# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import email
from email.mime import multipart
from email.mime import text
import os
import pkgutil
import string
from novaclient import client as nc
from novaclient import exceptions
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from retrying import retry
import six
from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
from heat.common import exception
from heat.common.i18n import _
from heat.common.i18n import _LI
from heat.common.i18n import _LW
from heat.engine.clients import client_plugin
from heat.engine.clients import os as os_client
from heat.engine import constraints
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CLIENT_NAME = 'nova'
[docs]class NovaClientPlugin(client_plugin.ClientPlugin):
deferred_server_statuses = ['BUILD',
exceptions_module = exceptions
service_types = [COMPUTE] = ['compute']
def _create(self):
endpoint_type = self._get_client_option(CLIENT_NAME, 'endpoint_type')
extensions = nc.discover_extensions(NOVA_API_VERSION)
args = {
'session': self.context.keystone_session,
'extensions': extensions,
'interface': endpoint_type,
'service_type': self.COMPUTE,
'http_log_debug': self._get_client_option(CLIENT_NAME,
client = nc.Client(NOVA_API_VERSION, **args)
return client
[docs] def is_not_found(self, ex):
return isinstance(ex, exceptions.NotFound)
[docs] def is_over_limit(self, ex):
return isinstance(ex, exceptions.OverLimit)
[docs] def is_bad_request(self, ex):
return isinstance(ex, exceptions.BadRequest)
[docs] def is_conflict(self, ex):
return isinstance(ex, exceptions.Conflict)
[docs] def is_unprocessable_entity(self, ex):
http_status = (getattr(ex, 'http_status', None) or
getattr(ex, 'code', None))
return (isinstance(ex, exceptions.ClientException) and
http_status == 422)
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=max(cfg.CONF.client_retry_limit + 1, 0),
[docs] def get_server(self, server):
"""Return fresh server object.
Substitutes Nova's NotFound for Heat's EntityNotFound,
to be returned to user as HTTP error.
return self.client().servers.get(server)
except exceptions.NotFound:
raise exception.EntityNotFound(entity='Server', name=server)
[docs] def fetch_server(self, server_id):
"""Fetch fresh server object from Nova.
Log warnings and return None for non-critical API errors.
Use this method in various ``check_*_complete`` resource methods,
where intermittent errors can be tolerated.
server = None
server = self.client().servers.get(server_id)
except exceptions.OverLimit as exc:
LOG.warning(_LW("Received an OverLimit response when "
"fetching server (%(id)s) : %(exception)s"),
{'id': server_id,
'exception': exc})
except exceptions.ClientException as exc:
if ((getattr(exc, 'http_status', getattr(exc, 'code', None)) in
(500, 503))):
LOG.warning(_LW("Received the following exception when "
"fetching server (%(id)s) : %(exception)s"),
{'id': server_id,
'exception': exc})
return server
[docs] def refresh_server(self, server):
"""Refresh server's attributes.
Also log warnings for non-critical API errors.
except exceptions.OverLimit as exc:
LOG.warning(_LW("Server %(name)s (%(id)s) received an OverLimit "
"response during server.get(): %(exception)s"),
{'name': server.name,
'id': server.id,
'exception': exc})
except exceptions.ClientException as exc:
if ((getattr(exc, 'http_status', getattr(exc, 'code', None)) in
(500, 503))):
LOG.warning(_LW('Server "%(name)s" (%(id)s) received the '
'following exception during server.get(): '
{'name': server.name,
'id': server.id,
'exception': exc})
[docs] def get_ip(self, server, net_type, ip_version):
"""Return the server's IP of the given type and version."""
if net_type in server.addresses:
for ip in server.addresses[net_type]:
if ip['version'] == ip_version:
return ip['addr']
[docs] def get_status(self, server):
"""Return the server's status.
:param server: server object
:returns: status as a string
# Some clouds append extra (STATUS) strings to the status, strip it
return server.status.split('(')[0]
def _check_active(self, server, res_name='Server'):
"""Check server status.
Accepts both server IDs and server objects.
Returns True if server is ACTIVE,
raises errors when server has an ERROR or unknown to Heat status,
returns False otherwise.
:param res_name: name of the resource to use in the exception message
# not checking with is_uuid_like as most tests use strings e.g. '1234'
if isinstance(server, six.string_types):
server = self.fetch_server(server)
if server is None:
return False
status = self.get_status(server)
status = self.get_status(server)
if status != 'ACTIVE':
status = self.get_status(server)
if status in self.deferred_server_statuses:
return False
elif status == 'ACTIVE':
return True
elif status == 'ERROR':
fault = getattr(server, 'fault', {})
raise exception.ResourceInError(
status_reason=_("Message: %(message)s, Code: %(code)s") % {
'message': fault.get('message', _('Unknown')),
'code': fault.get('code', _('Unknown'))
raise exception.ResourceUnknownStatus(
result=_('%s is not active') % res_name)
[docs] def find_flavor_by_name_or_id(self, flavor):
"""Find the specified flavor by name or id.
:param flavor: the name of the flavor to find
:returns: the id of :flavor:
return self._find_flavor_id(self.context.tenant_id,
def _find_flavor_id(self, tenant_id, flavor):
# tenant id in the signature is used for the memoization key,
# that would differentiate similar resource names across tenants.
return self.get_flavor(flavor).id
[docs] def get_flavor(self, flavor_identifier):
"""Get the flavor object for the specified flavor name or id.
:param flavor_identifier: the name or id of the flavor to find
:returns: a flavor object with name or id :flavor:
flavor = self.client().flavors.get(flavor_identifier)
except exceptions.NotFound:
flavor = self.client().flavors.find(name=flavor_identifier)
return flavor
[docs] def get_host(self, host_name):
"""Get the host id specified by name.
:param host_name: the name of host to find
:returns: the list of match hosts
:raises: exception.EntityNotFound
host_list = self.client().hosts.list()
for host in host_list:
if host.host_name == host_name and host.service == self.COMPUTE:
return host
raise exception.EntityNotFound(entity='Host', name=host_name)
[docs] def get_keypair(self, key_name):
"""Get the public key specified by :key_name:
:param key_name: the name of the key to look for
:returns: the keypair (name, public_key) for :key_name:
:raises: exception.EntityNotFound
return self.client().keypairs.get(key_name)
except exceptions.NotFound:
raise exception.EntityNotFound(entity='Key', name=key_name)
[docs] def build_userdata(self, metadata, userdata=None, instance_user=None,
"""Build multipart data blob for CloudInit.
Data blob includes user-supplied Metadata, user data, and the required
Heat in-instance configuration.
:param resource: the resource implementation
:type resource: heat.engine.Resource
:param userdata: user data string
:type userdata: str or None
:param instance_user: the user to create on the server
:type instance_user: string
:param user_data_format: Format of user data to return
:type user_data_format: string
:returns: multipart mime as a string
if user_data_format == 'RAW':
return userdata
is_cfntools = user_data_format == 'HEAT_CFNTOOLS'
is_software_config = user_data_format == 'SOFTWARE_CONFIG'
def make_subpart(content, filename, subtype=None):
if subtype is None:
subtype = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
if content is None:
content = ''
msg = text.MIMEText(content, _subtype=subtype)
msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment',
return msg
def read_cloudinit_file(fn):
return pkgutil.get_data(
'heat', 'cloudinit/%s' % fn).decode('utf-8')
if instance_user:
config_custom_user = 'user: %s' % instance_user
# FIXME(shadower): compatibility workaround for cloud-init 0.6.3.
# We can drop this once we stop supporting 0.6.3 (which ships
# with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS).
# See bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/heat/+bug/1257410
boothook_custom_user = r"""useradd -m %s
echo -e '%s\tALL=(ALL)\tNOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers
""" % (instance_user, instance_user)
config_custom_user = ''
boothook_custom_user = ''
cloudinit_config = string.Template(
cloudinit_boothook = string.Template(
attachments = [(cloudinit_config, 'cloud-config'),
(cloudinit_boothook, 'boothook.sh', 'cloud-boothook'),
if is_cfntools:
attachments.append((userdata, 'cfn-userdata', 'x-cfninitdata'))
elif is_software_config:
# attempt to parse userdata as a multipart message, and if it
# is, add each part as an attachment
userdata_parts = None
userdata_parts = email.message_from_string(userdata)
except Exception:
if userdata_parts and userdata_parts.is_multipart():
for part in userdata_parts.get_payload():
attachments.append((userdata, 'userdata', 'x-shellscript'))
if is_cfntools:
'loguserdata.py', 'x-shellscript'))
if metadata:
'cfn-init-data', 'x-cfninitdata'))
heat_client_plugin = self.context.clients.client_plugin('heat')
watch_url = cfg.CONF.heat_watch_server_url
if not watch_url:
watch_url = heat_client_plugin.get_watch_server_url()
attachments.append((watch_url, 'cfn-watch-server', 'x-cfninitdata'))
if is_cfntools:
cfn_md_url = heat_client_plugin.get_cfn_metadata_server_url()
'cfn-metadata-server', 'x-cfninitdata'))
# Create a boto config which the cfntools on the host use to know
# where the cfn and cw API's are to be accessed
cfn_url = urlparse.urlparse(cfn_md_url)
cw_url = urlparse.urlparse(watch_url)
is_secure = cfg.CONF.instance_connection_is_secure
vcerts = cfg.CONF.instance_connection_https_validate_certificates
boto_cfg = "\n".join(["[Boto]",
"debug = 0",
"is_secure = %s" % is_secure,
"https_validate_certificates = %s" % vcerts,
"cfn_region_name = heat",
"cfn_region_endpoint = %s" %
"cloudwatch_region_name = heat",
"cloudwatch_region_endpoint = %s" %
'cfn-boto-cfg', 'x-cfninitdata'))
subparts = [make_subpart(*args) for args in attachments]
mime_blob = multipart.MIMEMultipart(_subparts=subparts)
return mime_blob.as_string()
[docs] def check_delete_server_complete(self, server_id):
"""Wait for server to disappear from Nova."""
server = self.fetch_server(server_id)
except Exception as exc:
return True
if not server:
return False
task_state_in_nova = getattr(server, 'OS-EXT-STS:task_state', None)
# the status of server won't change until the delete task has done
if task_state_in_nova == 'deleting':
return False
status = self.get_status(server)
if status in ("DELETED", "SOFT_DELETED"):
return True
if status == 'ERROR':
fault = getattr(server, 'fault', {})
message = fault.get('message', 'Unknown')
code = fault.get('code')
errmsg = _("Server %(name)s delete failed: (%(code)s) "
"%(message)s") % dict(name=server.name,
raise exception.ResourceInError(resource_status=status,
return False
[docs] def rename(self, server, name):
"""Update the name for a server."""
[docs] def resize(self, server_id, flavor_id):
"""Resize the server."""
server = self.fetch_server(server_id)
if server:
return True
return False
[docs] def check_resize(self, server_id, flavor):
"""Verify that a resizing server is properly resized.
If that's the case, confirm the resize, if not raise an error.
server = self.fetch_server(server_id)
# resize operation is asynchronous so the server resize may not start
# when checking server status (the server may stay ACTIVE instead
# of RESIZE).
if not server or server.status in ('RESIZE', 'ACTIVE'):
return False
if server.status == 'VERIFY_RESIZE':
return True
raise exception.Error(
_("Resizing to '%(flavor)s' failed, status '%(status)s'") %
dict(flavor=flavor, status=server.status))
[docs] def verify_resize(self, server_id):
server = self.fetch_server(server_id)
if not server:
return False
status = self.get_status(server)
if status == 'VERIFY_RESIZE':
return True
msg = _("Could not confirm resize of server %s") % server_id
raise exception.ResourceUnknownStatus(
result=msg, resource_status=status)
[docs] def check_verify_resize(self, server_id):
server = self.fetch_server(server_id)
if not server:
return False
status = self.get_status(server)
if status == 'ACTIVE':
return True
if status == 'VERIFY_RESIZE':
return False
msg = _("Confirm resize for server %s failed") % server_id
raise exception.ResourceUnknownStatus(
result=msg, resource_status=status)
[docs] def rebuild(self, server_id, image_id, password=None,
"""Rebuild the server and call check_rebuild to verify."""
server = self.fetch_server(server_id)
if server:
server.rebuild(image_id, password=password,
return True
return False
[docs] def check_rebuild(self, server_id):
"""Verify that a rebuilding server is rebuilt.
Raise error if it ends up in an ERROR state.
server = self.fetch_server(server_id)
if server is None or server.status == 'REBUILD':
return False
if server.status == 'ERROR':
raise exception.Error(
_("Rebuilding server failed, status '%s'") % server.status)
return True
[docs] def server_to_ipaddress(self, server):
"""Return the server's IP address, fetching it from Nova."""
server = self.client().servers.get(server)
except exceptions.NotFound as ex:
LOG.warning(_LW('Instance (%(server)s) not found: %(ex)s'),
{'server': server, 'ex': ex})
for n in sorted(server.networks, reverse=True):
if len(server.networks[n]) > 0:
return server.networks[n][0]
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=max(cfg.CONF.client_retry_limit + 1, 0),
[docs] def absolute_limits(self):
"""Return the absolute limits as a dictionary."""
limits = self.client().limits.get()
return dict([(limit.name, limit.value)
for limit in list(limits.absolute)])
[docs] def get_console_urls(self, server):
"""Return dict-like structure of server's console urls.
The actual console url is lazily resolved on access.
class ConsoleUrls(collections.Mapping):
def __init__(self, server):
self.console_methods = {
'novnc': server.get_vnc_console,
'xvpvnc': server.get_vnc_console,
'spice-html5': server.get_spice_console,
'rdp-html5': server.get_rdp_console,
'serial': server.get_serial_console
def __getitem__(self, key):
url = self.console_methods[key](key)['console']['url']
except exceptions.BadRequest as e:
unavailable = 'Unavailable console type'
if unavailable in e.message:
url = e.message
return url
def __len__(self):
return len(self.console_methods)
def __iter__(self):
return (key for key in self.console_methods)
return ConsoleUrls(server)
[docs] def get_net_id_by_label(self, label):
net_id = self.client().networks.find(label=label).id
except exceptions.NotFound as ex:
LOG.debug('Nova network (%(net)s) not found: %(ex)s',
{'net': label, 'ex': ex})
raise exception.EntityNotFound(entity='Nova network', name=label)
except exceptions.NoUniqueMatch as exc:
LOG.debug('Nova network (%(net)s) is not unique matched: %(exc)s',
{'net': label, 'exc': exc})
raise exception.PhysicalResourceNameAmbiguity(name=label)
return net_id
[docs] def get_nova_network_id(self, net_identifier):
if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(net_identifier):
net_id = self.client().networks.get(net_identifier).id
except exceptions.NotFound:
net_id = self.get_net_id_by_label(net_identifier)
net_id = self.get_net_id_by_label(net_identifier)
return net_id
[docs] def attach_volume(self, server_id, volume_id, device):
va = self.client().volumes.create_server_volume(
except Exception as ex:
if self.is_client_exception(ex):
raise exception.Error(_(
"Failed to attach volume %(vol)s to server %(srv)s "
"- %(err)s") % {'vol': volume_id,
'srv': server_id,
'err': ex})
return va.id
[docs] def detach_volume(self, server_id, attach_id):
# detach the volume using volume_attachment
self.client().volumes.delete_server_volume(server_id, attach_id)
except Exception as ex:
if not (self.is_not_found(ex)
or self.is_bad_request(ex)):
raise exception.Error(
_("Could not detach attachment %(att)s "
"from server %(srv)s.") % {'srv': server_id,
'att': attach_id})
[docs] def check_detach_volume_complete(self, server_id, attach_id):
"""Check that nova server lost attachment.
This check is needed for immediate reattachment when updating:
there might be some time between cinder marking volume as 'available'
and nova removing attachment from its own objects, so we
check that nova already knows that the volume is detached.
self.client().volumes.get_server_volume(server_id, attach_id)
except Exception as ex:
LOG.info(_LI("Volume %(vol)s is detached from server %(srv)s"),
{'vol': attach_id, 'srv': server_id})
return True
LOG.debug("Server %(srv)s still has attachment %(att)s." % {
'att': attach_id, 'srv': server_id})
return False
[docs] def interface_detach(self, server_id, port_id):
server = self.fetch_server(server_id)
if server:
return True
return False
[docs] def interface_attach(self, server_id, port_id=None, net_id=None, fip=None):
server = self.fetch_server(server_id)
if server:
server.interface_attach(port_id, net_id, fip)
return True
return False
[docs] def check_interface_detach(self, server_id, port_id):
server = self.fetch_server(server_id)
if server:
interfaces = server.interface_list()
for iface in interfaces:
if iface.port_id == port_id:
return False
return True
[docs] def check_interface_attach(self, server_id, port_id):
server = self.fetch_server(server_id)
if server:
interfaces = server.interface_list()
for iface in interfaces:
if iface.port_id == port_id:
return True
return False
def _list_extensions(self):
extensions = self.client().list_extensions.show_all()
return set(extension.alias for extension in extensions)
[docs] def has_extension(self, alias):
"""Check if specific extension is present."""
return alias in self._list_extensions()
[docs]class NovaBaseConstraint(constraints.BaseCustomConstraint):
resource_client_name = CLIENT_NAME
[docs]class ServerConstraint(NovaBaseConstraint):
resource_getter_name = 'get_server'
[docs]class KeypairConstraint(NovaBaseConstraint):
resource_getter_name = 'get_keypair'
[docs] def validate_with_client(self, client, key_name):
if not key_name:
# Don't validate empty key, which can happen when you
# use a KeyPair resource
return True
super(KeypairConstraint, self).validate_with_client(client, key_name)
[docs]class FlavorConstraint(NovaBaseConstraint):
expected_exceptions = (exceptions.NotFound,)
resource_getter_name = 'find_flavor_by_name_or_id'
[docs]class NetworkConstraint(NovaBaseConstraint):
expected_exceptions = (exception.EntityNotFound,
resource_getter_name = 'get_nova_network_id'
[docs]class HostConstraint(NovaBaseConstraint):
resource_getter_name = 'get_host'