Source code for

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

import collections
import hashlib
import itertools

from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
import six
import yaql
from yaql.language import exceptions

from heat.common import exception
from heat.common.i18n import _
from heat.engine import attributes
from heat.engine import function

opts = [
               help=_('The maximum number of elements in collection '
                      'expression can take for its evaluation.')),
               help=_('The maximum size of memory in bytes that '
                      'expression can take for its evaluation.'))
cfg.CONF.register_opts(opts, group='yaql')

[docs]class GetParam(function.Function): """A function for resolving parameter references. Takes the form:: get_param: <param_name> or:: get_param: - <param_name> - <path1> - ... """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(GetParam, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) self.parameters = self.stack.parameters
[docs] def result(self): args = function.resolve(self.args) if not args: raise ValueError(_('Function "%s" must have arguments') % self.fn_name) if isinstance(args, six.string_types): param_name = args path_components = [] elif isinstance(args, collections.Sequence): param_name = args[0] path_components = args[1:] else: raise TypeError(_('Argument to "%s" must be string or list') % self.fn_name) if not isinstance(param_name, six.string_types): raise TypeError(_('Parameter name in "%s" must be string') % self.fn_name) try: parameter = self.parameters[param_name] except KeyError: raise exception.UserParameterMissing(key=param_name) def get_path_component(collection, key): if not isinstance(collection, (collections.Mapping, collections.Sequence)): raise TypeError(_('"%s" can\'t traverse path') % self.fn_name) if not isinstance(key, (six.string_types, int)): raise TypeError(_('Path components in "%s" ' 'must be strings') % self.fn_name) if isinstance(collection, collections.Sequence ) and isinstance(key, six.string_types): try: key = int(key) except ValueError: raise TypeError(_("Path components in '%s' " "must be a string that can be " "parsed into an " "integer.") % self.fn_name) return collection[key] try: return six.moves.reduce(get_path_component, path_components, parameter) except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError): return ''
[docs]class GetResource(function.Function): """A function for resolving resource references. Takes the form:: get_resource: <resource_name> """ def _resource(self, path='unknown'): resource_name = function.resolve(self.args) try: return self.stack[resource_name] except KeyError: raise exception.InvalidTemplateReference(resource=resource_name, key=path)
[docs] def dependencies(self, path): return itertools.chain(super(GetResource, self).dependencies(path), [self._resource(path)])
[docs] def result(self): return self._resource().FnGetRefId()
[docs]class GetAttThenSelect(function.Function): """A function for resolving resource attributes. Takes the form:: get_attr: - <resource_name> - <attribute_name> - <path1> - ... """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(GetAttThenSelect, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) (self._resource_name, self._attribute, self._path_components) = self._parse_args() def _parse_args(self): if (not isinstance(self.args, collections.Sequence) or isinstance(self.args, six.string_types)): raise TypeError(_('Argument to "%s" must be a list') % self.fn_name) if len(self.args) < 2: raise ValueError(_('Arguments to "%s" must be of the form ' '[resource_name, attribute, (path), ...]') % self.fn_name) return self.args[0], self.args[1], self.args[2:] def _resource(self, path='unknown'): resource_name = function.resolve(self._resource_name) try: return self.stack[resource_name] except KeyError: raise exception.InvalidTemplateReference(resource=resource_name, key=path)
[docs] def dep_attrs(self, resource_name): if self._resource().name == resource_name: attrs = [function.resolve(self._attribute)] else: attrs = [] return itertools.chain(super(GetAttThenSelect, self).dep_attrs(resource_name), attrs)
[docs] def dependencies(self, path): return itertools.chain(super(GetAttThenSelect, self).dependencies(path), [self._resource(path)])
def _allow_without_attribute_name(self): return False
[docs] def validate(self): super(GetAttThenSelect, self).validate() res = self._resource() if self._allow_without_attribute_name(): # if allow without attribute_name, then don't check # when attribute_name is None if self._attribute is None: return attr = function.resolve(self._attribute) from heat.engine import resource if (type(res).get_attribute == resource.Resource.get_attribute and attr not in res.attributes_schema): raise exception.InvalidTemplateAttribute( resource=self._resource_name, key=attr)
def _result_ready(self, r): if r.action in (r.CREATE, r.ADOPT, r.SUSPEND, r.RESUME, r.UPDATE, r.ROLLBACK, r.SNAPSHOT, r.CHECK): return True # NOTE(sirushtim): Add r.INIT to states above once convergence # is the default. if r.stack.has_cache_data( and r.action == r.INIT: return True return False
[docs] def result(self): attr_name = function.resolve(self._attribute) resource = self._resource() if self._result_ready(resource): attribute = resource.FnGetAtt(attr_name) else: attribute = None if attribute is None: return None path_components = function.resolve(self._path_components) return attributes.select_from_attribute(attribute, path_components)
[docs]class GetAtt(GetAttThenSelect): """A function for resolving resource attributes. Takes the form:: get_attr: - <resource_name> - <attribute_name> - <path1> - ... """
[docs] def result(self): path_components = function.resolve(self._path_components) attribute = function.resolve(self._attribute) resource = self._resource() if self._result_ready(resource): return resource.FnGetAtt(attribute, *path_components) else: return None
[docs] def dep_attrs(self, resource_name): if self._resource().name == resource_name: path = function.resolve(self._path_components) attr = [function.resolve(self._attribute)] if path: attrs = [tuple(attr + path)] else: attrs = attr else: attrs = [] return itertools.chain(function.dep_attrs(self.args, resource_name), attrs)
[docs]class GetAttAllAttributes(GetAtt): """A function for resolving resource attributes. Takes the form:: get_attr: - <resource_name> - <attributes_name> - <path1> - ... where <attributes_name> and <path1>, ... are optional arguments. If there is no <attributes_name>, result will be dict of all resource's attributes. Else function returns resolved resource's attribute. """ def _parse_args(self): if not self.args: raise ValueError(_('Arguments to "%s" can be of the next ' 'forms: [resource_name] or ' '[resource_name, attribute, (path), ...]' ) % self.fn_name) elif isinstance(self.args, collections.Sequence): if len(self.args) > 1: return super(GetAttAllAttributes, self)._parse_args() else: return self.args[0], None, [] else: raise TypeError(_('Argument to "%s" must be a list') % self.fn_name)
[docs] def dep_attrs(self, resource_name): """Check if there is no attribute_name defined, return empty chain.""" if self._attribute is not None: return super(GetAttAllAttributes, self).dep_attrs(resource_name) elif self._resource().name == resource_name: res = self._resource() attrs = six.iterkeys(res.attributes_schema) else: attrs = [] return itertools.chain(function.dep_attrs(self.args, resource_name), attrs)
[docs] def result(self): if self._attribute is None: r = self._resource() if (r.status in (r.IN_PROGRESS, r.COMPLETE) and r.action in (r.CREATE, r.ADOPT, r.SUSPEND, r.RESUME, r.UPDATE, r.CHECK, r.SNAPSHOT)): return r.FnGetAtts() else: return None else: return super(GetAttAllAttributes, self).result()
def _allow_without_attribute_name(self): return True
[docs]class Replace(function.Function): """A function for performing string substitutions. Takes the form:: str_replace: template: <key_1> <key_2> params: <key_1>: <value_1> <key_2>: <value_2> ... And resolves to:: "<value_1> <value_2>" When keys overlap in the template, longer matches are preferred. For keys of equal length, lexicographically smaller keys are preferred. """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(Replace, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) self._mapping, self._string = self._parse_args() if not isinstance(self._mapping, (collections.Mapping, function.Function)): raise TypeError(_('"%s" parameters must be a mapping') % self.fn_name) def _parse_args(self): if not isinstance(self.args, collections.Mapping): raise TypeError(_('Arguments to "%s" must be a map') % self.fn_name) try: mapping = self.args['params'] string = self.args['template'] except (KeyError, TypeError): example = ('''str_replace: template: This is var1 template var2 params: var1: a var2: string''') raise KeyError(_('"str_replace" syntax should be %s') % example) else: return mapping, string def _validate_replacement(self, value): if value is None: return '' if not isinstance(value, (six.string_types, six.integer_types, float, bool)): raise TypeError(_('"%s" params must be strings or numbers') % self.fn_name) return six.text_type(value)
[docs] def result(self): template = function.resolve(self._string) mapping = function.resolve(self._mapping) if not isinstance(template, six.string_types): raise TypeError(_('"%s" template must be a string') % self.fn_name) if not isinstance(mapping, collections.Mapping): raise TypeError(_('"%s" params must be a map') % self.fn_name) def replace(strings, keys): if not keys: return strings placeholder = keys[0] if not isinstance(placeholder, six.string_types): raise TypeError(_('"%s" param placeholders must be strings') % self.fn_name) remaining_keys = keys[1:] value = self._validate_replacement(mapping[placeholder]) return [value.join(replace(s.split(placeholder), remaining_keys)) for s in strings] return replace([template], sorted(sorted(mapping), key=len, reverse=True))[0]
[docs]class ReplaceJson(Replace): """A function for performing string substitutions. Takes the form:: str_replace: template: <key_1> <key_2> params: <key_1>: <value_1> <key_2>: <value_2> ... And resolves to:: "<value_1> <value_2>" When keys overlap in the template, longer matches are preferred. For keys of equal length, lexicographically smaller keys are preferred. Non-string param values (e.g maps or lists) are serialized as JSON before being substituted in. """ def _validate_replacement(self, value): if value is None: return '' if not isinstance(value, (six.string_types, six.integer_types, float, bool)): if isinstance(value, (collections.Mapping, collections.Sequence)): try: return jsonutils.dumps(value, default=None) except TypeError: raise TypeError(_('"%(name)s" params must be strings, ' 'numbers, list or map. ' 'Failed to json serialize %(value)s' ) % {'name': self.fn_name, 'value': value}) else: raise TypeError(_('"%s" params must be strings, numbers, ' 'list or map.') % self.fn_name) return six.text_type(value)
[docs]class GetFile(function.Function): """A function for including a file inline. Takes the form:: get_file: <file_key> And resolves to the content stored in the files dictionary under the given key. """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(GetFile, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) self.files = self.stack.t.files
[docs] def result(self): args = function.resolve(self.args) if not (isinstance(args, six.string_types)): raise TypeError(_('Argument to "%s" must be a string') % self.fn_name) f = self.files.get(args) if f is None: fmt_data = {'fn_name': self.fn_name, 'file_key': args} raise ValueError(_('No content found in the "files" section for ' '%(fn_name)s path: %(file_key)s') % fmt_data) return f
[docs]class Join(function.Function): """A function for joining strings. Takes the form:: list_join: - <delim> - - <string_1> - <string_2> - ... And resolves to:: "<string_1><delim><string_2><delim>..." """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(Join, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) example = '"%s" : [ " ", [ "str1", "str2"]]' % self.fn_name fmt_data = {'fn_name': self.fn_name, 'example': example} if not isinstance(self.args, list): raise TypeError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % fmt_data) try: self._delim, self._strings = self.args except ValueError: raise ValueError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % fmt_data)
[docs] def result(self): strings = function.resolve(self._strings) if strings is None: strings = [] if (isinstance(strings, six.string_types) or not isinstance(strings, collections.Sequence)): raise TypeError(_('"%s" must operate on a list') % self.fn_name) delim = function.resolve(self._delim) if not isinstance(delim, six.string_types): raise TypeError(_('"%s" delimiter must be a string') % self.fn_name) def ensure_string(s): if s is None: return '' if not isinstance(s, six.string_types): raise TypeError( _('Items to join must be strings not %s' ) % (repr(s)[:200])) return s return delim.join(ensure_string(s) for s in strings)
[docs]class JoinMultiple(function.Function): """A function for joining one or more lists of strings. Takes the form:: list_join: - <delim> - - <string_1> - <string_2> - ... - - ... And resolves to:: "<string_1><delim><string_2><delim>..." Optionally multiple lists may be specified, which will also be joined. """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(JoinMultiple, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) example = '"%s" : [ " ", [ "str1", "str2"] ...]' % fn_name fmt_data = {'fn_name': fn_name, 'example': example} if not isinstance(args, list): raise TypeError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % fmt_data) try: self._delim = args[0] self._joinlists = args[1:] if len(self._joinlists) < 1: raise ValueError except (IndexError, ValueError): raise ValueError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % fmt_data)
[docs] def result(self): r_joinlists = function.resolve(self._joinlists) strings = [] for jl in r_joinlists: if jl: if (isinstance(jl, six.string_types) or not isinstance(jl, collections.Sequence)): raise TypeError(_('"%s" must operate on ' 'a list') % self.fn_name) strings += jl delim = function.resolve(self._delim) if not isinstance(delim, six.string_types): raise TypeError(_('"%s" delimiter must be a string') % self.fn_name) def ensure_string(s): msg = _('Items to join must be string, map or list not %s' ) % (repr(s)[:200]) if s is None: return '' elif isinstance(s, six.string_types): return s elif isinstance(s, (collections.Mapping, collections.Sequence)): try: return jsonutils.dumps(s, default=None) except TypeError: msg = _('Items to join must be string, map or list. ' '%s failed json serialization' ) % (repr(s)[:200]) raise TypeError(msg) return delim.join(ensure_string(s) for s in strings)
[docs]class MapMerge(function.Function): """A function for merging maps. Takes the form:: map_merge: - <k1>: <v1> <k2>: <v2> - <k1>: <v3> And resolves to:: {"<k1>": "<v2>", "<k2>": "<v3>"} """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(MapMerge, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) example = (_('"%s" : [ { "key1": "val1" }, { "key2": "val2" } ]') % fn_name) self.fmt_data = {'fn_name': fn_name, 'example': example}
[docs] def result(self): args = function.resolve(self.args) if not isinstance(args, collections.Sequence): raise TypeError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data) def ensure_map(m): if m is None: return {} elif isinstance(m, collections.Mapping): return m else: msg = _('Incorrect arguments: Items to merge must be maps.') raise TypeError(msg) ret_map = {} for m in args: ret_map.update(ensure_map(m)) return ret_map
[docs]class MapReplace(function.Function): """A function for performing substitutions on maps. Takes the form:: map_replace: - <k1>: <v1> <k2>: <v2> - keys: <k1>: <K1> values: <v2>: <V2> And resolves to:: {"<K1>": "<v1>", "<k2>": "<V2>"} """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(MapReplace, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) example = (_('"%s" : [ { "key1": "val1" }, ' '{"keys": {"key1": "key2"}, "values": {"val1": "val2"}}]') % fn_name) self.fmt_data = {'fn_name': fn_name, 'example': example}
[docs] def result(self): args = function.resolve(self.args) def ensure_map(m): if m is None: return {} elif isinstance(m, collections.Mapping): return m else: msg = (_('Incorrect arguments: to "%(fn_name)s", arguments ' 'must be a list of maps. Example: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data) raise TypeError(msg) try: in_map = ensure_map(args.pop(0)) repl_map = ensure_map(args.pop(0)) if args != []: raise IndexError except (IndexError, AttributeError): raise TypeError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data) for k in repl_map: if k not in ('keys', 'values'): raise ValueError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data) repl_keys = ensure_map(repl_map.get('keys', {})) repl_values = ensure_map(repl_map.get('values', {})) ret_map = {} for k, v in six.iteritems(in_map): key = repl_keys.get(k) if key is None: key = k elif key in in_map: # Keys collide msg = _('key replacement %s collides with ' 'a key in the input map') raise ValueError(msg % key) elif key in ret_map: # Keys collide msg = _('key replacement %s collides with ' 'a key in the output map') raise ValueError(msg % key) try: value = repl_values.get(v, v) except TypeError: # If the value is unhashable, we get here value = v ret_map[key] = value return ret_map
[docs]class ResourceFacade(function.Function): """A function for retrieving data in a parent provider template. A function for obtaining data from the facade resource from within the corresponding provider template. Takes the form:: resource_facade: <attribute_type> where the valid attribute types are "metadata", "deletion_policy" and "update_policy". """ _RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES = ( METADATA, DELETION_POLICY, UPDATE_POLICY, ) = ( 'metadata', 'deletion_policy', 'update_policy' ) def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(ResourceFacade, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) if self.args not in self._RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES: fmt_data = {'fn_name': self.fn_name, 'allowed': ', '.join(self._RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES)} raise ValueError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be one of: %(allowed)s') % fmt_data)
[docs] def result(self): attr = function.resolve(self.args) if attr == self.METADATA: return self.stack.parent_resource.metadata_get() elif attr == self.UPDATE_POLICY: up = self.stack.parent_resource.t._update_policy or {} return function.resolve(up) elif attr == self.DELETION_POLICY: return self.stack.parent_resource.t.deletion_policy()
[docs]class Removed(function.Function): """This function existed in previous versions of HOT, but has been removed. Check the HOT guide for an equivalent native function. """
[docs] def validate(self): exp = (_("The function %s is not supported in this version of HOT.") % self.fn_name) raise exception.InvalidTemplateVersion(explanation=exp)
[docs] def result(self): return super(Removed, self).result()
[docs]class Repeat(function.Function): """A function for iterating over a list of items. Takes the form:: repeat: template: <body> for_each: <var>: <list> The result is a new list of the same size as <list>, where each element is a copy of <body> with any occurrences of <var> replaced with the corresponding item of <list>. """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(Repeat, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) if not isinstance(self.args, collections.Mapping): raise TypeError(_('Arguments to "%s" must be a map') % self.fn_name) # We don't check for invalid keys appearing here, which is wrong but # it's probably too late to change try: self._for_each = self.args['for_each'] self._template = self.args['template'] except KeyError: example = ('''repeat: template: This is %var% for_each: %var%: ['a', 'b', 'c']''') raise KeyError(_('"repeat" syntax should be %s') % example)
[docs] def validate(self): super(Repeat, self).validate() if not isinstance(self._for_each, function.Function): if not isinstance(self._for_each, collections.Mapping): raise TypeError(_('The "for_each" argument to "%s" must ' 'contain a map') % self.fn_name)
@staticmethod def _valid_arg(arg): return (isinstance(arg, (collections.Sequence, function.Function)) and not isinstance(arg, six.string_types)) def _do_replacement(self, keys, values, template): if isinstance(template, six.string_types): for (key, value) in zip(keys, values): template = template.replace(key, value) return template elif isinstance(template, collections.Sequence): return [self._do_replacement(keys, values, elem) for elem in template] elif isinstance(template, collections.Mapping): return dict((self._do_replacement(keys, values, k), self._do_replacement(keys, values, v)) for (k, v) in template.items()) else: return template
[docs] def result(self): for_each = function.resolve(self._for_each) if not all(self._valid_arg(l) for l in for_each.values()): raise TypeError(_('The values of the "for_each" argument to ' '"%s" must be lists') % self.fn_name) template = function.resolve(self._template) keys, lists =*for_each.items()) return [self._do_replacement(keys, replacements, template) for replacements in itertools.product(*lists)]
[docs]class RepeatWithMap(Repeat): """A function for iterating over a list of items. Behaves the same as Replace, but if tolerates a map as values to be repeated, in which case it iterates the map keys. """ @staticmethod def _valid_arg(arg): return (isinstance(arg, (collections.Sequence, collections.Mapping, function.Function)) and not isinstance(arg, six.string_types))
[docs]class Digest(function.Function): """A function for performing digest operations. Takes the form:: digest: - <algorithm> - <value> Valid algorithms are the ones provided by natively by hashlib (md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512) or any one provided by OpenSSL. """
[docs] def validate_usage(self, args): if not (isinstance(args, list) and all([isinstance(a, six.string_types) for a in args])): msg = _('Argument to function "%s" must be a list of strings') raise TypeError(msg % self.fn_name) if len(args) != 2: msg = _('Function "%s" usage: ["<algorithm>", "<value>"]') raise ValueError(msg % self.fn_name) if six.PY3: algorithms = hashlib.algorithms_available else: algorithms = hashlib.algorithms if args[0].lower() not in algorithms: msg = _('Algorithm must be one of %s') raise ValueError(msg % six.text_type(algorithms))
[docs] def digest(self, algorithm, value): _hash = _hash.update(six.b(value)) return _hash.hexdigest()
[docs] def result(self): args = function.resolve(self.args) self.validate_usage(args) return self.digest(*args)
[docs]class StrSplit(function.Function): """A function for splitting delimited strings into a list. Optionally extracting a specific list member by index. Takes the form:: str_split: - <delimiter> - <string> - <index> If <index> is specified, the specified list item will be returned otherwise, the whole list is returned, similar to get_attr with path based attributes accessing lists. """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(StrSplit, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) example = '"%s" : [ ",", "apples,pears", <index>]' % fn_name self.fmt_data = {'fn_name': fn_name, 'example': example} self.fn_name = fn_name if isinstance(args, (six.string_types, collections.Mapping)): raise TypeError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data)
[docs] def result(self): args = function.resolve(self.args) try: delim = args.pop(0) str_to_split = args.pop(0) except (AttributeError, IndexError): raise ValueError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data) if str_to_split is None: return None split_list = str_to_split.split(delim) # Optionally allow an index to be specified if args: try: index = int(args.pop(0)) except ValueError: raise ValueError(_('Incorrect index to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data) else: try: res = split_list[index] except IndexError: raise ValueError(_('Incorrect index to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be between 0 and ' '%(max_index)s') % {'fn_name': self.fn_name, 'max_index': len(split_list) - 1}) else: res = split_list return res
[docs]class Yaql(function.Function): """A function for executing a yaql expression. Takes the form:: yaql: expression: <body> data: <var>: <list> Evaluates expression <body> on the given data. """ _parser = None @classmethod
[docs] def get_yaql_parser(cls): if cls._parser is None: global_options = { 'yaql.limitIterators': cfg.CONF.yaql.limit_iterators, 'yaql.memoryQuota': cfg.CONF.yaql.memory_quota } cls._parser = yaql.YaqlFactory().create(global_options) return cls._parser
def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(Yaql, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) self._yaql_context = yaql.create_context() if not isinstance(self.args, collections.Mapping): raise TypeError(_('Arguments to "%s" must be a map.') % self.fn_name) try: self._expression = self.args['expression'] self._data = self.args.get('data', {}) if set(self.args) - set(['expression', 'data']): raise KeyError except (KeyError, TypeError): example = ('''%s: expression: $.data.var1.sum() data: var1: [3, 2, 1]''') % self.fn_name raise KeyError(_('"%(name)s" syntax should be %(example)s') % { 'name': self.fn_name, 'example': example})
[docs] def validate(self): super(Yaql, self).validate() if not isinstance(self._expression, function.Function): self._parse(self._expression)
def _parse(self, expression): if not isinstance(expression, six.string_types): raise TypeError(_('The "expression" argument to %s must ' 'contain a string.') % self.fn_name) parse = self.get_yaql_parser() try: return parse(expression) except exceptions.YaqlException as yex: raise ValueError(_('Bad expression %s.') % yex)
[docs] def result(self): statement = self._parse(function.resolve(self._expression)) data = function.resolve(self._data) return statement.evaluate({'data': data}, self._yaql_context)
[docs]class Equals(function.Function): """A function for comparing whether two values are equal. Takes the form:: equals: - <value_1> - <value_2> The value can be any type that you want to compare. Returns true if the two values are equal or false if they aren't. """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(Equals, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) try: if (not self.args or not isinstance(self.args, list)): raise ValueError() self.value1, self.value2 = self.args except ValueError: msg = _('Arguments to "%s" must be of the form: ' '[value_1, value_2]') raise ValueError(msg % self.fn_name)
[docs] def result(self): resolved_v1 = function.resolve(self.value1) resolved_v2 = function.resolve(self.value2) return resolved_v1 == resolved_v2
[docs]class If(function.Macro): """A function to return corresponding value based on condition evaluation. Takes the form:: if: - <condition_name> - <value_if_true> - <value_if_false> The value_if_true to be returned if the specified condition evaluates to true, the value_if_false to be returned if the specified condition evaluates to false. """
[docs] def parse_args(self, parse_func): try: if (not self.args or not isinstance(self.args, collections.Sequence) or isinstance(self.args, six.string_types)): raise ValueError() condition, value_if_true, value_if_false = self.args except ValueError: msg = _('Arguments to "%s" must be of the form: ' '[condition_name, value_if_true, value_if_false]') raise ValueError(msg % self.fn_name) cond = self.template.parse_condition(self.stack, condition, self.fn_name) cd = self._get_condition(function.resolve(cond)) return parse_func(value_if_true if cd else value_if_false)
def _get_condition(self, cond): if isinstance(cond, bool): return cond return self.template.conditions(self.stack).is_enabled(cond)
[docs]class ConditionBoolean(function.Function): """Abstract parent class of boolean condition functions.""" def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(ConditionBoolean, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) self._check_args() def _check_args(self): if not (isinstance(self.args, collections.Sequence) and not isinstance(self.args, six.string_types)): msg = _('Arguments to "%s" must be a list of conditions') raise ValueError(msg % self.fn_name) if not self.args or len(self.args) < 2: msg = _('The minimum number of condition arguments to "%s" is 2.') raise ValueError(msg % self.fn_name) def _get_condition(self, arg): if isinstance(arg, bool): return arg conditions = self.stack.t.conditions(self.stack) return conditions.is_enabled(arg)
[docs]class Not(ConditionBoolean): """A function that acts as a NOT operator on a condition. Takes the form:: not: <condition> Returns true for a condition that evaluates to false or returns false for a condition that evaluates to true. """ def _check_args(self): self.condition = self.args if self.args is None: msg = _('Argument to "%s" must be a condition') raise ValueError(msg % self.fn_name)
[docs] def result(self): cd = function.resolve(self.condition) return not self._get_condition(cd)
[docs]class And(ConditionBoolean): """A function that acts as an AND operator on conditions. Takes the form:: and: - <condition_1> - <condition_2> - ... Returns true if all the specified conditions evaluate to true, or returns false if any one of the conditions evaluates to false. The minimum number of conditions that you can include is 2. """
[docs] def result(self): return all(self._get_condition(cd) for cd in function.resolve(self.args))
[docs]class Or(ConditionBoolean): """A function that acts as an OR operator on conditions. Takes the form:: or: - <condition_1> - <condition_2> - ... Returns true if any one of the specified conditions evaluate to true, or returns false if all of the conditions evaluates to false. The minimum number of conditions that you can include is 2. """
[docs] def result(self): return any(self._get_condition(cd) for cd in function.resolve(self.args))

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