Source code for freezer.scheduler.freezer_scheduler

#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


from distutils import spawn
import sys
import threading
import time

from apscheduler.schedulers import background
from freezerclient.v1 import client
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
import six

from freezer.scheduler import arguments
from freezer.scheduler import scheduler_job
from freezer.scheduler import utils
from freezer.utils import utils as freezer_utils
from freezer.utils import winutils

if winutils.is_windows():
    import win_daemon
    import daemon as linux_daemon

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FreezerScheduler(object): def __init__(self, apiclient, interval, job_path, concurrent_jobs=1): # config_manager self.client = apiclient self.freezerc_executable = spawn.find_executable('freezer-agent') if self.freezerc_executable is None: # Needed in the case of a non-activated virtualenv self.freezerc_executable = spawn.find_executable( 'freezer-agent', path=':'.join(sys.path)) LOG.debug('Freezer-agent found at {0}' .format(self.freezerc_executable)) self.job_path = job_path self._client = None self.lock = threading.Lock() job_defaults = { 'coalesce': True, 'max_instances': 1 } executors = { 'default': {'type': 'threadpool', 'max_workers': 1}, 'threadpool': {'type': 'threadpool', 'max_workers': concurrent_jobs} } self.scheduler = background.BackgroundScheduler( job_defaults=job_defaults, executors=executors) if self.client: self.scheduler.add_job(self.poll, 'interval', seconds=interval, id='api_poll', executor='default') self.add_job = self.scheduler.add_job self.remove_job = self.scheduler.remove_job = {}
[docs] def get_jobs(self): if self.client: job_doc_list = utils.get_active_jobs_from_api(self.client) try: utils.save_jobs_to_disk(job_doc_list, self.job_path) except Exception as e: LOG.error('Unable to save jobs to {0}. ' '{1}'.format(self.job_path, e)) return job_doc_list else: return utils.get_jobs_from_disk(self.job_path)
[docs] def start_session(self, session_id, job_id, session_tag): if self.client: return self.client.sessions.start_session(session_id, job_id, session_tag) else: raise Exception("Unable to start session: api not in use.")
[docs] def end_session(self, session_id, job_id, session_tag, result): if self.client: return self.client.sessions.end_session(session_id, job_id, session_tag, result) else: raise Exception("Unable to end session: api not in use.")
[docs] def upload_metadata(self, metadata_doc): if self.client: self.client.backups.create(metadata_doc)
[docs] def start(self): utils.do_register(self.client) self.poll() self.scheduler.start() try: while True: # Due to the new Background scheduler nature, we need to keep # the main thread alive. time.sleep(1) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): # Not strictly necessary if daemonic mode is enabled but # should be done if possible self.scheduler.shutdown(wait=False)
[docs] def update_job(self, job_id, job_doc): if self.client: try: return, job_doc) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Job update error: {0}".format(e))
[docs] def update_job_schedule(self, job_id, job_schedule): """ Pushes to the API the updates the job_schedule information of the job_doc :param job_id: id of the job to modify :param job_schedule: dict containing the job_scheduler information :return: None """ doc = {'job_schedule': job_schedule} self.update_job(job_id, doc)
[docs] def update_job_status(self, job_id, status): doc = {'job_schedule': {'status': status}} self.update_job(job_id, doc)
[docs] def is_scheduled(self, job_id): return self.scheduler.get_job(job_id) is not None
[docs] def create_job(self, job_doc): job = scheduler_job.Job.create(self, self.freezerc_executable, job_doc) if job:[] = job"Created job {0}".format( return job
[docs] def poll(self): try: work_job_doc_list = self.get_jobs() except Exception as e: LOG.error("Unable to get jobs: {0}".format(e)) return work_job_id_list = [] # create job if necessary, then let it process its events for job_doc in work_job_doc_list: job_id = job_doc['job_id'] work_job_id_list.append(job_id) job =, None) or self.create_job(job_doc) if job: # check for abort status if job_doc['job_schedule']['event'] == 'abort': pid = int(job_doc['job_schedule']['current_pid']) utils.terminate_subprocess(pid, 'freezer-agent') job.process_event(job_doc) # request removal of any job that has been removed in the api for job_id, job in six.iteritems( if job_id not in work_job_id_list: job.remove() remove_list = [job_id for job_id, job in if job.can_be_removed()] for k in remove_list:
[docs] def stop(self): sys.exit()
[docs] def reload(self): LOG.warning("reload not supported")
[docs]def main(): possible_actions = ['start', 'stop', 'status', 'reload'] arguments.parse_args(possible_actions) arguments.setup_logging() if CONF.action is None or CONF.action not in possible_actions: CONF.print_help() return 65 # os.EX_DATAERR apiclient = None if CONF.no_api is False: try: apiclient = client.Client(opts=CONF) if CONF.client_id: apiclient.client_id = CONF.client_id except Exception as e: LOG.error(e) print(e) sys.exit(1) else: if winutils.is_windows(): print("--no-api mode is not available on windows") return 69 # os.EX_UNAVAILABLE freezer_utils.create_dir(CONF.jobs_dir, do_log=False) freezer_scheduler = FreezerScheduler(apiclient=apiclient, interval=int(CONF.interval), job_path=CONF.jobs_dir, concurrent_jobs=CONF.concurrent_jobs) if CONF.no_daemon: print('Freezer Scheduler running in no-daemon mode') LOG.debug('Freezer Scheduler running in no-daemon mode') if winutils.is_windows(): daemon = win_daemon.NoDaemon(daemonizable=freezer_scheduler) else: daemon = linux_daemon.NoDaemon(daemonizable=freezer_scheduler) else: if winutils.is_windows(): daemon = win_daemon.Daemon(daemonizable=freezer_scheduler, interval=int(CONF.interval), job_path=CONF.jobs_dir, insecure=CONF.insecure, concurrent_jobs=CONF.concurrent_jobs) else: daemon = linux_daemon.Daemon(daemonizable=freezer_scheduler) if CONF.action == 'start': daemon.start() elif CONF.action == 'stop': daemon.stop() elif CONF.action == 'reload': daemon.reload() elif CONF.action == 'status': daemon.status() # os.RETURN_CODES are only available to posix like systems, on windows # we need to translate the code to an actual number which is the equivalent return 0 # os.EX_OK
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())