara as saharaclient
import openstack_dashboard.contrib.sahara.content.data_processing. \
    cluster_templates.workflows.create as clt_create_flow
import openstack_dashboard.contrib.sahara.content.data_processing. \
    clusters.workflows.create as cl_create_flow
from openstack_dashboard.contrib.sahara.content.data_processing.utils \
    import workflow_helpers

from saharaclient.api import base as api_base

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class NodeGroupsStep(clt_create_flow.ConfigureNodegroups): pass
[docs]class ScaleCluster(cl_create_flow.ConfigureCluster, workflow_helpers.StatusFormatMixin): slug = "scale_cluster" name = _("Scale Cluster") finalize_button_name = _("Scale") success_url = "horizon:project:data_processing.clusters:index" default_steps = (NodeGroupsStep, ) def __init__(self, request, context_seed, entry_point, *args, **kwargs): ScaleCluster._cls_registry = set([]) self.success_message = _("Scaled cluster successfully started.") cluster_id = context_seed["cluster_id"] try: cluster = saharaclient.cluster_get(request, cluster_id) plugin = cluster.plugin_name hadoop_version = cluster.hadoop_version # Initialize deletable node groups. deletable = dict() for group in cluster.node_groups: deletable[group["name"]] = "false" request.GET = request.GET.copy() request.GET.update({ "cluster_id": cluster_id, "plugin_name": plugin, "hadoop_version": hadoop_version, "deletable": deletable }) super(ScaleCluster, self).__init__(request, context_seed, entry_point, *args, **kwargs) # Initialize node groups. for step in self.steps: if not isinstance(step, clt_create_flow.ConfigureNodegroups): continue ng_action = step.action template_ngs = cluster.node_groups if 'forms_ids' in request.POST: continue ng_action.groups = [] for i, templ_ng in enumerate(template_ngs): group_name = "group_name_%d" % i template_id = "template_id_%d" % i count = "count_%d" % i serialized = "serialized_%d" % i serialized_val = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(json.dumps( workflow_helpers.clean_node_group(templ_ng))) ng_action.groups.append({ "name": templ_ng["name"], "template_id": templ_ng["node_group_template_id"], "count": templ_ng["count"], "id": i, "deletable": "false", "serialized": serialized_val }) workflow_helpers.build_node_group_fields(ng_action, group_name, template_id, count, serialized) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to fetch cluster to scale"))
[docs] def format_status_message(self, message): # Scaling form requires special handling because it has no Cluster name # in it's context error_description = getattr(self, 'error_description', None) if error_description: return error_description else: return self.success_message
[docs] def handle(self, request, context): cluster_id = request.GET["cluster_id"] try: cluster = saharaclient.cluster_get(request, cluster_id) existing_node_groups = set([]) for ng in cluster.node_groups: existing_node_groups.add(ng["name"]) scale_object = dict() ids = json.loads(context["ng_forms_ids"]) for _id in ids: name = context["ng_group_name_%s" % _id] template_id = context["ng_template_id_%s" % _id] count = context["ng_count_%s" % _id] if name not in existing_node_groups: if "add_node_groups" not in scale_object: scale_object["add_node_groups"] = [] scale_object["add_node_groups"].append( {"name": name, "node_group_template_id": template_id, "count": int(count)}) else: old_count = None for ng in cluster.node_groups: if name == ng["name"]: old_count = ng["count"] break if old_count != count: if "resize_node_groups" not in scale_object: scale_object["resize_node_groups"] = [] scale_object["resize_node_groups"].append( {"name": name, "count": int(count)} ) except Exception: scale_object = {} exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to fetch cluster to scale.")) try: saharaclient.cluster_scale(request, cluster_id, scale_object) return True except api_base.APIException as e: self.error_description = str(e) return False except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _("Scale cluster operation failed")) return False

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