A resource that implements alarming service of Aodh.
A resource that allows for the setting alarms based on threshold evaluation for a collection of samples. Also, you can define actions to take if state of watched resource will be satisfied specified conditions. For example, it can watch for the memory consumption and when it reaches 70% on a given instance if the instance has been up for more than 10 min, some action will be called.
Threshold to evaluate against.
Number value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Operator used to compare specified statistic with threshold.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: le, ge, eq, lt, gt, ne
True if alarm evaluation/actioning is enabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
Number of periods to evaluate over.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Meter should match this resource metadata (key=value) additionally to the meter_name.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Period (seconds) to evaluate over.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
A list of query factors, each comparing a Sample attribute with a value. Implicitly combined with matching_metadata, if any.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Name of attribute to compare. Names of the form metadata.user_metadata.X or metadata.metering.X are equivalent to what you can address through matching_metadata; the former for Nova meters, the latter for all others. To see the attributes of your Samples, use `ceilometer –debug sample-list`.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Comparison operator.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: le, ge, eq, lt, gt, ne
NoteAvailable since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
The type of the attribute.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “string”.
Allowed values: integer, float, string, boolean, datetime
String value with which to compare.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
False to trigger actions when the threshold is reached AND the alarm’s state has changed. By default, actions are called each time the threshold is reached.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Severity of the alarm.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “low”.
Allowed values: low, moderate, critical
Meter statistic to evaluate.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: count, avg, sum, min, max
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Describe time constraints for the alarm. Only evaluate the alarm if the time at evaluation is within this time constraint. Start point(s) of the constraint are specified with a cron expression, whereas its duration is given in seconds.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Duration for the time constraint.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Start time for the time constraint. A CRON expression property.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cron_expression
Timezone for the time constraint (eg. ‘Taiwan/Taipei’, ‘Europe/Amsterdam’).
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type timezone
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Aodh::Alarm
alarm_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
alarm_queues: [String, String, ...]
comparison_operator: String
description: String
enabled: Boolean
evaluation_periods: Integer
insufficient_data_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
insufficient_data_queues: [String, String, ...]
matching_metadata: {...}
meter_name: String
ok_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
ok_queues: [String, String, ...]
period: Integer
query: [{"field": String, "type": String, "value": String, "op": String}, {"field": String, "type": String, "value": String, "op": String}, ...]
repeat_actions: Boolean
severity: String
statistic: String
threshold: Number
time_constraints: [{"duration": Integer, "start": String, "timezone": String, "name": String, "description": String}, {"duration": Integer, "start": String, "timezone": String, "name": String, "description": String}, ...]
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A resource that implements Aodh composite alarm.
Allows to specify multiple rules when creating a composite alarm, and the rules combined with logical operators: and, or.
Composite threshold rules in JSON format.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
The operator indicates how to combine the rules.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: or, and
Rules list. Basic threshold/gnocchi rules and nested dict which combine threshold/gnocchi rules by “and” or “or” are allowed. For example, the form is like: [RULE1, RULE2, {“and”: [RULE3, RULE4]}], the basic threshold/gnocchi rules must include a “type” field.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be at least 2.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
True if alarm evaluation/actioning is enabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
False to trigger actions when the threshold is reached AND the alarm’s state has changed. By default, actions are called each time the threshold is reached.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Severity of the alarm.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “low”.
Allowed values: low, moderate, critical
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Describe time constraints for the alarm. Only evaluate the alarm if the time at evaluation is within this time constraint. Start point(s) of the constraint are specified with a cron expression, whereas its duration is given in seconds.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Duration for the time constraint.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Start time for the time constraint. A CRON expression property.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cron_expression
Timezone for the time constraint (eg. ‘Taiwan/Taipei’, ‘Europe/Amsterdam’).
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type timezone
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Aodh::CompositeAlarm
alarm_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
alarm_queues: [String, String, ...]
composite_rule: {"operator": String, "rules": [Value, Value, ...]}
description: String
enabled: Boolean
insufficient_data_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
insufficient_data_queues: [String, String, ...]
ok_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
ok_queues: [String, String, ...]
repeat_actions: Boolean
severity: String
time_constraints: [{"duration": Integer, "start": String, "timezone": String, "name": String, "description": String}, {"duration": Integer, "start": String, "timezone": String, "name": String, "description": String}, ...]
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A resource that implements event alarms.
Allows users to define alarms which can be evaluated based on events passed from other OpenStack services. The events can be emitted when the resources from other OpenStack services have been updated, created or deleted, such as ‘compute.instance.reboot.end’, ‘scheduler.select_destinations.end’.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
True if alarm evaluation/actioning is enabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
Event type to evaluate against. If not specified will match all events.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “*”.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
A list for filtering events. Query conditions used to filter specific events when evaluating the alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Comparison operator.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: le, ge, eq, lt, gt, ne
The type of the attribute.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “string”.
Allowed values: integer, float, string, boolean, datetime
String value with which to compare.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
False to trigger actions when the threshold is reached AND the alarm’s state has changed. By default, actions are called each time the threshold is reached.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Severity of the alarm.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “low”.
Allowed values: low, moderate, critical
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Describe time constraints for the alarm. Only evaluate the alarm if the time at evaluation is within this time constraint. Start point(s) of the constraint are specified with a cron expression, whereas its duration is given in seconds.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Duration for the time constraint.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Start time for the time constraint. A CRON expression property.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cron_expression
Timezone for the time constraint (eg. ‘Taiwan/Taipei’, ‘Europe/Amsterdam’).
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type timezone
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Aodh::EventAlarm
alarm_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
alarm_queues: [String, String, ...]
description: String
enabled: Boolean
event_type: String
insufficient_data_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
insufficient_data_queues: [String, String, ...]
ok_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
ok_queues: [String, String, ...]
query: [{"field": String, "type": String, "value": String, "op": String}, {"field": String, "type": String, "value": String, "op": String}, ...]
repeat_actions: Boolean
severity: String
time_constraints: [{"duration": Integer, "start": String, "timezone": String, "name": String, "description": String}, {"duration": Integer, "start": String, "timezone": String, "name": String, "description": String}, ...]
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
A resource that implements alarm with specified metrics.
A resource that implements alarm which allows to use specified by user metrics in metrics list.
Threshold to evaluate against.
Number value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The aggregation method to compare to the threshold.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: mean, sum, last, max, min, std, median, first, count
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Operator used to compare specified statistic with threshold.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: le, ge, eq, lt, gt, ne
True if alarm evaluation/actioning is enabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
Number of periods to evaluate over.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
False to trigger actions when the threshold is reached AND the alarm’s state has changed. By default, actions are called each time the threshold is reached.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Severity of the alarm.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “low”.
Allowed values: low, moderate, critical
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Describe time constraints for the alarm. Only evaluate the alarm if the time at evaluation is within this time constraint. Start point(s) of the constraint are specified with a cron expression, whereas its duration is given in seconds.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Duration for the time constraint.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Start time for the time constraint. A CRON expression property.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cron_expression
Timezone for the time constraint (eg. ‘Taiwan/Taipei’, ‘Europe/Amsterdam’).
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type timezone
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Aodh::GnocchiAggregationByMetricsAlarm
aggregation_method: String
alarm_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
alarm_queues: [String, String, ...]
comparison_operator: String
description: String
enabled: Boolean
evaluation_periods: Integer
granularity: Integer
insufficient_data_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
insufficient_data_queues: [String, String, ...]
metrics: [Value, Value, ...]
ok_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
ok_queues: [String, String, ...]
repeat_actions: Boolean
severity: String
threshold: Number
time_constraints: [{"duration": Integer, "start": String, "timezone": String, "name": String, "description": String}, {"duration": Integer, "start": String, "timezone": String, "name": String, "description": String}, ...]
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
A resource that implements alarm as an aggregation of resources alarms.
A resource that implements alarm which uses aggregation of resources alarms with some condition. If state of a system is satisfied alarm condition, alarm is activated.
Metric name watched by the alarm.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Threshold to evaluate against.
Number value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The aggregation method to compare to the threshold.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: mean, sum, last, max, min, std, median, first, count
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Operator used to compare specified statistic with threshold.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: le, ge, eq, lt, gt, ne
True if alarm evaluation/actioning is enabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
Number of periods to evaluate over.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
False to trigger actions when the threshold is reached AND the alarm’s state has changed. By default, actions are called each time the threshold is reached.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Severity of the alarm.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “low”.
Allowed values: low, moderate, critical
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Describe time constraints for the alarm. Only evaluate the alarm if the time at evaluation is within this time constraint. Start point(s) of the constraint are specified with a cron expression, whereas its duration is given in seconds.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Duration for the time constraint.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Start time for the time constraint. A CRON expression property.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cron_expression
Timezone for the time constraint (eg. ‘Taiwan/Taipei’, ‘Europe/Amsterdam’).
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type timezone
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Aodh::GnocchiAggregationByResourcesAlarm
aggregation_method: String
alarm_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
alarm_queues: [String, String, ...]
comparison_operator: String
description: String
enabled: Boolean
evaluation_periods: Integer
granularity: Integer
insufficient_data_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
insufficient_data_queues: [String, String, ...]
metric: String
ok_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
ok_queues: [String, String, ...]
query: String
repeat_actions: Boolean
resource_type: String
severity: String
threshold: Number
time_constraints: [{"duration": Integer, "start": String, "timezone": String, "name": String, "description": String}, {"duration": Integer, "start": String, "timezone": String, "name": String, "description": String}, ...]
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
A resource allowing for the watch of some specified resource.
An alarm that evaluates threshold based on some metric for the specified resource.
Metric name watched by the alarm.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Threshold to evaluate against.
Number value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The aggregation method to compare to the threshold.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: mean, sum, last, max, min, std, median, first, count
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Operator used to compare specified statistic with threshold.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: le, ge, eq, lt, gt, ne
True if alarm evaluation/actioning is enabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
Number of periods to evaluate over.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
False to trigger actions when the threshold is reached AND the alarm’s state has changed. By default, actions are called each time the threshold is reached.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Severity of the alarm.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “low”.
Allowed values: low, moderate, critical
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Describe time constraints for the alarm. Only evaluate the alarm if the time at evaluation is within this time constraint. Start point(s) of the constraint are specified with a cron expression, whereas its duration is given in seconds.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Duration for the time constraint.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Start time for the time constraint. A CRON expression property.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cron_expression
Timezone for the time constraint (eg. ‘Taiwan/Taipei’, ‘Europe/Amsterdam’).
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type timezone
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Aodh::GnocchiResourcesAlarm
aggregation_method: String
alarm_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
alarm_queues: [String, String, ...]
comparison_operator: String
description: String
enabled: Boolean
evaluation_periods: Integer
granularity: Integer
insufficient_data_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
insufficient_data_queues: [String, String, ...]
metric: String
ok_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
ok_queues: [String, String, ...]
repeat_actions: Boolean
resource_id: String
resource_type: String
severity: String
threshold: Number
time_constraints: [{"duration": Integer, "start": String, "timezone": String, "name": String, "description": String}, {"duration": Integer, "start": String, "timezone": String, "name": String, "description": String}, ...]
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource for creating barbican certificate container.
A certificate container is used for storing the secrets that are relevant to certificates.
Reference to certificate.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type barbican.secret
Reference to intermediates.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type barbican.secret
Reference to private key passphrase.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type barbican.secret
Reference to private key.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type barbican.secret
The URIs to container consumers.
The URI to the container.
The URIs to secrets stored in container.
Detailed information about resource.
The status of the container.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Barbican::CertificateContainer
certificate_ref: String
intermediates_ref: String
name: String
private_key_passphrase_ref: String
private_key_ref: String
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource for creating Barbican generic container.
A generic container is used for any type of secret that a user may wish to aggregate. There are no restrictions on the amount of secrets that can be held within this container.
References to secrets that will be stored in container.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List contents:
The URIs to container consumers.
The URI to the container.
The URIs to secrets stored in container.
Detailed information about resource.
The status of the container.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Barbican::GenericContainer
name: String
secrets: [{"ref": String, "name": String}, {"ref": String, "name": String}, ...]
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
A resource allowing for the generation secret material by Barbican.
The resource allows to generate some secret material. It can be, for example, some key or certificate. The order encapsulates the workflow and history for the creation of a secret. The time to generate a secret can vary depending on the type of secret.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The type of the order.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: key, asymmetric, certificate
The algorithm type used to generate the secret. Required for key and asymmetric types of order.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The bit-length of the secret. Required for key and asymmetric types of order.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The identifier of the CA to use.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The expiration date for the secret in ISO-8601 format.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type expiration
The type/mode of the algorithm associated with the secret information.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The passphrase the created key. Can be set only for asymmetric type of order.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The type/format the secret data is provided in.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The profile of certificate to use.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The content of the CSR. Only for certificate orders.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The type of the certificate request.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: stored-key, simple-cmc, custom
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The source of certificate request.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type barbican.container
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The subject of the certificate request.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The payload of the created certificate, if available.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The payload of the created intermediates, if available.
The URI to the order.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The payload of the created private key, if available.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The payload of the created public key, if available.
The URI to the created secret.
Detailed information about resource.
The status of the order.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Barbican::Order
algorithm: String
bit_length: Integer
ca_id: String
expiration: String
mode: String
name: String
pass_phrase: String
payload_content_type: String
profile: String
request_data: String
request_type: String
source_container_ref: String
subject_dn: String
type: String
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource for creating barbican RSA container.
An RSA container is used for storing RSA public keys, private keys, and private key pass phrases.
Reference to private key passphrase.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type barbican.secret
Reference to private key.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type barbican.secret
Reference to public key.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type barbican.secret
The URIs to container consumers.
The URI to the container.
The URIs to secrets stored in container.
Detailed information about resource.
The status of the container.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Barbican::RSAContainer
name: String
private_key_passphrase_ref: String
private_key_ref: String
public_key_ref: String
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
The resource provides access to the secret/keying stored material.
A secret is a singular item that stored within Barbican. A secret is anything you want it to be; however, the formal use case is a key that you wish to store away from prying eyes. Secret may include private keys, passwords and so on.
The algorithm type used to generate the secret.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The bit-length of the secret.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
The expiration date for the secret in ISO-8601 format.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type expiration
The type/mode of the algorithm associated with the secret information.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The unencrypted plain text of the secret.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The encoding format used to provide the payload data.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: base64
The type/format the secret data is provided in.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: text/plain, application/octet-stream
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The type of the secret.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “opaque”.
Allowed values: symmetric, public, private, certificate, passphrase, opaque
The decrypted secret payload.
Detailed information about resource.
The status of the secret.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Barbican::Secret
algorithm: String
bit_length: Integer
expiration: String
mode: String
name: String
payload: String
payload_content_encoding: String
payload_content_type: String
secret_type: String
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
A resource for encrypting a cinder volume type.
A Volume Encryption Type is a collection of settings used to conduct encryption for a specific volume type.
Note that default cinder security policy usage of this resource is limited to being used by administrators only.
The class that provides encryption support. For example, nova.volume.encryptors.luks.LuksEncryptor.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Name or id of volume type (OS::Cinder::VolumeType).
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cinder.vtype
The encryption algorithm or mode. For example, aes-xts-plain64.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: aes-xts-plain64, aes-cbc-essiv
Notional service where encryption is performed For example, front-end. For Nova.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “front-end”.
Allowed values: front-end, back-end
Size of encryption key, in bits. For example, 128 or 256.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Cinder::EncryptedVolumeType
cipher: String
control_location: String
key_size: Integer
provider: String
volume_type: String
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A resource to associate cinder QoS specs with volume types.
Usage of this resource restricted to admins only by default policy.
ID or Name of the QoS specs.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cinder.qos_specs
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Cinder::QoSAssociation
qos_specs: String
volume_types: [String, String, ...]
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
A resource for creating cinder QoS specs.
Users can ask for a specific volume type. Part of that volume type is a string that defines the QoS of the volume IO (fast, normal, or slow). Backends that can handle all of the demands of the volume type become candidates for scheduling. Usage of this resource restricted to admins only by default policy.
The specs key and value pairs of the QoS.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Cinder::QoSSpecs
name: String
specs: {...}
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
A resource for creating cinder quotas.
Cinder Quota is used to manage operational limits for projects. Currently, this resource can manage Cinder’s gigabytes, snapshots, and volumes quotas.
Note that default cinder security policy usage of this resource is limited to being used by administrators only. Administrators should be careful to create only one Cinder Quota resource per project, otherwise it will be hard for them to manage the quota properly.
OpenStack Keystone Project.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.project
Quota for the amount of disk space (in Gigabytes). Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of snapshots. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of volumes. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Cinder::Quota
gigabytes: Integer
project: String
snapshots: Integer
volumes: Integer
A resource that implements Cinder volumes.
Cinder volume is a storage in the form of block devices. It can be used, for example, for providing storage to instance. Volume supports creation from snapshot, backup or image. Also volume can be created only by size.
The availability zone in which the volume will be created.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
If specified, the backup to create the volume from.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type cinder.backup
A description of the volume.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
If specified, the name or ID of the image to create the volume from.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type glance.image
Key/value pairs to associate with the volume.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
Whether allow the volume to be attached more than once.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
A name used to distinguish the volume.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Enables or disables read-only access mode of volume.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
Arbitrary key-value pairs specified by the client to help the Cinder scheduler creating a volume.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The size of the volume in GB. On update only increase in size is supported. This property is required unless property backup_id or source_volid or snapshot_id is specified.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 1.
If specified, the snapshot to create the volume from.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cinder.snapshot
If specified, the volume to use as source.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cinder.volume
If specified, the type of volume to use, mapping to a specific backend.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type cinder.vtype
DEPRECATED since 9.0.0 (Pike) - Use property attachments_list.
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
A string representation of the list of attachments of the volume.
The availability zone in which the volume is located.
Boolean indicating if the volume can be booted or not.
The timestamp indicating volume creation.
Description of the volume.
Name of the volume.
Boolean indicating if the volume is encrypted or not.
Key/value pairs associated with the volume.
Key/value pairs associated with the volume in raw dict form.
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
Boolean indicating whether allow the volume to be attached more than once.
Detailed information about resource.
The size of the volume in GB.
The snapshot the volume was created from, if any.
The volume used as source, if any.
The current status of the volume.
The type of the volume mapping to a backend, if any.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Cinder::Volume
availability_zone: String
backup_id: String
description: String
image: String
metadata: {...}
multiattach: Boolean
name: String
read_only: Boolean
scheduler_hints: {...}
size: Integer
snapshot_id: String
source_volid: String
volume_type: String
Resource for associating volume to instance.
Resource for associating existing volume to instance. Also, the location where the volume is exposed on the instance can be specified.
The ID of the server to which the volume attaches.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The ID of the volume to be attached.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type cinder.volume
The location where the volume is exposed on the instance. This assignment may not be honored and it is advised that the path /dev/disk/by-id/virtio-<VolumeId> be used instead.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment
instance_uuid: String
mountpoint: String
volume_id: String
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
A resource for creating cinder volume types.
Volume type resource allows to define, whether volume, which will be use this type, will public and which projects are allowed to work with it. Also, there can be some user-defined metadata.
Note that default cinder security policy usage of this resource is limited to being used by administrators only.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Description of the volume type.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Whether the volume type is accessible to the public.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
The extra specs key and value pairs of the volume type.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Projects to add volume type access to. NOTE: This property is only supported since Cinder API V2.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.project
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Cinder::VolumeType
description: String
is_public: Boolean
metadata: {...}
name: String
projects: [String, String, ...]
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
Heat Template Resource for Designate RecordSet.
Designate provides DNS-as-a-Service services for OpenStack. RecordSet helps to add more than one records.
A list of data for this RecordSet. Each item will be a separate record in Designate These items should conform to the DNS spec for the record type - e.g. A records must be IPv4 addresses, CNAME records must be a hostname. DNS record data varies based on the type of record. For more details, please refer rfc 1035.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
DNS RecordSet type.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, SRV, TXT, SPF, NS, PTR, SSHFP, SOA
DNS Zone id or name.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type designate.zone
Description of RecordSet.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be no greater than 160.
RecordSet name.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The length must be no greater than 255.
Time To Live (Seconds).
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be in the range 1 to 2147483647.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Designate::RecordSet
description: String
name: String
records: [Value, Value, ...]
ttl: Integer
type: String
zone: String
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
Heat Template Resource for Designate Zone.
Designate provides DNS-as-a-Service services for OpenStack. So, zone, part of domain is a realm with an identification string, unique in DNS.
DNS Name for the zone.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The length must be no greater than 255.
Description of zone.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be no greater than 160.
E-mail for the zone. Used in SOA records for the zone. It is required for PRIMARY Type, otherwise ignored.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The servers to slave from to get DNS information and is mandatory for zone type SECONDARY, otherwise ignored.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Time To Live (Seconds) for the zone.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be in the range 1 to 2147483647.
Type of zone. PRIMARY is controlled by Designate, SECONDARY zones are slaved from another DNS Server.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “PRIMARY”.
Allowed values: PRIMARY, SECONDARY
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Designate::Zone
description: String
email: String
masters: [Value, Value, ...]
name: String
ttl: Integer
type: String
Resource for defining which resources can be accessed by users.
NOTE: Now this resource is actually associated with an AWS user resource, not any OS:: resource though it is registered under the OS namespace below.
Resource for defining resources that users are allowed to access by the DescribeStackResource API.
Resources that users are allowed to access by the DescribeStackResource API.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::AccessPolicy
AllowedResources: [Value, Value, ...]
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
An autoscaling group that can scale arbitrary resources.
An autoscaling group allows the creation of a desired count of similar resources, which are defined with the resource property in HOT format. If there is a need to create many of the same resources (e.g. one hundred sets of Server, WaitCondition and WaitConditionHandle or even Neutron Nets), AutoScalingGroup is a convenient and easy way to do that.
Maximum number of resources in the group.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Minimum number of resources in the group.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Resource definition for the resources in the group, in HOT format. The value of this property is the definition of a resource just as if it had been declared in the template itself.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Desired initial number of resources.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Policy for rolling updates for this scaling group.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{‘min_in_service’: 0, ‘pause_time’: 0, ‘max_batch_size’: 1}”.
Map properties:
The maximum number of resources to replace at once.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be at least 1.
The minimum number of resources in service while rolling updates are being executed.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
The number of seconds to wait between batches of updates.
Number value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
A map of resource names to the specified attribute of each individual resource that is part of the AutoScalingGroup. This map specifies output parameters that are available once the AutoScalingGroup has been instantiated.
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
A list of the specified attribute of each individual resource that is part of the AutoScalingGroup. This list of attributes is available as an output once the AutoScalingGroup has been instantiated.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
A map of resource names to IDs for the resources in the group.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup
cooldown: Integer
desired_capacity: Integer
max_size: Integer
min_size: Integer
resource: {...}
rolling_updates: {"min_in_service": Integer, "pause_time": Number, "max_batch_size": Integer}
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A configuration resource for representing cloud-init cloud-config.
This resource allows cloud-config YAML to be defined and stored by the config API. Any intrinsic functions called in the config will be resolved before storing the result.
This resource will generally be referenced by OS::Nova::Server user_data, or OS::Heat::MultipartMime parts config. Since cloud-config is boot-only configuration, any changes to the definition will result in the replacement of all servers which reference it.
Map representing the cloud-config data structure which will be formatted as YAML.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The config value of the software config.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::CloudConfig
cloud_config: {...}
A resource for managing servers that are already deployed.
A DeployedServer resource manages resources for servers that have been deployed externally from OpenStack. These servers can be associated with SoftwareDeployments for further orchestration via Heat.
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
Swift container and object to use for storing deployment data for the server resource. The parameter is a map value with the keys “container” and “object”, and the values are the corresponding container and object names. The software_config_transport parameter must be set to POLL_TEMP_URL for swift to be used. If not specified, and software_config_transport is set to POLL_TEMP_URL, a container will be automatically created from the resource name, and the object name will be a generated uuid.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Map properties:
Name of the container.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be at least 1.
Name of the object.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be at least 1.
How the server should receive the metadata required for software configuration. POLL_SERVER_CFN will allow calls to the cfn API action DescribeStackResource authenticated with the provided keypair. POLL_SERVER_HEAT will allow calls to the Heat API resource-show using the provided keystone credentials. POLL_TEMP_URL will create and populate a Swift TempURL with metadata for polling. ZAQAR_MESSAGE will create a dedicated zaqar queue and post the metadata for polling.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “POLL_SERVER_CFN”.
DEPRECATED since 9.0.0 (Pike) - This property will be ignored
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
Arbitrary key/value metadata to store for this server. Both keys and values must be 255 characters or less. Non-string values will be serialized to JSON (and the serialized string must be 255 characters or less).
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Name of the server.
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
The os-collect-config configuration for the server’s local agent to be configured to connect to Heat to retrieve deployment data.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::DeployedServer
deployment_swift_data: {"object": String, "container": String}
name: String
software_config_transport: String
An instance group that can scale arbitrary instances.
A resource allowing for the creating number of defined with AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration instances. Allows to associate scaled resources with loadbalancer resources.
The reference to a LaunchConfiguration resource.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A comma-delimited list of server ip addresses. (Heat extension).
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::InstanceGroup
AvailabilityZones: [Value, Value, ...]
LaunchConfigurationName: String
LoadBalancerNames: [Value, Value, ...]
Size: Integer
Tags: [{"Value": String, "Key": String}, {"Value": String, "Key": String}, ...]
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
Assembles a collection of software configurations as a multi-part mime.
Parts in the message can be populated with inline configuration or references to other config resources. If the referenced resource is itself a valid multi-part mime message, that will be broken into parts and those parts appended to this message.
The resulting multi-part mime message will be stored by the configs API and can be referenced in properties such as OS::Nova::Server user_data.
This resource is generally used to build a list of cloud-init configuration elements including scripts and cloud-config. Since cloud-init is boot-only configuration, any changes to the definition will result in the replacement of all servers which reference it.
Parts belonging to this message.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Content of part to attach, either inline or by referencing the ID of another software config resource.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Optional filename to associate with part.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Optional subtype to specify with the type.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Whether the part content is text or multipart.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “text”.
Allowed values: text, multipart
The config value of the software config.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::MultipartMime
parts: [{"type": String, "subtype": String, "config": String, "filename": String}, {"type": String, "subtype": String, "config": String, "filename": String}, ...]
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Enables easily disabling certain resources via the resource_registry.
It does nothing, but can effectively stub out any other resource because it will accept any properties and return any attribute (as None). Note this resource always does nothing on update (e.g it is not replaced even if a change to the stubbed resource properties would cause replacement).
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::None
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource which generates a random string.
This is useful for configuring passwords and secrets on services. Random string can be generated from specified character sequences, which means that all characters will be randomly chosen from specified sequences, or with some classes, e.g. letterdigits, which means that all character will be randomly chosen from union of ascii letters and digits. Output string will be randomly generated string with specified length (or with length of 32, if length property doesn’t specified).
A list of character class and their constraints to generate the random string from.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[{‘class’: ‘lettersdigits’, ‘min’: 1}]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
A character class and its corresponding min constraint to generate the random string from.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “lettersdigits”.
Allowed values: lettersdigits, letters, lowercase, uppercase, digits, hexdigits, octdigits
The minimum number of characters from this character class that will be in the generated string.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be in the range 1 to 512.
A list of character sequences and their constraints to generate the random string from.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
The minimum number of characters from this sequence that will be in the generated string.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be in the range 1 to 512.
A character sequence and its corresponding min constraint to generate the random string from.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Length of the string to generate.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “32”.
The value must be in the range 1 to 512.
Value which can be set or changed on stack update to trigger the resource for replacement with a new random string. The salt value itself is ignored by the random generator.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Detailed information about resource.
The random string generated by this resource. This value is also available by referencing the resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::RandomString
character_classes: [{"class": String, "min": Integer}, {"class": String, "min": Integer}, ...]
character_sequences: [{"min": Integer, "sequence": String}, {"min": Integer, "sequence": String}, ...]
length: Integer
salt: String
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
Creates one or more resources with the same configuration.
The types of resources to be created are passed into the chain
through the resources
property. One resource will be created for each
type listed. Each is passed the configuration specified
under resource_properties
The concurrent
property controls if the resources will be created
concurrently. If omitted or set to false, each resource will be treated
as having a dependency on the resource before it in the list.
The list of resource types to create. This list may contain type names or aliases defined in the resource registry. Specific template names are not supported.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
If true, the resources in the chain will be created concurrently. If false or omitted, each resource will be treated as having a dependency on the previous resource in the list.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Properties to pass to each resource being created in the chain.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
A map of resource names to the specified attribute of each individual resource.
A list of resource IDs for the resources in the chain.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::ResourceChain
concurrent: Boolean
resource_properties: {...}
resources: [Value, Value, ...]
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
Creates one or more identically configured nested resources.
In addition to the refs attribute, this resource implements synthetic attributes that mirror those of the resources in the group. When getting an attribute from this resource, however, a list of attribute values for each resource in the group is returned. To get attribute values for a single resource in the group, synthetic attributes of the form resource.{resource index}.{attribute name} can be used. The resource ID of a particular resource in the group can be obtained via the synthetic attribute resource.{resource index}. Note, that if you get attribute without {resource index}, e.g. [resource, {attribute_name}], you’ll get a list of this attribute’s value for all resources in group.
While each resource in the group will be identically configured, this resource does allow for some index-based customization of the properties of the resources in the group. For example:
type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
count: 3
type: OS::Nova::Server
# create a unique name for each server
# using its index in the group
name: my_server_%index%
image: CentOS 6.5
flavor: 4GB Performance
would result in a group of three servers having the same image and flavor, but names of my_server_0, my_server_1, and my_server_2. The variable used for substitution can be customized by using the index_var property.
Resource definition for the resources in the group. The value of this property is the definition of a resource just as if it had been declared in the template itself.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
NoteAvailable since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Supplied metadata for the resources in the group.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Property values for the resources in the group.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The type of the resources in the group.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The number of resources to create.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be at least 0.
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
A variable that this resource will use to replace with the current index of a given resource in the group. Can be used, for example, to customize the name property of grouped servers in order to differentiate them when listed with nova client.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “%index%”.
The length must be at least 3.
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
Policies for removal of resources on update.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Policy to be processed when doing an update which requires removal of specific resources.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
List of resources to be removed when doing an update which requires removal of specific resources. The resource may be specified several ways: (1) The resource name, as in the nested stack, (2) The resource reference returned from get_resource in a template, as available via the ‘refs’ attribute. Note this is destructive on update when specified; even if the count is not being reduced, and once a resource name is removed, its name is never reused in subsequent updates.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
A map of resource names to the specified attribute of each individual resource. Requires heat_template_version: 2014-10-16.
A list of resource IDs for the resources in the group.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
A map of resource names to IDs for the resources in the group.
Detailed information about resource.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
The maximum number of resources to create at once.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be at least 1.
The number of seconds to wait between batches.
Number value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
The maximum number of resources to replace at once.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be at least 1.
The minimum number of resources in service while rolling updates are being executed.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
The number of seconds to wait between batches of updates.
Number value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
count: Integer
index_var: String
removal_policies: [{"resource_list": [Value, Value, ...]}, {"resource_list": [Value, Value, ...]}, ...]
resource_def: {"type": String, "properties": {...}, "metadata": {...}}
A resource to manage scaling of OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup.
Note while it may incidentally support AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup for now, please don’t use it for that purpose and use AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy instead.
Resource to manage scaling for OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup, i.e. define which metric should be scaled and scaling adjustment, set cooldown etc.
Type of adjustment (absolute or percentage).
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: change_in_capacity, exact_capacity, percent_change_in_capacity
AutoScaling group ID to apply policy to.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Minimum number of resources that are added or removed when the AutoScaling group scales up or down. This can be used only when specifying percent_change_in_capacity for the adjustment_type property.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
adjustment_type: String
auto_scaling_group_id: String
cooldown: Number
min_adjustment_step: Integer
scaling_adjustment: Number
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
A resource for describing and storing a software component.
This resource is similar to OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig. In contrast to SoftwareConfig which allows for storing only one configuration (e.g. one script), SoftwareComponent allows for storing multiple configurations to address handling of all lifecycle hooks (CREATE, UPDATE, SUSPEND, RESUME, DELETE) for a software component in one place.
This resource is backed by the persistence layer and the API of the SoftwareConfig resource, and only adds handling for the additional ‘configs’ property and attribute.
The list of configurations for the different lifecycle actions of the represented software component.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The length must be at least 1.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Lifecycle actions to which the configuration applies. The string values provided for this property can include the standard resource actions CREATE, DELETE, UPDATE, SUSPEND and RESUME supported by Heat.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[‘CREATE’, ‘UPDATE’]”.
The length must be at least 1.
List contents:
Configuration script or manifest which specifies what actual configuration is performed.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The configuration tool used to actually apply the configuration on a server. This string property has to be understood by in-instance tools running inside deployed servers.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Schema representing the inputs that this software config is expecting.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Default value for the input if none is specified.
Any value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Replace the deployment instead of updating it when the input value changes.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Type of the value of the input.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “String”.
Allowed values: String, Number, CommaDelimitedList, Json, Boolean
Map containing options specific to the configuration management tool used by this resource.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Schema representing the outputs that this software config will produce.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Denotes that the deployment is in an error state if this output has a value.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Type of the value of the output.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “String”.
Allowed values: String, Number, CommaDelimitedList, Json, Boolean
The config value of the software config.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareComponent
configs: [{"tool": String, "config": String, "actions": [String, String, ...]}, {"tool": String, "config": String, "actions": [String, String, ...]}, ...]
inputs: [{"default": Any, "type": String, "name": String, "replace_on_change": Boolean, "description": String}, {"default": Any, "type": String, "name": String, "replace_on_change": Boolean, "description": String}, ...]
options: {...}
outputs: [{"type": String, "name": String, "error_output": Boolean, "description": String}, {"type": String, "name": String, "error_output": Boolean, "description": String}, ...]
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource for describing and storing software configuration.
The software_configs API which backs this resource creates immutable configs, so any change to the template resource definition will result in a new config being created, and the old one being deleted.
Configs can be defined in the same template which uses them, or they can be created in one stack, and passed to another stack via a parameter.
A config resource can be referenced in other resource properties which are config-aware. This includes the properties OS::Nova::Server user_data, OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment config and OS::Heat::MultipartMime parts config.
Along with the config script itself, this resource can define schemas for inputs and outputs which the config script is expected to consume and produce. Inputs and outputs are optional and will map to concepts which are specific to the configuration tool being used.
Configuration script or manifest which specifies what actual configuration is performed.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Namespace to group this software config by when delivered to a server. This may imply what configuration tool is going to perform the configuration.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “Heat::Ungrouped”.
Schema representing the inputs that this software config is expecting.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Default value for the input if none is specified.
Any value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Replace the deployment instead of updating it when the input value changes.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Type of the value of the input.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “String”.
Allowed values: String, Number, CommaDelimitedList, Json, Boolean
Map containing options specific to the configuration management tool used by this resource.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Schema representing the outputs that this software config will produce.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Denotes that the deployment is in an error state if this output has a value.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Type of the value of the output.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “String”.
Allowed values: String, Number, CommaDelimitedList, Json, Boolean
The config value of the software config.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
config: String
group: String
inputs: [{"default": Any, "type": String, "name": String, "replace_on_change": Boolean, "description": String}, {"default": Any, "type": String, "name": String, "replace_on_change": Boolean, "description": String}, ...]
options: {...}
outputs: [{"type": String, "name": String, "error_output": Boolean, "description": String}, {"type": String, "name": String, "error_output": Boolean, "description": String}, ...]
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
This resource associates a server with some configuration.
The configuration is to be deployed to that server.
A deployment allows input values to be specified which map to the inputs schema defined in the config resource. These input values are interpreted by the configuration tool in a tool-specific manner.
Whenever this resource goes to an IN_PROGRESS state, it creates an ephemeral config that includes the inputs values plus a number of extra inputs which have names prefixed with deploy_. The extra inputs relate to the current state of the stack, along with the information and credentials required to signal back the deployment results.
Unless signal_transport=NO_SIGNAL, this resource will remain in an IN_PROGRESS state until the server signals it with the output values for that deployment. Those output values are then available as resource attributes, along with the default attributes deploy_stdout, deploy_stderr and deploy_status_code.
Specifying actions other than the default CREATE and UPDATE will result in the deployment being triggered in those actions. For example this would allow cleanup configuration to be performed during actions SUSPEND and DELETE. A config could be designed to only work with some specific actions, or a config can read the value of the deploy_action input to allow conditional logic to perform different configuration for different actions.
ID of resource to apply configuration to. Normally this should be a Nova server ID.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Which lifecycle actions of the deployment resource will result in this deployment being triggered.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[‘CREATE’, ‘UPDATE’]”.
ID of software configuration resource to execute when applying to the server.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Input values to apply to the software configuration on this server.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Name of the derived config associated with this deployment. This is used to apply a sort order to the list of configurations currently deployed to a server.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
How the server should signal to heat with the deployment output values. CFN_SIGNAL will allow an HTTP POST to a CFN keypair signed URL. TEMP_URL_SIGNAL will create a Swift TempURL to be signaled via HTTP PUT. HEAT_SIGNAL will allow calls to the Heat API resource-signal using the provided keystone credentials. ZAQAR_SIGNAL will create a dedicated zaqar queue to be signaled using the provided keystone credentials. NO_SIGNAL will result in the resource going to the COMPLETE state without waiting for any signal.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “CFN_SIGNAL”.
Returned status code from the configuration execution.
Captured stderr from the configuration execution.
Captured stdout from the configuration execution.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment
actions: [Value, Value, ...]
config: String
input_values: {...}
name: String
server: String
signal_transport: String
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
This resource associates a group of servers with some configuration.
The configuration is to be deployed to all servers in the group.
The properties work in a similar way to OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment, and in addition to the attributes documented, you may pass any attribute supported by OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment, including those exposing arbitrary outputs, and return a map of deployment names to the specified attribute.
A map of names and server IDs to apply configuration to. The name is arbitrary and is used as the Heat resource name for the corresponding deployment.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Which lifecycle actions of the deployment resource will result in this deployment being triggered.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[‘CREATE’, ‘UPDATE’]”.
ID of software configuration resource to execute when applying to the server.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Input values to apply to the software configuration on this server.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Name of the derived config associated with this deployment. This is used to apply a sort order to the list of configurations currently deployed to a server.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
How the server should signal to heat with the deployment output values. CFN_SIGNAL will allow an HTTP POST to a CFN keypair signed URL. TEMP_URL_SIGNAL will create a Swift TempURL to be signaled via HTTP PUT. HEAT_SIGNAL will allow calls to the Heat API resource-signal using the provided keystone credentials. ZAQAR_SIGNAL will create a dedicated zaqar queue to be signaled using the provided keystone credentials. NO_SIGNAL will result in the resource going to the COMPLETE state without waiting for any signal.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “CFN_SIGNAL”.
A map of Nova names and returned status code from the configuration execution.
A map of Nova names and captured stderrs from the configuration execution to each server.
A map of Nova names and captured stdouts from the configuration execution to each server.
Detailed information about resource.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
The maximum number of resources to create at once.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be at least 1.
The number of seconds to wait between batches.
Number value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
The maximum number of deployments to replace at once.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be at least 1.
The number of seconds to wait between batches of updates.
Number value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeploymentGroup
actions: [Value, Value, ...]
config: String
input_values: {...}
name: String
servers: {...}
signal_transport: String
A Resource representing a stack.
A resource that allowing for the creating stack, where should be defined stack template in HOT format, parameters (if template has any parameters with no default value), and timeout of creating. After creating current stack will have remote stack.
Template that specifies the stack to be created as a resource.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Context for this stack.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Region name in which this stack will be created.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Set of parameters passed to this stack.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Number of minutes to wait for this stack creation.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A dict of key-value pairs output from the stack.
Detailed information about resource.
Name of the stack.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::Stack
context: {"region_name": String}
parameters: {...}
template: String
timeout: Integer
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource which has same logic with OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig.
This resource is like OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig except that the config property is represented by a Map rather than a String.
This is useful for configuration tools which use YAML or JSON as their configuration syntax. The resulting configuration is transferred, stored and returned by the software_configs API as parsed JSON.
Map representing the configuration data structure which will be serialized to JSON format.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Namespace to group this software config by when delivered to a server. This may imply what configuration tool is going to perform the configuration.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “Heat::Ungrouped”.
Schema representing the inputs that this software config is expecting.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Default value for the input if none is specified.
Any value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Replace the deployment instead of updating it when the input value changes.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Type of the value of the input.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “String”.
Allowed values: String, Number, CommaDelimitedList, Json, Boolean
Map containing options specific to the configuration management tool used by this resource.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Schema representing the outputs that this software config will produce.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Denotes that the deployment is in an error state if this output has a value.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Type of the value of the output.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “String”.
Allowed values: String, Number, CommaDelimitedList, Json, Boolean
The config value of the software config.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig
config: {...}
group: String
inputs: [{"default": Any, "type": String, "name": String, "replace_on_change": Boolean, "description": String}, {"default": Any, "type": String, "name": String, "replace_on_change": Boolean, "description": String}, ...]
options: {...}
outputs: [{"type": String, "name": String, "error_output": Boolean, "description": String}, {"type": String, "name": String, "error_output": Boolean, "description": String}, ...]
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource which has same logic with OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment.
A deployment resource like OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment, but which performs input value substitution on the config defined by a OS::Heat::StructuredConfig resource.
Some configuration tools have no concept of inputs, so the input value substitution needs to occur in the deployment resource. An example of this is the JSON metadata consumed by the cfn-init tool.
Where the config contains {get_input: input_name} this will be substituted with the value of input_name in this resource’s input_values. If get_input needs to be passed through to the substituted configuration then a different input_key property value can be specified.
ID of resource to apply configuration to. Normally this should be a Nova server ID.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Which lifecycle actions of the deployment resource will result in this deployment being triggered.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[‘CREATE’, ‘UPDATE’]”.
ID of software configuration resource to execute when applying to the server.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Name of key to use for substituting inputs during deployment.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “get_input”.
Input values to apply to the software configuration on this server.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Perform a check on the input values passed to verify that each required input has a corresponding value. When the property is set to STRICT and no value is passed, an exception is raised.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “LAX”.
Allowed values: LAX, STRICT
Name of the derived config associated with this deployment. This is used to apply a sort order to the list of configurations currently deployed to a server.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
How the server should signal to heat with the deployment output values. CFN_SIGNAL will allow an HTTP POST to a CFN keypair signed URL. TEMP_URL_SIGNAL will create a Swift TempURL to be signaled via HTTP PUT. HEAT_SIGNAL will allow calls to the Heat API resource-signal using the provided keystone credentials. ZAQAR_SIGNAL will create a dedicated zaqar queue to be signaled using the provided keystone credentials. NO_SIGNAL will result in the resource going to the COMPLETE state without waiting for any signal.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “CFN_SIGNAL”.
Returned status code from the configuration execution.
Captured stderr from the configuration execution.
Captured stdout from the configuration execution.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment
actions: [Value, Value, ...]
config: String
input_key: String
input_values: {...}
input_values_validate: String
name: String
server: String
signal_transport: String
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
This resource associates a group of servers with some configuration.
This resource works similar as OS::Heat::SoftwareDeploymentGroup, but for structured resources.
A map of names and server IDs to apply configuration to. The name is arbitrary and is used as the Heat resource name for the corresponding deployment.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Which lifecycle actions of the deployment resource will result in this deployment being triggered.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[‘CREATE’, ‘UPDATE’]”.
ID of software configuration resource to execute when applying to the server.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Name of key to use for substituting inputs during deployment.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “get_input”.
Input values to apply to the software configuration on this server.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Perform a check on the input values passed to verify that each required input has a corresponding value. When the property is set to STRICT and no value is passed, an exception is raised.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “LAX”.
Allowed values: LAX, STRICT
Name of the derived config associated with this deployment. This is used to apply a sort order to the list of configurations currently deployed to a server.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
How the server should signal to heat with the deployment output values. CFN_SIGNAL will allow an HTTP POST to a CFN keypair signed URL. TEMP_URL_SIGNAL will create a Swift TempURL to be signaled via HTTP PUT. HEAT_SIGNAL will allow calls to the Heat API resource-signal using the provided keystone credentials. ZAQAR_SIGNAL will create a dedicated zaqar queue to be signaled using the provided keystone credentials. NO_SIGNAL will result in the resource going to the COMPLETE state without waiting for any signal.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “CFN_SIGNAL”.
A map of Nova names and returned status code from the configuration execution.
A map of Nova names and captured stderrs from the configuration execution to each server.
A map of Nova names and captured stdouts from the configuration execution to each server.
Detailed information about resource.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
The maximum number of resources to create at once.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be at least 1.
The number of seconds to wait between batches.
Number value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
The maximum number of deployments to replace at once.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be at least 1.
The number of seconds to wait between batches of updates.
Number value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeploymentGroup
actions: [Value, Value, ...]
config: String
input_key: String
input_values: {...}
input_values_validate: String
name: String
servers: {...}
signal_transport: String
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
Resource for handling signals received by SwiftSignalHandle.
This resource handles signals received by SwiftSignalHandle and is same as WaitCondition resource.
URL of TempURL where resource will signal completion and optionally upload data.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The maximum number of seconds to wait for the resource to signal completion. Once the timeout is reached, creation of the signal resource will fail.
Number value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be in the range 1 to 43200.
The number of success signals that must be received before the stack creation process continues.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be in the range 1 to 1000.
JSON data that was uploaded via the SwiftSignalHandle.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::SwiftSignal
count: Integer
handle: String
timeout: Number
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
Resource for managing signals from Swift resources.
This resource is same as WaitConditionHandle, but designed for using by Swift resources.
Convenience attribute, provides curl CLI command prefix, which can be used for signalling handle completion or failure. You can signal success by adding –data-binary ‘{“status”: “SUCCESS”}’ , or signal failure by adding –data-binary ‘{“status”: “FAILURE”}’.
Endpoint/url which can be used for signalling handle.
Detailed information about resource.
Tokens are not needed for Swift TempURLs. This attribute is being kept for compatibility with the OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::SwiftSignalHandle
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
A resource which stores the string value that was provided.
This resource is to be used only for testing. It has control knobs such as ‘update_replace’, ‘fail’, ‘wait_secs’.
Options for simulating waiting.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Seconds to wait after a create. Defaults to the global wait_secs.
Number value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Seconds to wait after a delete. Defaults to the global wait_secs.
Number value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Seconds to wait after an update. Defaults to the global wait_secs.
Number value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
Number value for timeout during resolving output value.
Number value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
Client to poll.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
Number value for delay during resolve constraint.
Number value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
Value must be of type test_constr
Client entity to poll.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
Value which can be set to fail the resource operation to test failure scenarios.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Value which can be set to trigger update replace for the particular resource.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
Some value that can be stored but can not be updated.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The input string to be stored.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “test_string”.
Seconds to wait after an action (-1 is infinite).
Number value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The string that was stored. This value is also available by referencing the resource.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::TestResource
action_wait_secs: {"create": Number, "update": Number, "delete": Number}
attr_wait_secs: Number
client_name: String
constraint_prop_secs: Number
entity_name: String
fail: Boolean
update_replace: Boolean
update_replace_value: String
value: String
wait_secs: Number
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
WaitConditionHandle that clears signals and changes handle on update.
This works identically to a regular WaitConditionHandle, except that on update it clears all signals received and changes the handle. Using this handle means that you must setup the signal senders to send their signals again any time the update handle changes. This allows us to roll out new configurations and be confident that they are rolled out once UPDATE COMPLETE is reached.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::UpdateWaitConditionHandle
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
A resource which exposes its value property as an attribute.
This is useful for exposing a value that is a simple manipulation of other template parameters and/or other resources.
The expression to generate the “value” attribute.
Any value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The type of the “value” property.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: string, number, comma_delimited_list, json, boolean
Detailed information about resource.
The value generated by this resource’s properties “value” expression, with type determined from the properties “type”.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::Value
type: String
value: Any
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
Resource for handling signals received by WaitConditionHandle.
Resource takes WaitConditionHandle and starts to create. Resource is in CREATE_IN_PROGRESS status until WaitConditionHandle doesn’t receive sufficient number of successful signals (this number can be specified with count property) and successfully creates after that, or fails due to timeout.
A reference to the wait condition handle used to signal this wait condition.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The number of seconds to wait for the correct number of signals to arrive.
Number value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be in the range 1 to 43200.
The number of success signals that must be received before the stack creation process continues.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be at least 1.
JSON string containing data associated with wait condition signals sent to the handle.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
count: Integer
handle: String
timeout: Number
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
Resource for managing instance signals.
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
How the client will signal the wait condition. CFN_SIGNAL will allow an HTTP POST to a CFN keypair signed URL. TEMP_URL_SIGNAL will create a Swift TempURL to be signalled via HTTP PUT. HEAT_SIGNAL will allow calls to the Heat API resource-signal using the provided keystone credentials. ZAQAR_SIGNAL will create a dedicated zaqar queue to be signalled using the provided keystone credentials. TOKEN_SIGNAL will allow and HTTP POST to a Heat API endpoint with the provided keystone token. NO_SIGNAL will result in the resource going to a signalled state without waiting for any signal.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “TOKEN_SIGNAL”.
Convenience attribute, provides curl CLI command prefix, which can be used for signalling handle completion or failure when signal_transport is set to TOKEN_SIGNAL. You can signal success by adding –data-binary ‘{“status”: “SUCCESS”}’ , or signal failure by adding –data-binary ‘{“status”: “FAILURE”}’. This attribute is set to None for all other signal transports.
Endpoint/url which can be used for signalling handle when signal_transport is set to TOKEN_SIGNAL. None for all other signal transports.
Detailed information about resource.
JSON serialized map that includes the endpoint, token and/or other attributes the client must use for signalling this handle. The contents of this map depend on the type of signal selected in the signal_transport property.
Token for stack-user which can be used for signalling handle when signal_transport is set to TOKEN_SIGNAL. None for all other signal transports.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
signal_transport: String
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata) - Supported versions: keystone v3
Heat Template Resource for Keystone Domain.
This plug-in helps to create, update and delete a keystone domain. Also it can be used for enable or disable a given keystone domain.
Description of keystone domain.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
This domain is enabled or disabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Keystone::Domain
description: String
enabled: Boolean
name: String
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty) - Supported versions: keystone v3
Heat Template Resource for Keystone Service Endpoint.
Keystone endpoint is just the URL that can be used for accessing a service within OpenStack. Endpoint can be accessed by admin, by services or public, i.e. everyone can use this endpoint.
Interface type of keystone service endpoint.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: public, internal, admin
Name or Id of keystone service.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.service
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
This endpoint is enabled or disabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Name or Id of keystone region.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.region
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Keystone::Endpoint
enabled: Boolean
interface: String
name: String
region: String
service: String
url: String
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo) - Supported versions: keystone v3
Heat Template Resource for Keystone Group.
Groups are a container representing a collection of users. A group itself must be owned by a specific domain, and hence all group names are not globally unique, but only unique to their domain.
Description of keystone group.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
Name or id of keystone domain.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “default”.
Value must be of type keystone.domain
List of role assignments.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map between role with either project or domain.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Keystone domain.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.domain
Keystone project.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.project
Keystone role.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.role
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Keystone::Group
description: String
domain: String
name: String
roles: [{"project": String, "domain": String, "role": String}, {"project": String, "domain": String, "role": String}, ...]
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty) - Supported versions: keystone v3
Resource for granting roles to a group.
Resource for specifying groups and their’s roles.
Name or id of keystone group.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.group
List of role assignments.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map between role with either project or domain.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Keystone domain.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.domain
Keystone project.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.project
Keystone role.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.role
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Keystone::GroupRoleAssignment
group: String
roles: [{"project": String, "domain": String, "role": String}, {"project": String, "domain": String, "role": String}, ...]
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo) - Supported versions: keystone v3
Heat Template Resource for Keystone Project.
Projects represent the base unit of ownership in OpenStack, in that all resources in OpenStack should be owned by a specific project. A project itself must be owned by a specific domain, and hence all project names are not globally unique, but unique to their domain. If the domain for a project is not specified, then it is added to the default domain.
Description of keystone project.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
Name or id of keystone domain.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “default”.
Value must be of type keystone.domain
This project is enabled or disabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
The name or ID of parent of this keystone project in hierarchy.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.project
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Keystone::Project
description: String
domain: String
enabled: Boolean
name: String
parent: String
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka) - Supported versions: keystone v3
Heat Template Resource for Keystone Region.
This plug-in helps to create, update and delete a keystone region. Also it can be used for enable or disable a given keystone region.
Description of keystone region.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
This region is enabled or disabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
The user-defined region ID and should unique to the OpenStack deployment. While creating the region, heat will url encode this ID.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
If the region is hierarchically a child of another region, set this parameter to the ID of the parent region.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.region
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Keystone::Region
description: String
enabled: Boolean
id: String
parent_region: String
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo) - Supported versions: keystone v3
Heat Template Resource for Keystone Role.
Roles dictate the level of authorization the end user can obtain. Roles can be granted at either the domain or project level. Role can be assigned to the individual user or at the group level. Role names are globally unique.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Keystone::Role
name: String
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty) - Supported versions: keystone v3
Heat Template Resource for Keystone Service.
A resource that allows to create new service and manage it by Keystone.
Description of keystone service.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
This service is enabled or disabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Keystone::Service
description: String
enabled: Boolean
name: String
type: String
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo) - Supported versions: keystone v3
Heat Template Resource for Keystone User.
Users represent an individual API consumer. A user itself must be owned by a specific domain, and hence all user names are not globally unique, but only unique to their domain.
Name or ID of default project of keystone user.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.project
Description of keystone user.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
Name or ID of keystone domain.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “default”.
Value must be of type keystone.domain
Keystone user is enabled or disabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Keystone user groups.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Keystone user group.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.group
List of role assignments.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map between role with either project or domain.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Keystone domain.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.domain
Keystone project.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.project
Keystone role.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.role
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Keystone::User
default_project: String
description: String
domain: String
email: String
enabled: Boolean
groups: [String, String, ...]
name: String
password: String
roles: [{"project": String, "domain": String, "role": String}, {"project": String, "domain": String, "role": String}, ...]
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty) - Supported versions: keystone v3
Resource for granting roles to a user.
Resource for specifying users and their’s roles.
Name or id of keystone user.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.user
List of role assignments.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map between role with either project or domain.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Keystone domain.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.domain
Keystone project.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.project
Keystone role.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.role
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Keystone::UserRoleAssignment
roles: [{"project": String, "domain": String, "role": String}, {"project": String, "domain": String, "role": String}, ...]
user: String
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
A resource that creates a magnum cluster.
This resource creates a magnum cluster, which is a collection of node objects where work is scheduled.
The name or ID of the cluster template.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type magnum.cluster_template
Timeout for creating the cluster in minutes. Set to 0 for no timeout.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “60”.
The value must be at least 0.
Specifies a custom discovery url for node discovery.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The name of the keypair. If not presented, use keypair in cluster template.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type nova.keypair
The number of master nodes for this cluster.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be at least 1.
The node count for this cluster.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be at least 1.
The endpoint URL of COE API exposed to end-users.
The UUID of the cluster template.
Version info of chosen COE in cluster for helping client in picking the right version of client.
Version info of constainer engine in the chosen COE in cluster for helping client in picking the right version of client.
The timeout for cluster creation in minutes.
The custom discovery url for node discovery.
The name of the keypair.
List of floating IP of all master nodes.
The number of servers that will serve as master for the cluster.
Name of the resource.
List of floating IP of all servers that serve as node.
The number of servers that will serve as node in the cluster.
Detailed information about resource.
The reference UUID of orchestration stack for this COE cluster.
The status for this COE cluster.
The reason of cluster current status.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Magnum::Cluster
cluster_template: String
create_timeout: Integer
discovery_url: String
keypair: String
master_count: Integer
name: String
node_count: Integer
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
A resource for the ClusterTemplate in Magnum.
ClusterTemplate is an object that stores template information about the cluster which is used to create new clusters consistently.
The Container Orchestration Engine for cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: kubernetes, swarm, mesos
The external neutron network to attach the Cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.network
The image name or UUID to use as a base image for cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type glance.image
The DNS nameserver address.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
Select a docker storage driver.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “devicemapper”.
Allowed values: devicemapper, overlay
The size in GB of the docker volume.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be at least 1.
The fixed neutron network to attach the Cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.network
The fixed neutron subnet to attach the Cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.subnet
The nova flavor name or UUID to use when launching the cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type nova.flavor
Indicates whether created clusters should have a floating ip or not.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
The http_proxy address to use for nodes in cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The https_proxy address to use for nodes in cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The name of the SSH keypair to load into the cluster nodes.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type nova.keypair
Arbitrary labels in the form of key=value pairs to associate with cluster.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The nova flavor name or UUID to use when launching the master node of the cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type nova.flavor
Indicates whether created clusters should have a load balancer for master nodes or not.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
The name of the driver used for instantiating container networks. By default, Magnum will choose the pre-configured network driver based on COE type.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
A comma separated list of addresses for which proxies should not be used in the cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Make the cluster template public.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Enable the docker registry in the cluster.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Specify the server type to be used.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “vm”.
Allowed values: vm, bm
Disable TLS in the cluster.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
The volume driver name for instantiating container volume.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: cinder, rexray
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Magnum::ClusterTemplate
coe: String
dns_nameserver: String
docker_storage_driver: String
docker_volume_size: Integer
external_network: String
fixed_network: String
fixed_subnet: String
flavor: String
floating_ip_enabled: Boolean
http_proxy: String
https_proxy: String
image: String
keypair: String
labels: {...}
master_flavor: String
master_lb_enabled: Boolean
name: String
network_driver: String
no_proxy: String
public: Boolean
registry_enabled: Boolean
server_type: String
tls_disabled: Boolean
volume_driver: String
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
A resource that implements security service of Manila.
A security_service is a set of options that defines a security domain for a particular shared filesystem protocol, such as an Active Directory domain or a Kerberos domain.
Security service type.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: ldap, kerberos, active_directory
Security service description.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
DNS IP address used inside tenant’s network.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Security service IP address or hostname.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Security service user or group used by tenant.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Manila::SecurityService
description: String
dns_ip: String
domain: String
name: String
password: String
server: String
type: String
user: String
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
A resource implements Mistral cron trigger.
Cron trigger is an object allowing to run workflow on a schedule. User specifies what workflow with what input needs to be run and also specifies how often it should be run. Pattern property is used to describe the frequency of workflow execution.
Time of the first execution in format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM”.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Cron expression.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cron_expression
Time of the next execution in format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”.
Number of remaining executions.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Mistral::CronTrigger
count: Integer
first_time: String
name: String
pattern: String
workflow: {"input": {...}, "name": String}
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
A plugin for managing user-defined resources via Mistral workflows.
This resource allows users to manage resources that are not known to Heat. The user may specify a Mistral workflow to handle each resource action, such as CREATE, UPDATE, or DELETE.
The workflows may return an output named ‘resource_id’, which will be treated as the physical ID of the resource by Heat.
Once the resource is created, subsequent workflow runs will receive the
output of the last workflow execution in the ‘heat_extresource_data’ key
in the workflow environment (accessible as env().heat_extresource_data
in the workflow).
The template author may specify a subset of inputs as causing replacement of the resource when they change, as an alternative to running the UPDATE workflow.
Resource action which triggers a workflow execution.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Dictionary which defines the workflow to run and its params.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Workflow additional parameters. If workflow is reverse typed, params requires “task_name”, which defines initial task.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Workflow to execute.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type mistral.workflow
Dictionary which defines the workflow to run and its params.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Workflow additional parameters. If workflow is reverse typed, params requires “task_name”, which defines initial task.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Workflow to execute.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type mistral.workflow
Dictionary which defines the workflow to run and its params.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Workflow additional parameters. If workflow is reverse typed, params requires “task_name”, which defines initial task.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Workflow to execute.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type mistral.workflow
Dictionary which defines the workflow to run and its params.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Workflow additional parameters. If workflow is reverse typed, params requires “task_name”, which defines initial task.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Workflow to execute.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type mistral.workflow
Dictionary which defines the workflow to run and its params.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Workflow additional parameters. If workflow is reverse typed, params requires “task_name”, which defines initial task.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Workflow to execute.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type mistral.workflow
Triggers UPDATE action execution even if input is unchanged.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Workflow execution description.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “Heat managed”.
Dictionary which contains input for the workflows.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
A list of inputs that should cause the resource to be replaced when their values change.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Mistral::ExternalResource
actions: {"CREATE": {"params": {...}, "workflow": String}, "SUSPEND": {"params": {...}, "workflow": String}, "DELETE": {"params": {...}, "workflow": String}, "UPDATE": {"params": {...}, "workflow": String}, "RESUME": {"params": {...}, "workflow": String}}
always_update: Boolean
description: String
input: {...}
replace_on_change_inputs: [Value, Value, ...]
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
A resource that implements Mistral workflow.
Workflow represents a process that can be described in a various number of ways and that can do some job interesting to the end user. Each workflow consists of tasks (at least one) describing what exact steps should be made during workflow execution.
For detailed description how to use Workflow, read Mistral documentation.
Dictionary containing workflow tasks.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be at least 1.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Name of the action associated with the task. Either action or workflow may be defined in the task.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
NoteAvailable since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
Defines a max number of actions running simultaneously in a task. Applicable only for tasks that have with-items.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Actual input parameter values of the task.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
NoteAvailable since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
Allows to synchronize multiple parallel workflow branches and aggregate their data. Valid inputs: all - the task will run only if all upstream tasks are completed. Any numeric value - then the task will run once at least this number of upstream tasks are completed and corresponding conditions have triggered.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
NoteAvailable since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Allowing not to store action results after task completion.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List of tasks which will run after the task has completed regardless of whether it is successful or not.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List of tasks which will run after the task has completed with an error.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List of tasks which will run after the task has completed successfully.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
NoteAvailable since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Defines whether Mistral Engine should put the workflow on hold or not before starting a task.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Dictionary of variables to publish to the workflow context.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List of tasks which should be executed before this task. Used only in reverse workflows.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
NoteAvailable since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Defines a pattern how task should be repeated in case of an error.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
NoteAvailable since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
It defines an executor to which task action should be sent to.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
NoteAvailable since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Defines a period of time in seconds after which a task will be failed automatically by engine if hasn’t completed.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
NoteAvailable since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Defines a delay in seconds that Mistral Engine should wait after a task has completed before starting next tasks defined in on-success, on-error or on-complete.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
NoteAvailable since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Defines a delay in seconds that Mistral Engine should wait before starting a task.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
NoteAvailable since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
If configured, it allows to run action or workflow associated with a task multiple times on a provided list of items.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Name of the workflow associated with the task. Can be defined by intrinsic function get_resource or by name of the referenced workflow, i.e. { workflow: wf_name } or { workflow: { get_resource: wf_name }}. Either action or workflow may be defined in the task.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type mistral.workflow
Workflow type.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: direct, reverse
Dictionary which contains input for workflow.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Any data structure arbitrarily containing YAQL expressions that defines workflow output. May be nested.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Workflow additional parameters. If Workflow is reverse typed, params requires ‘task_name’, which defines initial task.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Default settings for some of task attributes defined at workflow level.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
NoteAvailable since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
Defines a max number of actions running simultaneously in a task. Applicable only for tasks that have with-items.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List of tasks which will run after the task has completed regardless of whether it is successful or not.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List of tasks which will run after the task has completed with an error.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List of tasks which will run after the task has completed successfully.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defines whether Mistral Engine should put the workflow on hold or not before starting a task.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List of tasks which should be executed before this task. Used only in reverse workflows.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defines a pattern how task should be repeated in case of an error.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defines a period of time in seconds after which a task will be failed automatically by engine if hasn’t completed.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defines a delay in seconds that Mistral Engine should wait after a task has completed before starting next tasks defined in on-success, on-error or on-complete.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defines a delay in seconds that Mistral Engine should wait before starting a task.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
Defines the method in which the request body for signaling a workflow would be parsed. In case this property is set to True, the body would be parsed as a simple json where each key is a workflow input, in other cases body would be parsed expecting a specific json format with two keys: “input” and “params”.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A signed url to create executions for workflows specified in Workflow resource.
A dictionary which contains name and input of the workflow.
List of workflows’ executions, each of them is a dictionary with information about execution. Each dictionary returns values for next keys: id, workflow_name, created_at, updated_at, state for current execution state, input, output.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Mistral::Workflow
description: String
input: {...}
name: String
output: {...}
params: {...}
task_defaults: {"concurrency": Integer, "retry": {...}, "on_error": [Value, Value, ...], "timeout": Integer, "pause_before": Boolean, "on_complete": [Value, Value, ...], "wait_before": Integer, "wait_after": Integer, "requires": [Value, Value, ...], "on_success": [Value, Value, ...]}
tasks: [{"keep_result": Boolean, "retry": {...}, "join": String, "name": String, "pause_before": Boolean, "workflow": String, "wait_before": Integer, "wait_after": Integer, "timeout": Integer, "publish": {...}, "with_items": String, "on_complete": [Value, Value, ...], "concurrency": Integer, "on_error": [Value, Value, ...], "policies": {...}, "target": String, "action": String, "input": {...}, "requires": [Value, Value, ...], "on_success": [Value, Value, ...], "description": String}, {"keep_result": Boolean, "retry": {...}, "join": String, "name": String, "pause_before": Boolean, "workflow": String, "wait_before": Integer, "wait_after": Integer, "timeout": Integer, "publish": {...}, "with_items": String, "on_complete": [Value, Value, ...], "concurrency": Integer, "on_error": [Value, Value, ...], "policies": {...}, "target": String, "action": String, "input": {...}, "requires": [Value, Value, ...], "on_success": [Value, Value, ...], "description": String}, ...]
type: String
use_request_body_as_input: Boolean
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
UNSUPPORTED since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Heat Template Resource for Monasca Alarm definition.
Monasca Alarm definition helps to define the required expression for a given alarm situation. This plugin helps to create, update and delete the alarm definition.
Alarm definitions is necessary to describe and manage alarms in a one-to-many relationship in order to avoid having to manually declare each alarm even though they may share many common attributes and differ in only one, such as hostname.
Whether to enable the actions or not.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
The notification methods to use when an alarm state is ALARM.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Monasca notification.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type monasca.notification
The metric dimensions to match to the alarm dimensions. One or more dimension key names separated by a comma.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
Name of the alarm. By default, physical resource name is used.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The notification methods to use when an alarm state is OK.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Monasca notification.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type monasca.notification
Severity of the alarm.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “low”.
Allowed values: low, medium, high, critical
The notification methods to use when an alarm state is UNDETERMINED.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Monasca notification.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type monasca.notification
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Monasca::AlarmDefinition
actions_enabled: Boolean
alarm_actions: [String, String, ...]
description: String
expression: String
match_by: [Value, Value, ...]
name: String
ok_actions: [String, String, ...]
severity: String
undetermined_actions: [String, String, ...]
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
UNSUPPORTED since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Heat Template Resource for Monasca Notification.
A resource which is used to notificate if there is some alarm. Monasca Notification helps to declare the hook points, which will be invoked once alarm is generated. This plugin helps to create, update and delete the notification.
Address of the notification. It could be a valid email address, url or service key based on notification type.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be no greater than 512.
Type of the notification.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: email, webhook, pagerduty
Name of the notification. By default, physical resource name is used.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
Interval in seconds to invoke webhooks if the alarm state does not transition away from the defined trigger state. A value of 0 will disable continuous notifications. This property is only applicable for the webhook notification type and has default period interval of 60 seconds.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: 0, 60
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Monasca::Notification
address: String
name: String
period: Integer
type: String
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource for Neutron address scope.
This resource can be associated with multiple subnet pools in a one-to-many relationship. The subnet pools under an address scope must not overlap.
Address family of the address scope, which is 4 or 6.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “4”.
Allowed values: 4, 6
The owner tenant ID of the address scope. Only administrative users can specify a tenant ID other than their own.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.project
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::AddressScope
ip_version: Integer
name: String
shared: Boolean
tenant_id: String
A resource for the Firewall resource in Neutron FWaaS.
Resource for using the Neutron firewall implementation. Firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.
The ID of the firewall policy that this firewall is associated with.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Administrative state of the firewall. If false (down), firewall does not forward packets and will drop all traffic to/from VMs behind the firewall.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Description for the firewall.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Extra parameters to include in the request. Parameters are often specific to installed hardware or extensions.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
The administrative state of the firewall.
Description of the firewall.
Unique identifier of the firewall policy used to create the firewall.
Name for the firewall.
Detailed information about resource.
The status of the firewall.
Id of the tenant owning the firewall.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::Firewall
admin_state_up: Boolean
description: String
firewall_policy_id: String
name: String
value_specs: {...}
A resource for the FirewallPolicy resource in Neutron FWaaS.
FirewallPolicy resource is an ordered collection of firewall rules. A firewall policy can be shared across tenants.
An ordered list of firewall rules to apply to the firewall.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Whether this policy should be audited. When set to True, each time the firewall policy or the associated firewall rules are changed, this attribute will be set to False and will have to be explicitly set to True through an update operation.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Description for the firewall policy.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Audit status of this firewall policy.
Description of the firewall policy.
List of firewall rules in this firewall policy.
Name for the firewall policy.
Detailed information about resource.
Id of the tenant owning the firewall policy.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::FirewallPolicy
audited: Boolean
description: String
firewall_rules: [Value, Value, ...]
name: String
shared: Boolean
A resource for the FirewallRule resource in Neutron FWaaS.
FirewallRule represents a collection of attributes like ports, ip addresses etc. which define match criteria and action (allow, or deny) that needs to be taken on the matched data traffic.
Action to be performed on the traffic matching the rule.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “deny”.
Allowed values: allow, deny
Description for the firewall rule.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Destination IP address or CIDR.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type net_cidr
Destination port number or a range.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Whether this rule should be enabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Internet protocol version.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “4”.
Allowed values: 4, 6
Protocol for the firewall rule.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “any”.
Allowed values: tcp, udp, icmp, any
Source IP address or CIDR.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type net_cidr
Source port number or a range.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allow or deny action for this firewall rule.
Description of the firewall rule.
Destination ip_address for this firewall rule.
Destination port range for this firewall rule.
Indicates whether this firewall rule is enabled or not.
Unique identifier of the firewall policy to which this firewall rule belongs.
Ip_version for this firewall rule.
Name for the firewall rule.
Position of the rule within the firewall policy.
Protocol value for this firewall rule.
Detailed information about resource.
Source ip_address for this firewall rule.
Source port range for this firewall rule.
Id of the tenant owning the firewall.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::FirewallRule
action: String
description: String
destination_ip_address: String
destination_port: String
enabled: Boolean
ip_version: String
name: String
protocol: String
shared: Boolean
source_ip_address: String
source_port: String
A resource for managing Neutron floating ips.
Floating IP addresses can change their association between routers by action of the user. One of the most common use cases for floating IPs is to provide public IP addresses to a private cloud, where there are a limited number of IP addresses available. Another is for a public cloud user to have a “static” IP address that can be reassigned when an instance is upgraded or moved.
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
Network to allocate floating IP from.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.network
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
DNS domain associated with floating ip.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type dns_domain
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
DNS name associated with floating ip.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type rel_dns_name
IP address to use if the port has multiple addresses.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
IP address of the floating IP. NOTE: The default policy setting in Neutron restricts usage of this property to administrative users only.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
Subnet to allocate floating IP from.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.subnet
ID of an existing port with at least one IP address to associate with this floating IP.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.port
Extra parameters to include in the “floatingip” object in the creation request. Parameters are often specific to installed hardware or extensions.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
IP address of the associated port, if specified.
The allocated address of this IP.
ID of the network in which this IP is allocated.
ID of the port associated with this IP.
ID of the router used as gateway, set when associated with a port.
Detailed information about resource.
The tenant owning this floating IP.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIP
dns_domain: String
dns_name: String
fixed_ip_address: String
floating_ip_address: String
floating_network: String
floating_subnet: String
port_id: String
value_specs: {...}
A resource for associating floating ips and ports.
This resource allows associating a floating IP to a port with at least one IP address to associate with this floating IP.
ID of the floating IP to associate.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
ID of an existing port with at least one IP address to associate with this floating IP.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.port
IP address to use if the port has multiple addresses.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation
fixed_ip_address: String
floatingip_id: String
port_id: String
A resource for IKE policy in Neutron.
The Internet Key Exchange policy identifies the authentication and encryption algorithm used during phase one and phase two negotiation of a VPN connection.
Authentication hash algorithm for the ike policy.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “sha1”.
Allowed values: sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512
Description for the ike policy.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Encryption algorithm for the ike policy.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “aes-128”.
Allowed values: 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256
Version for the ike policy.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “v1”.
Allowed values: v1, v2
Safety assessment lifetime configuration for the ike policy.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Safety assessment lifetime units.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “seconds”.
Allowed values: seconds, kilobytes
Safety assessment lifetime value in specified units.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “3600”.
Perfect forward secrecy in lowercase for the ike policy.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “group5”.
Allowed values: group2, group5, group14
Negotiation mode for the ike policy.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “main”.
Allowed values: main
The authentication hash algorithm used by the ike policy.
The description of the ike policy.
The encryption algorithm used by the ike policy.
The version of the ike policy.
The safety assessment lifetime configuration for the ike policy.
The name of the ike policy.
The perfect forward secrecy of the ike policy.
The negotiation mode of the ike policy.
Detailed information about resource.
The unique identifier of the tenant owning the ike policy.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::IKEPolicy
auth_algorithm: String
description: String
encryption_algorithm: String
ike_version: String
lifetime: {"units": String, "value": Integer}
name: String
pfs: String
phase1_negotiation_mode: String
A resource for IPsec policy in Neutron.
The IP security policy specifying the authentication and encryption algorithm, and encapsulation mode used for the established VPN connection.
Authentication hash algorithm for the ipsec policy.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “sha1”.
Allowed values: sha1
Description for the ipsec policy.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Encapsulation mode for the ipsec policy.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “tunnel”.
Allowed values: tunnel, transport
Encryption algorithm for the ipsec policy.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “aes-128”.
Allowed values: 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256
Safety assessment lifetime configuration for the ipsec policy.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Safety assessment lifetime units.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “seconds”.
Allowed values: seconds, kilobytes
Safety assessment lifetime value in specified units.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “3600”.
Perfect forward secrecy for the ipsec policy.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “group5”.
Allowed values: group2, group5, group14
Transform protocol for the ipsec policy.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “esp”.
Allowed values: esp, ah, ah-esp
The authentication hash algorithm of the ipsec policy.
The description of the ipsec policy.
The encapsulation mode of the ipsec policy.
The encryption algorithm of the ipsec policy.
The safety assessment lifetime configuration of the ipsec policy.
The name of the ipsec policy.
The perfect forward secrecy of the ipsec policy.
Detailed information about resource.
The unique identifier of the tenant owning the ipsec policy.
The transform protocol of the ipsec policy.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::IPsecPolicy
auth_algorithm: String
description: String
encapsulation_mode: String
encryption_algorithm: String
lifetime: {"units": String, "value": Integer}
name: String
pfs: String
transform_protocol: String
A resource for IPsec site connection in Neutron.
This resource has details for the site-to-site IPsec connection, including the peer CIDRs, MTU, peer address, DPD settings and status.
Unique identifier for the ike policy associated with the ipsec site connection.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Unique identifier for the ipsec policy associated with the ipsec site connection.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Remote branch router public IPv4 address or IPv6 address or FQDN.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Remote subnet(s) in CIDR format.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List contents:
Pre-shared key string for the ipsec site connection.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Unique identifier for the vpn service associated with the ipsec site connection.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Administrative state for the ipsec site connection.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Description for the ipsec site connection.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Dead Peer Detection protocol configuration for the ipsec site connection.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Controls DPD protocol mode.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “hold”.
Allowed values: clear, disabled, hold, restart, restart-by-peer
Number of seconds for the DPD delay.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “30”.
Number of seconds for the DPD timeout.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “120”.
Initiator state in lowercase for the ipsec site connection.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “bi-directional”.
Allowed values: bi-directional, response-only
Maximum transmission unit size (in bytes) for the ipsec site connection.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “1500”.
Name for the ipsec site connection.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The administrative state of the ipsec site connection.
The authentication mode of the ipsec site connection.
The description of the ipsec site connection.
The dead peer detection protocol configuration of the ipsec site connection.
The unique identifier of ike policy associated with the ipsec site connection.
The initiator of the ipsec site connection.
The unique identifier of ipsec policy associated with the ipsec site connection.
The maximum transmission unit size (in bytes) of the ipsec site connection.
The name of the ipsec site connection.
The remote branch router public IPv4 address or IPv6 address or FQDN.
The remote subnet(s) in CIDR format of the ipsec site connection.
The remote branch router identity of the ipsec site connection.
The pre-shared key string of the ipsec site connection.
The route mode of the ipsec site connection.
Detailed information about resource.
The status of the ipsec site connection.
The unique identifier of the tenant owning the ipsec site connection.
The unique identifier of vpn service associated with the ipsec site connection.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::IPsecSiteConnection
admin_state_up: Boolean
description: String
dpd: {"interval": Integer, "timeout": Integer, "actions": String}
ikepolicy_id: String
initiator: String
ipsecpolicy_id: String
mtu: Integer
name: String
peer_address: String
peer_cidrs: [String, String, ...]
peer_id: String
psk: String
vpnservice_id: String
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource to handle load balancer health monitors.
This resource creates and manages Neutron LBaaS v2 healthmonitors, which watches status of the load balanced servers.
The minimum time in milliseconds between regular connections of the member.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Number of permissible connection failures before changing the member status to INACTIVE.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be in the range 1 to 10.
ID or name of the load balancing pool.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.lbaas.pool
Maximum number of milliseconds for a monitor to wait for a connection to be established before it times out.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
One of predefined health monitor types.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: PING, TCP, HTTP, HTTPS
The administrative state of the health monitor.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
The HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values: a single value, such as 200. a list, such as 200, 202. a range, such as 200-204.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “200”.
The HTTP method used for requests by the monitor of type HTTP.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “GET”.
ID of the tenant who owns the health monitor.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The HTTP path used in the HTTP request used by the monitor to test a member health. A valid value is a string the begins with a forward slash (/).
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “/”.
The list of Pools related to this monitor.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::HealthMonitor
admin_state_up: Boolean
delay: Integer
expected_codes: String
http_method: String
max_retries: Integer
pool: String
tenant_id: String
timeout: Integer
type: String
url_path: String
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
A resource for managing LBaaS v2 L7Policies.
This resource manages Neutron-LBaaS v2 L7Policies, which represent a collection of L7Rules. L7Policy holds the action that should be performed when the rules are matched (Redirect to Pool, Redirect to URL, Reject). L7Policy holds a Listener id, so a Listener can evaluate a collection of L7Policies. L7Policy will return True when all of the L7Rules that belong to this L7Policy are matched. L7Policies under a specific Listener are ordered and the first l7Policy that returns a match will be executed. When none of the policies match the request gets forwarded to listener.default_pool_id.
Action type of the policy.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
ID or name of the listener this policy belongs to.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.lbaas.listener
The administrative state of the policy.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
L7 policy position in ordered policies list. This must be an integer starting from 1. If not specified, policy will be placed at the tail of existing policies list.
Number value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 1.
ID or name of the pool for REDIRECT_TO_POOL action type.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.lbaas.pool
URL for REDIRECT_TO_URL action type. This should be a valid URL string.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::L7Policy
action: String
admin_state_up: Boolean
description: String
listener: String
name: String
position: Number
redirect_pool: String
redirect_url: String
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
A resource for managing LBaaS v2 L7Rules.
This resource manages Neutron-LBaaS v2 L7Rules, which represent a set of attributes that defines which part of the request should be matched and how it should be matched.
Rule compare type.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
ID or name of L7 policy this rule belongs to.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Rule type.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The administrative state of the rule.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Invert the compare type.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Key to compare. Relevant for HEADER and COOKIE types only.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::L7Rule
admin_state_up: Boolean
compare_type: String
invert: Boolean
key: String
l7policy: String
type: String
value: String
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource for managing LBaaS v2 Listeners.
This resource creates and manages Neutron LBaaS v2 Listeners, which represent a listening endpoint for the vip.
Protocol on which to listen for the client traffic.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
TCP or UDP port on which to listen for client traffic.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be in the range 1 to 65535.
The administrative state of this listener.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
The maximum number of connections permitted for this load balancer. Defaults to -1, which is infinite.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “-1”.
The value must be at least -1.
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
ID or name of the default pool for the listener. Requires shared_pools service extension.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.lbaas.pool
Default TLS container reference to retrieve TLS information.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Description of this listener.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
ID or name of the load balancer with which listener is associated.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.lbaas.loadbalancer
List of TLS container references for SNI.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The ID of the tenant who owns the listener.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
ID of the default pool this listener is associated to.
ID of the load balancer this listener is associated to.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::Listener
admin_state_up: Boolean
connection_limit: Integer
default_pool: String
default_tls_container_ref: String
description: String
loadbalancer: String
name: String
protocol: String
protocol_port: Integer
sni_container_refs: [Value, Value, ...]
tenant_id: String
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource for creating LBaaS v2 Load Balancers.
This resource creates and manages Neutron LBaaS v2 Load Balancers, which allows traffic to be directed between servers.
The name or ID of the subnet on which to allocate the VIP address.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.subnet
The administrative state of this Load Balancer.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Description of this Load Balancer.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
Provider for this Load Balancer.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.lbaas.provider
The ID of the tenant who owns the Load Balancer. Only administrative users can specify a tenant ID other than their own.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.project
IP address for the VIP.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
Detailed information about resource.
The VIP address of the LoadBalancer.
The VIP port of the LoadBalancer.
The VIP subnet of the LoadBalancer.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::LoadBalancer
admin_state_up: Boolean
description: String
name: String
provider: String
tenant_id: String
vip_address: String
vip_subnet: String
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource for managing LBaaS v2 Pools.
This resources manages Neutron-LBaaS v2 Pools, which represent a group of nodes. Pools define the subnet where nodes reside, balancing algorithm, and the nodes themselves.
The algorithm used to distribute load between the members of the pool.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Protocol of the pool.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: TCP, HTTP, HTTPS
The administrative state of this pool.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Description of this pool.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
Listener name or ID to be associated with this pool.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.lbaas.listener
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
Loadbalancer name or ID to be associated with this pool. Requires shared_pools service extension.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.lbaas.loadbalancer
Configuration of session persistence.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Name of the cookie, required if type is APP_COOKIE.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Method of implementation of session persistence feature.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
ID of the health monitor associated with this pool.
Listener associated with this pool.
Members associated with this pool.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::Pool
admin_state_up: Boolean
description: String
lb_algorithm: String
listener: String
loadbalancer: String
name: String
protocol: String
session_persistence: {"cookie_name": String, "type": String}
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource for managing LBaaS v2 Pool Members.
A pool member represents a single backend node.
IP address of the pool member on the pool network.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
Name or ID of the load balancing pool.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.lbaas.pool
Port on which the pool member listens for requests or connections.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be in the range 1 to 65535.
Subnet name or ID of this member.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.subnet
The administrative state of the pool member.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Weight of pool member in the pool (default to 1).
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be in the range 0 to 256.
The IP address of the pool member.
The ID of the pool to which the pool member belongs.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::PoolMember
address: String
admin_state_up: Boolean
pool: String
protocol_port: Integer
subnet: String
weight: Integer
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource for creating neutron metering label.
The idea is to meter this at the L3 routers levels. The point is to allow operators to configure IP ranges and to assign a label to them. For example we will be able to set two labels; one for the internal traffic, and the other one for the external traffic. Each label will measure the traffic for a specific set of IP range. Then, bandwidth measurement will be sent for each label to the Oslo notification system and could be collected by Ceilometer.
Description of the metering label.
Name of the metering label.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::MeteringLabel
description: String
name: String
shared: Boolean
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource to create rule for some label.
Resource for allowing specified label to measure the traffic for a specific set of ip range.
The metering label ID to associate with this metering rule.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Indicates remote IP prefix to be associated with this metering rule.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The direction in which metering rule is applied, either ingress or egress.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “ingress”.
Allowed values: ingress, egress
Specify whether the remote_ip_prefix will be excluded or not from traffic counters of the metering label. For example to not count the traffic of a specific IP address of a range.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
The direction in which metering rule is applied.
Exclude state for cidr.
The metering label ID to associate with this metering rule.
CIDR to be associated with this metering rule.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::MeteringRule
direction: String
excluded: Boolean
metering_label_id: String
remote_ip_prefix: String
A resource for managing Neutron net.
A network is a virtual isolated layer-2 broadcast domain which is typically reserved to the tenant who created it, unless the network has been explicitly configured to be shared.
A boolean value specifying the administrative status of the network.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
The IDs of the DHCP agent to schedule the network. Note that the default policy setting in Neutron restricts usage of this property to administrative users only.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
DNS domain associated with this network.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type dns_domain
A string specifying a symbolic name for the network, which is not required to be unique.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Flag to enable/disable port security on the network. It provides the default value for the attribute of the ports created on this network.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
The name or ID of QoS policy to attach to this network.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.qos_policy
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
The tags to be added to the network.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
The ID of the tenant which will own the network. Only administrative users can set the tenant identifier; this cannot be changed using authorization policies.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Extra parameters to include in the request. Parameters are often specific to installed hardware or extensions.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
The administrative status of the network.
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
A boolean value for L2 adjacency, True means that you can expect L2 connectivity throughout the Network.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The maximum transmission unit size(in bytes) for the network.
The name of the network.
Detailed information about resource.
The status of the network.
Subnets of this network.
The tenant owning this network.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::Net
admin_state_up: Boolean
dhcp_agent_ids: [Value, Value, ...]
dns_domain: String
name: String
port_security_enabled: Boolean
qos_policy: String
shared: Boolean
tags: [String, String, ...]
tenant_id: String
value_specs: {...}
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
Network Gateway resource in Neutron Network Gateway.
Resource for connecting internal networks with specified devices.
Device info for this network gateway.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be at least 1.
List contents:
Connection info for this network gateway.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
NoteAvailable since 2014.2 (Juno)
The internal network to connect on the network gateway.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.network
The id for L2 segment on the external side of the network gateway. Must be specified when using vlan.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be in the range 0 to 4094.
L2 segmentation strategy on the external side of the network gateway.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “flat”.
Allowed values: flat, vlan
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::NetworkGateway
connections: [{"network_id": String, "segmentation_id": Integer, "segmentation_type": String, "network": String}, {"network_id": String, "segmentation_id": Integer, "segmentation_type": String, "network": String}, ...]
devices: [{"interface_name": String, "id": String}, {"interface_name": String, "id": String}, ...]
name: String
A resource for managing Neutron ports.
A port represents a virtual switch port on a logical network switch. Virtual instances attach their interfaces into ports. The logical port also defines the MAC address and the IP address(es) to be assigned to the interfaces plugged into them. When IP addresses are associated to a port, this also implies the port is associated with a subnet, as the IP address was taken from the allocation pool for a specific subnet.
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
Network this port belongs to. If you plan to use current port to assign Floating IP, you should specify fixed_ips with subnet. Note if this changes to a different network update, the port will be replaced.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.network
The administrative state of this port.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Additional MAC/IP address pairs allowed to pass through the port.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
IP address to allow through this port.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type net_cidr
MAC address to allow through this port.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type mac_addr
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
The vnic type to be bound on the neutron port. To support SR-IOV PCI passthrough networking, you can request that the neutron port to be realized as normal (virtual nic), direct (pci passthrough), or macvtap (virtual interface with a tap-like software interface). Note that this only works for Neutron deployments that support the bindings extension.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “normal”.
Allowed values: normal, direct, macvtap, direct-physical, baremetal
Device ID of this port.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
Name of the network owning the port. The value is typically network:floatingip or network:router_interface or network:dhcp.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
DNS name associated with the port.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type dns_name
Desired IPs for this port.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
IP address desired in the subnet for this port.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
NoteAvailable since 2014.2 (Juno)
Subnet in which to allocate the IP address for this port.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.subnet
MAC address to give to this port. The default update policy of this property in neutron is that allow admin role only.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type mac_addr
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Flag to enable/disable port security on the port. When disable this feature(set it to False), there will be no packages filtering, like security-group and address-pairs.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
The name or ID of QoS policy to attach to this port.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.qos_policy
Security group IDs to associate with this port.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
The tags to be added to the port.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Extra parameters to include in the request.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
The administrative state of this port.
Additional MAC/IP address pairs allowed to pass through a port.
Unique identifier for the device.
Name of the network owning the port.
Fixed IP addresses.
MAC address of the port.
Friendly name of the port.
Unique identifier for the network owning the port.
A list of security groups for the port.
Detailed information about resource.
The status of the port.
A list of all subnet attributes for the port.
Tenant owning the port.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::Port
admin_state_up: Boolean
allowed_address_pairs: [{"ip_address": String, "mac_address": String}, {"ip_address": String, "mac_address": String}, ...]
binding:vnic_type: String
device_id: String
device_owner: String
dns_name: String
fixed_ips: [{"subnet_id": String, "subnet": String, "ip_address": String}, {"subnet_id": String, "subnet": String, "ip_address": String}, ...]
mac_address: String
name: String
network: String
port_security_enabled: Boolean
qos_policy: String
security_groups: [Value, Value, ...]
tags: [String, String, ...]
value_specs: {...}
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource for managing Neutron provider networks.
Provider networks specify details of physical realisation of the existing network.
The default policy usage of this resource is limited to administrators only.
A string specifying the provider network type for the network.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: vlan, flat
A boolean value specifying the administrative status of the network.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
A string specifying a symbolic name for the network, which is not required to be unique.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A string specifying physical network mapping for the network.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
Flag to enable/disable port security on the network. It provides the default value for the attribute of the ports created on this network.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
Whether the network contains an external router.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
A string specifying the segmentation id for the network.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Detailed information about resource.
The status of the network.
Subnets of this network.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::ProviderNet
admin_state_up: Boolean
name: String
network_type: String
physical_network: String
port_security_enabled: Boolean
router_external: Boolean
segmentation_id: String
shared: Boolean
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource for Neutron QoS bandwidth limit rule.
This rule can be associated with QoS policy, and then the policy can be used by neutron port and network, to provide bandwidth limit QoS capabilities.
The default policy usage of this resource is limited to administrators only.
Max bandwidth in kbps.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
ID or name of the QoS policy.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.qos_policy
Max burst bandwidth in kbps.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::QoSBandwidthLimitRule
max_burst_kbps: Integer
max_kbps: Integer
policy: String
tenant_id: String
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
A resource for Neutron QoS DSCP marking rule.
This rule can be associated with QoS policy, and then the policy can be used by neutron port and network, to provide DSCP marking QoS capabilities.
The default policy usage of this resource is limited to administrators only.
DSCP mark between 0 and 56, except 2-6, 42, 44, and 50-54.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: 0, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 46, 48, 56
ID or name of the QoS policy.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.qos_policy
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::QoSDscpMarkingRule
dscp_mark: Integer
policy: String
tenant_id: String
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource for Neutron QoS Policy.
This QoS policy can be associated with neutron resources, such as port and network, to provide QoS capabilities.
The default policy usage of this resource is limited to administrators only.
The description for the QoS policy.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The owner tenant ID of this QoS policy.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
A list of all rules for the QoS policy.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::QoSPolicy
description: String
name: String
shared: Boolean
tenant_id: String
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A resource for managing neutron quotas.
Neutron Quota is used to manage operational limits for projects. Currently, this resource can manage Neutron’s quotas for:
- subnet
- network
- floatingip
- security_group_rule
- security_group
- router
- port
Note that default neutron security policy usage of this resource is limited to being used by administrators only. Administrators should be careful to create only one Neutron Quota resource per project, otherwise it will be hard for them to manage the quota properly.
Name or id of the project to set the quota for.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.project
Quota for the number of floating IPs. Setting -1 means unlimited.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of networks. Setting -1 means unlimited.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of ports. Setting -1 means unlimited.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of routers. Setting -1 means unlimited.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of security groups. Setting -1 means unlimited.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of security group rules. Setting -1 means unlimited.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of subnets. Setting -1 means unlimited.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::Quota
floatingip: Integer
network: Integer
port: Integer
project: String
router: Integer
security_group: Integer
security_group_rule: Integer
subnet: Integer
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A Resource for managing RBAC policy in Neutron.
This resource creates and manages Neutron RBAC policy, which allows to share Neutron networks and qos-policies to subsets of tenants.
Type of the object that RBAC policy affects.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
ID of the tenant to which the RBAC policy will be enforced.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The owner tenant ID. Only required if the caller has an administrative role and wants to create a RBAC for another tenant.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::RBACPolicy
action: String
object_id: String
object_type: String
target_tenant: String
tenant_id: String
A resource that implements Neutron router.
Router is a physical or virtual network device that passes network traffic between different networks.
The administrative state of the router.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
Indicates whether or not to create a distributed router. NOTE: The default policy setting in Neutron restricts usage of this property to administrative users only. This property can not be used in conjunction with the L3 agent ID.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
External network gateway configuration for a router.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Enables Source NAT on the router gateway. NOTE: The default policy setting in Neutron restricts usage of this property to administrative users only.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
NoteAvailable since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
External fixed IP addresses for the gateway.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
ip_address¶ External fixed IP address.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
subnet¶ Subnet of external fixed IP address.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.subnet
ID or name of the external network for the gateway.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
Indicates whether or not to create a highly available router. NOTE: The default policy setting in Neutron restricts usage of this property to administrative users only. And now neutron do not support distributed and ha at the same time.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
ID list of the L3 agent. User can specify multi-agents for highly available router. NOTE: The default policy setting in Neutron restricts usage of this property to administrative users only.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
The tags to be added to the router.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Extra parameters to include in the creation request.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Administrative state of the router.
Gateway network for the router.
Friendly name of the router.
Detailed information about resource.
The status of the router.
Tenant owning the router.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::Router
admin_state_up: Boolean
distributed: Boolean
external_gateway_info: {"enable_snat": Boolean, "network": String, "external_fixed_ips": [{"subnet": String, "ip_address": String}, {"subnet": String, "ip_address": String}, ...]}
ha: Boolean
l3_agent_ids: [String, String, ...]
name: String
tags: [String, String, ...]
value_specs: {...}
A resource for managing Neutron router interfaces.
Router interfaces associate routers with existing subnets or ports.
The router.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.router
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
The port, either subnet or port should be specified.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.port
The subnet, either subnet or port should be specified.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.subnet
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::RouterInterface
port: String
router: String
subnet: String
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource for managing Neutron security groups.
Security groups are sets of IP filter rules that are applied to an instance’s networking. They are project specific, and project members can edit the default rules for their group and add new rules sets. All projects have a “default” security group, which is applied to instances that have no other security group defined.
Description of the security group.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A string specifying a symbolic name for the security group, which is not required to be unique.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List of security group rules.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
The direction in which the security group rule is applied. For a compute instance, an ingress security group rule matches traffic that is incoming (ingress) for that instance. An egress rule is applied to traffic leaving the instance.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “ingress”.
Allowed values: ingress, egress
Ethertype of the traffic.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “IPv4”.
Allowed values: IPv4, IPv6
The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. The port_range_min attribute constrains the port_range_max attribute. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be in the range 0 to 65535.
The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this value must be less than or equal to the value of the port_range_max attribute. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be in the range 0 to 65535.
The protocol that is matched by the security group rule. Valid values include tcp, udp, and icmp.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The remote group ID to be associated with this security group rule. If no value is specified then this rule will use this security group for the remote_group_id. The remote mode parameter must be set to “remote_group_id”.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.security_group
The remote IP prefix (CIDR) to be associated with this security group rule.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type net_cidr
Whether to specify a remote group or a remote IP prefix.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “remote_ip_prefix”.
Allowed values: remote_ip_prefix, remote_group_id
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup
description: String
name: String
rules: [{"remote_group_id": String, "direction": String, "remote_ip_prefix": String, "port_range_min": Integer, "remote_mode": String, "ethertype": String, "port_range_max": Integer, "protocol": String}, {"remote_group_id": String, "direction": String, "remote_ip_prefix": String, "port_range_min": Integer, "remote_mode": String, "ethertype": String, "port_range_max": Integer, "protocol": String}, ...]
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
A resource for managing Neutron security group rules.
Rules to use in security group resource.
Security group name or ID to add rule.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.security_group
Description of the security group rule.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The direction in which the security group rule is applied. For a compute instance, an ingress security group rule matches traffic that is incoming (ingress) for that instance. An egress rule is applied to traffic leaving the instance.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “ingress”.
Allowed values: ingress, egress
Ethertype of the traffic.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “IPv4”.
Allowed values: IPv4, IPv6
The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. The port_range_min attribute constrains the port_range_max attribute. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP code.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be in the range 0 to 65535.
The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this value must be less than or equal to the value of the port_range_max attribute. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be in the range 0 to 65535.
The protocol that is matched by the security group rule. Allowed values are ah, dccp, egp, esp, gre, icmp, icmpv6, igmp, ipv6-encap, ipv6-frag, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-nonxt, ipv6-opts, ipv6-route, ospf, pgm, rsvp, sctp, tcp, udp, udplite, vrrp and integer representations [0-255].
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “tcp”.
Allowed values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, ah, dccp, egp, esp, gre, icmp, icmpv6, igmp, ipv6-encap, ipv6-frag, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-nonxt, ipv6-opts, ipv6-route, ospf, pgm, rsvp, sctp, tcp, udp, udplite, vrrp
The remote group name or ID to be associated with this security group rule.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.security_group
The remote IP prefix (CIDR) to be associated with this security group rule.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type net_cidr
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroupRule
description: String
direction: String
ethertype: String
port_range_max: Integer
port_range_min: Integer
protocol: String
remote_group: String
remote_ip_prefix: String
security_group: String
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
A resource for Neutron Segment.
This requires enabling the segments service plug-in by appending ‘segments’ to the list of service_plugins in the neutron.conf.
The default policy usage of this resource is limited to administrators only.
The name/id of network to associate with this segment.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.network
Type of network to associate with this segment.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: local, vlan, vxlan, gre, geneve, flat
Name of physical network to associate with this segment.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Segmentation ID for this segment.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be at least 1.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::Segment
description: String
name: String
network: String
network_type: String
physical_network: String
segmentation_id: Integer
A resource for managing Neutron subnets.
A subnet represents an IP address block that can be used for assigning IP addresses to virtual instances. Each subnet must have a CIDR and must be associated with a network. IPs can be either selected from the whole subnet CIDR, or from “allocation pools” that can be specified by the user.
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
The ID of the attached network.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.network
The start and end addresses for the allocation pools.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
End address for the allocation pool.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
Start address for the allocation pool.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
A specified set of DNS name servers to be used.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
Set to true if DHCP is enabled and false if DHCP is disabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
The gateway IP address. Set to any of [ null | ~ | “” ] to create/update a subnet without a gateway. If omitted when creation, neutron will assign the first free IP address within the subnet to the gateway automatically. If remove this from template when update, the old gateway IP address will be detached.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A list of host route dictionaries for the subnet.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
The destination for static route.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type net_cidr
The next hop for the destination.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
The IP version, which is 4 or 6.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “4”.
Allowed values: 4, 6
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
IPv6 address mode.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless, slaac
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
IPv6 RA (Router Advertisement) mode.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless, slaac
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
Prefix length for subnet allocation from subnet pool.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
The name/ID of the segment to associate.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.segment
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
The name or ID of the subnet pool.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.subnetpool
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
The tags to be added to the subnet.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
The ID of the tenant who owns the network. Only administrative users can specify a tenant ID other than their own.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Extra parameters to include in the request.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Ip allocation pools and their ranges.
CIDR block notation for this subnet.
List of dns nameservers.
‘true’ if DHCP is enabled for this subnet; ‘false’ otherwise.
Ip of the subnet’s gateway.
Additional routes for this subnet.
Ip version for the subnet.
Friendly name of the subnet.
Parent network of the subnet.
Detailed information about resource.
Tenant owning the subnet.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
allocation_pools: [{"start": String, "end": String}, {"start": String, "end": String}, ...]
cidr: String
dns_nameservers: [Value, Value, ...]
enable_dhcp: Boolean
gateway_ip: String
host_routes: [{"nexthop": String, "destination": String}, {"nexthop": String, "destination": String}, ...]
ip_version: Integer
ipv6_address_mode: String
ipv6_ra_mode: String
name: String
network: String
prefixlen: Integer
segment: String
subnetpool: String
tags: [String, String, ...]
tenant_id: String
value_specs: {...}
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource that implements neutron subnet pool.
This resource can be used to create a subnet pool with a large block of addresses and create subnets from it.
An address scope ID to assign to the subnet pool.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.address_scope
The size of the prefix to allocate when the cidr or prefixlen attributes are not specified while creating a subnet.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
A per-tenant quota on the prefix space that can be allocated from the subnet pool for tenant subnets.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Whether this is default IPv4/IPv6 subnet pool. There can only be one default subnet pool for each IP family. Note that the default policy setting restricts administrative users to set this to True.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Maximum prefix size that can be allocated from the subnet pool.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Smallest prefix size that can be allocated from the subnet pool.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
The tags to be added to the subnetpool.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
The ID of the tenant who owns the subnet pool. Only administrative users can specify a tenant ID other than their own.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::SubnetPool
address_scope: String
default_prefixlen: Integer
default_quota: Integer
is_default: Boolean
max_prefixlen: Integer
min_prefixlen: Integer
name: String
prefixes: [String, String, ...]
shared: Boolean
tags: [String, String, ...]
tenant_id: String
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
A resource for managing Neutron trunks.
Requires Neutron Trunk Extension to be enabled:
$ openstack extension show trunk
The network trunk service allows multiple networks to be connected to an instance using a single virtual NIC (vNIC). Multiple networks can be presented to an instance by connecting the instance to a single port.
Users can create a port, associate it with a trunk (as the trunk’s parent) and launch an instance on that port. Users can dynamically attach and detach additional networks without disrupting operation of the instance.
Every trunk has a parent port and can have any number (0, 1, …) of subports. The parent port is the port that the instance is directly associated with and its traffic is always untagged inside the instance. Users must specify the parent port of the trunk when launching an instance attached to a trunk.
A network presented by a subport is the network of the associated port.
When creating a subport, a segmentation_type
and segmentation_id
may be required by the driver so the user can distinguish the networks
inside the instance. As of release Pike only segmentation_type
is supported. segmentation_id
defines the segmentation ID
on which the subport network is presented to the instance.
Note that some Neutron backends (primarily Open vSwitch) only allow
trunk creation before an instance is booted on the parent port. To avoid
a possible race condition when booting an instance with a trunk it is
strongly recommended to refer to the trunk’s parent port indirectly in
the template via get_attr
. For example:
type: OS::Neutron::Trunk
port: ...
type: OS::Nova::Server
- { port: { get_attr: [trunk, port_id] } }
Though other Neutron backends may tolerate the direct port reference (and the possible reverse ordering of API requests implied) it’s a good idea to avoid writing Neutron backend specific templates.
ID or name of a port to be used as a parent port.
String value expected.
Updates are not supported. Resource update will fail on any attempt to update this property.
Value must be of type neutron.port
Enable/disable subport addition, removal and trunk delete.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A string specifying a symbolic name for the trunk, which is not required to be uniqe.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List with 0 or more map elements containing subport details.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
ID or name of a port to be used as a subport.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.port
The segmentation ID on which the subport network is presented to the instance.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be in the range 1 to 4094.
Segmentation type to be used on the subport.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: vlan
ID or name of a port used as a parent port.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::Trunk
admin_state_up: Boolean
description: String
name: String
port: String
sub_ports: [{"segmentation_id": Integer, "segmentation_type": String, "port": String}, {"segmentation_id": Integer, "segmentation_type": String, "port": String}, ...]
A resource for VPN service in Neutron.
VPN service is a high level object that associates VPN with a specific subnet and router.
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
The router to which the vpn service will be inserted.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.router
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
Subnet in which the vpn service will be created.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.subnet
Administrative state for the vpn service.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Description for the vpn service.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The administrative state of the vpn service.
The description of the vpn service.
The name of the vpn service.
The unique identifier of the router to which the vpn service was inserted.
Detailed information about resource.
The status of the vpn service.
The unique identifier of the subnet in which the vpn service was created.
The unique identifier of the tenant owning the vpn service.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::VPNService
admin_state_up: Boolean
description: String
name: String
router: String
subnet: String
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
A resource for creating OpenStack virtual hardware templates.
Due to default nova security policy usage of this resource is limited to being used by administrators only. The rights may also be delegated to other users by redefining the access controls on the nova-api server.
Note that the current implementation of the Nova Flavor resource does not allow specifying the name and flavorid properties for the resource. This is done to avoid potential naming collision upon flavor creation as all flavor have a global scope.
Size of local disk in GB. The “0” size is a special case that uses the native base image size as the size of the ephemeral root volume.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
Size of a secondary ephemeral data disk in GB.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
Key/Value pairs to extend the capabilities of the flavor.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
Unique ID of the flavor. If not specified, an UUID will be auto generated and used.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
Scope of flavor accessibility. Public or private. Default value is True, means public, shared across all projects.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
Name of the flavor.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Nova::Flavor
disk: Integer
ephemeral: Integer
extra_specs: {...}
flavorid: String
is_public: Boolean
name: String
ram: Integer
rxtx_factor: Number
swap: Integer
tenants: [String, String, ...]
vcpus: Integer
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource for further partition an availability zone with hosts.
While availability zones are visible to users, host aggregates are only visible to administrators. Host aggregates started out as a way to use Xen hypervisor resource pools, but has been generalized to provide a mechanism to allow administrators to assign key-value pairs to groups of machines. Each node can have multiple aggregates, each aggregate can have multiple key-value pairs, and the same key-value pair can be assigned to multiple aggregate. This information can be used in the scheduler to enable advanced scheduling, to set up xen hypervisor resources pools or to define logical groups for migration.
Name for the availability zone.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List of hosts to join aggregate.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Arbitrary key/value metadata to store information for aggregate.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Nova::HostAggregate
availability_zone: String
hosts: [String, String, ...]
metadata: {...}
name: String
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource for creating Nova key pairs.
A keypair is a ssh key that can be injected into a server on launch.
Note that if a new key is generated setting save_private_key to True results in the system saving the private key which can then be retrieved via the private_key attribute of this resource.
Setting the public_key property means that the private_key attribute of this resource will always return an empty string regardless of the save_private_key setting since there will be no private key data to save.
The name of the key pair.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The length must be in the range 1 to 255.
The optional public key. This allows users to supply the public key from a pre-existing key pair. If not supplied, a new key pair will be generated.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
True if the system should remember a generated private key; False otherwise.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
Keypair type. Supported since Nova api version 2.2.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: ssh, x509
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
ID or name of user to whom to add key-pair. The usage of this property is limited to being used by administrators only. Supported since Nova api version 2.10.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.user
The private key if it has been saved.
The public key.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Nova::KeyPair
name: String
public_key: String
save_private_key: Boolean
type: String
user: String
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A resource for creating nova quotas.
Nova Quota is used to manage operational limits for projects. Currently, this resource can manage Nova’s quotas for:
- cores
- fixed_ips
- floating_ips
- instances
- injected_files
- injected_file_content_bytes
- injected_file_path_bytes
- key_pairs
- metadata_items
- ram
- security_groups
- security_group_rules
- server_groups
- server_group_members
Note that default nova security policy usage of this resource is limited to being used by administrators only. Administrators should be careful to create only one Nova Quota resource per project, otherwise it will be hard for them to manage the quota properly.
Name or id of the project to set the quota for.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type keystone.project
Quota for the number of cores. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of fixed IPs. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of floating IPs. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of injected file content bytes. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of injected file path bytes. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of injected files. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of instances. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of key pairs. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of metadata items. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the amount of ram (in megabytes). Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of security group rules. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of security groups. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of server group members. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
Quota for the number of server groups. Setting the value to -1 removes the limit.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least -1.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Nova::Quota
cores: Integer
fixed_ips: Integer
floating_ips: Integer
injected_file_content_bytes: Integer
injected_file_path_bytes: Integer
injected_files: Integer
instances: Integer
key_pairs: Integer
metadata_items: Integer
project: String
ram: Integer
security_group_rules: Integer
security_groups: Integer
server_group_members: Integer
server_groups: Integer
A resource for managing Nova instances.
A Server resource manages the running virtual machine instance within an OpenStack cloud.
The ID or name of the flavor to boot onto.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type nova.flavor
The administrator password for the server.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Name of the availability zone for server placement.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Block device mappings for this server.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Indicate whether the volume should be deleted when the server is terminated.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
A device name where the volume will be attached in the system at /dev/device_name. This value is typically vda.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The ID of the snapshot to create a volume from.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cinder.snapshot
The ID of the volume to boot from. Only one of volume_id or snapshot_id should be provided.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cinder.volume
The size of the volume, in GB. It is safe to leave this blank and have the Compute service infer the size.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
Block device mappings v2 for this server.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Integer used for ordering the boot disks. If it is not specified, value “0” will be set for bootable sources (volume, snapshot, image); value “-1” will be set for non-bootable sources.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Indicate whether the volume should be deleted when the server is terminated.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
A device name where the volume will be attached in the system at /dev/device_name. This value is typically vda.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Device type: at the moment we can make distinction only between disk and cdrom.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: cdrom, disk
Bus of the device: hypervisor driver chooses a suitable default if omitted.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: ide, lame_bus, scsi, usb, virtio
NoteAvailable since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
The format of the local ephemeral block device. If no format is specified, uses default value, defined in nova configuration file.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs, ntfs
NoteAvailable since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
The size of the local ephemeral block device, in GB.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be at least 1.
NoteAvailable since 7.0.0 (Newton)
The ID or name of the image to create a volume from.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type glance.image
The ID of the snapshot to create a volume from.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cinder.snapshot
The volume_id can be boot or non-boot device to the server.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cinder.volume
Size of the block device in GB. If it is omitted, hypervisor driver calculates size.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
If True, enable config drive on the server.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
Swift container and object to use for storing deployment data for the server resource. The parameter is a map value with the keys “container” and “object”, and the values are the corresponding container and object names. The software_config_transport parameter must be set to POLL_TEMP_URL for swift to be used. If not specified, and software_config_transport is set to POLL_TEMP_URL, a container will be automatically created from the resource name, and the object name will be a generated uuid.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Map properties:
Name of the container.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be at least 1.
Name of the object.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be at least 1.
Control how the disk is partitioned when the server is created.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: AUTO, MANUAL
Policy on how to apply a flavor update; either by requesting a server resize or by replacing the entire server.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “RESIZE”.
Allowed values: RESIZE, REPLACE
The ID or name of the image to boot with.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type glance.image
Policy on how to apply an image-id update; either by requesting a server rebuild or by replacing the entire server.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “REBUILD”.
Name of keypair to inject into the server.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type nova.keypair
Arbitrary key/value metadata to store for this server. Both keys and values must be 255 characters or less. Non-string values will be serialized to JSON (and the serialized string must be 255 characters or less).
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
An ordered list of nics to be added to this server, with information about connected networks, fixed ips, port etc.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
NoteAvailable since 9.0.0 (Pike)
The special string values of network, auto: means either a network that is already available to the project will be used, or if one does not exist, will be automatically created for the project; none: means no networking will be allocated for the created server. Supported by Nova API since version “2.37”. This property can not be used with other network keys.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: none, auto
Fixed IP address to specify for the port created on the requested network.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
Name or ID of network to create a port on.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.network
NoteAvailable since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
ID of the floating IP to associate.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
ID of an existing port to associate with this server.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.port
NoteAvailable since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
Dict, which has expand properties for port. Used only if port property is not specified for creating port.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
admin_state_up¶ The administrative state of this port.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
allowed_address_pairs¶ Additional MAC/IP address pairs allowed to pass through the port.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
*¶ Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
ip_address¶ IP address to allow through this port.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type net_cidr
mac_address¶ MAC address to allow through this port.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type mac_addr
binding:vnic_type¶ NoteAvailable since 2015.1 (Kilo)
The vnic type to be bound on the neutron port. To support SR-IOV PCI passthrough networking, you can request that the neutron port to be realized as normal (virtual nic), direct (pci passthrough), or macvtap (virtual interface with a tap-like software interface). Note that this only works for Neutron deployments that support the bindings extension.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “normal”.
Allowed values: normal, direct, macvtap, direct-physical, baremetal
mac_address¶ MAC address to give to this port. The default update policy of this property in neutron is that allow admin role only.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type mac_addr
port_security_enabled¶ NoteAvailable since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Flag to enable/disable port security on the port. When disable this feature(set it to False), there will be no packages filtering, like security-group and address-pairs.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
qos_policy¶ NoteAvailable since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
The name or ID of QoS policy to attach to this port.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.qos_policy
value_specs¶ Extra parameters to include in the request.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
NoteAvailable since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Subnet in which to allocate the IP address for port. Used for creating port, based on derived properties. If subnet is specified, network property becomes optional.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
NoteAvailable since 9.0.0 (Pike)
Port tag. Heat ignores any update on this property as nova does not support it.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A map of files to create/overwrite on the server upon boot. Keys are file names and values are the file contents.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
A UUID for the set of servers being requested.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Arbitrary key-value pairs specified by the client to help boot a server.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List of security group names or IDs. Cannot be used if neutron ports are associated with this server; assign security groups to the ports instead.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
How the server should receive the metadata required for software configuration. POLL_SERVER_CFN will allow calls to the cfn API action DescribeStackResource authenticated with the provided keypair. POLL_SERVER_HEAT will allow calls to the Heat API resource-show using the provided keystone credentials. POLL_TEMP_URL will create and populate a Swift TempURL with metadata for polling. ZAQAR_MESSAGE will create a dedicated zaqar queue and post the metadata for polling.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “POLL_SERVER_CFN”.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
Server tags. Supported since client version 2.26.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
User data script to be executed by cloud-init. Changes cause replacement of the resource by default, but can be ignored altogether by setting the `user_data_update_policy` property.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
How the user_data should be formatted for the server. For HEAT_CFNTOOLS, the user_data is bundled as part of the heat-cfntools cloud-init boot configuration data. For RAW the user_data is passed to Nova unmodified. For SOFTWARE_CONFIG user_data is bundled as part of the software config data, and metadata is derived from any associated SoftwareDeployment resources.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “HEAT_CFNTOOLS”.
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
Policy on how to apply a user_data update; either by ignoring it or by replacing the entire server.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “REPLACE”.
Allowed values: REPLACE, IGNORE
The manually assigned alternative public IPv4 address of the server.
The manually assigned alternative public IPv6 address of the server.
A dict of all network addresses with corresponding port_id. Each network will have two keys in dict, they are network name and network id. The port ID may be obtained through the following expression: “{get_attr: [<server>, addresses, <network name_or_id>, 0, port]}”.
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
URLs of server’s consoles. To get a specific console type, the requested type can be specified as parameter to the get_attr function, e.g. get_attr: [ <server>, console_urls, novnc ]. Currently supported types are novnc, xvpvnc, spice-html5, rdp-html5, serial and webmks.
AWS compatible instance name.
Name of the server.
A dict of assigned network addresses of the form: {“public”: [ip1, ip2…], “private”: [ip3, ip4], “public_uuid”: [ip1, ip2…], “private_uuid”: [ip3, ip4]}. Each network will have two keys in dict, they are network name and network id.
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
The os-collect-config configuration for the server’s local agent to be configured to connect to Heat to retrieve deployment data.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Nova::Server
admin_pass: String
availability_zone: String
block_device_mapping: [{"volume_size": Integer, "volume_id": String, "snapshot_id": String, "delete_on_termination": Boolean, "device_name": String}, {"volume_size": Integer, "volume_id": String, "snapshot_id": String, "delete_on_termination": Boolean, "device_name": String}, ...]
block_device_mapping_v2: [{"boot_index": Integer, "ephemeral_size": Integer, "image": String, "snapshot_id": String, "image_id": String, "swap_size": Integer, "volume_id": String, "ephemeral_format": String, "device_type": String, "device_name": String, "disk_bus": String, "volume_size": Integer, "delete_on_termination": Boolean}, {"boot_index": Integer, "ephemeral_size": Integer, "image": String, "snapshot_id": String, "image_id": String, "swap_size": Integer, "volume_id": String, "ephemeral_format": String, "device_type": String, "device_name": String, "disk_bus": String, "volume_size": Integer, "delete_on_termination": Boolean}, ...]
config_drive: Boolean
deployment_swift_data: {"object": String, "container": String}
diskConfig: String
flavor: String
flavor_update_policy: String
image: String
image_update_policy: String
key_name: String
metadata: {...}
name: String
networks: [{"port": String, "subnet": String, "floating_ip": String, "tag": String, "uuid": String, "port_extra_properties": {"allowed_address_pairs": [{"ip_address": String, "mac_address": String}, {"ip_address": String, "mac_address": String}, ...], "admin_state_up": Boolean, "binding:vnic_type": String, "value_specs": {...}, "mac_address": String, "port_security_enabled": Boolean, "qos_policy": String}, "allocate_network": String, "fixed_ip": String, "network": String}, {"port": String, "subnet": String, "floating_ip": String, "tag": String, "uuid": String, "port_extra_properties": {"allowed_address_pairs": [{"ip_address": String, "mac_address": String}, {"ip_address": String, "mac_address": String}, ...], "admin_state_up": Boolean, "binding:vnic_type": String, "value_specs": {...}, "mac_address": String, "port_security_enabled": Boolean, "qos_policy": String}, "allocate_network": String, "fixed_ip": String, "network": String}, ...]
personality: {...}
reservation_id: String
scheduler_hints: {...}
security_groups: [Value, Value, ...]
software_config_transport: String
tags: [String, String, ...]
user_data: String
user_data_format: String
user_data_update_policy: String
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
A resource for managing a Nova server group.
Server groups allow you to make sure instances (VM/VPS) are on the same hypervisor host or on a different one.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
name: String
policies: [String, String, ...]
A resource for managing Sahara clusters.
The Cluster entity represents a collection of VM instances that all have the same data processing framework installed. It is mainly characterized by a VM image with a pre-installed framework which will be used for cluster deployment. Users may choose one of the pre-configured Cluster Templates to start a Cluster. To get access to VMs after a Cluster has started, the user should specify a keypair.
ID of the Cluster Template used for Node Groups and configurations.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type sahara.cluster_template
Version of Hadoop running on instances.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Plugin name.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type sahara.plugin
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
Default name or UUID of the image used to boot Hadoop nodes.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type sahara.image
Keypair added to instances to make them accessible for user.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type nova.keypair
Name or UUID of network.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.network
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Configure most important configs automatically.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Cluster information.
Detailed information about resource.
Cluster status.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Sahara::Cluster
cluster_template_id: String
default_image_id: String
hadoop_version: String
key_name: String
name: String
neutron_management_network: String
plugin_name: String
shares: [{"path": String, "id": String, "access_level": String}, {"path": String, "id": String, "access_level": String}, ...]
use_autoconfig: Boolean
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
A resource for managing Sahara cluster templates.
A Cluster Template is designed to bring Node Group Templates together to form a Cluster. A Cluster Template defines what Node Groups will be included and how many instances will be created in each. Some data processing framework configurations can not be applied to a single node, but to a whole Cluster. A user can specify these kinds of configurations in a Cluster Template. Sahara enables users to specify which processes should be added to an anti-affinity group within a Cluster Template. If a process is included into an anti-affinity group, it means that VMs where this process is going to be launched should be scheduled to different hardware hosts.
Version of Hadoop running on instances.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Plugin name.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type sahara.plugin
List of processes to enable anti-affinity for.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Cluster configs dictionary.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
ID of the default image to use for the template.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type sahara.image
Description of the Sahara Group Template.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
Name for the Sahara Cluster Template.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be in the range 1 to 50.
Value must match pattern: ^(([a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]).)*([A-Za-z]|[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$
Name or UUID of network.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.network
Node groups.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Number of instances in the Node group.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 1.
ID of the Node Group Template.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Configure most important configs automatically.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Sahara::ClusterTemplate
anti_affinity: [String, String, ...]
cluster_configs: {...}
default_image_id: String
description: String
hadoop_version: String
name: String
neutron_management_network: String
node_groups: [{"count": Integer, "name": String, "node_group_template_id": String}, {"count": Integer, "name": String, "node_group_template_id": String}, ...]
plugin_name: String
shares: [{"path": String, "id": String, "access_level": String}, {"path": String, "id": String, "access_level": String}, ...]
use_autoconfig: Boolean
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
A resource for creating sahara data source.
A data source stores an URL which designates the location of input or output data and any credentials needed to access the location.
Type of the data source.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: swift, hdfs, maprfs, manila
Credentials used for swift. Not required if sahara is configured to use proxy users and delegated trusts for access.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Password for accessing the data source URL.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Username for accessing the data source URL.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Description of the data source.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Sahara::DataSource
credentials: {"password": String, "user": String}
description: String
name: String
type: String
url: String
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource for registering an image in sahara.
Allows to register an image in the sahara image registry and add tags.
ID or name of the image to register.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type glance.image
Username of privileged user in the image.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Description of the image.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Sahara::ImageRegistry
description: String
image: String
tags: [String, String, ...]
username: String
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A resource for creating Sahara Job.
A job specifies the type of the job and lists all of the individual job binary objects. Can be launched using resource-signal.
Type of the job.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type sahara.job_type
Default execution data to use when run signal.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
ID or name of the cluster to run the job in.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type sahara.cluster
Config parameters to add to the job.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
ID or name of the input data source.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type sahara.data_source
Interface arguments to add to the job.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
If True, execution will be shared across the tenants.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
ID or name of the output data source.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type sahara.data_source
Parameters to add to the job.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
If True, job will be protected from modifications and can not be deleted until this property is set to False.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
If True, job will be shared across the tenants.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
IDs or names of job’s lib job binaries.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
IDs or names of job’s main job binary. In case of specific Sahara service, this property designed as a list, but accepts only one item.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
The length must be no greater than 1.
List contents:
ID of job’s main job binary.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type sahara.job_binary
Name of the job.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be in the range 1 to 50.
Value must match pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-_.]*$
A signed url to create execution specified in default_execution_data property.
List of the job executions.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Sahara::Job
default_execution_data: {"cluster": String, "params": {...}, "output": String, "interface": {...}, "input": String, "configs": {...}, "args": [String, String, ...], "is_public": Boolean}
description: String
is_protected: Boolean
is_public: Boolean
libs: [String, String, ...]
mains: [String, String, ...]
name: String
type: String
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
A resource for creating sahara job binary.
A job binary stores an URL to a single script or Jar file and any credentials needed to retrieve the file.
URL for the job binary. Must be in the format swift://<container>/<path> or internal-db://<uuid>.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Credentials used for swift. Not required if sahara is configured to use proxy users and delegated trusts for access.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Password for accessing the job binary URL.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Username for accessing the job binary URL.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Description of the job binary.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Sahara::JobBinary
credentials: {"password": String, "user": String}
description: String
name: String
url: String
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
A resource for managing Sahara node group templates.
A Node Group Template describes a group of nodes within cluster. It contains a list of hadoop processes that will be launched on each instance in a group. Also a Node Group Template may provide node scoped configurations for those processes.
Name or ID Nova flavor for the nodes.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type nova.flavor
Version of Hadoop running on instances.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List of processes to run on every node.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be at least 1.
List contents:
Plugin name.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type sahara.plugin
Defines whether auto-assign security group to this Node Group template.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Availability zone to create servers in.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Description of the Node Group Template.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “”.
Name or UUID of the Neutron floating IP network or name of the Nova floating ip pool to use. Should not be provided when used with Nova-network that auto-assign floating IPs.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
ID of the image to use for the template.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type sahara.image
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Provide access to nodes using other nodes of the cluster as proxy gateways.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Name for the Sahara Node Group Template.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be in the range 1 to 50.
Value must match pattern: ^(([a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]).)*([A-Za-z]|[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$
Dictionary of node configurations.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List of security group names or IDs to assign to this Node Group template.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Configure most important configs automatically.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Create volumes on the same physical port as an instance.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Type of the volume to create on Cinder backend.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type cinder.vtype
Availability zone to create volumes in.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Volumes per node.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
Size of the volumes, in GB.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 1.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Sahara::NodeGroupTemplate
auto_security_group: Boolean
availability_zone: String
description: String
flavor: String
floating_ip_pool: String
hadoop_version: String
image_id: String
is_proxy_gateway: Boolean
name: String
node_configs: {...}
node_processes: [String, String, ...]
plugin_name: String
security_groups: [String, String, ...]
shares: [{"path": String, "id": String, "access_level": String}, {"path": String, "id": String, "access_level": String}, ...]
use_autoconfig: Boolean
volume_local_to_instance: Boolean
volume_type: String
volumes_availability_zone: String
volumes_per_node: Integer
volumes_size: Integer
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource that creates a Senlin Cluster.
Cluster resource in senlin can create and manage objects of the same nature, e.g. Nova servers, Heat stacks, Cinder volumes, etc. The collection of these objects is referred to as a cluster.
The name or id of the Senlin profile.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type senlin.profile
Desired initial number of resources in cluster.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
Maximum number of resources in the cluster. -1 means unlimited.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “-1”.
The value must be at least -1.
Metadata key-values defined for cluster.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Minimum number of resources in the cluster.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
Name of the cluster. By default, physical resource name is used.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of policies to attach to this cluster.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Whether enable this policy on this cluster.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
The name or ID of the policy.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type senlin.policy
The number of seconds to wait for the cluster actions.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
Attributes collected from cluster. According to the jsonpath following this attribute, it will return a list of attributes collected from the nodes of this cluster.
Desired capacity of the cluster.
Max size of the cluster.
Cluster metadata.
Min size of the cluster.
Cluster name.
Nodes list in the cluster.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Senlin::Cluster
desired_capacity: Integer
max_size: Integer
metadata: {...}
min_size: Integer
name: String
policies: [{"policy": String, "enabled": Boolean}, {"policy": String, "enabled": Boolean}, ...]
profile: String
timeout: Integer
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource that creates a Senlin Node.
Node is an object that belongs to at most one Cluster, it can be created based on a profile.
Name or ID of senlin profile to create this node.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type senlin.profile
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
The name of senlin cluster to attach to.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type senlin.cluster
Metadata key-values defined for node.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Name of the senlin node. By default, physical resource name is used.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The cluster ID this node belongs to.
The details of physical object.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Senlin::Node
cluster: String
metadata: {...}
name: String
profile: String
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource that creates a Senlin Policy.
A policy is a set of rules that can be checked and/or enforced when an action is performed on a Cluster.
The type of senlin policy.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type senlin.policy_type
A list of clusters to which this policy is attached.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
The name or ID of target cluster.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type senlin.cluster
Whether enable this policy on that cluster.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Name of the senlin policy. By default, physical resource name is used.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Senlin::Policy
bindings: [{"cluster": String, "enabled": Boolean}, {"cluster": String, "enabled": Boolean}, ...]
name: String
properties: {...}
type: String
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource that creates a Senlin Profile.
Profile resource in senlin is a template describing how to create nodes in cluster.
The type of profile.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type senlin.profile_type
Metadata key-values defined for profile.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Name of the senlin profile. By default, physical resource name is used.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Senlin::Profile
metadata: {...}
name: String
properties: {...}
type: String
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource that creates Senlin Receiver.
Receiver is an abstract resource created at the senlin engine that can be used to hook the engine to some external event/alarm sources.
The action to be executed when the receiver is signaled.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Name or ID of target cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type senlin.cluster
Name of the senlin receiver. By default, physical resource name is used.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The parameters passed to action when the receiver is signaled.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Type of receiver.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “webhook”.
Allowed values: webhook
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Senlin::Receiver
action: String
cluster: String
name: String
params: {...}
type: String
A resource for managing Swift containers.
A container defines a namespace for objects. An object with the same name in two different containers represents two different objects.
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
If True, delete any objects in the container when the container is deleted. Otherwise, deleting a non-empty container will result in an error.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
A map of user-defined meta data to associate with the account. Each key in the map will set the header X-Account-Meta-{key} with the corresponding value.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
A map of user-defined meta data to associate with the container. Each key in the map will set the header X-Container-Meta-{key} with the corresponding value.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Specify the ACL permissions on who can read objects in the container.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Specify the ACL permissions on who can write objects to the container.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Name for the container. If not specified, a unique name will be generated.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The number of bytes stored in the container.
The host from the container URL.
A map containing all headers for the container.
The number of objects stored in the container.
The parent URL of the container.
The URL of the container.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Swift::Container
PurgeOnDelete: Boolean
X-Account-Meta: {...}
X-Container-Meta: {...}
X-Container-Read: String
X-Container-Write: String
name: String
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
A resource for managing Trove clusters.
A Cluster is an opaque cluster used to store Database clusters.
Name of registered datastore type.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The length must be no greater than 255.
Name of the registered datastore version. It must exist for provided datastore type. Defaults to using single active version. If several active versions exist for provided datastore type, explicit value for this parameter must be specified.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The length must be no greater than 255.
List of database instances.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Flavor of the instance.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type trove.flavor
Size of the instance disk volume in GB.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be in the range 1 to 150.
Name of the cluster to create.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The length must be no greater than 255.
A list of instances ids.
A list of cluster instance IPs.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Trove::Cluster
datastore_type: String
datastore_version: String
instances: [{"volume_size": Integer, "flavor": String}, {"volume_size": Integer, "flavor": String}, ...]
name: String
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
OpenStack cloud database instance resource.
Trove is Database as a Service for OpenStack. It’s designed to run entirely on OpenStack, with the goal of allowing users to quickly and easily utilize the features of a relational or non-relational database without the burden of handling complex administrative tasks.
Reference to a flavor for creating DB instance.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type trove.flavor
Database volume size in GB.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be in the range 1 to 150.
Name of the availability zone for DB instance.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List of databases to be created on DB instance creation.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Set of symbols and encodings.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “utf8”.
Set of rules for comparing characters in a character set.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “utf8_general_ci”.
Specifies database names for creating databases on instance creation.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be no greater than 64.
Value must match pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+[a-zA-Z0-9_@?#\s-]*[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+
Name of registered datastore type.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The length must be no greater than 255.
Name of the registered datastore version. It must exist for provided datastore type. Defaults to using single active version. If several active versions exist for provided datastore type, explicit value for this parameter must be specified.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The length must be no greater than 255.
Name of the DB instance to create.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be no greater than 255.
List of network interfaces to create on instance.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Fixed IPv4 address for this NIC.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
Name or UUID of the network to attach this NIC to. Either port or network must be specified.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.network
Name or UUID of Neutron port to attach this NIC to. Either port or network must be specified.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.port
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
The number of replicas to be created.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Identifier of the source instance to replicate.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List of users to be created on DB instance creation.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
The host from which a user is allowed to connect to the database.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “%”.
User name to create a user on instance creation.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be no greater than 16.
Value must match pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_@?#\s]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+
Password for those users on instance creation.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must match pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_@?#\s]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+
Hostname of the instance.
Api endpoint reference of the instance.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Trove::Instance
availability_zone: String
databases: [{"character_set": String, "name": String, "collate": String}, {"character_set": String, "name": String, "collate": String}, ...]
datastore_type: String
datastore_version: String
flavor: String
name: String
networks: [{"fixed_ip": String, "network": String, "port": String}, {"fixed_ip": String, "network": String, "port": String}, ...]
replica_count: Integer
replica_of: String
restore_point: String
size: Integer
users: [{"host": String, "password": String, "name": String, "databases": [String, String, ...]}, {"host": String, "password": String, "name": String, "databases": [String, String, ...]}, ...]
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A Zaqar subscription for triggering Mistral workflows.
This Zaqar subscription type listens for messages in a queue and triggers a Mistral workflow execution each time one is received.
The content of the Zaqar message is passed to the workflow in the environment with the name “notification”, and thus is accessible from within the workflow as:
<% env().notification %>
Other environment variables can be set using the ‘env’ key in the params property.
Name of the queue to subscribe to.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type zaqar.queue
UUID of the Mistral workflow to trigger.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type mistral.workflow
Input values to pass to the Mistral workflow.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Parameters to pass to the Mistral workflow execution. The parameters depend on the workflow type.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
Time to live of the subscription in seconds.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “220367260800”.
The value must be at least 60.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Zaqar::MistralTrigger
input: {...}
params: {...}
queue_name: String
ttl: Integer
workflow_id: String
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
A resource for managing Zaqar queues.
Queue is a logical entity that groups messages. Ideally a queue is created per work type. For example, if you want to compress files, you would create a queue dedicated for this job. Any application that reads from this queue would only compress files.
Arbitrary key/value metadata to store contextual information about this queue.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Name of the queue instance to create.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The length must be no greater than 64.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Zaqar::Queue
metadata: {...}
name: String
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A resource for managing signed URLs of Zaqar queues.
Signed URLs allow to give specific access to queues, for example to be used as alarm notifications. To supply a signed queue URL to Aodh as an action URL, pass “zaqar://?” followed by the query_str attribute of the signed queue URL resource.
Name of the queue instance to create a URL for.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List of allowed HTTP methods to be used. Default to allow GET.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
List contents:
List of allowed paths to be accessed. Default to allow queue messages URL.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Time validity of the URL, in seconds. Default to one day.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Expiration date of the URL.
Comma-delimited list of methods for convenience.
Comma-delimited list of paths for convenience.
The ID of the Keystone project containing the queue.
An HTTP URI query fragment.
Detailed information about resource.
Signature of the URL built by Zaqar.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Zaqar::SignedQueueURL
methods: [String, String, ...]
paths: [Value, Value, ...]
queue: String
ttl: Integer
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A resource for managing Zaqar subscriptions.
A Zaqar subscription listens for messages in a queue and sends a notification over email or webhook.
Name of the queue to subscribe to.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type zaqar.queue
URI of the subscriber which will be notified. Must be in the format: <TYPE>:<VALUE>.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Options used to configure this subscription.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Time to live of the subscription in seconds.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “220367260800”.
The value must be at least 60.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Zaqar::Subscription
options: {...}
queue_name: String
subscriber: String
ttl: Integer
Available since 9.0.0 (Pike)
A resource that creates a Zun Container.
This resource creates a Zun container.
The image driver to use to pull container image.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: docker, glance
The policy which determines if the image should be pulled prior to starting the container.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: ifnotpresent, always, never
Keep STDIN open even if not attached.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Adds a map of labels to a container. May be used multiple times.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The container memory size in MiB.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Restart policy to apply when a container exits. Possible values are “no”, “on-failure[:max-retry]”, “always”, and “unless-stopped”.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The working directory for commands to run in.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
A dict of all network addresses with corresponding port_id. Each network will have two keys in dict, they are network name and network id. The port ID may be obtained through the following expression: “{get_attr: [<container>, addresses, <network name_or_id>, 0, port]}”.
Name of the container.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Zun::Container
command: String
cpu: Number
environment: {...}
image: String
image_driver: String
image_pull_policy: String
interactive: Boolean
labels: {...}
memory: Integer
name: String
restart_policy: String
workdir: String
Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.