The horizon.templatetags.angular ModuleΒΆ


Djangos ‘escapejs’ is too aggressive and inserts unicode. Provide a basic filter to allow angular template content to be used within javascript strings.

value: a string
string with escaped values

For all static HTML templates, generate a dictionary of template contents. If the template has been overridden by a theme, load the override contents instead of the original HTML file. One use for this is to pre-populate the angular template cache.

context: the context of the current Django template
Returns: an object containing
angular_templates: dictionary of angular template contents
  • key is the template’s static path,
  • value is a string of HTML template contents
horizon.templatetags.angular.update_angular_template_hash(sender, **kwargs)[source]

Listen for compress events. If the angular templates have been re-compressed, also clear them from the Django cache backend. This is important to allow deployers to change a template file, re-compress, and not accidentally serve the old Django cached version of that content to clients.

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