Bases: glance.common.glare.definitions.ArtifactType
Bases: glance.common.glare.definitions.ArtifactType
Bases: glance.common.glare.definitions.ArtifactType
Bases: glance.common.glare.definitions.ArtifactType
Bases: glance.tests.functional.FunctionalTest
Invalid dependencies creation.
Dependencies should be passed: * as a list of ids if param is an ArtifactReferenceList * as an id if param is an ArtifactReference
Any attempt to pass invalid properties should result in 400
Creation impossible without specifying a correct version.
An attempt to create an artifact out of existing plugin but with a wrong version should result in 400 BadRequest ‘No such plugin has been loaded’
Creation impossible without specifying a version.
It should not be possible to create an artifact out of existing plugin without specifying any version
Create artifact with minimal properties.
Checks that it is possible to create an artifact by passing all required properties but omitting some not required
Create an artifact (with two deployer-defined properties)
Create an artifact (with two deployer-defined properties)
Returns information about all draft artifacts with given endpoint
Version filtering should be applied for existing plugins.
An attempt to retrieve an artifact out of existing plugin but with a wrong version should result in 400 BadRequest ‘No such plugin has been loaded’
Supplying precise artifact version does not break anything
Test jsonpatch add.
According to RFC 6902: * if the array is empty, ‘/array/0’ is a valid path