Source code for heat.objects.raw_template

# Copyright 2014 Intel Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# under the License.

"""RawTemplate object."""

import copy

from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_versionedobjects import base
from oslo_versionedobjects import fields

from heat.common import crypt
from heat.common import environment_format as env_fmt
from heat.db import api as db_api
from heat.objects import base as heat_base
from heat.objects import fields as heat_fields

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@heat_base.HeatObjectRegistry.register class RawTemplate( heat_base.HeatObject, base.VersionedObjectDictCompat, base.ComparableVersionedObject, ): # Version 1.0: Initial version # Version 1.1: Added files_id VERSION = '1.1' fields = { 'id': fields.IntegerField(), # TODO(cwolfe): remove deprecated files in future release 'files': heat_fields.JsonField(nullable=True), 'files_id': fields.IntegerField(nullable=True), 'template': heat_fields.JsonField(), 'environment': heat_fields.JsonField(), }
[docs] @staticmethod def from_db_object(context, tpl, db_tpl): for field in tpl.fields: tpl[field] = db_tpl[field] tpl.environment = copy.deepcopy(tpl.environment) # If any of the parameters were encrypted, then decrypt them if (tpl.environment is not None and env_fmt.ENCRYPTED_PARAM_NAMES in tpl.environment): parameters = tpl.environment[env_fmt.PARAMETERS] encrypted_param_names = tpl.environment[ env_fmt.ENCRYPTED_PARAM_NAMES] for param_name in encrypted_param_names: if (isinstance(parameters[param_name], (list, tuple)) and len(parameters[param_name]) == 2): method, enc_value = parameters[param_name] value = crypt.decrypt(method, enc_value) else: value = parameters[param_name] LOG.warning( 'Encountered already-decrypted data while attempting ' 'to decrypt parameter %s. Please file a Heat bug so ' 'this can be fixed.', param_name) parameters[param_name] = value tpl.environment[env_fmt.PARAMETERS] = parameters tpl._context = context tpl.obj_reset_changes() return tpl
[docs] @classmethod def get_by_id(cls, context, template_id): raw_template_db = db_api.raw_template_get(context, template_id) return cls.from_db_object(context, cls(), raw_template_db)
[docs] @classmethod def encrypt_hidden_parameters(cls, tmpl): if cfg.CONF.encrypt_parameters_and_properties: for param_name in tmpl.env.params.keys(): if not tmpl.param_schemata()[param_name].hidden: continue clear_text_val = tmpl.env.params.get(param_name) tmpl.env.params[param_name] = crypt.encrypt(clear_text_val) if param_name not in tmpl.env.encrypted_param_names: tmpl.env.encrypted_param_names.append(param_name)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, context, values): return cls.from_db_object(context, cls(), db_api.raw_template_create(context, values))
[docs] @classmethod def update_by_id(cls, context, template_id, values): # Only save template files in the new raw_template_files # table, not in the old location of raw_template.files if 'files_id' in values and values['files_id']: values['files'] = None return cls.from_db_object( context, cls(), db_api.raw_template_update(context, template_id, values))
[docs] @classmethod def delete(cls, context, template_id): db_api.raw_template_delete(context, template_id)