These resources are enabled, but are not officially supported.
DEPRECATED since 7.0.0 (Newton) - The combination alarm is deprecated and disabled by default in Aodh.
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource that implements combination of Aodh alarms.
Allows to use alarm as a combination of other alarms with some operator: activate this alarm if any alarm in combination has been activated or if all alarms in combination have been activated.
List of alarm identifiers to combine.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The length must be at least 1.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
True if alarm evaluation/actioning is enabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Operator used to combine the alarms.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: and, or
False to trigger actions when the threshold is reached AND the alarm’s state has changed. By default, actions are called each time the threshold is reached.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Severity of the alarm.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “low”.
Allowed values: low, moderate, critical
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Describe time constraints for the alarm. Only evaluate the alarm if the time at evaluation is within this time constraint. Start point(s) of the constraint are specified with a cron expression, whereas its duration is given in seconds.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Duration for the time constraint.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Start time for the time constraint. A CRON expression property.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cron_expression
Timezone for the time constraint (eg. ‘Taiwan/Taipei’, ‘Europe/Amsterdam’).
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type timezone
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Aodh::CombinationAlarm
alarm_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
alarm_ids: [Value, Value, ...]
description: String
enabled: Boolean
insufficient_data_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
ok_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
operator: String
repeat_actions: Boolean
severity: String
time_constraints: [{"duration": Integer, "start": String, "name": String, "timezone": String, "description": String}, {"duration": Integer, "start": String, "name": String, "timezone": String, "description": String}, ...]
DEPRECATED since 2015.1 (Kilo) - The HARestarter resource type is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Heat, once it has support for auto-healing any type of resource. Note that HARestarter does *not* actually restart servers - it deletes and then recreates them. It also does the same to all dependent resources, and may therefore exhibit unexpected and undesirable behaviour. Instead, use the mark-unhealthy API to mark a resource as needing replacement, and then a stack update to perform the replacement while respecting the dependencies and not deleting them unnecessarily.
Instance ID to be restarted.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type nova.server
A signed url to handle the alarm (Heat extension).
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Heat::HARestarter
InstanceId: String
UNSUPPORTED - Use this resource at your own risk.
Resource for specifying extra routes for Neutron router.
Resource allows to specify nexthop IP and destination network for router.
The router id.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.router
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::ExtraRoute
destination: String
nexthop: String
router_id: String
DEPRECATED since 7.0.0 (Newton) - Neutron LBaaS v1 is deprecated in the Liberty release and is planned to be removed in a future release. Going forward, the LBaaS V2 should be used.
A resource for managing health monitors for loadbalancers in Neutron.
A health monitor is used to determine whether or not back-end members of the VIP’s pool are usable for processing a request. A pool can have several health monitors associated with it. There are different types of health monitors supported by the OpenStack LBaaS service:
- PING: used to ping the members using ICMP.
- TCP: used to connect to the members using TCP.
- HTTP: used to send an HTTP request to the member.
- HTTPS: used to send a secure HTTP request to the member.
The minimum time in milliseconds between regular connections of the member.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Number of permissible connection failures before changing the member status to INACTIVE.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Maximum number of milliseconds for a monitor to wait for a connection to be established before it times out.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
One of predefined health monitor types.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: PING, TCP, HTTP, HTTPS
The administrative state of the health monitor.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The HTTP method used for requests by the monitor of type HTTP.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The HTTP path used in the HTTP request used by the monitor to test a member health.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The administrative state of this health monitor.
The minimum time in milliseconds between regular connections of the member.
The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy.
The HTTP method used for requests by the monitor of type HTTP.
Number of permissible connection failures before changing the member status to INACTIVE.
Detailed information about resource.
Tenant owning the health monitor.
Maximum number of milliseconds for a monitor to wait for a connection to be established before it times out.
One of predefined health monitor types.
The HTTP path used in the HTTP request used by the monitor to test a member health.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::HealthMonitor
admin_state_up: Boolean
delay: Integer
expected_codes: String
http_method: String
max_retries: Integer
timeout: Integer
type: String
url_path: String
DEPRECATED since 7.0.0 (Newton) - Neutron LBaaS v1 is deprecated in the Liberty release and is planned to be removed in a future release. Going forward, the LBaaS V2 should be used.
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource to link a neutron pool with servers.
A loadbalancer allows linking a neutron pool with specified servers to some port.
The ID of the load balancing pool.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Port number on which the servers are running on the members.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be in the range 0 to 65535.
The list of Nova server IDs load balanced.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::LoadBalancer
members: [Value, Value, ...]
pool_id: String
protocol_port: Integer
DEPRECATED since 7.0.0 (Newton) - Neutron LBaaS v1 is deprecated in the Liberty release and is planned to be removed in a future release. Going forward, the LBaaS V2 should be used.
A resource for managing load balancer pools in Neutron.
A load balancing pool is a logical set of devices, such as web servers, that you group together to receive and process traffic. The loadbalancing function chooses a member of the pool according to the configured load balancing method to handle the new requests or connections received on the VIP address. There is only one pool for a VIP.
The algorithm used to distribute load between the members of the pool.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Protocol for balancing.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: TCP, HTTP, HTTPS
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
The subnet for the port on which the members of the pool will be connected.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.subnet
IP address and port of the pool.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
IP address of the vip.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
The administrative state of this vip.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
The maximum number of connections per second allowed for the vip.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
TCP port on which to listen for client traffic that is associated with the vip address.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Configuration of session persistence.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Name of the cookie, required if type is APP_COOKIE.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Method of implementation of session persistence feature.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Subnet of the vip.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.subnet
The administrative state of this pool.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
List of health monitors associated with the pool.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
LBaaS provider to implement this load balancer instance.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type
The administrative state of this pool.
Description of the pool.
The algorithm used to distribute load between the members of the pool.
Name of the pool.
Protocol to balance.
Detailed information about resource.
The subnet for the port on which the members of the pool will be connected.
Tenant owning the pool.
Vip associated with the pool.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::Pool
admin_state_up: Boolean
description: String
lb_method: String
monitors: [Value, Value, ...]
name: String
protocol: String
provider: String
subnet: String
vip: {"connection_limit": Integer, "protocol_port": Integer, "session_persistence": {"type": String, "cookie_name": String}, "name": String, "admin_state_up": Boolean, "address": String, "subnet": String, "description": String}
DEPRECATED since 7.0.0 (Newton) - Neutron LBaaS v1 is deprecated in the Liberty release and is planned to be removed in a future release. Going forward, the LBaaS V2 should be used.
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource to handle loadbalancer members.
A pool member represents the application running on backend server.
IP address of the pool member on the pool network.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
The ID of the load balancing pool.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
TCP port on which the pool member listens for requests or connections.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be in the range 0 to 65535.
The administrative state of the pool member.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
Weight of pool member in the pool (default to 1).
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
The value must be in the range 0 to 256.
IP address of the pool member.
The administrative state of this pool member.
The ID of the load balancing pool.
TCP port on which the pool member listens for requests or connections.
Detailed information about resource.
Tenant owning the pool member.
Weight of the pool member in the pool.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::PoolMember
address: String
admin_state_up: Boolean
pool_id: String
protocol_port: Integer
weight: Integer
UNSUPPORTED since 7.0.0 (Newton)
A resource for neutron networking-sfc port-pair.
This plug-in requires networking-sfc>=1.0.0. So to enable this plug-in, install this library and restart the heat-engine.
A Port Pair represents a service function instance. The ingress port and the egress port of the service function may be specified. If a service function has one bidirectional port, the ingress port has the same value as the egress port.
ID or name of the egress neutron port.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.port
ID or name of the ingress neutron port.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.port
Description for the Port Pair.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Dictionary of service function parameter. Currently only correlation=None is supported.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “{‘correlation’: None}”.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::PortPair
description: String
egress: String
ingress: String
name: String
service_function_parameters: {...}