Source code for heat.db.migration

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

import os

from alembic import command as alembic_api
from alembic import config as alembic_config
from alembic import migration as alembic_migration
from oslo_log import log as logging
import sqlalchemy as sa

from heat.db import api as db_api

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ALEMBIC_INIT_VERSION = 'c6214ca60943'

def _migrate_legacy_database(engine, connection, config):
    """Check if database is a legacy sqlalchemy-migrate-managed database.

    If it is, migrate it by "stamping" the initial alembic schema.
    # If the database doesn't have the sqlalchemy-migrate legacy migration
    # table, we don't have anything to do
    if not sa.inspect(engine).has_table('migrate_version'):

    # Likewise, if we've already migrated to alembic, we don't have anything to
    # do
    context = alembic_migration.MigrationContext.configure(connection)
    if context.get_current_revision():

    # We have legacy migrations but no alembic migration. Stamp (dummy apply)
    # the initial alembic migration.
        'The database is still under sqlalchemy-migrate control; '
        'fake applying the initial alembic migration'
    alembic_api.stamp(config, ALEMBIC_INIT_VERSION)

def _find_alembic_conf():
    """Get the project's alembic configuration

    :returns: An instance of ``alembic.config.Config``
    path = os.path.join(
    config = alembic_config.Config(os.path.abspath(path))
    # we don't want to use the logger configuration from the file, which is
    # only really intended for the CLI
    config.attributes['configure_logger'] = False
    return config

def _upgrade_alembic(engine, config, version):
    # re-use the connection rather than creating a new one
    with engine.begin() as connection:
        config.attributes['connection'] = connection
        _migrate_legacy_database(engine, connection, config)
        alembic_api.upgrade(config, version or 'head')

[docs]def db_sync(version=None, engine=None): """Migrate the database to `version` or the most recent version.""" # if the user requested a specific version, check if it's an integer: if # so, we're almost certainly in sqlalchemy-migrate land and won't support # that if version is not None and version.isdigit(): raise ValueError( 'You requested an sqlalchemy-migrate database version; this is ' 'no longer supported' ) if engine is None: engine = db_api.get_engine() config = _find_alembic_conf() # discard the URL encoded in alembic.ini in favour of the URL configured # for the engine by the database fixtures, casting from # 'sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL' to str in the process. This returns a # RFC-1738 quoted URL, which means that a password like "foo@" will be # turned into "foo%40". This in turns causes a problem for # set_main_option() because that uses ConfigParser.set, which (by design) # uses *python* interpolation to write the string out ... where "%" is the # special python interpolation character! Avoid this mismatch by quoting # all %'s for the set below. engine_url = str(engine.url).replace('%', '%%') config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', str(engine_url))'Applying migration(s)') _upgrade_alembic(engine, config, version)'Migration(s) applied')
[docs]def db_version(): """Get database version.""" engine = db_api.get_engine() with engine.connect() as connection: m_context = alembic_migration.MigrationContext.configure(connection) return m_context.get_current_revision()