Task Tracking

Create and submit a bug to our sandbox repository. Include at least one tag when creating your bug. Once it has been created, assign it to yourself.
You will use this later when we practice writing commit messages and pushing patches to the sandbox repo so make it interesting!
Create and register a blueprint against the sandbox repository. Include a description and assign yourself.
You will use this later when we practice writing commit messages and pushing patches to the sandbox repo so make it interesting!
Go post comments on a bug or add some ideas on a blueprint’s whiteboard that was created by someone in your group.
Examples: You can ask a question about the issue or proposed feature. You can confirm the issue and update its status to triaged.
https://storyboard-dev.openstack.org/#!/dashboard/ <— USE THIS SITE
Create two new stories. Each story must have a task that is named differently than the story and a project is required for each task to save the story. Click save!
Play around with them - add tags, add extra tasks.
You will use these later when we practice writing commit messages and pushing patches to the sandbox repo so make them interesting!
Create a board with at least two worklists (one manual and one automatic) for organising stories you are going to create in the next exercise.
For the automatic worklist, give at least two criteria for the items that will go into the worklist. These criteria can be matching a project-group, story tag, etc.
Share your board with your group. Assign yourself to two tasks on other people’s stories. Comment on one story.