Source code for heat.api.openstack.v1.software_configs

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import six
from webob import exc

from heat.api.openstack.v1 import util
from heat.common import param_utils
from heat.common import serializers
from heat.common import wsgi
from heat.rpc import api as rpc_api
from heat.rpc import client as rpc_client

[docs]class SoftwareConfigController(object): """ WSGI controller for Software config in Heat v1 API Implements the API actions """ REQUEST_SCOPE = 'software_configs' def __init__(self, options): self.options = options self.rpc_client = rpc_client.EngineClient()
[docs] def default(self, req, **args): raise exc.HTTPNotFound()
def _extract_bool_param(self, name, value): try: return param_utils.extract_bool(name, value) except ValueError as e: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(six.text_type(e)) def _index(self, req, tenant_safe=True): whitelist = { 'limit': 'single', 'marker': 'single' } params = util.get_allowed_params(req.params, whitelist) scs = self.rpc_client.list_software_configs(req.context, tenant_safe=tenant_safe, **params) return {'software_configs': scs} @util.policy_enforce
[docs] def global_index(self, req): return self._index(req, tenant_safe=False)
[docs] def index(self, req): """ Lists summary information for all software configs """ global_tenant = False name = rpc_api.PARAM_GLOBAL_TENANT if name in req.params: global_tenant = self._extract_bool_param( name, req.params.get(name)) if global_tenant: return self.global_index(req, req.context.tenant_id) return self._index(req)
[docs] def show(self, req, config_id): """ Gets detailed information for a software config """ sc = self.rpc_client.show_software_config( req.context, config_id) return {'software_config': sc}
[docs] def create(self, req, body): """ Create a new software config """ create_data = { 'name': body.get('name'), 'group': body.get('group'), 'config': body.get('config'), 'inputs': body.get('inputs'), 'outputs': body.get('outputs'), 'options': body.get('options'), } sc = self.rpc_client.create_software_config( req.context, **create_data) return {'software_config': sc}
[docs] def delete(self, req, config_id): """ Delete an existing software config """ res = self.rpc_client.delete_software_config(req.context, config_id) if res is not None: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(res['Error']) raise exc.HTTPNoContent()
[docs]def create_resource(options): """ Software configs resource factory method. """ deserializer = wsgi.JSONRequestDeserializer() serializer = serializers.JSONResponseSerializer() return wsgi.Resource( SoftwareConfigController(options), deserializer, serializer)

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