Source code for glance.scrubber

# Copyright 2010 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

import calendar
import time

import eventlet
from glance_store import exceptions as store_exceptions
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
import six

from glance.common import crypt
from glance.common import exception
from glance import context
import glance.db as db_api
from glance.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
import glance.registry.client.v1.api as registry

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

scrubber_opts = [
    cfg.IntOpt('scrub_time', default=0,
               help=_('The amount of time in seconds to delay before '
                      'performing a delete.')),
    cfg.IntOpt('scrub_pool_size', default=1,
               help=_('The size of thread pool to be used for '
                      'scrubbing images. The default is one, which '
                      'signifies serial scrubbing. Any value above '
                      'one indicates the max number of images that '
                      'may be scrubbed in parallel.')),
    cfg.BoolOpt('delayed_delete', default=False,
                help=_('Turn on/off delayed delete.')),
    cfg.StrOpt('admin_role', default='admin',
               help=_('Role used to identify an authenticated user as '
    cfg.BoolOpt('send_identity_headers', default=False,
                help=_("Whether to pass through headers containing user "
                       "and tenant information when making requests to "
                       "the registry. This allows the registry to use the "
                       "context middleware without keystonemiddleware's "
                       "auth_token middleware, removing calls to the keystone "
                       "auth service. It is recommended that when using this "
                       "option, secure communication between glance api and "
                       "glance registry is ensured by means other than "
                       "auth_token middleware.")),

scrubber_cmd_opts = [
    cfg.IntOpt('wakeup_time', default=300,
               help=_('Loop time between checking for new '
                      'items to schedule for delete.'))

scrubber_cmd_cli_opts = [
                help=_('Run as a long-running process. When not '
                       'specified (the default) run the scrub operation '
                       'once and then exits. When specified do not exit '
                       'and run scrub on wakeup_time interval as '
                       'specified in the config.'))

CONF.import_opt('metadata_encryption_key', 'glance.common.config')

[docs]class ScrubDBQueue(object): """Database-based image scrub queue class.""" def __init__(self): self.scrub_time = CONF.scrub_time self.metadata_encryption_key = CONF.metadata_encryption_key registry.configure_registry_client() registry.configure_registry_admin_creds() admin_user = CONF.admin_user admin_tenant = CONF.admin_tenant_name if CONF.send_identity_headers: # When registry is operating in trusted-auth mode roles = [CONF.admin_role] self.admin_context = context.RequestContext(user=admin_user, tenant=admin_tenant, auth_token=None, roles=roles) self.registry = registry.get_registry_client(self.admin_context) else: ctxt = context.RequestContext() self.registry = registry.get_registry_client(ctxt) admin_token = self.registry.auth_token self.admin_context = context.RequestContext(user=admin_user, tenant=admin_tenant, auth_token=admin_token)
[docs] def add_location(self, image_id, location): """Adding image location to scrub queue. :param image_id: The opaque image identifier :param location: The opaque image location :retval A boolean value to indicate success or not """ loc_id = location.get('id') if loc_id: db_api.get_api().image_location_delete(self.admin_context, image_id, loc_id, 'pending_delete') return True else: return False
def _get_images_page(self, marker): filters = {'deleted': True, 'is_public': 'none', 'status': 'pending_delete'} if marker: return self.registry.get_images_detailed(filters=filters, marker=marker) else: return self.registry.get_images_detailed(filters=filters) def _get_all_images(self): """Generator to fetch all appropriate images, paging as needed.""" marker = None while True: images = self._get_images_page(marker) if len(images) == 0: break marker = images[-1]['id'] for image in images: yield image
[docs] def get_all_locations(self): """Returns a list of image id and location tuple from scrub queue. :retval a list of image id, location id and uri tuple from scrub queue """ ret = [] for image in self._get_all_images(): deleted_at = image.get('deleted_at') if not deleted_at: continue # NOTE: Strip off microseconds which may occur after the last '.,' # Example: 2012-07-07T19:14:34.974216 date_str = deleted_at.rsplit('.', 1)[0].rsplit(',', 1)[0] delete_time = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) if delete_time + self.scrub_time > time.time(): continue for loc in image['location_data']: if loc['status'] != 'pending_delete': continue if self.metadata_encryption_key: uri = crypt.urlsafe_encrypt(self.metadata_encryption_key, loc['url'], 64) else: uri = loc['url'] ret.append((image['id'], loc['id'], uri)) return ret
[docs] def has_image(self, image_id): """Returns whether the queue contains an image or not. :param image_id: The opaque image identifier :retval a boolean value to inform including or not """ try: image = self.registry.get_image(image_id) return image['status'] == 'pending_delete' except exception.NotFound: return False
_db_queue = None
[docs]def get_scrub_queue(): global _db_queue if not _db_queue: _db_queue = ScrubDBQueue() return _db_queue
[docs]class Daemon(object): def __init__(self, wakeup_time=300, threads=100):"Starting Daemon: wakeup_time=%(wakeup_time)s " "threads=%(threads)s"), {'wakeup_time': wakeup_time, 'threads': threads}) self.wakeup_time = wakeup_time self.event = eventlet.event.Event() # This pool is used for periodic instantiation of scrubber self.daemon_pool = eventlet.greenpool.GreenPool(threads)
[docs] def start(self, application): self._run(application)
[docs] def wait(self): try: self.event.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: msg = _LI("Daemon Shutdown on KeyboardInterrupt")
def _run(self, application): LOG.debug("Running application") self.daemon_pool.spawn_n(, self.event) eventlet.spawn_after(self.wakeup_time, self._run, application) LOG.debug("Next run scheduled in %s seconds", self.wakeup_time)
[docs]class Scrubber(object): def __init__(self, store_api):"Initializing scrubber with configuration: %s"), six.text_type({'registry_host': CONF.registry_host, 'registry_port': CONF.registry_port})) self.store_api = store_api registry.configure_registry_client() registry.configure_registry_admin_creds() # Here we create a request context with credentials to support # delayed delete when using multi-tenant backend storage admin_user = CONF.admin_user admin_tenant = CONF.admin_tenant_name if CONF.send_identity_headers: # When registry is operating in trusted-auth mode roles = [CONF.admin_role] self.admin_context = context.RequestContext(user=admin_user, tenant=admin_tenant, auth_token=None, roles=roles) self.registry = registry.get_registry_client(self.admin_context) else: ctxt = context.RequestContext() self.registry = registry.get_registry_client(ctxt) auth_token = self.registry.auth_token self.admin_context = context.RequestContext(user=admin_user, tenant=admin_tenant, auth_token=auth_token) self.db_queue = get_scrub_queue() self.pool = eventlet.greenpool.GreenPool(CONF.scrub_pool_size) def _get_delete_jobs(self): try: records = self.db_queue.get_all_locations() except Exception as err: LOG.error(_LE("Can not get scrub jobs from queue: %s") % encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(err)) return {} delete_jobs = {} for image_id, loc_id, loc_uri in records: if image_id not in delete_jobs: delete_jobs[image_id] = [] delete_jobs[image_id].append((image_id, loc_id, loc_uri)) return delete_jobs
[docs] def run(self, event=None): delete_jobs = self._get_delete_jobs() if delete_jobs: list(self.pool.starmap(self._scrub_image, delete_jobs.items()))
def _scrub_image(self, image_id, delete_jobs): if len(delete_jobs) == 0: return"Scrubbing image %(id)s from %(count)d locations."), {'id': image_id, 'count': len(delete_jobs)}) success = True for img_id, loc_id, uri in delete_jobs: try: self._delete_image_location_from_backend(img_id, loc_id, uri) except Exception: success = False if success: image = self.registry.get_image(image_id) if image['status'] == 'pending_delete': self.registry.update_image(image_id, {'status': 'deleted'})"Image %s has been scrubbed successfully"), image_id) else: LOG.warn(_LW("One or more image locations couldn't be scrubbed " "from backend. Leaving image '%s' in 'pending_delete'" " status") % image_id) def _delete_image_location_from_backend(self, image_id, loc_id, uri): if CONF.metadata_encryption_key: uri = crypt.urlsafe_decrypt(CONF.metadata_encryption_key, uri) try: LOG.debug("Scrubbing image %s from a location.", image_id) try: self.store_api.delete_from_backend(uri, self.admin_context) except store_exceptions.NotFound:"Image location for image '%s' not found in " "backend; Marking image location deleted in " "db."), image_id) if loc_id != '-': db_api.get_api().image_location_delete(self.admin_context, image_id, int(loc_id), 'deleted')"Image %s is scrubbed from a location."), image_id) except Exception as e: LOG.error(_LE("Unable to scrub image %(id)s from a location. " "Reason: %(exc)s ") % {'id': image_id, 'exc': encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(e)}) raise

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