
Dragonflow offers the following virtual network services:

  • Layer-2 (switching)

    Native implementation. Replaces the conventional Open vSwitch (OVS) agent.

  • Layer-3 (routing)

    Native implementation or conventional layer-3 agent. The native implementation supports distributed routing. In the process of supporting distributed DNAT. SNAT is centralized at networking node.

  • DHCP

    Distributed DHCP application that serves DHCP offers/acks locally at each compute node.

  • Metadata

    Distributed Metadata proxy application running locally at each compute node.

  • DPDK

    Dragonflow shall work to support using OVS DPDK as the datapath alternative, this depends on the supported features in OVS DPDK and the VIF binding script support in Neutron plugin.

The following Neutron API extensions will be supported:

Extension Name Extension Alias TODO
agent agent Done
Auto Allocated Topology Services auto-allocated-topology Done
Availability Zone availability_zone Done
HA Router extension * l3-ha Done
L3 Agent Scheduler * l3_agent_scheduler Done
Neutron external network external-net Done
Neutron Extra DHCP opts extra_dhcp_opt Done
Neutron Extra Route extraroute Done
Neutron L3 Router router Done
Network MTU net-mtu Done
Port Binding binding Done
Provider Network provider Done
Quality of Service qos Done
Quota management support quotas Done
RBAC Policies rbac-policies Done
Security Group security-group Done
Subnet Allocation subnet_allocation Done
Tap as a Service taas In Progress
Service Function Chaining sfc In Progress
BGP dynamic routing bgp In Progress
Firewall service v2 fwaas_v2 In Progress

(*) Only applicable when conventional layer-3 agent enabled.