Source code for heat_integrationtests.functional.test_create_update_neutron_port

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from heat_integrationtests.functional import functional_base

test_template = '''
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
description: Test template to create port wit ip_address.
    type: string
    default: 00-00-00-00-BB-BB
    type: OS::Neutron::Net
    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
      enable_dhcp: false
      network: { get_resource: net }
    type: OS::Neutron::Port
      network: {get_resource: net}
      mac_address: {get_param: mac}
        - subnet: {get_resource: subnet}
    depends_on: port
    type: OS::Heat::TestResource
      value: Test1
      fail: False
    value: {get_attr: [port, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}

[docs]class UpdatePortTest(functional_base.FunctionalTestsBase):
[docs] def get_port_id_and_ip(self, stack_identifier): resources = self.client.resources.list(stack_identifier) port_id = [res.physical_resource_id for res in resources if res.resource_name == 'port'] stack = self.client.stacks.get(stack_identifier) port_ip = self._stack_output(stack, 'port_ip') return port_id[0], port_ip
[docs] def test_stack_update_replace_no_ip(self): templ_no_ip = test_template.replace('ip_address:', '') # create with default 'mac' parameter stack_identifier = self.stack_create(template=templ_no_ip) _id, _ip = self.get_port_id_and_ip(stack_identifier) # Update with another 'mac' parameter parameters = {'mac': '00-00-00-00-AA-AA'} self.update_stack(stack_identifier, templ_no_ip, parameters=parameters) new_id, _ = self.get_port_id_and_ip(stack_identifier) # port id should be different self.assertNotEqual(_id, new_id)
[docs] def test_stack_update_replace_with_ip(self): # create with default 'mac' parameter stack_identifier = self.stack_create(template=test_template) _id, _ip = self.get_port_id_and_ip(stack_identifier) # Update with another 'mac' parameter parameters = {'mac': '00-00-00-00-AA-AA'} # port should be replaced with same ip self.update_stack(stack_identifier, test_template, parameters=parameters) new_id, new_ip = self.get_port_id_and_ip(stack_identifier) # port id should be different, ip should be the same self.assertEqual(_ip, new_ip) self.assertNotEqual(_id, new_id)
[docs] def test_stack_update_replace_with_ip_rollback(self): # create with default 'mac' parameter stack_identifier = self.stack_create(template=test_template) _id, _ip = self.get_port_id_and_ip(stack_identifier) # Update with another 'mac' parameter parameters = {'mac': '00-00-00-00-AA-AA'} # make test resource failing during update fail_template = test_template.replace('fail: False', 'fail: True') fail_template = fail_template.replace('value: Test1', 'value: Rollback') # port should be replaced with same ip self.update_stack(stack_identifier, fail_template, parameters=parameters, expected_status='ROLLBACK_COMPLETE', disable_rollback=False) new_id, new_ip = self.get_port_id_and_ip(stack_identifier) # port id and ip should be the same after rollback self.assertEqual(_ip, new_ip) self.assertEqual(_id, new_id)
[docs] def test_stack_update_replace_with_ip_after_failed_update(self): # create with default 'mac' parameter stack_identifier = self.stack_create(template=test_template) _id, _ip = self.get_port_id_and_ip(stack_identifier) # Update with another 'mac' parameter parameters = {'mac': '00-00-00-00-AA-AA'} # make test resource failing during update fail_template = test_template.replace('fail: False', 'fail: True') fail_template = fail_template.replace('value: Test1', 'value: Rollback') # port should be replaced with same ip self.update_stack(stack_identifier, fail_template, parameters=parameters, expected_status='UPDATE_FAILED') # port should be replaced with same ip self.update_stack(stack_identifier, test_template, parameters=parameters) new_id, new_ip = self.get_port_id_and_ip(stack_identifier) # ip should be the same, but port id should be different, because it's # restore replace self.assertEqual(_ip, new_ip) self.assertNotEqual(_id, new_id)
[docs] def test_stack_update_in_place_remove_ip(self): # create with default 'mac' parameter and defined ip_address stack_identifier = self.stack_create(template=test_template) _id, _ip = self.get_port_id_and_ip(stack_identifier) # remove ip_address property and update stack templ_no_ip = test_template.replace('ip_address:', '') self.update_stack(stack_identifier, templ_no_ip) new_id, new_ip = self.get_port_id_and_ip(stack_identifier) # port should be updated with the same id self.assertEqual(_id, new_id)

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