Source code for freezer.tests.unit.utils.test_checksum

# (C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# under the License.

import sys
import unittest

import mock
from mock import patch
from six import moves

from freezer.utils.checksum import CheckSum

[docs]class TestChecksum(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): self.file = mock.Mock() self.dir = mock.Mock() self.hello_world_md5sum = 'f36b2652200f5e88edd57963a1109146' self.hello_world_sha256sum = ('17b949eb67acf16bbf2605d57a01f7af4ff4b5' '7e200259de63fcebf20e75bbf5') self.fake_file = moves.StringIO(u"hello world\n") self.increment_hash_one = self.hello_world_sha256sum self.increment_hash_multi = ('1b4bc4ff41172a5f29eaeffb7e9fc24c683c693' '9ab30132ad5d93a1e4a6b16e8') self.increment_hash_emptydir = ("6b6c6a3d7548cc4396b3dacc6c2750c3" "da53f379d20996cbdd2c18be00c3742c") self.fake_dir = [('root', ['d1, .git'], ['a', 'b']), ] self.dir_files = ['root/a', 'root/b'] self.exclude = "ro*b" self.dir_files_without_excludeds = ['root/a'] self.dir_hashes = [ 'a948904f2f0f479b8f8197694b30184b0d2ed1c1cd2a1ec0fb85d299a192a447', 'a948904f2f0f479b8f8197694b30184b0d2ed1c1cd2a1ec0fb85d299a192a447'] self.dir_compute = self.increment_hash_multi self.file_compute = self.hello_world_sha256sum + 'onefile'
[docs] def test_hello_world_checksum_md5(self): """ Test calculating the md5 of a string """ chksum = CheckSum('nofile', 'md5') mdsum = chksum.hashfile(self.fake_file) self.assertEqual(self.hello_world_md5sum, mdsum)
[docs] def test_hello_world_checksum_sha256(self): """ Test calculating the sha256 of a string """ chksum = CheckSum('nofile', 'sha256') shasum = chksum.hashfile(self.fake_file) self.assertEqual(self.hello_world_sha256sum, shasum)
[docs] def test_unknown_hasher_type(self): """ Test un-known hash algorithm """ with self.assertRaises(ValueError): CheckSum('nope', 'bulshit')
@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info.major == 2, 'Not supported on python v 2.7') @patch('') @patch('freezer.utils.checksum.os.path.isfile')
[docs] def test_get_hash_files(self, mock_isfile, mock_open): """ Test calculating the hash of a file """ mock_isfile.return_value = True mock_open.return_value = self.fake_file chksum = CheckSum('onefile') chksum.get_hash('onefile') self.assertEqual(self.increment_hash_one, chksum._increment_hash) chksum.get_hash('otherfile') self.assertEqual(self.increment_hash_multi, chksum._increment_hash)
[docs] def test_get_hash_multi(self, mock_isfile): """ Calculate the hash of files in a directory """ mock_isfile.return_value = False chksum = CheckSum('onedir') chksum.get_hash(u"./emptydir") self.assertEqual(self.increment_hash_emptydir, chksum._increment_hash)
[docs] def test_compute_dir(self, mock_hashes): """ Test hashing a directory """ mock_hashes.return_value = self.increment_hash_multi chksum = CheckSum('onedir') chksum.count = 2 result = chksum.compute() self.assertEqual(self.dir_compute, result)
[docs] def test_compute_file(self, mock_get_checksum): """ Test compute the checksum of a file """ mock_get_checksum.return_value = self.hello_world_sha256sum chksum = CheckSum('onefile') chksum.count = 1 result = chksum.compute() self.assertEqual(self.file_compute, result)
[docs] def test_compare_dir_match(self, mock_get_hashes): """ compute checksum for a directory and it should match """ mock_get_hashes.return_value = self.increment_hash_multi chksum = CheckSum('onedir') self.assertTrue(
[docs] def test_compare_dir_not_match(self, mock_get_hashes): """ compute checksum for a directory and it should not match """ mock_get_hashes.return_value = self.increment_hash_multi chksum = CheckSum('onedir') self.assertFalse('badchecksum'))
[docs] def test_compare_file_match(self, mock_get_hashes): """ compute checksum for a file and it should match """ mock_get_hashes.return_value = self.hello_world_sha256sum chksum = CheckSum('onefile') self.assertTrue(
[docs] def test_compare_file_not_match(self, mock_get_hashes): """ compute checksum for a file and it should not match """ mock_get_hashes.return_value = self.hello_world_sha256sum chksum = CheckSum('onefile') self.assertFalse('badchecksum'))