

Use RHEL 7 cloud images as the baseline for built disk images.

Because RHEL 7 base images are not publicly available, it is necessary to first download the RHEL 7 cloud image from the Red Hat Customer Portal and pass the path to the resulting file to disk-image-create as the DIB_LOCAL_IMAGE environment variable.

The cloud image can be found at (login required): https://access.redhat.com/downloads/content/69/ver=/rhel—7/7.1/x86_64/product-downloads

Then before running the image build, define DIB_LOCAL_IMAGE (replace the file name with the one downloaded, if it differs from the example):

export DIB_LOCAL_IMAGE=rhel-guest-image-7.1-20150224.0.x86_64.qcow2

The downloaded file will then be used as the basis for any subsequent image builds.

For further details about building RHEL 7 images, see the rhel-common and redhat-common element README files.

Environment Variables

Description:The RHEL 7 base image you have downloaded. See the element description above for more details.
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