.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =================================== CloudFormation Compatible Functions =================================== There are a number of functions that you can use to help you write CloudFormation compatible templates. While most CloudFormation functions are supported in HOT version '2013-05-23', *Fn::Select* is the only CloudFormation function supported in HOT templates since version '2014-10-16' which is introduced in Juno. All of these functions (except *Ref*) start with *Fn::*. --- Ref --- Returns the value of the named parameter or resource. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ name : String The name of the resource or parameter. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml {Ref: my_server} Returns the nova instance ID. For example, ``d8093de0-850f-4513-b202-7979de6c0d55``. ---------- Fn::Base64 ---------- This is a placeholder for a function to convert an input string to Base64. This function in Heat actually performs no conversion. It is included for the benefit of CFN templates that convert UserData to Base64. Heat only accepts UserData in plain text. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ value : String The string to convert. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml {"Fn::Base64": "convert this string please."} Returns the original input string. ------------- Fn::FindInMap ------------- Returns the value corresponding to keys into a two-level map declared in the Mappings section. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ map_name : String The logical name of a mapping declared in the Mappings section that contains the keys and values. top_level_key : String The top-level key name. It's value is a list of key-value pairs. second_level_key : String The second-level key name, which is set to one of the keys from the list assigned to top_level_key. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml Mapping: MyContacts: jone: {phone: 337, email: a@b.com} jim: {phone: 908, email: g@b.com} {"Fn::FindInMap": ["MyContacts", "jim", "phone" ] } Returns ``908``. ---------- Fn::GetAtt ---------- Returns an attribute of a resource within the template. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ resource : String The name of the resource. attribute : String The name of the attribute. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml {Fn::GetAtt: [my_server, PublicIp]} Returns an IP address such as ````. ---------- Fn::GetAZs ---------- Returns the Availability Zones within the given region. *Note: AZ's and regions are not fully implemented in Heat.* Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ region : String The name of the region. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml {Fn::GetAZs: ""} Returns the list provided by ``nova availability-zone-list``. -------- Fn::Join -------- Like python join, it joins a list of strings with the given delimiter. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ delimiter : String The string to join the list with. list : list The list to join. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml {Fn::Join: [",", ["beer", "wine", "more beer"]]} Returns ``beer, wine, more beer``. ---------- Fn::Select ---------- Select an item from a list. *Heat extension: Select an item from a map* Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ selector : string or integer The number of item in the list or the name of the item in the map. collection : map or list The collection to select the item from. Usage ~~~~~ For a list lookup: .. code-block:: yaml { "Fn::Select" : [ "2", [ "apples", "grapes", "mangoes" ] ] } Returns ``mangoes``. For a map lookup: .. code-block:: yaml { "Fn::Select" : [ "red", {"red": "a", "flu": "b"} ] } Returns ``a``. --------- Fn::Split --------- This is the reverse of Join. Convert a string into a list based on the delimiter. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ delimiter : string Matching string to split on. string : String The string to split. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml { "Fn::Split" : [ ",", "str1,str2,str3,str4"]} Returns ``{["str1", "str2", "str3", "str4"]}``. ----------- Fn::Replace ----------- Find and replace one string with another. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ substitutions : map A map of substitutions. string: String The string to do the substitutions in. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml {"Fn::Replace": [ {'$var1': 'foo', '%var2%': 'bar'}, '$var1 is %var2%' ]} Returns ``"foo is bar"``. ------------------ Fn::ResourceFacade ------------------ When writing a Template Resource: - user writes a template that will fill in for a resource (the resource is the facade). - when they are writing their template they need to access the metadata from the facade. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ attribute_name : String One of ``Metadata``, ``DeletionPolicy`` or ``UpdatePolicy``. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml {'Fn::ResourceFacade': 'Metadata'} {'Fn::ResourceFacade': 'DeletionPolicy'} {'Fn::ResourceFacade': 'UpdatePolicy'} Example ~~~~~~~ Here is a top level template ``top.yaml`` .. code-block:: yaml resources: my_server: type: OS::Nova::Server metadata: key: value some: more stuff Here is a resource template ``my_actual_server.yaml`` .. code-block:: yaml resources: _actual_server_: type: OS::Nova::Server metadata: {'Fn::ResourceFacade': Metadata} The environment file ``env.yaml`` .. code-block:: yaml resource_registry: resources: my_server: "OS::Nova::Server": my_actual_server.yaml To use it :: $ openstack stack create -t top.yaml -e env.yaml mystack What happened is the metadata in ``top.yaml`` (key: value, some: more stuff) gets passed into the resource template via the `Fn::ResourceFacade`_ function. ------------------- Fn::MemberListToMap ------------------- Convert an AWS style member list into a map. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ key name: string The name of the key (normally "Name" or "Key"). value name: string The name of the value (normally "Value"). list: A list of strings The string to convert. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml {'Fn::MemberListToMap': ['Name', 'Value', ['.member.0.Name=key', '.member.0.Value=door', '.member.1.Name=colour', '.member.1.Value=green']]} Returns ``{'key': 'door', 'colour': 'green'}``. ---------- Fn::Equals ---------- Compares whether two values are equal. And returns true if the two values are equal or false if they aren't. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ value1: A value of any type that you want to compare. value2: A value of any type that you want to compare. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml {'Fn::Equals': [{'Ref': 'env_type'}, 'prod']} Returns true if the param 'env_type' equals to 'prod', otherwise returns false. ------ Fn::If ------ Returns one value if the specified condition evaluates to true and another value if the specified condition evaluates to false. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ condition_name: A reference to a condition in the ``Conditions`` section. value_if_true: A value to be returned if the specified condition evaluates to true. value_if_false: A value to be returned if the specified condition evaluates to false. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml {'Fn::If': ['create_prod', 'value_true', 'value_false']} Returns 'value_true' if the condition 'create_prod' evaluates to true, otherwise returns 'value_false'. ------- Fn::Not ------- Acts as a NOT operator. The syntax of the ``Fn::Not`` function is .. code-block:: yaml {'Fn::Not': [condition]} Returns true for a condition that evaluates to false or returns false for a condition that evaluates to true. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ condition: A condition such as ``Fn::Equals`` that evaluates to true or false can be defined in this function, also we can set a boolean value as a condition. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml {'Fn::Not': [{'Fn::Equals': [{'Ref': env_type'}, 'prod']}]} Returns false if the param 'env_type' equals to 'prod', otherwise returns true. ------- Fn::And ------- Acts as an AND operator to evaluate all the specified conditions. Returns true if all the specified conditions evaluate to true, or returns false if any one of the conditions evaluates to false. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ condition: A condition such as Fn::Equals that evaluates to true or false. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml {'Fn::And': [{'Fn::Equals': [{'Ref': env_type}, 'prod']}, {'Fn::Not': [{'Fn::Equals': [{'Ref': zone}, 'beijing']}]}] Returns true if the param 'env_type' equals to 'prod' and the param 'zone' is not equal to 'beijing', otherwise returns false. ------ Fn::Or ------ Acts as an OR operator to evaluate all the specified conditions. Returns true if any one of the specified conditions evaluate to true, or returns false if all of the conditions evaluates to false. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ condition: A condition such as Fn::Equals that evaluates to true or false. Usage ~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml {'Fn::Or': [{'Fn::Equals': [{'Ref': zone}, 'shanghai']}, {'Fn::Equals': [{'Ref': zone}, 'beijing']}]} Returns true if the param 'zone' equals to 'shanghai' or 'beijing', otherwise returns false.