Source code for glance.tests.functional.test_gzip_middleware

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"""Tests gzip middleware."""

import httplib2

from glance.tests import functional
from glance.tests import utils

[docs]class GzipMiddlewareTest(functional.FunctionalTest): @utils.skip_if_disabled
[docs] def test_gzip_requests(self): self.cleanup() self.start_servers(**self.__dict__.copy()) def request(path, headers=None): # We don't care what version we're using here so, # sticking with latest url = '' % (self.api_port, path) http = httplib2.Http() return http.request(url, 'GET', headers=headers) # Accept-Encoding: Identity headers = {'Accept-Encoding': 'identity'} response, content = request('images', headers=headers) self.assertIsNone(response.get("-content-encoding")) # Accept-Encoding: gzip headers = {'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip'} response, content = request('images', headers=headers) self.assertEqual('gzip', response.get("-content-encoding")) self.stop_servers()

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