Source code for freezer.tests.commons

#!/usr/bin/env python

# (c) Copyright 2014,2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Development Company, L.P
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os

from glanceclient.common import utils as glance_utils
import mock
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import fixture as cfg_fixture
import six
import testtools

from freezer.common import config
from freezer.engine.tar import tar as tar_engine
from freezer.openstack import osclients
from import swift

os.environ['OS_REGION_NAME'] = 'testregion'
os.environ['OS_TENANT_ID'] = '0123456789'
os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'] = 'testpassword'
os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL'] = 'http://testauthurl/v2.0'
os.environ['OS_USERNAME'] = 'testusername'
os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME'] = 'testtenantename'

[docs]class FakeSubProcess(object): def __init__(self, opt1=True, stdin=True, stdout=True, stderr=True, shell=True, executable=True, env={}, bufsize=4096): return None stdout = ['abcd', 'ehfg'] @classmethod
[docs] def Popen(cls): return cls
[docs] def communicate(cls): return 'successfully removed', ''
[docs] def communicate_error(cls): return '', 'error'
[docs] class stdin(object): def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self @classmethod
[docs] def write(cls, *args, **kwargs): return True
[docs]class FakeSubProcess3(object): def __init__(self, opt1=True, stdin=True, stdout=True, stderr=True, shell=True, executable=True): return None @classmethod
[docs] def Popen(cls, opt1=True, stdin=True, stdout=True, stderr=True, shell=True, executable=True): return cls
[docs] def communicate(cls): return False, False
[docs] class stdin(object): def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self @classmethod
[docs] def write(cls, *args, **kwargs): return True
[docs]class FakeSubProcess6(object): def __init__(self): pass @classmethod
[docs] def Popen(cls, cmd=None): return cls
[docs] def communicate(cls): return 'ok', ''
[docs] def communicate_error(cls): return '', 'error'
[docs]class FakeIdObject(object): def __init__(self, id): = id self.status = "available" self.size = 10 self.min_disk = 10 self.created_at = '2016-05-12T02:00:22.000000'
[docs]class FakeCinderClient(object): def __init__(self): self.volumes = FakeCinderClient.Volumes() self.volume_snapshots = FakeCinderClient.VolumeSnapshot self.backups = FakeCinderClient.Backups() self.restores = FakeCinderClient.Restores()
[docs] class Backups(object): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def create(self, id, container, name, desription): pass
[docs] def list(self, **kwargs): return [FakeIdObject(4)]
[docs] class Volumes(object): def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod
[docs] def get(id): return FakeIdObject("5")
[docs] def create(size, snapshot_id=None, imageRef=None): return FakeIdObject("2")
[docs] def upload_to_image(volume, force, image_name, container_format, disk_format): pass
[docs] def delete(volume): pass
[docs] class VolumeSnapshot(object): def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod
[docs] def create(volume_id, name, force): return FakeIdObject("10")
[docs] def delete(snapshot): pass
[docs] class Restores(object): def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod
[docs] def restore(backup_id): pass
[docs]class FakeGlanceClient(object): def __init__(self): self.images = FakeGlanceClient.Images()
[docs] class Images(object): def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod
[docs] def data(image): return glance_utils.IterableWithLength(iter("abc"), 3)
[docs] def delete(image): pass
[docs] def create(data, container_format, disk_format): return FakeIdObject("10")
[docs]class FakeSwiftClient(object): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] class client(object): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] class Connection(object): def __init__(self, key=True, os_options=True, auth_version=True, user=True, authurl=True, tenant_name=True, retries=True, insecure=True): self.num_try = 0
[docs] def put_object(self, container, obj, contents, content_length=None, etag=None, chunk_size=None, content_type=None, headers=None, query_string=None, response_dict=None): return True
[docs] def head_object(self, container_name='', object_name=''): if object_name == 'has_segments': return { 'x-object-manifest': ('freezer_segments/hostname_' 'backup_name_1234567890_0')} else: return {}
[docs] def put_container(self, container=True): return True
[docs] def delete_object(self, container_name='', object_name=''): if self.num_try > 0: self.num_try -= 1 raise Exception("test num_try {0}".format(self.num_try)) else: return True
[docs] def get_container(self, container, *args, **kwargs): if container == 'freezer_segments': return ({'container_metadata': True}, [ {'bytes': 251, 'last_modified': '2015-03-09T10:37:01.701170', 'hash': '9a8cbdb30c226d11bf7849f3d48831b9', 'name': ('hostname_backup_name_1234567890_0/' '1234567890/67108864/00000000'), 'content_type': 'application/octet-stream'}, {'bytes': 632, 'last_modified': '2015-03-09T11:54:27.860730', 'hash': 'd657a4035d0dcc18deaf9bfd2a3d0ebf', 'name': ('hostname_backup_name_1234567891_1/' '1234567891/67108864/00000000'), 'content_type': 'application/octet-stream'} ]) elif container == "test-container" and 'path' in kwargs: return ({'container_metadata': True}, [ {'bytes': 251, 'last_modified': '2015-03-09T10:37:01.701170', 'hash': '9a8cbdb30c226d11bf7849f3d48831b9', 'name': ('hostname_backup_name_1234567890_0/' '11417649003'), 'content_type': 'application/octet-stream'}, {'bytes': 632, 'last_modified': '2015-03-09T11:54:27.860730', 'hash': 'd657a4035d0dcc18deaf9bfd2a3d0ebf', 'name': ('hostname_backup_name_1234567891_1/' '1417649003'), 'content_type': 'application/octet-stream'} ]) else: return [{}, []]
[docs] def get_account(self, *args, **kwargs): return [{'count': 0, 'bytes': 0, 'name': '1234'}, {'count': 4, 'bytes': 156095, 'name': 'a1'}], \ [{'name': 'test-container', 'bytes': 200000, 'count': 1000}, {'name': 'test-container-segments', 'bytes': 300000, 'count': 656}]
[docs] def get_object(self, *args, **kwargs): return [{'x-object-meta-length': "123", 'x-object-meta-flavor-id': "12", 'x-object-meta-name': "name"}, "abc"]
[docs]class BackupOpt1(object): def __init__(self): self.dereference_symlink = 'none' self.mysql_conf = '/tmp/freezer-test-conf-file' self.backup_media = 'fs' self.lvm_auto_snap = '/dev/null' self.lvm_volgroup = 'testgroup' self.lvm_srcvol = 'testvol' self.lvm_dirmount = '/tmp/testdir' self.lvm_snapsize = '1G' self.lvm_snapname = 'testsnapname' self.lvcreate_path = 'true' self.lvremove_path = 'true' self.mode = 'mysql' self.bash_path = 'true' self.file_path = 'true' self.mount_path = 'true' self.umount_path = 'true' self.backup_name = 'test-backup-name' self.hostname = 'test-hostname' self.curr_backup_level = 0 self.path_to_backup = '/tmp' self.tar_path = 'true' self.no_incremental = 'true' self.exclude = 'true' self.encrypt_pass_file = 'true' self.openssl_path = 'true' self.always_level = '0' self.max_level = '0' self.hostname_backup_name = "hostname_backup_name" self.remove_older_than = '0' self.max_segment_size = '0' self.time_stamp = 123456789 self.container = 'test-container' self.max_level = '20' self.encrypt_pass_file = '/dev/random' self.always_level = '20' self.remove_from_date = '2014-12-03T23:23:23' self.restart_always_level = 100000 self.restore_abs_path = '/tmp' self.restore_from_date = '2014-12-03T23:23:23' self.restore_from_host = 'test-hostname' self.action = 'info' self.shadow = '' self.windows_volume = '' self.insecure = True self.os_auth_ver = 2 self.dry_run = False self.upload_limit = -1 self.download_limit = -1 self.sql_server_instance = 'Sql Server' self.cinder_vol_id = '' self.cindernative_vol_id = '' self.cindernative_backup_id = '' self.nova_inst_id = '' self.lvm_snapperm = 'ro' self.compression = 'gzip' = mock.MagicMock() self.engine = mock.MagicMock() opts = osclients.OpenstackOpts.create_from_env().get_opts_dicts() self.client_manager = osclients.OSClientManager(opts.pop('auth_url'), opts.pop( 'auth_method'), **opts) self.client_manager.get_swift = mock.Mock( return_value=FakeSwiftClient().client.Connection()) self.client_manager.create_swift = self.client_manager.get_swift = swift.SwiftStorage(self.client_manager, self.container, self.max_segment_size) self.engine = tar_engine.TarEngine( self.compression, self.dereference_symlink, self.exclude,, 1000, False) self.client_manager.get_glance = mock.Mock( return_value=FakeGlanceClient()) self.client_manager.get_cinder = mock.Mock( return_value=FakeCinderClient()) nova_client = mock.MagicMock() self.client_manager.get_nova = mock.Mock(return_value=nova_client) self.command = ''
[docs]class Os(object): def __init__(self, directory=True): return None @classmethod def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls @classmethod
[docs] def basename(cls, directory=True): return '/tmp'
[docs] def remove(cls, directory=True): True
[docs] def makedirs(cls, directory=True): return 'testdir'
[docs] def makedirs2(cls, directory=True): raise Exception
[docs] def expanduser(cls, directory=True, opt2=True): return 'testdir'
@classmethod @classmethod
[docs] def path(cls, directory=True): return True
[docs] def copy(cls): return {}
[docs] def environ(cls, copy): return cls
[docs] def exists(cls, directory=True): return True
[docs] def notexists(cls, directory=True): return False
[docs] def isabs(cls, directory=True): return True
[docs] def expandvars(cls, directory=True): return True
[docs] def normcase(cls, directory=True, opt2=True): return 'testdir'
[docs] def abspath(cls, directory=True, opt2=True): return 'testdir'
[docs] def realpath(cls, directory=True, opt2=True): return 'testdir'
[docs] def isdir(cls, directory=True): return 'testdir'
[docs] def isfile(cls, directory=True): return True
[docs] def split(cls, directory=True): return ['/tmp', '']
[docs] def join(cls, directory1=True, directory2=True): return '/tmp/testdir'
[docs] def rmdir(cls, directory1=True): return True
[docs] def chdir(cls, directory1=True): return True
[docs] def chdir2(cls, directory1=True): raise Exception
[docs]class FakeDisableFileSystemRedirection(object): success = True def __enter__(self): return True def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self.success: return True
[docs]class FreezerBaseTestCase(testtools.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): if six.PY34: super().setUp() else: super(FreezerBaseTestCase, self).setUp() self._config_fixture = self.useFixture(cfg_fixture.Config()) config.config(args=[]) self.addCleanup(CONF.reset)
[docs] def tearDown(self): if six.PY34: super().tearDown() else: super(FreezerBaseTestCase, self).tearDown()