Encapsulates the AccessInfo object from keystoneclient.
Token object provides a consistent interface for accessing the keystone token information and service catalog.
Added for maintaining backward compatibility with horizon that expects Token object in the user object.
A User class with some extra special sauce for Keystone.
In addition to the standard Django user attributes, this class also has the following:
The Keystone token object associated with the current user/tenant.
The token object is deprecated, user auth_ref instead.
The id of the Keystone tenant for the current user/token.
The tenant_id keyword argument is deprecated, use project_id instead.
The name of the Keystone tenant for the current user/token.
The tenant_name keyword argument is deprecated, use project_name instead.
The id of the Keystone project for the current user/token.
The name of the Keystone project for the current user/token.
The ServiceCatalog data returned by Keystone.
A list of dictionaries containing role names and ids as returned by Keystone.
A list of non-identity service endpoint regions extracted from the service catalog.
The domain id of the current user.
The domain name of the current user.
The id of the Keystone domain scoped for the current user/token.
Whether user is federated Keystone user. (Boolean)
Unscoped Keystone token.
Returns a memoized list of tenants this user may access.
Returns True if the user has one of the specified permissions.
If object is passed, it checks if the user has any of the required perms for this object.
Returns True if the user has all of the specified permissions.
Tuples in the list will possess the required permissions if the user has a permissions matching one of the elements of that tuple
Return if the user is not authenticated.
Returns True if not authenticated,``False`` otherwise.
Parameters: | margin – A security time margin in seconds before end of an eventual authentication. Will return True even if authenticated but that authentication ends in less than margin seconds of time. A default margin can be set by the TOKEN_TIMEOUT_MARGIN in the django settings. |
Checks for a valid authentication.
Parameters: | margin – A security time margin in seconds before end of authentication. Will return False if authentication ends in less than margin seconds of time. A default margin can be set by the TOKEN_TIMEOUT_MARGIN in the django settings. |
Determine if the token is expired.
Returns True if the token is expired, False if not, and None if there is no token set.
Parameters: | margin – A security time margin in seconds before real expiration. Will return True if the token expires in less than margin seconds of time. A default margin can be set by the TOKEN_TIMEOUT_MARGIN in the django settings. |